Religious writings and prayer
Welcome to hub (24), Religious writings for all
May God help and
guide me to write this religious hub?
In order to write
these God’s writings, let us start with a prayer to God,
Some people believe that we should give more importance to our souls than our body; I am not sure whether they there idea is right, because I would rather think first about our bodies.
Our human nature drives some of us to pray. Well there is no harm done in praying, so let us pray when we feel like it.
Religious writings and prayer
My prayer
In the name of the
Father, The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, to you I turn Father God Most High and I
humbly pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said ask the Father in my name and it will
be given you for free: So here I am Almighty Father praying and asking you that
through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, you would protect me from all sorts
of curses that seem to follow me wherever I go and also let the guiding force
of the Holy-Spirit on earth help me to write my religious theory of
Reconciliation of the universe according to your will. Father, hear my prayer
and help me! Amen.
Now that I have
prayed, I can state again the reason why I am writing these religious articles;
we are writing these religious articles in
the hope that with this new religious way that we are suggesting here, some
belligerent religions that base their religious faith in fighting each other might
not be able to fight each other any longer, as they might see religious things
in a new way; Reconciliation of the Universe is in fact one of the many
possible theories that could make this achievement possible.
What we would like to do to achieve with these religious writings?
We would like to set the stage for the entire world
to see.
And whoever will read these writings might have to
That here we are trying to find a way to God for
all humanity;
In order to stay in touch with God-life-force for
That is why, I am praying God to guide and help me.
So that, I would be able to write God’s writings
for all humanity
God’s writings for all humanity
Here we are writing
religious issues or God’s religious things for all humanity.
We have already
written many religious articles and also about curses that occur in the Bible,
so, here we want to say that after having written a prayer above and asking God
to shield us from all sorts of curses, I am still a bit concerned and ask
myself whether I am doing the right thing by writing what I am writing, just in
case there are people that would curse me; so, while I am writing this hub, I
sincerely hope that somehow God-life-force of the universe would help me
through the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit on earth, so that I would be able
to say the right things and be able to reach the hearts of all human beings,
and therefore they would be able to understand me and to follow our religious
Even though I
believe in God who might not be exactly the God whom most western religions
believe in, I still believe in the same God and pray God fervently, therefore
in my humility I am praying God to protect and help me, and at the same time I
am turning to the whole world hoping that they would make an effort and try to
understand what we are saying, because what we are saying here is not easy to
explain or to understand; for this reason I hope that our readers would be able
to see what I see and feel what I feel, and therefore they would understand
what I say. May God help me to write this article an easy way and help my
readers to understand our views?
Common points of
Because our
religious views are a bit different from the normal accepted views, it is
necessary for us to start from a common point of view that could or would
interest everybody, so that, nobody would feel left out, we believe that it
would be good if we could talk about life in general terms, since life is
definitely the most common subject that would interest everybody, and then from
there try to show that life is the central link that links us to God and everything
else in the universe, since God could be said that is the central life force of
the entire universe.
Now that we have
explained that, let us try to explain how I see and feel about life itself,
because I feel that life is the greatest mystery of the whole universe, and we
human beings are the highest specie of life that exists on this planet earth,
and for this reason it would be our duty that we try to find what links us to
the rest of the universe and therefore God, or God’s life force, so to speak.
We have to admit
that, because nowadays we do not know enough about the rest of the universe, we
cannot prove if somehow over there are other life forms like our own in the
universe, so to study our position, we are forced to start from what we know
today, and by using our own imagination about our own life as the first link of
all existing life in the universe, we have to try to explain to ourselves if
there is any other existing life, ether like our own earthly life or as the
supernatural existence of the spirit world, which is believed to exist in a
parallel way with our own world.
Here we need to say
that, somewhere somehow we believe that deep within our subconscious we carry
our own record from the beginning of our existence; this record is shown in the
form of our instincts, which usually are able to guide us safely during our
lives. These records or instincts within us are not very clear, as we do not
get any clear signals from them, because they are all mixed up with our beliefs
religious or otherwise, and also with our own emotions of love and hate and
others things that we happen to be subjected to during our lives.
Therefore, we need
to think about all these mixed up feeling and beliefs within us, and then, with
the help of God try analyse them, in order to make sense of this entire
situation of our existence.
So, let us pray God
to guide us, so that we may be able to understand better our own life and how
it is related to other things, and then through our own instincts, beliefs, love
emotions and other things, we may be able to describe to our selves our own
feelings about love and life; and then how these inner thoughts emotions and others
things might be somehow one and the same thing with the existence of God and
The way that we see it
Let us say a prayer
before we start writing some of the strangest things of our life, which come
from our inner self and they may or may not make sense to everybody else?
Almighty Father, I pray you with all
my heart, my soul and my mind to help me to say the right things about life and
its' connection to thy eternal benevolent life-force, since we believe that you
are the life giver of the entire universe, Father, hear my prayer and help me
say the right things in this religious article!
Let us talk about
love, life, God and the mystery of life
Now, let me tell you how I feel about life.
I feel that life is
love, and love is life itself,
And that one could
not exist without the other.
Therefore if life
could not exist without love,
Then I better love,
or I may as well be dead.
Dear readers
whoever you might be, let me tell you about me and how during my life the love
of this special woman has changed me. Sometime I believe that God has set me up
with this woman love with no love happenings, so that I would understand life and
love and be able to express myself more clearly. So, I hope that you will
believe me, because it may seem and sound strange that human love can change
things so much, but the reality is that the love for this special woman has
really changed me completely.
Of course I guess
now that this must have been part of my whole destiny, because now I have
reasons to believe, that through these emotional feelings of love for this
special woman God did set me up, in such a way that I had to go back to Him and
do his religious work to help humanity.
Now if you want to
know more about these love feelings without love happenings, you have to read
another book that I am writing, where I will describe to you how God Almighty
has driven me back to Him through this mysterious love for this woman in His
own mysterious ways; because in this book that you are reading here I have to
write mostly about religion and therefore God’s things.
Because of these
intense love emotions that I went through in my life, I have become aware that
there is a close link between falling in love and life and God-life-force, and
so, I have also reasons to believe that God is love, and it can be described in
a parallel way with my feelings of love for this special woman, since they may
be somehow one and the same thing. So:
I feel that life is
God and God is life itself,
And that one could
not exist without the other.
Therefore if life
is God, I’d better believe in God.
If I don’t believe
in God, I may as well be dead.
This is how I explain the mystery of
life for myself?
Of course, life is
still a great mystery to us all in many ways, as we are still not able to
explain life fully how it all began; even when there are excellent explanations
they are not perfect, as there is always a second explanation which contradicts
the first. So when we think about life, we are lead to continually ask
ourselves: How did life begin and what is its driving force which makes life
possible on earth? And many other questions we ask ourselves.
My instinct and my
logic reasoning here tells me that there could be only one clear explanation to
this question; there is a life driving force in the universe and this life
driving force is a supernatural life force that exists in the whole universe
and we call this life force God; this God might not be exactly as the God
described in the Bible, but it is there anyhow, so, we can say that God exists
at least by definition, because God is the life force that created life.
Religiously life
and God-life-force can be said that it is one and the same thing; so, life
existence can be explained thus:
The ever existing
God-life-force of the entire universe,
From the beginning
of times has created life on earth.
And even if life on
earth now and then might change a bit,
Life will run in a
parallel way with God-life-force for eternity,
Because life is God
and God is life itself.
Some points of view
Some personal point
of views
Dear readers, we
need to say here that this article could be the last article of part 1 of
Prayers for reconciliation, which we have been writing for a while, and at the
same time we have been trying to study more and more religious things, so now,
I could say that these religious writings are really becoming a real study of
religions, and this is going to be the main subject in part 2 of Prayers for
reconciliation, (or we might call it prayers and discussions), part 3 of course
we will change the name to Reconciliation of the universe.
Now let us go back
to what we were saying before. As we have already mentioned to you before,
nowadays in the world there are many religions, which are different to one
another and they argue with each other because of these differences, sometimes
they are so insistent in their point of views and beliefs that they can even
start fighting each other. We are sure that this fighting each other is not
what religion is all about, because religion was intended to teach us first of
all to love and respect our fellow man as you love and respect yourself: But
this love and respect to our fellow man is becoming hard to achieve, because of
our faulty understanding of the present system and beliefs of existing
I feel greatly
disappointed of our present day’s human understanding and achievements about
religious matters, because we should have been able to do a lot more in a
positive way. Nowadays, because of the electronic communication people should
have found a way how to understand each other and love each other more easily;
but instead it seems to me that they are fighting each other more than ever.
Therefore it would be better if a new way of understanding each other is found,
so that the world might become a better place to live in.
At this point of
time we are sure that you would be asking yourself; what can be done to fix
this problem? And at the same time you would be asking; how come that this is
happening now and not before?
Well, we believe
that we all have to make an effort and learn better ways how to live in peace
with each others, and we also have to admit that people in the past did not
have enough knowledge of the present situation, because they knew only what was
happening in the neighbourhood so to speak and not the whole world, so the
situation then was different and we cannot blame them for not fixing what today
is becoming obvious that needs to be fixed.
Anyhow, first of
all we want to say to you the people as a whole that today it is very likely
that the time is approaching fast, when changes would be required to the
present religious system, because the present religious system as it is might
not be adequate any more.
Therefore the whole
religious system would require to be updated, in such a way that the world
future generations should not fight each other for lack of religious
understanding, and in doing so, then, the future generations could still
believe in God and the continuity of God’s magnificent laws that our forbears
have written down.
Now, before we
continue and go in a different direction with our writings we would want to say
to the people that they have not done enough in a religious way in the past.
So, to all the
learned people of the world we turn, and we invite them to make an effort and
think about God’s things, and then do something that for centuries has been
neglected and left behind, because those past learned people in their smaller
knowledge of those days did not have the means of knowledge that we have
nowadays, or was it because of their laziness they assumed that everything had
been done for them, as they did not try hard enough to see that everything had
been changing around them, and therefore they needed to change also with time
to keep everything going properly.
This is how we are
going to end part one of Prayers for reconciliation, but at the same time we
need to add this explanation below:
My dear readers let
me introduce myself again properly. You see, for safety reasons and other
various important reasons I am calling myself ‘Menfranco Laws’. As you can see
this name does not sound as a real name, as it is my second internet name, but
I guess that you have already realized that my real name is not Menfranco Laws,
but I want to use this name as a writer of these religious beliefs, since who I
am is not important for religion, and sometimes I wish that nobody knows who I
am at this point of time, because today even talking about religion may put
your life at risk.
will complete part one of our religious writings with this hub called, Does God
answer our prayer? Because that is a question that most people would ask, and I
have asked myself many times. And then we will start part two of Prayers for
reconciliation, which we are going to call, Prayers and discussions.
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