In occasion of the festivities, I send all my readers my best wishes for Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and also a happy new year.
May God bless you all.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Religions of the world
Religious Reconciliation Doc
WELCOME! YOU ARE INVITED! You are invited to browse and take part in the discussions that follow.
So, I believe that all religions have changed with time, even if we think they do not, one has to look at history to know what has happened. I believe that it could be helpful if we talk about the religions of the world and why there are so many of them?
Islam; Judaism; Buddhism; Christianity; Hinduism; Jainism and other smaller religions are the religions that exist in the world nowadays, since there are so many religions in the world one feels the need to ask:
Why there are so many religions?
God and religious beliefs; are they true or are they an invention of our mind?
If they are an invention of our mind, why they need to stay where they are?
Some would answer these questions thus: All the main religions of the world spring from this need that most people feel within themselves.
Hereunder is a study of World Religions that I found on the Internet
Study of World Religions
From the earliest known evidence of human religion by Homo sapiens neanderthalensis around 100,000 years ago to the present day, religion continues to be a very influential aspect of human lives.
Today, there are numerous challenges and problems faced by humans from every possible background, location and social class. Every day people must face issues of health, safety and mortality. It is because of these daily challenges that religion continues to exist. Religion is the universal tool for explaining things which we do not understand through the context the known physical world.
Although there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Each answers questions which all humans seem to be programmed to ask: Why are we here? What happens when I die? How shall I live my life?
Religion helps us to transmit our values from one generation to another, and influences the way we interact with the natural environment. It teaches us how to see ourselves in light of the universe and gives purpose and meaning to life.
The following pages serve as a brief introduction to several world religions. They are intended to whet your appetite for further study and to help you understand those around you better.
With our global society, it is likely that in your lifetime you will meet people from every corner of the planet. Understanding the religious beliefs of these people is one of the many steps which mankind must take in order to someday prosper together in peace.
End of report.
From the report above, it seems to me that we need religion in one way or another, so next article we will talk about why Mankind needs religion.
Religious Reconciliation Doc, We need guidance from God IS TO BE CONTINUED:
Next time with, another religious post ------------------------------------- You are all invited to take part in these writings. The shortest of any comment will do, if you don't have time? All emails are free to use. So, email us at; menfranco@gmail.com
To see more click on the link here; http://sites.google.com/site/prayersofreconciliation/
Religious Reconciliation Doc
WELCOME! YOU ARE INVITED! You are invited to browse and take part in the discussions that follow.
So, I believe that all religions have changed with time, even if we think they do not, one has to look at history to know what has happened. I believe that it could be helpful if we talk about the religions of the world and why there are so many of them?
Islam; Judaism; Buddhism; Christianity; Hinduism; Jainism and other smaller religions are the religions that exist in the world nowadays, since there are so many religions in the world one feels the need to ask:
Why there are so many religions?
God and religious beliefs; are they true or are they an invention of our mind?
If they are an invention of our mind, why they need to stay where they are?
Some would answer these questions thus: All the main religions of the world spring from this need that most people feel within themselves.
Hereunder is a study of World Religions that I found on the Internet
Study of World Religions
From the earliest known evidence of human religion by Homo sapiens neanderthalensis around 100,000 years ago to the present day, religion continues to be a very influential aspect of human lives.
Today, there are numerous challenges and problems faced by humans from every possible background, location and social class. Every day people must face issues of health, safety and mortality. It is because of these daily challenges that religion continues to exist. Religion is the universal tool for explaining things which we do not understand through the context the known physical world.
Although there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Each answers questions which all humans seem to be programmed to ask: Why are we here? What happens when I die? How shall I live my life?
Religion helps us to transmit our values from one generation to another, and influences the way we interact with the natural environment. It teaches us how to see ourselves in light of the universe and gives purpose and meaning to life.
The following pages serve as a brief introduction to several world religions. They are intended to whet your appetite for further study and to help you understand those around you better.
With our global society, it is likely that in your lifetime you will meet people from every corner of the planet. Understanding the religious beliefs of these people is one of the many steps which mankind must take in order to someday prosper together in peace.
End of report.
From the report above, it seems to me that we need religion in one way or another, so next article we will talk about why Mankind needs religion.
Religious Reconciliation Doc, We need guidance from God IS TO BE CONTINUED:
Next time with, another religious post ------------------------------------- You are all invited to take part in these writings. The shortest of any comment will do, if you don't have time? All emails are free to use. So, email us at; menfranco@gmail.com
To see more click on the link here; http://sites.google.com/site/prayersofreconciliation/
Monday, April 4, 2011
We need guidance from God
WELCOME TO MANFRACO RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC; YOU ARE INVITED TO BROWSE AND TO TAKE PART IF YOU WANT TO SAY SOMETHING IN THE RELIGIOUS FIELD DISCUSSED. IF YOU FIND SOMETHING PERSONALLY INTERESTING LET US KNOW. email us it is free, or just a short comment will do if you do not have much time.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are ads for sale posts, click the link below to view http://frankb.eproduct-review.com/ --------------------------------------- WELCOME! YOU ARE INVITED! ------ You are invited to browse and take part in the discussions that follow. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Religious Reconciliation Doc, We need guidance from God - (Post 22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You, angels of the realm of glory,---------- You tell us about the eternal story,------ You tell us about the creator's glory,------ You tell us the wonders of God's creation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank M. Version. Post 22 - WE NEED GUIDANCE FROM GOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the title says, we need guidance from God and I believe this to be true. Now, since this is a new post allow me to repeat my prayer for guidance which I wrote in my last post, so that the Holy Spirit of God on earth may help me.---------------------------------------------------- I AM PRAYING GOD FOR GUIDANCE. -------------------------------------Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I would be able to write my religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that I have prayed God for guidance, because I believe that we need guidance from God, let us talk about it. We need help and guidance from God so that we would be able to find our own way about, on how to reason within our own minds in order to find our own way, about what we are, what we were, and what will we be in the future in the eyes of God? To do all this reasoning we need to use our own mental imagination of course and with our intelligent mind examine everything that we presently know today, and also learn as much as we can from existing record of common knowledge, so that we would be able to understand many things if not everything. - So let me start this process of self examination right now. First of all it comes to my mind that life on earth has kept going on all the time since the very beginning of times, and what we call time or times can never be stopped for a single moment to move towards the future because that is an impossible thing to do. But what we call time, even though it is impossible to stop and to change in anyways within itself, it brings change to life and other things as it passes and moves on towards the future, so that, it is necessary for any form of life including our own life to try and adapt to the times that such lives including our own happens to be living in, in order to survive and thrive. Therefore, any of these changes that the passing of time brings to us must be taken into consideration, no matter what they are even if they don’t seem important to us now; so that we could find a way to use them to our own advantage in the future, considering this position it becomes obvious to all of us that we have to do something in order to adjust to our new position. Therefore it would not be any good to stand firm in our previous practice or beliefs, whatever those practice and beliefs would be, even if those practice and beliefs have helped us many times and for many centuries before nowadays. So, today we need to look closely at our practice and beliefs of our present times, and we should use our intelligence that God has given us, since it has been given to us from God for good reasons, so that we could look after ourselves diligently, but as I have already said, just to make sure that we do the right things we need guidance from God. I believe that today we the people of this planet earth have reached a very high standard of understanding and that we are able to reason and understand facts and things much more diligently than what we used to do in the past. I believe that we should feel lucky nowadays just because we are living in a very fast progressing time. Now since progress means improvements over the past times, and improvements many times bring change of directions, we are the generation that will have to adjust to the present times, and then guide the future generations in the right directions. I believe that nowadays we need a religion that covers both people and spiritual things together and bridges the old religions and the new ideas together. How to start all this happening the right way is hard to say, but we have to make a start somehow, so I am going to write something about this subject, even though I am concerned about how and what to write. So, again as I said, we need guidance from God. ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Religious Reconciliation Doc We need guidance from God IS TO BE CONTINUED: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Next time with, another religious post ------------------------------------- You are all invited to take part in these writings. The shortest of any comment will do, if you don't have time? All emails are free to use. So, email us at; frankomank@gmail.com I hope to hear from you soon.---------------------------- To see more click on the link below; http://www.manfraco.com/ ----------------- or Google http://manfraco.blogspot.com/ http://manfracostory.blogspot.com/ http://sites.google.com/site/prayersofreconciliation/
Friday, March 25, 2011
What people say about religions?
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
(Frank M. Version. Post 21)
You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 21
What people say about religions?
Hereunder are written some of my most trusted friends’ views about religion:
This is what my friend Mark said ones;
So, we want to see what people say about religions. Let us stop just for a moment to think about nowadays religious matters, as this is a very important part of our lives to know, and it would be great if we could find some answers to the questions that our other friends here have risen.
My own personal experience nowadays leads me to think that things are changing including religious things, perhaps slowly but they are changing, it has got to be that way, since a lot of things have changed especially the last 50 years.
When I was a teenager I remember that the Bible was called the Sacred Scripture, and it would have been a sin for anyone other than the priest to handle it or read from it. Today the Bible is available to the public and also some other religious books. So, it is only a matter of time before the public at large learns what could be true and right to believe; and what doesn’t make sense and therefore one should not bother about it.
As I have already said things are changing. You see, today most household have a computer, which helps in many ways to learn new things at a very fast pace indeed; so, the computer is going to accelerate the changes it is obvious, it is going to be just like other great events that have happened in the past, whenever there is something that radically changes the way of thinking or doing things, great changes will follow it is inevitable.
Since we are talking about religions, to find out what people say about religions let us take a look at religious discussion groups on the Internet, and see what people say about religions?
There are perhaps hundreds if not thousands of groups; they are all discussing their own agenda, I don’t want to talk about all those groups, as here we want to talk about religious things mostly. As you all know there are some groups which talk only about religion and their own beliefs; there are groups discussing philosophy, which in a way could include religion; there are groups discussing evolution including creation versus evolution; and there is also a large group called, Atheism versus Christianity.
Of all these groups, Atheism versus Christianity is one of the largest groups, the atheists don’t believe about God, so they do not believe in any religions and would like to see religions disappear.
The Atheists group is formed largely from well educated people, and therefore, when a discussion arises they are able to put a strong case about their non beliefs, so the followers of religious groups, which are a large part uneducated, usually they are left in a disadvantaged position. This may give rise to the believers losing faith and moving away from their own religions.
My views are these: As the Atheists as a whole does not see that if they destroy religions, they are going to create much bigger problems in the whole world.
This makes me think about those differences of opinion, so I believe that atheist are making a mistake in believing that the world maybe better off without religions, because looking at the whole situation, I have to say that God and man need each other, and that is the reason why religions need to exist. What do you say, do you agree with me?
We all said in a way or another, of course we agree with you.
Then another of my friend spoke about religion;
As you remember last time we talked about religion, we were talking about the end of the Bible, So, I should say that I have been thinking about what we said about the end of the Bible; but I have not done anything at all, although every now and then with my friends here Don, Bill and Peter we mention it, without having any real deep conversation about the subject.
Then he turned to me and said; Look, I know that really you would like to know what people say about religions? But, really I wish that you would give up about writing this religious theory of yours; you see it is very hard to do something that other people have tried to ignore for thousands of years, whether it was through fear or lack of knowledge. Beside that you and I, including our friends here today, we are not what you would call well educated people. I know we know enough how to write something and be understood, but that may not be good enough to write what you want to try to write?
Now, I see that you look disappointed, since you are keen to write your religious theory, no matter how much troubles you may be getting yourself in, so, I will try to learn a bit more about religious things and next time we meet I may be able to say something more positive, perhaps we may have to start from the very beginning of the Bible; and while we study we should ask ourselves whether the meanings are clear enough, or if there is another meaning to what we see at first glance, but for now that is all I want to say.
There was not anything of importance said after that, and after a while my friends left. So, I was left with this feeling, which was that I still wanted to know what people say about religions. So, I thought that perhaps a prayer to God could help, and I prayed God for guidance.
Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth you would guide me; So that, I would be able to write my religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
Next time with, another religious post
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I hope to hear from you soon.
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
(Frank M. Version. Post 21)
You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 21
What people say about religions?
Hereunder are written some of my most trusted friends’ views about religion:
This is what my friend Mark said ones;
So, we want to see what people say about religions. Let us stop just for a moment to think about nowadays religious matters, as this is a very important part of our lives to know, and it would be great if we could find some answers to the questions that our other friends here have risen.
My own personal experience nowadays leads me to think that things are changing including religious things, perhaps slowly but they are changing, it has got to be that way, since a lot of things have changed especially the last 50 years.
When I was a teenager I remember that the Bible was called the Sacred Scripture, and it would have been a sin for anyone other than the priest to handle it or read from it. Today the Bible is available to the public and also some other religious books. So, it is only a matter of time before the public at large learns what could be true and right to believe; and what doesn’t make sense and therefore one should not bother about it.
As I have already said things are changing. You see, today most household have a computer, which helps in many ways to learn new things at a very fast pace indeed; so, the computer is going to accelerate the changes it is obvious, it is going to be just like other great events that have happened in the past, whenever there is something that radically changes the way of thinking or doing things, great changes will follow it is inevitable.
Since we are talking about religions, to find out what people say about religions let us take a look at religious discussion groups on the Internet, and see what people say about religions?
There are perhaps hundreds if not thousands of groups; they are all discussing their own agenda, I don’t want to talk about all those groups, as here we want to talk about religious things mostly. As you all know there are some groups which talk only about religion and their own beliefs; there are groups discussing philosophy, which in a way could include religion; there are groups discussing evolution including creation versus evolution; and there is also a large group called, Atheism versus Christianity.
Of all these groups, Atheism versus Christianity is one of the largest groups, the atheists don’t believe about God, so they do not believe in any religions and would like to see religions disappear.
The Atheists group is formed largely from well educated people, and therefore, when a discussion arises they are able to put a strong case about their non beliefs, so the followers of religious groups, which are a large part uneducated, usually they are left in a disadvantaged position. This may give rise to the believers losing faith and moving away from their own religions.
My views are these: As the Atheists as a whole does not see that if they destroy religions, they are going to create much bigger problems in the whole world.
This makes me think about those differences of opinion, so I believe that atheist are making a mistake in believing that the world maybe better off without religions, because looking at the whole situation, I have to say that God and man need each other, and that is the reason why religions need to exist. What do you say, do you agree with me?
We all said in a way or another, of course we agree with you.
Then another of my friend spoke about religion;
As you remember last time we talked about religion, we were talking about the end of the Bible, So, I should say that I have been thinking about what we said about the end of the Bible; but I have not done anything at all, although every now and then with my friends here Don, Bill and Peter we mention it, without having any real deep conversation about the subject.
Then he turned to me and said; Look, I know that really you would like to know what people say about religions? But, really I wish that you would give up about writing this religious theory of yours; you see it is very hard to do something that other people have tried to ignore for thousands of years, whether it was through fear or lack of knowledge. Beside that you and I, including our friends here today, we are not what you would call well educated people. I know we know enough how to write something and be understood, but that may not be good enough to write what you want to try to write?
Now, I see that you look disappointed, since you are keen to write your religious theory, no matter how much troubles you may be getting yourself in, so, I will try to learn a bit more about religious things and next time we meet I may be able to say something more positive, perhaps we may have to start from the very beginning of the Bible; and while we study we should ask ourselves whether the meanings are clear enough, or if there is another meaning to what we see at first glance, but for now that is all I want to say.
There was not anything of importance said after that, and after a while my friends left. So, I was left with this feeling, which was that I still wanted to know what people say about religions. So, I thought that perhaps a prayer to God could help, and I prayed God for guidance.
Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth you would guide me; So that, I would be able to write my religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
What people say about religions?
Next time with, another religious post
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
Personal explanation
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
(Frank M. Version. Post 20)
You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 20
My personal explanation is written hereunder my dear reader whoever you might be. I know that you may be asking yourself; why I have made up my mind to write these religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe? Why I made this hard promise to God to write them? Why I am writing and wanting to write my religious writings anyhow? Especially that for me personally would be very hard to write them, since I am not a learned person, and religion is a very hard subject to write or explain. But, my personal explanation is this; if you were to feel that you have been called to write them, then, you would have to do it anyhow no matter how hard it is for you to do it. So, this is the way that I am feeling right now while I am writing here; You see I feel that I have been called to write my religious beliefs of Reconciliation of the Universe for many reasons, and many indeed are the reasons for which I am writing them, as you will see and understand if you read my religious writings.
Of course there are many other reasons and subject to explain, apart for what I have just written above in my preamble, there are also other extra personal reasons which have driven me to write them, and these personal explanations I am going to write down and explain them to you as soon as I find the right spot in my writings.
But at the moment, the most important reason for me wanting to write is that I feel it from within my soul that I have to write these religious writings, otherwise my soul tells me that I would not be doing what I have come to do on this planet earth. Therefore, I feel that if I don’t write my religious beliefs now; I have lived my earthly life accomplishing nothing worthwhile: Not only my soul is telling me to write my beliefs as a human being, but also because lately I have had a supernatural experience, which has given me personal proof that what we call the unseen spiritual world exists, and also of the existence of angels and other heavenly things, and from this supernatural experience I know that my writings have been noted from heaven above, because this angel has greeted me as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe. I have already said previously about this event, but, I am going to write it again about this supernatural experience at the beginning of that part of my writings called, Reconciliation of the Universe, as this would be the best way for my readers to understand the meaning of my experience. (And there I will also write a chapter where I am asking myself this question: Who are these angels?)
In this personal explanation I am lead to believe that what I am writing here could well be the beginning of the world religion of the future. So, I may be going to call my religious writings: Modern World religious Reconciliation; because that’s what I would like my writings to achieve. As you all know that what’s happening in the religious world nowadays is shocking, as some religious leaders twist their religious meanings and instead of preaching peace they preach war, and so, something needs to be done to neutralize that.
Therefore this is another of the main reasons for me to write my religious view, as I believe that there are too many religions in the world, even though they may be similar they are somehow different to one another, so, their leaders tend to argue with one another, in the hope that they can impose their point of view of their own religious beliefs on the others; this makes religion itself look bad. So, in my religious writings by moving everything one step high and linking them together I hope to find the way how to neutralize that.
I feel that I have to write this as it is my duty as a human being to improve the present situation, and I am sure that from now on we (all the peaceful people of planet earth) will try to find a way together for world religious reconciliation: And my personal way that I am suggesting here is written in this religious book that I am writing, including also Reconciliation of the Universe.
So, I am going to write my religious writings as my soul guides me, and also because of the sign that I have seen and also because of what has happened to me and my family, which sometimes makes me think that those things have happened for a reason, and therefore these happenings have driven me to write these religious writings. Therefore what I am writings here is being written as my personal prayer to God Most High. These are my personal explanations.
Talking about prayers now I feel that I have to pray God to help me write my religious writings because I am not a good writer; so, let me pray, so that I will be able to continue next time with next post.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
Next time with, another religious post
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
(Frank M. Version. Post 20)
You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 20
My personal explanation is written hereunder my dear reader whoever you might be. I know that you may be asking yourself; why I have made up my mind to write these religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe? Why I made this hard promise to God to write them? Why I am writing and wanting to write my religious writings anyhow? Especially that for me personally would be very hard to write them, since I am not a learned person, and religion is a very hard subject to write or explain. But, my personal explanation is this; if you were to feel that you have been called to write them, then, you would have to do it anyhow no matter how hard it is for you to do it. So, this is the way that I am feeling right now while I am writing here; You see I feel that I have been called to write my religious beliefs of Reconciliation of the Universe for many reasons, and many indeed are the reasons for which I am writing them, as you will see and understand if you read my religious writings.
Of course there are many other reasons and subject to explain, apart for what I have just written above in my preamble, there are also other extra personal reasons which have driven me to write them, and these personal explanations I am going to write down and explain them to you as soon as I find the right spot in my writings.
But at the moment, the most important reason for me wanting to write is that I feel it from within my soul that I have to write these religious writings, otherwise my soul tells me that I would not be doing what I have come to do on this planet earth. Therefore, I feel that if I don’t write my religious beliefs now; I have lived my earthly life accomplishing nothing worthwhile: Not only my soul is telling me to write my beliefs as a human being, but also because lately I have had a supernatural experience, which has given me personal proof that what we call the unseen spiritual world exists, and also of the existence of angels and other heavenly things, and from this supernatural experience I know that my writings have been noted from heaven above, because this angel has greeted me as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe. I have already said previously about this event, but, I am going to write it again about this supernatural experience at the beginning of that part of my writings called, Reconciliation of the Universe, as this would be the best way for my readers to understand the meaning of my experience. (And there I will also write a chapter where I am asking myself this question: Who are these angels?)
In this personal explanation I am lead to believe that what I am writing here could well be the beginning of the world religion of the future. So, I may be going to call my religious writings: Modern World religious Reconciliation; because that’s what I would like my writings to achieve. As you all know that what’s happening in the religious world nowadays is shocking, as some religious leaders twist their religious meanings and instead of preaching peace they preach war, and so, something needs to be done to neutralize that.
Therefore this is another of the main reasons for me to write my religious view, as I believe that there are too many religions in the world, even though they may be similar they are somehow different to one another, so, their leaders tend to argue with one another, in the hope that they can impose their point of view of their own religious beliefs on the others; this makes religion itself look bad. So, in my religious writings by moving everything one step high and linking them together I hope to find the way how to neutralize that.
I feel that I have to write this as it is my duty as a human being to improve the present situation, and I am sure that from now on we (all the peaceful people of planet earth) will try to find a way together for world religious reconciliation: And my personal way that I am suggesting here is written in this religious book that I am writing, including also Reconciliation of the Universe.
So, I am going to write my religious writings as my soul guides me, and also because of the sign that I have seen and also because of what has happened to me and my family, which sometimes makes me think that those things have happened for a reason, and therefore these happenings have driven me to write these religious writings. Therefore what I am writings here is being written as my personal prayer to God Most High. These are my personal explanations.
Talking about prayers now I feel that I have to pray God to help me write my religious writings because I am not a good writer; so, let me pray, so that I will be able to continue next time with next post.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Personal explanation
Next time with, another religious post
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All emails are free to use. So, email us at;
I hope to hear from you soon.
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Prayers of reconciliation
Religious Reconciliation Doc
-Prayers of reconciliation
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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Prayers of reconciliation
(Frank M. Version. Post 19)
You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 19
I come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness, reconciliation, cleansing, guidance and blessing.
Father, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayers of forgiveness and reconciliation would be heard and accepted.
I am praying in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation cleansing, guidance and blessing, and after receiving them, let me be your humble servant.
Father, hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with thy eternal life-force and be able to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will; Amen.
Let me try to explain how I feel about the above prayer.
My dear reader: As you can see, my prayer above is directed to our Father God Most High and that is good, as God is really the divinity that we should all be praying before any others, I am saying this to make a point for those people that also pray and believe in many spiritual things.
By praying to God-Most-High directly, not only we are able to say a better prayer; but are also able to neutralize any doubts in the mind of other people who belong to other religions, and we will appear as brothers to all the world religions at the same time, because we would be able to bypass any doubts of separatism in the minds of people belonging to other religious groups, as God-Most-High is the focal point where all religions meet together.
Of course all religious groups have their own way of praying, and they could keep their own praying ways, if they like to do so, since that is the way that they know how to pray. I am sure that it will not make any difference at all how we pray or how they pray, because they still should be able to link their own prayers to our Father God Most High, as God-Most-High is the highest of all positive life-force that guides the whole universe, and therefore, He links all religions together, since all religions have been born from Him.
Forgive me my reader if you find hard to believe what I have just said above, and also what I am going to say next: but all will be explained to you again and again as I go on writing. But now let me say just a few more things about this subject; pointing out to you how and why a prayer (a person who prays) should start to pray his own personal prayer.
Any praying person should start to pray in his own personal way that is in the way which he has been taught to pray from his parents or community which one belongs. Therefore, in my writings I will not be able to show everyone how to pray or start praying, because I will only be able to pray my own way; and therefore, you must try to use your own ways of praying.
Now, since most of my prayers in my writings will be direct to our Father God Most High; in order to keep to the highest focal point for all world religions to agree: Just because I happen to be a Roman Catholic person, I am going to use the most important opening way that a Roman Catholic person uses when they start praying, so, the opening prayer or first link in my personal case to our Father Most High is the sign of the cross, which is the sign of the Holy Trinity as this clearly is stated in the words, The-Father, The-Son and the Holy-Spirit. Of course there are also other ways on how to start praying to God our Father, which is whatever one religious person is using as opening prayer in his own religion as I have said above. It is also possible for anybody to pray going through smaller deities and saints and I will talk about these prayers in a chapter later on.
But now let me go back to the prayer written above that I have just prayed and how I feel, since I have prayed God for forgiveness and reconciliation: I can tell you that I feel more confident that God will hear my prayers, not only for my reconciliation, but also for help and otherwise, and in his own ways through the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit God will help me write my religious writings, which are the most important part of my writings here. And God would also help me with my personal wants and needs, which they are mostly to keep me safe and healthy and to keep safe and in good health all the members of my family.
So now my dear readers allow me just for a moment to talk about my own personal needs, because as a human being this is one of the main reasons why I started writing about religion, and I am still writing these religious writings here. Therefore because I need some personal help right now, what I am going to write here would be my personal prayer to our Father God Most High, in the hope that God would hear my prayers, and so would help me by granting my earthly requests.
I believe that for God everything is possible to do, even those things that for us humans beings seem impossible to do, and I believe that as God is our heavenly Father He is very helpful, merciful and compassionate towards us, but we have to try to live according to His will and pray to Him if and when we need His help, so, we should turn to God and praying state our needs, even if what we want and what we need for us humans seems an impossible thing to humanly achieve.
Therefore as I have already said and let me say it again, another of the many reasons why I am writing here, it is because nowadays I need really help from God, since only God would be able to help me. I believe that I need God’s help right now, because there is illness in my family and the doctors don’t seem to find a good lasting cure, so, I have no other way but to turn to God and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying God just like most people would pray, but from the bottom of my heart I feel that I have to do more because of my special needs, in order to receive from God what I would like to have, and therefore, these writings that I am writing here are dedicated as my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God would help me and grant me my earthly requests.
Now that I have partly explained to you the reasons for my personal needs, let me write in the next post an introductory explanation of my religious writings.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Prayers of Reconciliation
Next time with, Religious another post
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You, angels of the realm of glory
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Frank M. Version. Post 19
I come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness, reconciliation, cleansing, guidance and blessing.
Father, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayers of forgiveness and reconciliation would be heard and accepted.
I am praying in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation cleansing, guidance and blessing, and after receiving them, let me be your humble servant.
Father, hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with thy eternal life-force and be able to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will; Amen.
Let me try to explain how I feel about the above prayer.
My dear reader: As you can see, my prayer above is directed to our Father God Most High and that is good, as God is really the divinity that we should all be praying before any others, I am saying this to make a point for those people that also pray and believe in many spiritual things.
By praying to God-Most-High directly, not only we are able to say a better prayer; but are also able to neutralize any doubts in the mind of other people who belong to other religions, and we will appear as brothers to all the world religions at the same time, because we would be able to bypass any doubts of separatism in the minds of people belonging to other religious groups, as God-Most-High is the focal point where all religions meet together.
Of course all religious groups have their own way of praying, and they could keep their own praying ways, if they like to do so, since that is the way that they know how to pray. I am sure that it will not make any difference at all how we pray or how they pray, because they still should be able to link their own prayers to our Father God Most High, as God-Most-High is the highest of all positive life-force that guides the whole universe, and therefore, He links all religions together, since all religions have been born from Him.
Forgive me my reader if you find hard to believe what I have just said above, and also what I am going to say next: but all will be explained to you again and again as I go on writing. But now let me say just a few more things about this subject; pointing out to you how and why a prayer (a person who prays) should start to pray his own personal prayer.
Any praying person should start to pray in his own personal way that is in the way which he has been taught to pray from his parents or community which one belongs. Therefore, in my writings I will not be able to show everyone how to pray or start praying, because I will only be able to pray my own way; and therefore, you must try to use your own ways of praying.
Now, since most of my prayers in my writings will be direct to our Father God Most High; in order to keep to the highest focal point for all world religions to agree: Just because I happen to be a Roman Catholic person, I am going to use the most important opening way that a Roman Catholic person uses when they start praying, so, the opening prayer or first link in my personal case to our Father Most High is the sign of the cross, which is the sign of the Holy Trinity as this clearly is stated in the words, The-Father, The-Son and the Holy-Spirit. Of course there are also other ways on how to start praying to God our Father, which is whatever one religious person is using as opening prayer in his own religion as I have said above. It is also possible for anybody to pray going through smaller deities and saints and I will talk about these prayers in a chapter later on.
But now let me go back to the prayer written above that I have just prayed and how I feel, since I have prayed God for forgiveness and reconciliation: I can tell you that I feel more confident that God will hear my prayers, not only for my reconciliation, but also for help and otherwise, and in his own ways through the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit God will help me write my religious writings, which are the most important part of my writings here. And God would also help me with my personal wants and needs, which they are mostly to keep me safe and healthy and to keep safe and in good health all the members of my family.
So now my dear readers allow me just for a moment to talk about my own personal needs, because as a human being this is one of the main reasons why I started writing about religion, and I am still writing these religious writings here. Therefore because I need some personal help right now, what I am going to write here would be my personal prayer to our Father God Most High, in the hope that God would hear my prayers, and so would help me by granting my earthly requests.
I believe that for God everything is possible to do, even those things that for us humans beings seem impossible to do, and I believe that as God is our heavenly Father He is very helpful, merciful and compassionate towards us, but we have to try to live according to His will and pray to Him if and when we need His help, so, we should turn to God and praying state our needs, even if what we want and what we need for us humans seems an impossible thing to humanly achieve.
Therefore as I have already said and let me say it again, another of the many reasons why I am writing here, it is because nowadays I need really help from God, since only God would be able to help me. I believe that I need God’s help right now, because there is illness in my family and the doctors don’t seem to find a good lasting cure, so, I have no other way but to turn to God and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying God just like most people would pray, but from the bottom of my heart I feel that I have to do more because of my special needs, in order to receive from God what I would like to have, and therefore, these writings that I am writing here are dedicated as my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God would help me and grant me my earthly requests.
Now that I have partly explained to you the reasons for my personal needs, let me write in the next post an introductory explanation of my religious writings.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Prayers of Reconciliation
Next time with, Religious another post
You are all invited to take part in these writings.
The shortest of any comment will do, if you don't have time?
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I hope to hear from you soon.
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