Saturday, December 11, 2021

Religions need to continue.


Today there are several religions in the world, so, we have many places of worship, but if there is only one God throughout the universe, they should be able to become one single religion one day. Well at least that is what we believe can happen, because we need God and religions need to continue. 

Welcome to our article,  Religions need to continue. 

May God help me write the right things.

Dear readers, I believe that we have always believed in God, because Man needs God. and religions, it is an inborn need within us, we believe that it has been like this since the beginning of the world. If you read history books or old classic books, they will show you that mankind has believed in many gods and religions, therefore, religions need to continue. But today the atheists and the terrorists make it hard for us to believe in God. Now, to overcome these negative things about religions, we believe that religions need to fall in line with the modern times, even if one day religions need to be modified, but that is in the future.

Anyhow, let us take a break from these future religious talks, to see what is happening around the world today. Because it is nearly Christmas time, so, everybody and everything seems to remind us of the coming Christmas festivities and the season greetings that we usually send. Therefore, I want to wish our readers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Now that I have said my season greeting, I can tell you what’s on my mind and then go back to talk about religions, since these Christmas feasts seem to be religious, even if at their beginning, they were not religious, but they were there to give joy to the people involved.

Today, as we know, Christmas is a religious happening and a religious feast, so, one could ask, how would people react if there were no more Christmas? So, Christmas needs to continue.

This is also one of the reasons why religions need to continue as they are, you see people like feasts, they like to belong in something that binds them together, it has been so since the beginning of recorded times, therefore, there are times when it does not matter whether the feast is religious or otherwise.

I am saying this because, today religious orders are under threat, from atheists, and from the extremist groups who pretend to do God’s will, when they do harm to their fellow man. The atheists want religious people to prove the existence of God, when God and the spiritual forces are in another dimension, now since science cannot see or prove the existence of another dimension as being spiritual forces, they assume that God may not exist. They do not see that we need God to exist, and God, is the life-force that makes life possible on earth.

Having said that, now let us see, what the people would do if there was no more Christmas; do you think that Christmas will disappear, and nobody will care about it? Or do you think that Christmas will be missed by the people? So, let us see what the origin of this present feast of Christmas was, before it became a modern religious feast that we celebrate these days.


What is the origin of Christmas? 

Today Christmas means different things to different people, in the western world we have Santa that gives presents to children, and many other things, anyhow, every one of us as their own ways to demonstrate our feelings for Christmas, sometimes even with a song of our own on YouTube; The Christmas Song (Jayesslee cover)

Grinchmas Part 2 - Day 16 Advent Calendar

Anyhow, today when we talk about Christmas, we wonder, what are the origin of our present Christmas feast, most of us want to believe that Christmas is the birthday of our lord Jesus Christ, but when we work it out from the scriptures it is not right. Some people say that Jesus Christ birthday is in October and they might be right, but in this case it does not matter when it is really, because it has been changed to coincide with another ancient feast, therefore, the origin of our Christmas feast was not the birthday of our lord, because it was once an old Roman feast called Saturnalia. This feast name came from the god Saturn who was once the ruler of all gods and everything on earth and ruled during the Golden Age.

Saturn was the son of another two gods, his father was called Heaven and his mother was called earth, well not exactly like that but that is the equivalent in English. I could say a lot more about god and goddesses, but here we are talking about the origin of Christmas. Anyhow, as we have said, Saturn ruled during the Golden Age, when there was abundance of food and everything else for the human race; therefore, this was the reasons why the Romans had Saturnalia, which was a feast of plenty and everything else like a carnival. In the Roman tradition, the feast of Saturnalia was held during the winter solstice.

The Saturnalia feast has another meaning,, because the winter solstice is when the days in the Northern Hemisphere are very short, so, the ancient people thought that their sun god was abandoning them, so, they had to do something to get their sun god back; therefore, the winter solstice feast is also the feast of the rebirth of the sun, which many ancient religions used to start a new sun year going. Here we are afraid to say that there were religions that used human sacrifices, so that their sun god would continue to shine for them.  

People then were ignorant, and even in the Bible these sacrifices are mentioned, but God Yahweh knew that human sacrifice must not to happen, so, he ordered animal sacrifice when the Jews had a religious service. Anyhow, religions do strange things, but we believe that religions need to continue, because people like to believe.

Anyhow, let us discuss briefly the human or animal sacrifice of the old religions, and try to see the signs that they have left even today. We know that old religions believed that the gods needed a sacrifice every now and then, in those times the sun was thought to be also a god that gave life to every living thing, so, they sacrificed to the sun and other gods as well, in order to keep those gods happy and favorable for the rest of the community, of course, to do that they had worked out a great ceremony where all their people took part.

Today this outrageous practice to keep the gods happy is not used anymore, but even today if people observe closely this is being perpetuated in our religious services, but it is only in words and in our spiritual beliefs and no real sacrifice takes place. These human sacrifices were changed from Yahweh God of the Israelite, who replaced the human sacrifice with the animal sacrifice, and later this was changed again, if you have attended any Christian religious service, especially the Roman Catholic Church, at the most important part of the mass the priest says, This is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world; this means that Our Lord Jesus Christ has made the last sacrifice for everybody and no other sacrifice is required, because he took away all the sins of the world. This changing of religious things means that religions can be changed and in the future religions will change even if it takes a long time to do so.


What could be changed?

As we have said above, the feast of Christmas has been changed three times already; these changes were brought about from other changes, since these changes happen from time to time. Today we can see other changes happening; so, what we can do to make it happen the best way we can. We believe that we need to keep religions and religious feast as they are today, so that people can continue to enjoy what they know. We need only to look at Christmas to see that it took a long time for the change to take place from Saturnalia to Christmas, and it happened because people like festivities and get together, when they are fun like the Saturnalia. You see, people don’t accept changes easily and if any changes are going to be achieved it must be done gradually and in such a way that would accommodate everybody.

Now, let us go back to the beginning of this article, where we state that religions need to continue, therefore the atheists, the scientists and the extremist groups need to rethink their strategies. Because the only way that religion can change, is that we can modify religions slowly; so, this is what we have in mind to suggest, we would like to suggest a way of how we can get everybody willing to embrace a super God and religion, that can connect all existing religions together, this is a theory about a super religion that will set every existing religion one step lower than the new super God and religion; and thus it can link all religion together.

This religious theory that we are talking about is one of the several theories that can help achieve religious reconciliation; so, we have called it Reconciliation of the Universe, it may not achieve universal reconciliation, but it aims to achieve those reconciliation required, for the benefit of mankind. Now that we have said it, we need to continue to work on it, so that we can connect everything that needs to be connected, in order to work the best way, it can work.

Dear readers, we hope you will follow our religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, which is part three of all our religious writings. You see, what we have written in part one and part two, is to explain the reasons why we need to come up with this new religious theory. Therefore, in part three, we will write how this theory works, under a Super-God that represents life, because religions need to continue.

Anyhow, we will write more articles, before we start part three, Reconciliation of the universe, starting with,  Religious theory

To see more click on this link, Religions need to continue

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Discussions about the New Testament.


The Bible Old Testament is the Jews religious history, which lasted until the time of Jesus. But the Bible New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and his preaching and teaching. Jesus teaching were about love and understanding, which is different from the Old Testament, where everything was based more on fear than love, this gave rise to a new way of religion, as the Christian now it today. 

Welcome to our article, New Testament discussions. 

May God guide and help us to say the right thinks?

Dear readers, in our last article we talked about the Bible, being the Hebrew history and a religious book as well. But today we want to talk about The New Testament. We know that these religious issues are complex, and they take a long time to understand, for example today we are working to find a way, how to survive the atheist attacks; how to stop pedophilia in the religious orders and how to stop extremists to use religions for their own violent acts, which is absurd the way that religions are being used from these extremists.

These religious issues happen because of the way religions have been made in the past, yes religions have been man-made for the purposes of controlling the people, but today they are not working the way they are supposed to work; of course, we accept that God and other spiritual entities need to exist, for this reason we should continue to believe in God and religions.

Anyhow, because we believe in God, in the last post we have written about the Old Testament, which is the religious book that tells us how this religion was made in the beginning. Anyhow, today we want to find ways that can help religion survive, the atheists and extremist attacks. Because of the actions of these groups, the religious community needs to ask, whether it is wise to believe in religions the way they are today, or we should look if there is a better way. Anyhow, we have to keep in mind that we have talked about the Old Testament, in our last article, so, I have asked Mark to comment on the New Testament. Now, let us see what Mark is going to say.


Comments on the New Testament. 

Dear readers, today I have been asked from Frank to comment on the ‘New Testament’ and the existing religions as I see them today. You know, every one of us sees religions in a different way. Anyhow, last time we talked about the Old Testament, today we will talk why we switched from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and if the New Testament is going to last forever.

If we look back in time, we will see that there were religions that were practiced for a period of time, and then they were abandoned for another religion, but religions have always existed, as far back as any human record can be found, therefore, religions are necessary to humanity, if they were not necessary, humanity would not have invented them.

Now you start thinking that I am an atheist. No, I am not an atheist, but I believe that God exists, and the spiritual world exists, even if we find them in another dimension.

Now, let us talk about the New Testament, how it was connected to the Old Testament, and how can connect to future religious beliefs, since I believe that everything in the world is linked and this includes religions.

Anyhow, religions are so made that they try to give the people something back when they follow religions, most of them promises future benefits even if these benefits are to be found after dead in the spiritual world, but people see those benefits important and follow religions.

Now, since with the passing of time things change, the value of the benefit can change, perhaps not the afterlife benefit because nobody knows if they even exist, since nobody can come back from the dead and tell us; but other benefit that are more down to earth change.

For this reason, religions need to change to fit the needs of the people, what I have said may sound unreal, but that is what happens. Now let us look, why the change occurred from the Old Testament to the New Testament.


Explaining why the New Testament.   

To explain why the New Testament came about, we must look at religious history, where we will find that old religions gave way to new religions, during religious changes that occur from time to time; in the Old Testament Yahweh is the Hebraic God that the Hebrew people worshipped, and this worship was renewed  by Yahweh freeing the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharaoh who was keeping them as slaves.

But Yahweh was a tough god to deal with. The reason why Yahweh was a tough God to deal with, it was because the Israelites were also tough people to deal with; in other words, I believe that people get the god that they deserve according to their behavior. Just think what the Hebrew were doing, when Yahweh was leading them to the Promised Land. People in those times were very tough and violent; therefore, they needed a tough god and tough laws to guide them in the right direction, that is the reason why the Old Testament was violent. This type of religion lasted for a very long time, as it was needed until things changed.

Now to give a description of what happens next, let us say that God saw that the people had become tamer, so, God thought to bring a new religious way, and this is when Our Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth to show us how to live peacefully on earth with this new religious way, which today is known as Christianity; so, let us talk about The New Testament and Christianity.


The New Testament is about Christianity. 

Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, it has several different denominations, they all derive from the change of religions that our lord Jesus Christ brought, with his teaching in words and examples. Jesus was able to change the Ten Commandments without losing any of their meaning, by saying that we should love God our Father and should love our neighbors as ourselves. This is what I believe he wanted to say, even if he used different ways or words.

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the greatest prayer that the world has ever known, when he was asked how we should pray our Father in heaven, Jesus gave us 2000 years ago; The lord’s prayer, which is the prayer that we pray even today, starting with: Our Father who art in heaven; and so on. I hope you see what I mean.

So, we know the New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and his religious teachings. Jesus Christ teaching were followed by many people, so, a new religion was formed, which we call today Christianity, which is near one third of the world population, these new religious teachings of Jesus formed the New Testament, which has lasted for 2000 years, and we will be using them in the future. 

Here I want to point out that the teaching of Jesus Christ was about love and humbleness, like you should love your Father God, and love your neighbor and don’t do anything to others that you would hate if anyone did it to you. We can add that Jesus Christ taught us to be merciful. So, Jesus Christ was a loving person and taught only about love. So, the New Testament is about love your God, and the Old Testament about fear your God.

So, our Lord Jesus Christ was a very loving person, but let me point out something odd that happens at the end of the Christian Bible, I find that at the end of the Bible suddenly Jesus Christ personality has changed suddenly. This is out of place with the rest of Jesus Christ teachings, this last book is called Revelations, where the end of the existing system is forecast, we find that the Lord Jesus Christ is behaving like Yahweh in the Old Testament, therefore, we are suspicious whether it is our Lord Jesus Christ that dictate Revelation through this angel.

Anyhow, Revelation is written in a dramatic way, it seems that it has nothing to do with the New Testament and the way that our lord Jesus Christ was teaching us.

Now, let me say briefly something else, Christianity achieved two major things, one was that it split the old Jewish religion, one part of this religion is today Judaism, and they still use most of the old Bible, in their religious book called the Torah, and the other one was that the pagan religion came to an end, after a few century, when Christianity took over under Emperor Constantine. That is all for now, let somebody else have their say.


Revelation discussion.  

Our friend Gino speech

Dear readers, I have been asked to say something, and I am willing to say something, but I will be as brief as possible.

Anyhow, I believe that I have said something on this subject a while ago, so, I am continuing to tell you, how I see this last chapter in the Bible called Revelation. My personal beliefs are that Revelation is a separate issue from Jesus Christ teaching in New Testament. If we look at the way it has been written, revelation is another violent episode that the whole world is going to be subjected to, if and when it happens, therefore, it is as if we are going back to the Old Testament, where the fear of God was the main driving force, I am sure that it has been written for that intention in mind, in other words to control the people through fear. Of course, there must be another explanation for it, and I am still trying to understand.

But, today the only other thing that I want to point out, is that the intentions of Jesus Christ and the New Testament, is all about wanting to guide the believers through love and understanding and not through fear, therefore, the book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, seems to be out of place. I hope you see what I mean.

See you later.


 My comment and conclusion. 

Having seen what Mark has said about our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught love and humbleness, we cannot avoid becoming suspicious of the reasons why Revelation has been written like that. It was to change things, for this reason we believe that today religions need to be modified. When we talk about modifying religious meanings, we are talking about what is hidden behind those meanings that we see at first sight, and the reasons why they are like that. Here I may suggest that Revelation has been written like that, because there was no other way to keep the Christian people together in those troubled times.

Anyhow, we must assume, that because these religious problems exist. If we want religions to survive, we must modify them, and if modifying religions is not enough, then religions need to be changed in such a way that they have to survive, because man needs God and religions, it has been so, since the beginning of the world.

Therefore, we want to suggest that a modern religious way needs to be brought about with a modern method, which has got to take in all particulars of each and every religion that exist today, once we have done that we have to try to fit all the pieces together, as we do with a jigsaw puzzle. In other words, we must try to find the way of how life and religions complement each other, and there is no difference if one belongs to another religious group.

We need to show religious people that they can be together, they can stay together because the life energies of the universe and the spiritual energies of the universe are together, and we are all connected to them, also life and spiritual things form a never ending life cycle of the universe, in fact, God can be described as the life giver; this is what we are going to put forward in our last part of our religious writings that we call, Reconciliation of the universe.

Now, if we are able to do that, then with this new theory, it is possible to explain how everything including spiritual things may exist in the universe and how religions can co-exist together in the future to serve humanity, as it has done in the past, I know that this may not be easy, but we must try, it is the only way to find out. You see, we believe that religions need to continue. I think we have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article, Religions need to continue. 

To see more click on this link, New Testament discussions

May God bless us all.


Friday, October 22, 2021

The Old Bible is Hebrew History.


The Bible is the Israelite history and religious book. So, what we call today the Bible, is a book with a double tusk, in the Bible the Israelite people wrote their history, and this includes the religious side of their history. For this reason later it became a religious book. 

Welcome to our article, The Bible is The Hebrew History 

May God guide and help me say the right things?

Dear readers, in the ancient world people history and religions were written together, so, what happened was written mostly as religion, because it was the religious leaders that knew how to write and what to say, and then, what to do to control the people. For this reason, the Hebrew history and their religious beliefs were written in the Bible, according to the times when they were written. S0, THE OLD TESTAMENT OF THE BIBLE IS THE JEWS HISTORY. 

Anyhow, today we use the Bible as a religious book, but if we read the Bible and forget that the Bible is a religious book, then, we can see that it is more Hebrew history than religious writings.

We could also see that those religious writings, were written to control the Hebrew people, which were hard to control and in those times religions were used to control the people, they had to be like that to survive what happened around them. Here I want to make this observation, today there are still religions that control the people, the Islamic religions are an example, in some cases religions are more powerful than the government of the day.

Anyhow, the history of the Israelite is that they were strong headed people, so, a strong God was needed to control them and tell them what to do. This is the reason, the Hebrew God Yahweh had to be powerful. Can you imagine a powerful god that created everything and created man from plain dirt? This God was powerful indeed.

The Hebrew were indeed headstrong and selfish people. Try to imagine the Israelite when they were in the desert and what they did, even after seeing all those things that Yahweh their God had done for them. Since they were delivered from the Pharaoh slavery, because of the seven plagues and other things that Yahweh did for them, and then, the crossing of the Red Sea; but even though they had witnessed all these supernatural things, they had still their rebellious ideas that they wanted to follow, instead of following their God Yahweh.

Now, we need to say that this article is being written to discuss about what is written in the Bible. So, it seems to me that there must be another explanation, why the Israelite did not follow their God, perhaps God did not do all those things that the Bible says God did?

So, we believe that the Hebrew God Yahweh is less powerful than the way he has been described in the Bible from the Hebrews. So, let us look at the Israelite in the Sinai desert.


The Israelite in the Sinai desert. 

The Bible says that the Israelite stayed a long time in the Sinai desert, at the beginning the Israelites were given laws from Yahweh their God through Moses: they were counted and assigned there place around the tabernacle, they were given their tasks as Yahweh God told Moses. This is written in the first five books of the Bible. Anyhow, what is hard to believe here is that Yahweh God dictated just about everything through Moses. Therefore, here we may ask,  if Yahweh God did all this programming?

Or it is more likely that because Moses and Aaron were in charge of this fastidious group of Israelite, who were never happy about anything, so, they had to be guided with whatever means possible, so, they exaggerated what Yahweh was telling Moses to control them. Anyhow, what was written in the beginning might have changed, because it was written and re-written later many times. Anyhow, these religious laws were written is such a way that the Israelites were bound to follow them. We believe that the people then were guided by religions more than today.

If we want to compare the old religions with today religions, we must look at those religions that have not changed much, and they retain still that religious control of the people, one of these religions is the Muslim religion, which does not seem to have changed at all.

You see, today no matter what we do or say about religions, we have doubts in our minds, in fact, we are not even sure if God exists; anyhow, this is how we see religious things today. Anyhow, if Yahweh God really came down to earth and helped the Israelites, how come that every now and again the Israelite people had doubts about their God; may it may be that God did not do as much as the Bible said he did?

You see, if today anything happens the way that the Bible claims they happened, I am sure that everybody would follow religion and their God blindly. But there are things and happenings that don’t add up the way they should; one of these happenings is this: Yahweh had promised the Israelites the Promised Land, but as we know the Israelites of those times did not follow God blindly, in fact, they did not believe that they could take over the Promised Land from the people that were there, as God had promised them, and for this reason Yahweh punished them by making them stay in the dessert for forty years, that is until all those people that had doubts died and a new generation took over.

This happening makes us ask many questions, so: what was the reason why the Israelites did not believe in God Yahweh? Was it because God did not do those things that the Bible claims he has done? Or is this an invented religious story written to control the Israelites? We do not know.

As you can see, we end up questioning the questionable, above all whether these religious things happened as the Bible claims, or they were written from religious leaders, so, they could control the people better in those old times. 

Now let us see what happens in the religious circles today, because we believe that religions and everything else changes with time. You see, if we look at the world religious history, there have been many changes; so, let us talk about it.


From old to modern religions. 

As we have seen, there are questionable things in the Bible Old Testament; so, today we want to find a way how to explain to our readers those religious doubts, that we have when we are reading the Bible, and what can be done about it, in other words what we should do about them.

What we are saying is not that we should change that is written in the Bible, to the contrary, we should keep what is written in the Bible the way it is, because the Bible belongs to the past and the past cannot be changed; but we should learn from it and together with other things that we have learned we should plan for the future, because religious changes can happen in the future. Of course, this is not the first time that humanity has done that, if we look back at history we will see that many religions have given way to new religions, the way that we see this is that religions have got to agree with the times they are in, if they don’t the public will move away from them.

So, we believe that today, we need to move from the old religions to modern religions, it is the sign of the time, since everything else is changing; so, we should get ready for the religions of the future.

Anyhow, let us go back to talk about the Bible religions and Christianity, today as you know the Old Testament is no longer the most important part of our religious beliefs, since The New Testament is what western religions are following, therefore, religions are like everything else, they have their life span, so, soon or later they become too old and they have to be modified.

Now we believe that there must be a way for a modern religious system, so, this is what we are suggesting in these articles. Here I have to say that I am writing these religious writings, because I feel that something is going to happen soon, so, I want to talk about it.

Of course, we have a theory in mind that we are writing and publishing, in our next group of articles in part three, where God is the life giver of every living thing. But before we do that we need to say a few other things, starting by looking briefly at the New Testament in our next article, since this is another link of the chain that binds every religious thing together. So, see you next time in our article, New Testament discussions

To see more click on this link,  The Bible is The Hebrew History

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Israelite exodus from Egypt.


The Bible says that Moses one day went up Mound Sinai, where he met God in the form of a burning bush, God told Moses to go back to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh to free the Israelite from slavery. Moses thought that this was not a good idea, since he had been banned from Egypt, so he asked God, who should I say has send me, God replied, Yahweh. 

Exodus and the Mosaic Laws 

Welcome to our article, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws 

May God guide and help me to say the right things?  

Dear readers, because there are several religions in the world, we need to learn about them, before we can say what we think about them. So, today we are looking at religious event that have shaped western religion. So, we want to review these events to refresh our memories, then in the future compare them to other religions, if we need to. In this article we will talk about, Israel exodus from Egypt, which is an important event as written in the Bible.

In the Old Testament according to the Bible, Moses was to be killed from the Egyptians when he was born, but his mother abandoned him on the river Nile hoping for a miracle, and the miracle happened because he was saved from the river Nile from an Egyptian princess that had no children, he grew and learned in the Egyptian court the Egyptian’s ways.

One day he was attracted to his people, and he learned that he was an Israelite and not an Egyptian. Anyhow, he did something bad and the Egyptian Pharaoh banned him from Egypt into the Sinai desert. So, he went in the desert thinking about his people and walking towards Mount Sinai, near Mount Sinai he met some shepherd and stopped with them. Anyhow, he did not know that he had been selected by God to be the Hebrews leader that would lead the Hebrews back to the Promised Land, which God had given to Abraham their forbear. 

One day Moses felt the need to go up Mount Sinai to investigate what was there, since he was seeing signs, so, he went up Mount Sinai and saw a burning bush, but this burning bush was different from a normal burning bush, because while it was burning it did not burn out, a voice from this burning bush told Moses; stop where you are and take your shoes off you are on sacred land; this was the voice of God who appeared in the form of a burning bush and spoke to Moses; God said that he had heard the children of Israel laments and prayers to him, so, he wanted to help them to be free from the Egyptian bondage.

Now, because the Israelites were praying to the God of Abraham, God ordered Moses to go back to Egypt to free his people from the Pharaoh slavery. Moses was not sure this was a good idea since he had been banned from Egypt. So, Moses asked God, who I should say has sent me to the children of Israel and to the Pharaoh. God said, I am who I am, and tell the children of Israel and say that Yahweh the God of your Father has sent me. So, Moses went back to Egypt and after several arguments with the Pharaoh and divine intervention from Yahweh God, in the end Moses finally succeeded to lead his Hebrew people out of Egypt.

As they left Egypt, the Pharaoh tried once more to stop them with his army. But Yahweh God helped the Israelite cross the Red Sea as if it was dry land, and then the water of the Red Sea came back and drowned the Pharaoh army that was trying to stop them leaving Egypt. This is what is written in the Bible.


On their way back to the Promised Land. 

On their way back to the Promised Land, the Israelite went near Mount Sinai, since Yahweh God wanted Moses to go back to him up there, and Moses went again up Mount Sinai, where he met God again and God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

Now, while Moses was on Mount Sinai waiting for God to give him the Ten Commandments, he stayed up there for a long time. So, the people that had left Egypt to go to the Promised Land started to have different opinions; they wanted a god like the Egyptians, so, they made up a golden statue of a bull, this made Yahweh resentful; because he wanted the people of Israel to believe only in him, as we can see from the first three commandments that he gave Moses.

Of course, Yahweh God punished them for this event. But this event brings doubts in our minds, so, we must ask, why the people of Israel did this, there is something wrong here, because if they had seen what we are being told they saw; then anyone that had witnessed those events could not doubt Yahweh power for a moment. Therefore, there is something wrong in this Bible story.

During the time that the Israelites were travelling in the desert to reach the Promised Land, is said that Moses spoke with God several times. From these meetings with God, and from those happenings that took place during this voyage from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses and his brother Aaron wrote and laid down the first part of the Mosaic Laws, that would guide the Hebrews from there on. During this period Yahweh gave Moses many laws the Hebrew were divided in tribes and these formed the 12 tribes of Israel, which are the families of the 12 children of Jacob also called Israel; because Israel is the name that Yahweh God gave Jacob, in a prior event that happened when Jacob was alive, God said to Jacob from now on you are Israel. That is how Jacob is known as Israel. 

Now we are going to talk about the tribes of Israel. Anyhow, we believe that what took place in the Sinai desert including the Mosaic Laws; it was something that at that time and place needed to be done the way it was done. 

I believe that Moses and his brother Aaron thought that it was necessary to separate the tribes, than God instructing them to do it in many details, since they were the leaders of the Israelite and had to control the people; we need also to say that whether there was Yahweh God that was talking to Moses every time is doubtful, if it was so, then the rest of the people must have known, and would follow their instructions blindly. 


 The 12 tribes if Israel

The Israelites were divided in 12 tribes one for each family of the children of Jacob, (Israel).

The 12 children of Israel were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Zebulon, Joseph, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, and Gad; these were the names of the 12 children of Israel, and every one of them had their own family and became one tribe. Thus, was Yahweh order through Moses. So, the 12 tribes of Israel were independent of each other; but they had to follow God’s order that went through Moses and his brother Aaron of the house of Levi.

The Bible says that God spoke with Moses many times saying to Moses, go and tell the house of Jacob what they had to do. Now through this talking, new laws and ways of living were described to the sons of Israel, this is how the Mosaic Laws were formed. Quoting example from the Bible:

Quote 1: Leviticus 18;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them:

“I am Yahweh your God. You must not behave as they do in Egypt where once you lived; you must not behave as they do in Canaan where I am taking you. You must not follow their laws. You must follow my customs and keep my laws; by them you must lead your life.”

Quote 2: Leviticus 19;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the whole community of the sons of Israel and say to them:

“Be holy, for I, Yahweh your God, am holy.

Each of you must respect his father and mother.

And you must keep my Sabbaths; I am Yahweh your God.

Do not turn to idols and cast no gods of metal. I am Yahweh your God.

(Anyhow, I am using these quotes as examples in Leviticus between Moses and God).

As I have said God was speaking to Moses many times in Exodus and Leviticus, but these talks become doubtful, because if these meetings with God had taken place, then the Israelites would have been more God conscious of Yahweh their God.


The Bible has doubtful possibilities written in it. 

In the Bible there are some doubtful possibilities written

When we read the Bible, there are doubtful things written in it. In Leviticus Moses and his brother Aaron, spoke with God many times, as if they were normal happenings. But what I cannot understand is this: if Moses was speaking with God many times, as the Bible says, it follows that the Israelites should have known that, and they should have followed whatever commands were given to them.

But the Israelite had always doubts in their minds; since they were arguing about the reasons why they were in the desert living a hard life, as if they had not seen what had happened around them.

What we want to say here is this; we believe that the Israelite did not see or hear God, otherwise they would have had no doubts about God or Moses. For this reason, what has been written in the Bible about God talking to Moses, might not have taken place as much as they claim. So, everything was added later when the Bible was written and re-written.

This makes me believe that religions are written according to the times when they are written, because we cannot explain it, in any other way. So, if today we want to re-write religions, we must write them according to our times.

Anyhow, in our next article, we will continue to talk about the Bible, because the Bible was also the Israelite history book, in ancient times history and religion were written together, because whatever happened was thought to be religious, so, in our next article we will be talking about,  The Bible is The Hebrew History

To see more click on this link, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

May God bless us all.
