Monday, November 18, 2013

Bringing up the end of time discussions

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and our post, Bringing up the end of time discussions

The beast with seven heads; as the artist sees the descriptions of the Bible at the end of time.

Bringing up the end of time discussion
Welcome to our religious post, the biblical end of time discussion
May God help and guide us to write the right religious things in this chapter? The Biblical end of time discussions, being part also of Prayers for Reconciliation religious writings
This paragraph here has been written for our readers’ peace of mind:
To anyone who is a believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs, please read our Prayers for Reconciliation writings fully before you pass judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only an idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions together; therefore our religious beliefs and the existing religions will remain just the way they are today, but they will be explained in a way that they can be modified, and also whatever we do or say is going to take into consideration the existing religions first of all. So, don’t you worry if my religious writings could sometime sound different from the ways that we usually hear religions being preached, as it will all be explained as you read all our religious writings, and then, you can judge for yourself at the end of our religious writings of Prayers for reconciliation and Reconciliation of the Universe?
As we have already said in our religious articles, these religious writings are being written in good faith for the benefit of mankind. In these writings we are in search of ourselves in a religious way, so, while we are discussing what our theme is and in this case is the end of the bible, where in a way is forecast the end of time, or the end of the present existing Era. Now, while we are doing that we will be also looking for religious options that could improve links between religions. In our last article we have talked about; Prayers of Reconciliation. In this article we will be writing about: The Biblical end of time discussions, which include, Friendly religious discussions; John’s speech; The end of the Bible; Discussing Revelation and John's reading; The end of time personal views; and more discussions about the end of time.
We are trying to set the stage for the entire world to see
So, when you read these pages you might have to agree
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity,
In the hope that we would be living in God's peace for eternity
Therefore, I am praying God to guide and help me.

Public discussions

The end of time discussions

As we all know, as soon as something violent happens in the world that seems out of the ordinary, we soon ask ourselves whether it is just a normal violent happening, or something else that could threaten our lives, and then we ask ourselves whether this is the beginning to the end of the world, because that is the way that we have been always told, it is even written at the end if the Bible, which is supposed to be the book that God inspired, and some people firmly believe that the Bible is really the word of God. As we have often heard in the last book of the Bible called revelation, the end of this system is foretold, so people are religiously waiting for the world to end. But, is this foretold Bible Revelation really going to happen? Or does the book of Revelation mean something else and we have missed the real meaning of the Bible Revelations? This is what we are trying to discuss in this hub, in the hope that we come up with some positive answers and help the public understand better what it might mean?
Therefore in these articles we will be discussing about The Bible Revelation and the end of times. Or as the Greek call it apocalypse, which is a name that easily puts fear into everyone heart, for these reasons most people do not like to talk about the Bible Revelation, because they are a bit scary to say the least. You see, it is very hard to make sense of the whole Book of Revelation and why it has been written that way in the first place. In fact it sound too scary and for that reason it might not be true, because the whole book of Revelation might have been written to scare people into submission.
Therefore, anyone reading the Bible Revelation should ask oneself, is there really any reason why God wants these terrible things to happen to us; after all God is supposed to be the Father of all living being, therefore we cannot believe that God is going to be so cruel.
I have to say that for me and I hope for most of us God is supposed to be a loving Father. I hope you agree with my statement about God being good? So, why these Revelation were written in a way to scare us so much one may ask?
Anyhow, as I said in this hub, we are going to talk about the Bible Revelation, so, if you happen to believe in the Bible Revelation you should read this article, and then take part in those religious discussions that might follow, or write your own article on this subject if you like; as we would like to know your views about the Bible Revelation and other religious matters, even a short description of your beliefs will do, so please write a comment, if you can spare a little time?
So now, let us go back to what we were doing in our last article. Dear readers as you all know from our previous articles, we were meeting with religious friends to discuss religious matters as we have explained in the article Spiritual circumstances, 9, therefore we are meeting to talk about our religious views or reviews and in this case about the book of Revelation, in the hope to find a way out of this religious dilemma that we face today. Or as some of us call it, the end of time, anyhow let us discuss this article at length with our friendly discussions here under.

Religious discussions

Here are some of our friendly religious discussions

So, hereunder are some religious discussions that we have had with some of our close religious friends. It has happened some time after the first meeting when we had another religious meeting, I was hoping that by now my friends Mark and Gino would bring good news, and that they would be more helpful by accepting my religious way of thinking, but it was not going to be my way at all. In fact I wanted first of all to submit one of my prayers that I had written to show them, but I had no chance, this prayer has now been published in our article, Prayer of Reconciliation, this is the link to check it out Prayers of Reconciliation, 12, because I didn’t have the chance to show my prayer to them, I still don’t know whether they would have approved this prayer or not, but anyhow let us go back to the meeting.
At this new meeting, Mark and Gino came together with another friend called John, but as soon as they saw me they grew serious and they didn’t seem to be their usual self, as they are usually happy when we meet together, so, I guessed that I had given them a burden which at the present time seemed to upset them a bit.
So I asked them; what’s the matter my friends? Why aren’t your usual self happy? You seem very grave to me is there anything that is upsetting you my friends?
No, nothing is upsetting us accept the news that we are bringing you, (they said) which are not exactly those religious views that you would have liked to hear. You see we have been talking to a few people about what you would like to do, of course we did not tell them about your supernatural encounter, as we agreed with you that we should not talk about it with outsiders; so, we talked only about what you have intention to do, like reviewing the Bible and what it means or something of that sort, the outcome of these talks left us concerned as there is no way to know what people really think about religions nowadays, therefore now we are even more concerned than when we started asking those questions, for this reason we are here to show you what we have heard and what we mean.
Mark, Gino and their Friend John seemed a bit upset about what they were still going to say to me, so, I tried to put them at ease.
Well, (I said) I thought that this outcome was likely to happen, because people usually don’t like to think for themselves difficult matters and religion is perhaps the most difficult of them all, so people keep doing and believing what they have been told and thought to do and believe, as this is for them the easy way out, but really I believe that for sure there is another unexplored religious way and I would like to find it out.
Tell me a bit more about this religious exploration of yours: Did most people give you negative comments about what I would like to do? Or, did they also have some positive comments? If they did both what percentage were they?
Well, it is hard to say, but a rough estimate is that they seem to be about half of them, so 50% could be the right figure just to put a figure on that amount. But this is not all, because some of those people that didn’t like your religious ideas come on very strong, so we thought that it would be good for you to hear this first hand from our fried John, as John is one of them and really what he has been saying make sense to us too
Now if you agree we may hear what John has to say?
Okay I said, let John speak then, about these religious matters?
Now I believe that we have already said enough in this post, so we are going to let you know in our next post what John had to say.
See you soon

Religious Reconciliation Doc
Bringing up the end of time discussion
Next time with; John speech 
Other religious links from same author