Welcome to my blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post; We can prove that God exists
God can manifest himself in many ways, it is up to our own imagination to see God.
We can prove that God exists
Apart what we have already said in the
posts before, we believe that there is more to add in order to prove the existence
of God, because God could exist in many different forms, therefore it is up to
us to imagine how God can be like, but now, let me go back to what I found on
the Internet, and then I will write my own theory about God.
Just to show you an example, hereunder is
what T. Latham at hub pages says in answer to one of my questions about the
existence of God; my questions in hub pages were: How do you know that God
exists? The atheists say that there is no God. Can we prove them wrong?
Can we prove that God exists? This is one
answer I have received to my question.
This is what T. Latham said in answer to my
questions, and I quote:
Dr. Frank J. Tipler, a Mathematics and
Physics Professor at Tulane University, proves that not only does
God exist, but that the universe will be resurrected, and every living
soul will be resurrected to face God (Omega Point), and live eternally.
The theory is explained, and proven in his
book, "The Physics of Immortality." Tipler uses Math and Physics to
prove the theory, and he also makes the comparison by using a cone placed
upside down, showing the universe, the earth and its inhabitants, residing at
the bottom, or large base of the cone, and God sitting at the top or uppermost
point of the cone, which he calls "The Omega Point."
The book is a hard read for someone lacking
a science background, but Tipler has finally made a connection between Science
and Creation, and proves his theory with Math and Physics.
Mine is not a proven theory, but I feel
there is a connection with Einstein's Theory E = mc2. God exists as:
The Trinity (three separate or distinct
entities under one Godhead).
E = Energy (God) Father
m = mass (Jesus Christ) Son
c = Speed of Light (Holy Spirit) Mother
End of quote.
Can we prove that God exists? This is the
Thanks to the answer of T. Latham at Hub
pages today I am going to write this special hub, I am saying a special hub
just because it is outside my existing religious writings, which I am
publishing as I write them, so this hub will not fit as a continuity of my
published writings, but anyhow it deals with the same subject, therefore in a
way it can stand side by side.
Having said where this hub stands; now I
have to say why I am writing it; it is because I believe that God may well be
as Dr. Frank J. Tipler describe, just like in my half written theory of,
Reconciliation of the Universe, which one day I am going to finish and publish
on the net, my God is somehow similar to Dr. Frank J Tipler.
You may ask why I do not finish it and
publish it now? Well, I have to tell you that one of the reasons why I cannot
finish my theory of Reconciliation of the Universe is that I have first of all
convince religious people that the present nowadays religions need to be
modified, so I have to go the long and hard way about it, until I believe that
I have said enough to convince people that something needs to be done, and then
I will start doing it, by finishing to write Reconciliation of the universe and
publishing it.
Modifying existing religions sounds like
troubles, as it sounds like as it is the beginning of the end of the existing
religious system; in fact it sounds like the first trumpet in the Bible
Revelations; now, whether my religious writings are going to be the forerunner
of the first trumpet I do not know, the only thing I know is that I feel from
within my soul that I have to write my religious writing, and if I don’t write
them my life has not been worth living; therefore I have to try hard to find
the right things to write and then write them.
My theory of, Reconciliation of the
Universe is going to be written in very simple English, just because I do not
know any better, sometimes I think that perhaps it is the will of God that an
unlearned person like myself feels the need to write these God things. Then I
think that perhaps God wants an unlearned person to write religious things,
because God wants all sorts of people to understand what is going to be written
in the coming new system; God wants that because everybody can understand what
is being said and also because it would be easy to translate in a new language.
As we all know some minor world languages are very simple, so there is the need
for a simple written religious book, which would be easily translated in those
simple languages.
What Dr. Frank J Tipler and other learned
writers are writing could be just great for all those learned people that are
able to understand them; but for the simple people perhaps my theory could be
better, as it is easier for simple minded people to understand. Perhaps this is
God's will, and I have to write my own religious writings, So, I am going to
start with my own theory
of God exists at
least by definition.
May God bless us and guide us to understand
his will.
See you soon in our next hub called,
Spiritual circumstances
Religious Reconciliation Doc
The existing religions
Next time with more religious issues.
Some helpful religious links