Theists and Atheists views
Mankind religious beliefs
Welcome to our hub page (57); Theist and atheist views
The Bible is the most read book in the world, most believers believe that it has been God inspired, but there are reasons to believe that it cannot be God inspired, because there are many mistakes and some of these mistakes will try to explain here in this article.
Mankind religious beliefs
May God guide and help me to say the right things in these religious
These are my
beliefs and mankind religious beliefs
Let me inform you
first of all that what I am going to write here I am writing it in the name of
the existing God and religions, even if it may seem a direct attack on
religions to some of our religious readers; so here we would like to assure
you, that it is not an attack on religions at all, in fact we are writing this
article to get our religious readers ready to accept our religious theory of,
Reconciliation of the universe, being written to help religions survive and
thrive now and in the future. We believe that for religions to survive the
present religious attacks from the atheists, from the extremist and other
religious groups, they may need to be modified and be in agreement with our
logic human reasoning, which should be according to what we the public believe
to be right. Having said the reason why we are writing this theory of
reconciliation of the universe, now we can really try to say what we have to
Anyhow as we have
said, this is just another article that continues Prayers for Reconciliation
religious writings and wants to prepare the readers for the theory of
Reconciliation of the Universe, which one day we believe it might become the
super religion of the future, because it would be able to link all existing
religions together.
What we are going
to write in this article is going to spare no one, in fact it is going to be a
double edged argument that attacks just about everyone and everything that does
not stand up to our logic human reasoning. Well, not just everybody and
everything, but just a few things to prove our point of view, we need to do
this in order to prove that our reasoning is right.
So, let me start
from the beginning once again; first of all we want to point out that there are
these people that we call atheists, which would like to see religions
disappear, because they believe that they do not need religions, because they
do not believe in any gods or religion, so they see religions as a tool that is
used only in a way to control people and most times it does more harm than good,
therefore, they would like to see religions disappear, just because they do not
see the good side of religions.
Well, we have to
say that we cannot blame them completely, because if we look back at history
religions have committed many mistakes and atrocities, the most known of these
are: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, The crusades, The Inquisition, any
religious wars or any other religious killing of people in the name of God,
when it is obvious that God as nothing to do with it. Well, we may say that
people did not know better in those times, and we would agree with you on those
grounds; but, what about what is happening lately the religious extremists who
believe that they sacrifice themselves in the name of their God, they also kill
in the name of their God, could any of you by logic reasoning agree with them?
I suppose no one would agree except the extremists themselves.
Looking at all
these violent happenings, we would say that it is about time that somebody
looks if religions could be modified and how religions could or should be
modified, because they need to be modified in such a way that it would become
harder to go astray from their role of peaceful coexistence that they are
supposed to achieve.
Another thing about
the atheists that should worry us is the fact that they are usually well
learned people, therefore they should be capable of coming up with a solution
for this religious problem, but they do not seem able to give us a way out of
this religious dilemma, with the exception and suggestion of abolishing
religions, which in our opinion would make everything a lot worse.
In this article we
would like to discuss about the different views between the theist and
atheists, and above all try to point out some of the causes that the atheist
could use to subdue the theists, so that they can prove that religion is
manmade and God does not exist, that could prove that the Bible is not God
inspired, because there are many mistakes in the Bible and other things.
To me and perhaps
to most of us to live without religion is absurd, you see humanity has always
needed religions since the beginning of recorded times, and therefore,
religions are here to stay perhaps in a modified way, if they cannot continue
the way they are for long, so, we should look for ways that do not clash with
whatever we know now and whatever we are supposed to know in the future. We do
not see that this existing religious problem is going to be solved in any other
way, and this is the reason why we are trying to suggest to all people
concerned to modify religions accordingly. So, we hope that all religious
people and also the atheists accept our suggestions, once we have set them out
and published for them to study?
Having said that we
are going to change many things, we believe that our readers would worry about
it a lot, so, here I would usually repeated our article called ‘for our readers
peace of mind’ but I am not going to do that, because there will be too many
repetitions in these writings, so, I suggest to our readers that are worried to
read this article in our previous Hub, Views on Reconciliation of the Universe, and now let us
talk about the theist and atheist
and atheists
Having talked about
the atheists at the beginning of this hub, now we have to say something about
the theist’s views that stand fast in their beliefs even when their beliefs
cannot be sustained by our logic human reasoning. They say that the Bible is
the word of God, so they believe that anything that is written in the Bible is
true, even when they can see that it does not add up. They are blind believer
that believe in anything that their preacher preaches them, even when that
preacher has said to them impossible things.
In the bible it
says many times something like this: let those who have eyes see, let those who
have ears hear; now we would like to add this here, let those who have a good
mind think what is right and what is wrong, so that they can see, hear and make
their own minds up. Here we are talking about those people who follow religions
blindly, whatever their leaders say, and of course also the ways religions has
been setup, because it usually has double meanings, so let us think before we
speak and tell the others what to do.
Here we need to go
back to talk about nowadays religious leaders mostly, I don’t like to talk much
about past religious leaders, as the past is
passed away and we cannot do anything about it; but today religious leaders
elect to be blind even to the most logic things. I am sure that they see that
there is something wrong, but they refuse to see it, just because they want to
be blind and believe in the impossible. You see, they still want us to believe
that the Bible is the word of God, as if God was dictating to the writers of
those times word by word what to write. But it is obvious that it is not so,
the writers of those times were writing what they believed God put into their
hearts, so they believed themselves that what they were writing was the word of
They could only
write according to the knowledge that they had in those times, which is obvious
that they had not as much knowledge as we have today, this is the reason why
today we can see where they went wrong easily with those religious articles,
but they could not see their mistakes then; as we can see them now because we
know a lot more today than when those religious articles were written the first
Now this question arises,
because in the past there was a limited knowledge compared to today, it was not
possible for those past religious leaders to update religious books, but today
there is enough knowledge to update them, but still it seems to me that nobody
is doing anything about it. So, I have grown tired of waiting and I have
elected to do something about it, therefore first of all I am going to show you
a few things that do not add up in the Bible, just for the simple reason that I
want to show you that religions are manmade.
Religions are
manmade because if they were dictated by God, or if they were really inspired
from God there would have been no mistakes and we would not be able to do
anything at all, because there would be no need to do anything. But, because
they are not, as we are going to show you here under, then for this reason of
being manmade they could be easily changed or modified if they need to be
modified in order for religions to survive.
Of course the most
important religious book that we know in the western world is the Bible; so,
let us talk about the Bible, because we would like to show you what we mean.
Now, because I am a
believer and believe in the existence of God, even if sometimes my God maybe a
little bit different from what most people want us to believe God is like, I
just cannot go on and start writing things that do not agree with my
understanding of the Bible without praying God to let me be wise enough, so
that I would be able to write what I have to write as humanely as possible
according to God’s will.
Prayer to God Most High
I come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the
entire universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins, reconciliation,
cleansing, guidance and blessing. Father, I am praying and hoping that in your
mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me
spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would
become worthy to pray and my prayer would be accepted, and then be allowed to
write these religious writing, as humanely as possible according to your will.
Father, hear my prayer! Amen.
Now that I have
prayed to God Most High, I feel more confident that I can write about what I
believe needs to be pointed out to the readers of the Bible, and because I have
prayed God, God would very likely accept what I would write in good faith.
I believe that it
is important to note that there are a few written things that are incorrect in
the Bible, this does not mean that we should not accept the Bible as a good
religious book any longer, it only means that some of its content is not
correct, and therefore one should judge its content one by one. Now, just to
show you my readers what I mean, I am going to write some example hereunder.
First of all, I
have to admit that there are several things that I could talk about, which
could help if we try hard to understand all the reasons involved, why this has
happened; but I have to limit myself to the most obvious and important events,
which in a way they do not seem to add up. So today I want only to talk about
the Flood that never was as big as the Bible wants us to believe it was, and then
I want to talk about what happened after the Flood, in the Patriarch which is
again not possibly correct.
So, I have to say
that if one reads religious books properly and in this case the Bible, soon or
later one becomes aware that in some cases they have not been written properly,
because sometimes they might not agree within themselves, or there is something
that the writers of those times could not be aware of, because their knowledge
was according to what was known then. So, let us see what examples we can find
to show you, and one of the first examples that comes to my mind is the
Universal Flood
The Flood
There are reasons
to believe that the universal Flood has it is written in the Bible has never
been, because it cannot have happened to that extend, where all the earth would
be under water, but at the same time there must have been a flood, just because
it is written in the Bible, but it must have not been as widespread as it is
written in the Bible, and not at the time the Bible writers want to make us
believe it happened. If anything like the universal Flood happened, it must
have been several thousands of years before the date that the Bible claims The Flood has happened, and I will
explain you why hereunder.
Let me make this as
simple as possible, today the Dead Sea in the Middle East is 423 meters below
sea level and so are also the surrounding lands of the, Jordan valley- Israel-
Jordan, even the sea of Galilee is 208 meter below sea level, therefore a lot of
land in this geographic position is below sea level. (If you want to check this
out, Google lands below sea level in the Google bar) (Or use the link below
this paragraph if it works.) The point we want to make here is this; if there
ever was the Flood as the Bible claims it to have been, then all these low
laying areas should have been flooded, since the bible claims that all the
earth was under water, which has never been the case, I am saying this because
it is impossible for all that 423 meter deep of water to evaporate since then.
If there ever was
the Flood, it must have been much small than what the Bible claims, or it must
have happened hundreds of thousand years before, so what is written in the
Bible is not correct, this is the first reason why some events in the Bible are
not correct.
On this subject the
atheist would say that most civilizations have a story of a major flood that
happened for various reasons: we know they are right and we can find some of
these flood stories on the internet if we look for them, even in the Greek and
Roman religions, there is this flood that Jupiter with the other gods caused,
because people were bad and they wanted to destroy them, so the flood in the
Bible is not the only flood in history. Try this link below if it works:
Explaining timing example
In this example
again the timing elapsed between happenings events is wrong; I suppose this has
happened because in the past there was no way for them to keep records
properly, so it was easy then to make these sorts of mistakes.
I am talking about
this because I have noted it myself recently, while I was reading the Patriarch
in the Bible. Now, this does not imply that the religious book in question that
one is reading is false, (in this case the Bible) it only means that the writer
of the Patriarch wasn’t aware when he wrote the book that those dates or number
of years mentioned in his writings would not add up correctly.
Therefore, I am led
to believe that the writer must have been concerned only about the events, just
because it is the events that shows the way and makes one believe in religion,
whatever the believers need to believe.
But if something is
not written the right way then it is wrong, and it doesn’t make sense and one
should try to explain the reasons why it happened, and perhaps a way on how it
could be fixed; that is if that mistake needs to be fixed and could be fixed at
In the past
everyday people and even the writers themselves were not aware of these
mistakes because they were not as learned as nowadays, and perhaps also a bit
careless, because those who wrote the Patriarch could have done a better job if
they had checked what they were writing then. So, one is lead to believe that
they wrote only to keep religion going the best way they could and if something
was not correct it did not matter. As long as they were able to keep the believers’
faithful their job was done, and they have been able to do that until now. But
nowadays when almost everybody can read, and with the help of the computer in most
households if anything is not correct it will soon show up.
Therefore, some
religious books are long overdue to be explained, why they have been written
the way that they have been written, and could not be corrected in the past,
but they can only be explained for future readers. So I am going to try to do
some explaining myself, while I am writing these religious writings of, Prayers
for Reconciliation including Reconciliation of the Universe.
Now, before I
change to a different topic, let me say this; since I am writing most likely I
will make many mistakes, I know I will, because I am not a trained writer, I am
only a self-thought writer who is trying hard to write my religious points of
view, just the way I believe they are supposed to be written; So, if and when,
my religious writings were to be published: Hereby I invite the future learned
religious people or any other learned people of the world to set things right.
And above all I invite them to criticize and straighten any of my mistakes, and
try to improve my own ideas wherever they need to be improved.
Now, I need to
explain once again that what has driven me to write these religious writings
are some happenings in my life, so, it is all because I wanted to write down my
own religious beliefs, and therefore I wanted to read some religious books,
just to make sure that I would have the right ideas about what to say in
religious matters, even if my religious ideas may happen to be different from
my religious readings. So, I started to read from beginning to end the most
read religious book of them all the Bible, and as I kept reading it I became
aware that in Genesis although the writer mentions always how many years the
Patriarchs lived before the flood starting from Adam and so on, and all of them
seemed to have lived a very long life span compared to nowadays, but there is
no mention of the time past overall, and one can only guess that there was a
great length of time overall; this is from the creation of Adam and Eve, to
Noah and the flood, as written in the Bible.
So, I was led to
believe that the writer of Genesis did not have the knowledge of the time that
actually had passed between these events. And it seems to me that he is only
writing the story as it has been told from generation to generation, anyhow the
length of time is not very important, as everything is in the past, with the
exception of seeing whether it would be correct or not. The same thing happens
also later on, when the writers talk the events after the flood; so let us look
at the Patriarch after the flood.
After the flood
In The Patriarch,
after the flood, again the writer is writing a story the way that it has been
told from generation to generation. But here somehow it becomes too obvious to
an observant reader, that the numbers of years mentioned don’t add up at all,
because the number of years and the generations that the writer mentions, are
not enough to achieve the re-growth of the population, and the events that
happened during that mentioned time frame. So if the reader takes time to work
it out for himself, he would become aware that there must be quite a few
generations missed out, it also contradicts other length of time, and here I
would like to write everything down to show you what I mean.
Just to make it a
little bit easier to calculate, it would be helpful to take, The Flood, as year
zero, and then one could calculate the years that have passed since the flood
according to the writer list of The Patriarchs. So the following is how it
could be worked out.
Start counting
from, The Flood, taken as year zero. 0
Shem descendants,
only the first born would be written in here:
Shem, became the
father of Arpachshad two years after the flood; 2
Arpachshad, became
the father of Shelah, when he was 35 years old; 35
Shelah, became the
father of Eber, when he was 30 years old; 30
Eber, became the
father of Peleg, when he was 34 years old; 34
Peleg, became the
father of Reu, when he was 30 years old; 30
Reu, became the
father of Serug when he was 32 years old; 32
Serug, became the
father of Nahor, when he was 30 years old; 30
Nahor, became the
father of Terah, when he was 29 years old; 29
Terah, became the
father of Abraham, when he was 70 years old; 70
So, if we calculate
the number of years past according to this list, from the
Flood to the birth
of Abraham there are only 292 years accounted for. 292 years
Abraham lived for
one hundred and seventy-five years then he died. 175
Therefore, Abraham
died 467 years after the flood according to this list.
It is written in
the Bible that Noah lived 350 years after the flood, and Shem, the son of Noah
lived 500 years after the birth of Arpachshad, So that means that he lived 502
after the flood, then both Noah and Arpachshad should have been still alive at
the time of Abraham if the list above were to be correct. In fact, if
everything in the list was correct: Shem, the son of Noah would have been outliving
Abraham by 35 years, and that seems highly impossible.
Now we have also to
take into account the growth of the population that had tried to build the
tower of Babel during that time, which is after the flood and well before the
birth of Abraham, therefore 292 years as I have worked it from the list above,
could not be enough time for the population to grow that much and try to build
the tower of Babel. There is also the fact that they could not even think of
building the tower of Babel so soon after the flood, while Noah and Shem were
still living, because they could see what the people were doing and would
certainly forbid them to do that, since they would have known that it would
anger Yahweh. Therefore, they would certainly forbid the building of the tower,
and their offspring would listen to them, since they knew that Noah and Shem
had seen the power of God during the flood. Therefore, the building of the
tower of Babel must have happened at least a few generations after Noah and
Shem died.
By taking in
consideration what I have said above, I reckon that there is at least one
thousand years, and perhaps up to two thousand years not accounted for, in the
list of the Patriarchs as shown above.
Of course the
writer of Genesis never intended that the list above be understood as I do now,
it may be that he wrote the story as it was told by his ancestors, or perhaps
he wrote a longer list of the Patriarchs that got lost and nobody knows how to
find it now.
what I have said above, we have to take in consideration that when the book of
Genesis was first written, the writer had to overcome lots of limitations that
were present at those times. The very first limitation was that there were no
other religious books before this one; there wasn’t enough writing material to
write on; there were only a few people that were able to write. Almost
everything in those times was passed through words of mouth from generation to
generation, therefore when happenings were too old or too many to remember
people just started to forget them; and I am sure that there were even more
limitations that I have been able to mention, so many that one would never been
able to think of the many limitations of those times.
Therefore, the
writer of Genesis did a real great job, if one considers all the possible
limitations that were against him. And the book of Genesis is as good as could
have been written at that time, the value of the book stands high because one
has to read it as if it is correct for religious purposes.
Our views of
My dear readers, I
hope that after these explanations above that we have written, in out subtitle
article of “Explaining timing example” and “After the flood” you are able to
see what I mean, when I say that religions need to be reviewed, or at least
explained why they are written the way that they have been written, so that
people can still believe in religions and God, this also include the atheists,
whom believe in not believing in any religions at all, but you see even them
believe in not believing, therefore I have to conclude that mankind needs to
believe in something, one way or the other.
In these religious
writings of, Prayers for Reconciliation and Reconciliation of the Universe, I
am trying to write a theory about God of the universe that may help to achieve
religious co-operation worldwide including the atheists. This religious theory
is going to show how I believe the spiritual life forces of the entire universe
could coexist together, and they would able to achieve what needs to be
achieved, in order to run the spiritual part of the universe, which I believe
is in another dimension, and also be able to run our life on earth with
whatever links we are linked with to the spiritual dimension. I hope that you
follow our religious writings to the end to see what we are going to write, in
our theory of Reconciliation of the universe.
Anyhow, we have
written about this theist and atheist views and explained as much as we could,
but there is still a lot to be said and we will continue to write later on in
another article. So Reconciliation of the Universe is going to be continued.
See you next time.
May God bless us
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