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discussions four
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More religious discussions
The Bible Hebrew religious and history book is thousands of years old, but the question arises, Is the bible really inspired by God?
We need to educate ourselves in all sorts of existing religions, if we do that then we might be able to know what to do, when religious problems arises.
In order to understand religions, we need to study them and above all we need to discuss our beliefs with our friends and other fellow believers. Some of this knowledge today could be found on the Internet, so it is available to everybody easily
More religious discussions
Whenever we discuss religious issues, whichever
way we look at it we have to say that religions are really so complex that we
could go on forever arguing about what is right and what is wrong: which
religion is good and which one is not that good; what beliefs could be true and
what cannot be true at all, and above all, does God really exist or is it all a
human invention? These questions about religions have been there for ages, they
are very true today as they were in the past and would for sure arises in the
future if we are not able to find a satisfactory way that explains religions in
a better way than the explanations we have today. In fact in the future it
might become more urgent to find a good answer to these religious questions.
It is going to be so, because now that the
people could learn a lot faster than they used to learn before, since most
people have access to a computer and the computer makes it easy to find any
information we want, we should ask ourselves what is going to happen to
religions when the people realise that there are so many religions in the whole
wide world beside their own religious beliefs.
Is it possible that the earth people will
ignore this new found knowledge and continue to believe in religions just the
way that they have believed for thousands of years?
Or perhaps people will see all these existing
religions and they will start to believe that religions could be manmade, this
subject we are going to discuss in our next hub, because we believe that these
religious questions are complex and need to be explained somehow.
Now having come so far writing many articles
about religions, I believe that I have to continue to write about religions, in
the hope that with the help of my friends
and perhaps God, I may be able to find or suggest a way that will explain
religions in a modern way, that is if there is a way and I am able to find it
and then publish it here.
With this decision in mind as I have made up
my mind that somehow I am going to talk to our religious friends again about
religions, I have to explain to them that the reasons why I want to talk to
them is that I would like to find out more about religions and how they could
help me achieve my goal, in the hope that I would be able to see how religions could
or would become in the future.
Now that I have explained to our readers what
is on my mind, all I have to do is to meet with our religious friends and start
discussing these religious issues.
Calling on our religious friend
Calling on my friend Mark
A few days after the meeting that I have
talked about in the last two hubs, I was thinking that perhaps I should invite
some of my friend’s home again, but this involved to tell them what I wanted to
do or find another excuse to invite them, but in the end I decided to visit
first my more serious and trusted friend Mark, as I wanted to talk to him one
to one instead of talking with all my other friends religious or otherwise
So, one day I went to see Mark at his home
knowing that this was his day off from work, when I arrived at his home there
was this other friend with him, but anyhow it was John the bloke that read the end
of the Bible in one of
our previous hub; The end of time discussions, therefore the presence of John
did not worry me, since John is a religious bloke and religions is what I
wanted to talk about. The reason that John was there is that he lives up the
street and he was going to the shops past Mark house, he saw that Marl was
there and decided to stop just to exchange a few words with Mark.
So when I arrived John was about to leave,
but my arrival stopped him, as Mark invited me and him back inside to have a
cup of tea or drink something.
Anyhow we set down and we started to talk,
and soon I was talking about a short chance meeting that I had with Gino and
Peter the previous day and the short religious talk that I had with them, so I
told Mark and John in detail what was said thus;
Gino and Peter believe that man cannot be
created from plain dirt, because even God must be subject to the laws of physic or
natural laws, and anyhow, if there is really a God, then this God will use
first of all the natural laws to create anything.
And then they came up with this theory that
the Hebrews wanted their God more powerful than any other god and they invented
a god so powerful that could even create a man from dirt.
They backed this theory up with some other
ways of reasoning that somehow could make sense.
Now, I have come here to have a friendly talk,
and also, I have come here to talk about this and see just what do you think
about this theory of Gino and Peter. Do you think that it is possible what they
have said?
Now if you believe that that could be
possible, then for the first time we seem to have explained the Bible in a
different way, so, from now on we have a real challenge ahead of us, as we
might find many other religious writings in the Bible that might need to be
explained in a new way, and the reason why they have been written the way they
have been written.
Now I would like to know what you think about
Gino and Peter theory and also what do you think we could do to find out more
about how to solve these present religious problems, you know already that I am
keen to write this religious theory and suggest to the world the theory, I know
that it is only going to be a simple religious theory that I have in mind, but
it could be a start of a new religious way.
John reaction to their theory
John reaction to
Gino and Peter theory
Dear reader I have
to say that I really did not want to involve John in these religious talks, but
as it happens sometime he was there already anyhow, so it would have been rude
to get rid of him and now we have to see what he wants to say, because there is
no way to stop him now, as he seems impatient and he wants to say what he
things about Gino and Peter theory, so even though I have not ask directly his
opinion now I have to hear it anyhow.
John answer
I wonder what has
gone wrong with Gino and Peter, as they have been my friends for a long time,
so, I really don’t know why they are turning atheist or what these days. I am
saying that they are turning atheist because that is the only way that I can
explain what they have said about the Bible and the creation of man.
Why are they saying
that God cannot create man from dirt, when the Bible says that he did create
man from dirt? Why they try to find all these excuses to change the meanings of
the Bible when the Bible has been written thousands of years ago from people
inspired from God and billions of people believe that it is so?
Why should the Jews
invent their own God, as if God needs to be invented? I don’t like to say this,
but they should really be ashamed of themselves for saying so many profane
things about God and the Bible.
I believe that they
are being brainwashed from the atheists, otherwise they would not say or
believe what they have said.
What gave John and
Gino this idea that the Jews invented their own God in such a way that would be
a mighty super God? And then, to show that their God was a super God they made
God create man from dirt, as this is an impossible thing to do even for a God.
Have they really understood the Bible when is says that God made man as his own
I really cannot understand
what has gone wrong with them to turn to atheism.
Here John started
to calm down as he had said what he thought about Gino and John, so, we knew
that soon everything would be normal again, and we could have normal discussions.
And so hear what our friend Mark had to say.
Discussions with Mark and John
Now that John had said what he really wanted
to say, we were back to normal discussions, so Mark started talking and said;
I believe that you have had a real
interesting discussion with Gino and Peter about this creation of mankind in
the Bible; but I cannot help thinking that Gino specially when he is with Peter
or someone else like him Gino can tell you some extreme views of the whole
situation, therefore to say that he is becoming an atheist is wrong, because I
know Gino very well and I can tell you that sometimes he likes to exaggerate
things just for the fun of it, I am telling this specially for you John,
because you seem to worry about this religious situation that Gino has got
John said; okay Mark I can see what you mean;
but I believe what I believe and I am not going to hold it back, therefore when
I strongly believe that I have to speak out, I will speak out and this is just
what I did, okay. Anyhow let us hear what you think yourself about what they
And Mark continues to tell us his views; you
see Gino and Peter have sometimes extreme views, but when reflecting what they
have said in this instance and many other things put together it might not seem
that extreme after all.
So, let us reflect a bit on this situation by
using our own intelligence and imagination; first of all there have been always
extreme beliefs and views in religions, if we look back at history we will find
that religions have helped mankind in many ways; but then, many other times
religions have done things so extreme and terrible, in order to achieve these
things religions needed something that one may call extreme that is how it
works out.
You see you cannot control people just by
being nice to them; people need rules and somebody or something that enforces
those rules and that is the reason why religions have been written the way they
have been written.
I am sorry to say this John, but what is
written in religious books is not always the truth, or the ways that the
religious things really are. Therefore, if Gino and Peter have gone out of the
way of the beliefs that everybody accept, just because we have been told that
that is the truth; then Gino and Peter may have got it right this time, just
because what they are saying is just as extreme as the creation of mankind in
the Bible, if we use our own logic reasoning mind.
We have also to keep in mind that there are
some other major religions that explain the creation of man in different ways;
here I am talking about the Indus religions and I quote;
“Hinduism perceives the whole creation and
its cosmic activity as the work of three fundamental forces symbolized by three
gods, which constitutes the Hindu Trinity or ‘Trimurti’: Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the sustainer, and Shiva - the destroyer.” End of quote. It is said
that mankind sprang from Brahma body and there were four caste, or type of men.
As you can see this is somehow different from the Bible creation.
For these reasons, I may as well say well
done Gino and Peter, since you have opened a new way on how to challenge those
things in the Bible that don’t make sense.
What do you think about all what I have said,
Frank and John?
Here Mark stopped talking, so we exchanged
our views about what had been said overall, and then started talking about the
weather and the news of the day.
Reflecting on what has been said above and in
the hubs before, I believe that Mark is right and perhaps I may really have to
meet with our religious friends again in the future, and somehow try to
discuss, how we could review what is written in the Bible, even as you know
modifying or changing the meanings in the Bible may sometimes make me feel a
bit scared; you know I am still a believer and those curses that are written in
the Bible sometimes worry me.
I believe that I have said enough in this
hub, so, see you next time, where we would be writing about, religions are
manmade or could be manmade.
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