Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and our post, Religious difficulties and needs
There are many religions in the world, and some of them rebel against other religions, we need a theory that could bring all these religions together, so we need a new way of religious understanding. We are going to suggest a few things that might help to achieve that, but that is not easy.
Difficulties and needs
As we have said in our previous post, religious leaders need to explain
to their followers that it is not right to be isolated anymore, because time
have changed, now it is time to look for links that might bring all religions
together, well that could be a start but we need a lot more than that to
achieve something worthwhile.
Now we need to say that even though we have in mind this theory that we
are writing, which might help to find a solution to our religious problems, at
the same time we know that the way to bring about this religious solution is
not going to be easy to find, or even to think about or describe in a positive
way, because there are many difficulties ahead of us: not only because there
are many subjects to deal with all at the same time in religious matters, but
also because people are used to the old religious ways, therefore they are not
going to accept any new religious ways easily. But as we have said something
needs to be done, because some of these old ways are absolute and they don’t
help very much in reconciling with other religions, and they seem to be there
only because that’s the way that has been for centuries.
But even though we think that it’s going to be hard to find a solution,
at the same time we believe that we cannot avoid these changes, because of the
continuous discordant religious problems which arise more frequent these days,
and therefore humanity needs to do something soon or later, because something
must be done to fix this religious problem. So, if one can think of a new way
how to run things, then, this new approach would be welcome and required. What
new approach you may ask?
Dear believer and reader, we believe that you have already noted that we
have written and changed a few things from the usual religious way in our
religious writings. So, I hope that these changes will make it easier for the
religious world to achieve what we are trying to achieve.
Now, first of all we have to explain once more to our reader in the most
human way possible, that in our religious beliefs in order to achieve what we
have set up to achieve, we have been forced to set everything one step higher
than nowadays existing religious beliefs, so that, all religions may be able to
converge at this highest point irrespective of their own origin or beliefs, and
therefore, we hope that soon or later these changes will achieve mutual
brotherhood and understanding for all religions together.
In our religious beliefs, the life force of God of the universe whom is
our Father God is the positive and active life-force that guides the whole
universe, and we refer to this absolute positive life-force as our Father God
Most High.
In other words God Most High is the highest of all existing positive
life-force that exist in the universe, and from this unique life-force all the
existing life and all existing gods were born and they exist only because this
life-force exists; therefore all existing gods no matter to which religion they
belong are linked by this force and to this force alone, and any one of them is
able to come out of this force and return to this force whenever it is so
required; so that, one can assume that there is only one God throughout the
universe, because everything starts from this life force.
All this set up, we will write down and explain later on in our religious
writings, and then you will understand easily what we mean as you read that
part of our religious writings called, Reconciliation of the Universe; but now
let us describe very briefly what this Reconciliation of the Universe theory is
all about.
In our next post we will be telling you about this theory or Reconciliation
of the universe. See you soon.
May God bless us all?
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Religious difficulties and needs
Next time with an outline of; Reconciliation of the universe theory.
Other religious links from same author