Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and our post, There is a time for everything
May God help me say the right things?
There is a time for everything
Dear friends, from our own life
observations we may have reasons to believe that today we are approaching a
time in our lives when religious beliefs and other ways of life in general might
need to be changed somehow; so, let me say just a few more words about this
present time.
First of all I believe and I am sure that
most people would agree with me that there is a time for everything; here I
mean that things may continually change and what today seems just perfect for
us just the way they are; tomorrow those same things may seem completely out of
place, therefore, some adjustment would be required to make them good again and
be able to fulfill those things which were supposed to be fulfilled in the first
place for the benefit of mankind.
Now that we have started to talk about
there is a time for everything, let me go back to the facts that I was telling
you in the beginning, because this may be the real reason why I feel strongly
that there is a time for everything, since just now I feel that there are
things that need to be done now, perhaps this was also the reason why that
supernatural event happened to me, because it might have been set in motion by
my own spiritual circumstances, so let me say a few more things about it.
Even before the supernatural encounter that
I have mentioned before in my hub called, Prayers of reconciliation,(link) Prayers
for Reconciliation, 5 I was
aware that the world’s religions clashed with each others in many ways, and
that it was indeed time for somebody somehow to come up with some new ideas on
how to fix those differences, in order to make the world a better place to live
in, or at least keep it going the best way we could.
So, I was thinking and asking myself, what
anyone could possibly do to improve this unrealistic damaging religious
situation that exist today. Sometimes I ask myself how much of these beliefs
contributed to my religious vision.
Because I did find myself in this religious
dilemma as I have been saying above, I made an effort in order to understand
these religious situations better and also for my own good, so, I did some
research and read a few
religious books, and after reading and thinking a lot about what I had read, by
pure logic reasoning I came to my own conclusion of today existing religious
situation, therefore you see I have formed my own religious beliefs.
Here I want to point out to you that I have
reached my own conclusion by pure logic human reasoning, and I want also to say
this, I believe that we (the human race) are now ready and able to understand
our own religious situation better than before, and therefore, we are able to
do something about it these days, you see before it was a lot harder to do
anything religious and otherwise; but today it is a lot easier, because today
we are advancing rapidly in all fields of knowledge and learning, thanks to the
computer and other electronic devices that bring knowledge to the people at large.
So the people in general are now entering the age of knowledge and REASON, and
everything that in the future will not be able to stand to our logic benevolent
reasons, which is the scrutiny of all aspect of life and beliefs will be
rejected by humanity.
Now, having reached this stage of
understanding about the progress we humans are achieving today, I was looking
for some positive signs or news that humanity was doing something about it, in
order to rectify this religious problem that exist today; but I was shocked to
see that nobody was doing anything worthwhile which could be able to improve
the situation.
It was for this reason that I came to the
conclusion that perhaps I should be doing something myself, and having started
this thinking in mind I started to write a few articles just for myself to see
if I could come up with any good ideas on how to achieve something useful,
therefore I had already writing some of my own religious beliefs when that
supernatural encounter happened. Therefore, in a way I have reasons to believe
that perhaps it was just because I had written those religious articles that
supernatural encounter happened.
You may ask why I started writing them. And
I will tell you that deep within my heart my soul and my mind I was feeling
that I had to do something about these existing religious beliefs, because in
my mind eyes I felt as if I was called to write what I was writing then.
Here I am not going to be able to write all
the reasons why I am writing this last paragraph but what I would like to say
is that in a way the human race has left it become overdue, even though at the
same time one may say that humanity is advanced so much and we have reached the
age of reason, but even though we have reached the age of reason, we are not
really using all our mental capacity so to speak.
Dear friends, I have been talking a lot
myself, so I have not yet given you the chance to have your say, so now let me
only ask you this:
Do you think that by pulling our knowledge
together and working together we would be able to suggest how to improve the
present religious situation?
Since what we would like to achieve are
these things written below:
This could be the right time to start with
changing things, therefore;
We would like to set the stage for the
entire world to see
When you read these pages we hope that you
would agree
That here we are trying hard to find a way
to save all humanity
While we are praying God who may be willing
to save us for eternity
For this reason I am going to pray God to
help me.
I believe that I have said enough in this
post, so, see you next post.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
There is a time for everything
Next time with another religious post
Other religious links from same author