Welcome to our blog, religious reconciliation doc
and this post, meeting with our religious friends
Meeting with our religious friends
-We need to discuss and reconcile things, sometimes even those things that have been for a long time accepted from humanity need to be looked at and reconciled and that includes also religions, even if some of us don't like that idea.
In these religious articles, we usually discuss about the Bible, because the Bible is the original book for us who live in the western world, but there are other religions as well, which could be able to influence our religious issues that exist today. So, in reality we should learn all the main religions, and then discuss them all together, perhaps this might give us the right direction to follow.
Today, there are many places that invite you to study the Bible, which is a good thing to do; but one should be aware that these places are there to promote the Bible. So they are not there to solve all existing religious problems; our views are that to solve today religious problems, we humans should try to find our own new religious way.
Meeting with our religious friends
Dear readers, this post is the continuation
of our previous religious post, religious writing views, where we were about to
have a meeting with our religious friends. Anyhow, the other day the meeting
that I had organized took place. So, I have met our friends and talked about
the religious subjects that we have been talking about in our previous post,
here I have to say that on certain religious aspect they seem to go past my own
ways of dealing with the situation, at least some of their speeches seemed to
point that way, so, let us hear what Mark, one of my friends that usually like
to put up his views had to say.
Mark speech in a nutshell,
If we want to find hidden meanings in the
Bible and see why the Bible has been written the way it has been written, and
also understand why we have been taught to understand the Bible the way we have
been taught to understand it, then, we have really to start from the very
beginning and use our logic reasoning minds to see if what we have been taught
stands up to our logic human reasoning; therefore, if and when it does stand up
to our logic human reasoning as we believed it could, we have to try to
understand what were the reasons and why it was written like that, and then we
can decide how to proceed.
So, let me tell you how I see these religious
issues: In my opinion I feel that in those times when the bible was written the
way the Bible was written, it would have made sense to the believer of those
times; you see people have always needed religions and a God that could be able
to protect them from what they themselves would not be able to protect
themselves, so this God that was shown to be superior to the other existing
gods of those times was needed and welcomed from the believers, after all the Israelite
needed this God to free them from the Egyptian, so Moses their leader provided
just that God when he went on Mount Sinai and met Yahweh (God) as a burning
bush, from there we know the rest of the Jews story, the story that for
thousands of years has gone on and has become the largest religion in the
world; this religion was started with Moses on Mount Sinai, and now it has
taken over most of the religious world.
Here I would like to point out that this
religion has done a lot, and has guided lots of people in a meaningful way and
it has lasted until today, I have said it has lasted until today because we
don’t know what is going to happen in the future. Because as you all know today
there are some people that do not need religions anymore, since time have
changed and that feeling of danger from the unknown is not constantly present
as it was in the past. So, some people like the atheists feel safe and feel
that they can survive by themselves, so, they would like to see religions
disappear, and who knows it might even happen in the far away future, we can
never know.
Now let me say how I see religions today:
Today we have to view religions in two different ways; the negative part of
religion exists because some of the Muslim religions are becoming terrorists,
these would be religious terrorist groups are a real threat to everybody
including religions themselves, so we have to hope that somehow they will end
soon, before something really bad happens on a large scale.
However, I have to say that my personal views
are that most people still need religions just the way they are today, you see;
we have always needed religions even if the atheists believe that we do not
need them now? But, really how could we just let religions disappear? I believe
that it could not and would never happen.
We need to look at today religious set up as
a way of life that has been proven for centuries to work well with people; therefore,
people could not and would not accept any religious changes easily. If we can
work out what can be done to change some religious beliefs without upsetting
the whole system, then maybe we would be able to move to the next religious
system, which very likely is inevitable: I am saying it is inevitable because
everything changes with time and also religions change; one has to look in the
past to see that two thousand years ago people had different religions. I
suppose I can say many other things about religions, but I suppose I have to
let our other friends have a say if they so wish, so, that is all from me for
the time being.
Our views and more speeches
When Mark stopped talking; I, Gino and
another two of our friends that were interested in these religious talks said
that we understood what he had said. But at the same time I and perhaps Gino
thought that really there was a need to say more, in order to have some idea
where we were going to go in a religious way. There and then we knew that Mark
did not go far enough to say that we needed a sort of religious review. So, I became
aware that Gino wanted to say something and asked Gino to say something
himself, very well knowing that sometimes Gino is very crafty in his ideas.
Now before I write down what Gino had to say,
I want to inform our readers that in this religious writings, we will try to
keep speakers to a minimum, so, I, Mark and Gino will usually speak for all our
friends that are interested in these religious talks, I believe that it could
be easier for everybody to understand what is going on, instead of nominating
many speakers.
Gino speech
I know that our friend Mark has said many
wise things that make sense, but what he said stops short of giving us a
solution about reviewing the Bible and any other religious books, indeed it is
hard for any of us to find a solution for these religious problems, therefore I
believe that a straight way cannot be found, so, we may have to find another
way around that might not upset religious people and at the same time suggests
something about what is happening, or what may be going to happen in the future
to religions, because of these present situations about the atheists and also the
extremist groups, as Mark has pointed out. So, the only thing that I can
suggest is that we can indeed review the Bible interpretation, but we have to
be very careful, and therefore make sure that everything is written in such a
way that is all seen as a suggestion of the possible present situation. It
needs to be written mostly in a conditional way with plenty of ifs and maybes,
so that the readers can make their own minds up as they go along; we also need
to remind the readers that what is being written are only suggestions, so only
time will tell what is going to happen to religions in the future.
Well that is how I see this situation and
what we might be able to do about it today; this is the main thing I wanted to
say to you, now you can make up your own mind.
Gino stopped talking and we said, your idea
sounds good perhaps we should indeed try to review the Bible and any other
religious books soon, perhaps when we meet again. After that we started to have
some other friendly talks that are not important to mention here.
I believe that we have said enough in this
article, so, see you in our next post about, Bible reviews are necessary, after
all we also want to study all sorts of religions, studying religions and how
they work could be the only way that one day could provide a solution to these
religious problems.
May God help us to understand this religious
May God bless us all?
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Meeting with our religious friends
Next time with; Bible reviews are necessary
Other links from same author
Next time with; Bible reviews are necessary
Other links from same author