Welcome to our blog, Religious reconciliation doc
and this post, our religious discussions
Religious discussions
We need to discuss and reconcile religious issues, sometimes even those religious things that have been for a long time accepted from humanity need to be looked at and reconciled and that includes also religions, even if some of us don't like that idea, because, here it is not what we would like to do, but what needs to be done, in order to find the right solution to the problem.
We have to admit that there exists a solution already, if we all follow the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the greatest man that ever lived on earth and the best teacher of religion, while everybody else were discussing, he knew everything that there was to know. So it would be helpful to follow him, because even today his teaching would apply.
Religious discussions
Dear readers, as we have
said in our last post, we are going to start writing part two of our religious
writings, as you know these religious writings is about our study of religions
and why humanity needs religions.
As you know, we have
already written part one of our religious writings, so this is the beginning of
part two of our prayers for reconciliation; so, may God guide and help me to
say the right religious things?
Now, in these religious
writings of Prayers and discussions, being also part of Prayers for
reconciliation as we have said, we are going to talk about religions in general
terms, the aim of these discussions is that we would like to reconcile that
part of religion that doesn’t seem to agree with today religious views, as we
have already mentioned in part one; but before we start discussing let me write
a prayer to our Lord God, asking God to help me to write these religious
My Lord God, I am
praying you with all my heart, my soul and my mind hoping that in your mercy
you would forgive me all my life sins and you would make me clean of any
impurities that may affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to write
these religious writings according to your will. Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Now, let us go back
to our discussions; it is obvious that if we want to reconcile anything at all
and reach any sort of reconciliation we need to discuss our differences and
this is what these religious discussions in part 2 is all about. We would also
want to point out that our discussions here are about our own religious beliefs
and our aim is about modifying existing religions, because we see that they
need to be modified anyhow, so, we would like to modify existing religions in
such a way that they may remain helpful to all humanity. We know that this is
not going to be easy and it is going to alarm most religious people as it is a
controversial subject about their religious beliefs, and for this reason we are
going to repeat this article that has been written for our readers’ peace of
mind, just once more in this part of our religious writings:
For our readers’ peace of mind
To anyone who is a
believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs, we say, please read
our Prayers for Reconciliation writings fully before you pass judgment and quit
reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only a new idealistic theory,
which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps
non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions
together; therefore our religious beliefs and the existing religions may remain
as close as possible to the ways they are today. So, don’t you worry if our religious writings could sometime sound different from the ways that we usually hear
religions being preached in the churches and other places of worship, because
you don’t have to worry about it, as it will all be explained as you read all
our religious writings, and then, you can judge for yourself at the end of our
religious writings of Prayers for reconciliation and our new set up of
religious beliefs as suggested in Reconciliation of the Universe.
Anyhow, now let me
pray God to guide and help me, before we start our discussions;
My Lord God and
merciful Father, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, with all my
heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy You would guide and help
me to write this second part of Prayer for reconciliation, I ask this in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Religious discussions
These are our religious discussions or
reviews; may God help me say the right things?
When we look at the religious world of today,
we see that not everything works the way it should work, therefore we have
reasons to believe that we (the people of this world) need to discuss and
review religions, because that would be the right way to go about, since we
believe that this needs to be done for the benefit of all humanity, therefore
we have a duty to do it anyhow, provided we are able to find a way how to do
that. But, first of all let us see the most important articles that we have
already written in part one and if we can state also the reasons why we have
written them, in the hope that we would be able to bridge part one with this
part two and our final part three, Reconciliation of the universe; we would
like to do that hoping that we would be able to continue in the right
Now, the most important articles that we have
already written deal about religions and religious beliefs, perhaps the reasons
that they have been written was because of the extremist groups that use
religious beliefs in such twisted ways, in order to get their own believers to
do terrible things, like the 9-11 terrorist attack and other things that are
just as bad; but that is not all, because today while I am editing this article
the Islamic State terrorist group are killing innocent people, just because
they don’t belong to their religious group; but there is more, we have also
written them because of the atheists threats that want religions to disappear.
So, these religious articles are being
written first of all to find a way how to avoid or minimize the terrorist
threat, for this reason we are thinking that some religious changes are
required, since the terrorist groups are very active these days; for this reason,
today the atheist group is in second place, as the atheist threat is not as
dangerous as the extremist groups. Anyhow, in order to reply to these atheist’s
non beliefs of God and religions and also to see if we could find anything that
could help us to find a way of how to stop the extremist movement killing
innocent people, we have written a few articles about some religious subjects,
one of this subject is about the existence of God, in the hope that the atheist
see what we mean by that and moderate their attack on religions.
Anyhow, in order to prove to the atheists
that God exists, we have written hub 3, Man needs God where we claim that God
exists at least by definition, but, then we see that there must be more than
just definition and so we kept writing about other explanations including this article
of Man needs God because it has been so for centuries, or since the beginning
when man became able to think abstract things, so, they started to invent many
gods as we know from the world history and many other things.
Now let us talk about God and how we see God
today, we believe that perhaps God may be different to the God described in the
Bible and so we have formulated a new sort of theory hoping to find a way to
describe this new living God, who can be just about anything that bears life
energy capable of helping life to exist. You can check this hub out with this
link herewith: Man needs
God, 3, we are going
to say a lot more about this new
form of God in our last part, Reconciliation of the universe.
We have also written religion of the future,
where we explain the needs for a new form of religion. This is the link if you
want to check it out. Religions
of the future, 4, in this article we start saying that some religious changes need
to happen soon or later, so let us start thinking about these coming changes.
Then of course we have published Prayers for
Reconciliation, which is really the main theme of this religious writings, here
is the link to check it out, Prayers
for Reconciliation, 5 and we
have also had some discussions with our friends and members of the public about
religions, with this in mind now we are going to write some religious views.
We believe that this post is already too
long, so, we will be writing about those religious writing views in our next
post; see you then.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Our religious discussions
Next time with; religious writing reviews
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Next time with; religious writing reviews
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