to our article,
God guide and help me to say the right things?
know that believing in God is good for humanity. Now, let me talk about myself, as a child, I was taught that there is God, angels, and spiritual
beings. And since I was born in Italy, I was taught according to the Roman
Catholic Catechism, and those rules in the catechism helped me during my
younger years to believe in God. This religion is based on the teaching of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, which is about forgiveness and love, and a small part is
based on the Old Testament.
for many years I have believed in those Roman Catholic religious beliefs, the
way that they had been taught to me when I was young, even if there were times
when I had doubts about that, because I am like everybody else, so, I was
thinking that God might not exist. But then again, I believed that everything
was the way that I had been taught.
as I have grown older my beliefs have changed considerably, starting from when
I left Italy to move to Australia. In Australia I have met different people
with different religious backgrounds, Therefore, I have learned that there are
other religions, and some of them are good religions, I have noticed that most
religions come from the Bible, which is the same book that the Roman Catholic
have with a few changes.
the purpose of religions is to have a set of rules to follow, so, we can live
in peace with the rest of the world, to believe that there is a loving and
benevolent God, to love God with all our heart and love one another.
today there are extremist religious groups that twist their religious beliefs
to the point where everything becomes mixed up, and they kill using God’s name.
This is a shame because this brings down what God represents. People must
understand that God represents life itself, therefore, there is no way that God
needs people to kill each other, because life is a part of God himself.
the behaviour of these groups might have been acceptable in the past, when
people were more violent than today, and most times you had to kill or be
killed; but, those were other times and those times ended with the coming of
Jesus Christ, because he taught us forgiveness.
the extremists don’t use forgiveness and they fight other religions, for this
reason, we are writing the theory of, Reconciliation of the universe, where we suggest
to the people, that religions need to change to solve these religious problems.
I am praying God for help and guidance.
Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my
heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy
Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever-present guiding force of the Holy
Spirit on earth can help me; So, that, I can write our religious writing as
humanly as possible according to God will, and in such a way that humanity can
accepts them and use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my
prayer and guide me! Amen.
We need to believe in God.
we need to believe in God because it is good for all humanity. In our human history,
we can find that religions have a good influence overall, so, let us talk believing in God.
if we believe in God, it is obvious that there can be only one true God, and
this God is the God that created us all, even if this God turn out to be
different from the God of the Bible, that we have been taught when we were
we must assume that God exists because there is life, and God and life is one
and the same thing, therefore, there cannot be any other God, unless it is the
God that created life. Anyhow, I believe that religions are complex, so, it is
hard for anybody to say what is right and what is wrong.
what we have said, may not make sense to everybody, but for me religions is a
way of life that we choose to live, and if I had to choose a religion, I would choose my
Roman Catholic religion for being one of the best religions in the world, since
this religion is based on the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ and is very
why should we believe that there is a God? Well there are no real answer to
this question. You see, what we are taught to believe may not make sense, because
it does not connect to everything we know, so, there must be another
explanation that can connect everything together. Perhaps, we should think that
God is not like a person, because it is impossible for a person to have all the
attribute that God has, for instance, a person cannot be everywhere but God is
everywhere, so, it is more likely that God is a life force that covers the
entire universe, and part of it can turn into anything he wants and even a
person, therefore, it makes more sense, if we believe that God is life, and we
view God, as the life force that covers the entire universe, this can explain
the existence of God and everything else.
God existing life force.
we may have to believe that we all come from the same life force of the
universe, and we can call this existing force, God-life-force of the
Universe, since this life force represents all living and spiritual things that exist in the universe.
Today the main religions make us believe that there is a God and there is an afterlife, and that our own present life is made up of two entities put together, one is our body and the other is our soul; now we can easily explain to ourselves about our bodies, but our spiritual part is that part of us that can’t be explained easily, since it can’t be seen and it belongs to God as it is of the same substance of god life force of the universe, you see, God gave it to us, so that we could live on earth.
it follows that at our death our body returns to the earth and our soul or
spirit should return to God, so, our soul or spirit being part of God life
force energy is immortal. The folklore tale says that at our birth when we
received our spirit, our spirit was made to forget where it came from, so, we
are not sure where we come from, but there is a sense of belonging left in our
spirit and this sense of belonging drives us to search for the truth, if we
search our soul very carefully we may be able to find it.
Mankind ways of believing in God.
We believe that
most of mankind has always believed that there are Gods, and that there is an
afterlife, therefore, we keep asking ourselves what is God like? And how would
this afterlife be like? Most of us have been told from our elders how these
religious beliefs are, but we have our doubts.
Now, if we look at
the religious groups of the world, there are very few believers that believe
the same religious things. Therefore, if we want to find what’s true and what’s
false about religions, we can’t discard anything at all from religions, and we
must include those people that don’t believe in anything, and those who believe
only in scientific explanations, because they believe in something even if they
don’t believe in anything.
So, we must put all
religions and beliefs together, even those people that do not believe in any
religion at all, to find out what they have in common with the rest of us. I
believe that it is necessary to find the beliefs that we have in common,
because this can make us see, how God can be like. And we must widen our field
of views, as much as its need to be widened, so that they include all known and possible religious beliefs.
Anyhow, I believe that there must be a God because there is life, and God is the active life force of the universe that makes life possible. If one day we find out that there is no God like person, we can always say that, God exists because life exists, or at least by definition because God is life.
My personal beliefs
are that I believe there is a God, because if I didn’t believe that there was a
God, I would not be writing this article. So, I believe that we all come from
God because that’s the only possible way to exist, since we believe that God is
the existing life-force that gives life to all living things.
The need for a new religious theory.
I believe that we need a religious way, that can overcome the religious problems that we have today, mainly atheists and terrorists. so, I have written my religious theory, but our religious theory is a new way of looking at religious beliefs, so, I am worried to publish it, because the public may not accept it, unless it is published at the right time. However, I cannot wait because I am growing old, so, I must publish my theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, even if it may not be the right time to do it.
my life, I have had this experience, that there are times when we are doing a
task and while we are doing this task suddenly a thought comes into our mind,
and that thought or idea is the best answer to our problems; in a parallel way
while I am writing my theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, this idea comes
suddenly into my mind, this idea is like what some people call vibes which in
the end might prove to be right, in my case these vibes are creating a problem
that I wish to avoid. My vibes are saying that my religious theory is ahead of
time, but I am still writing them, because I believe that God wants me to write them.
So, I believe also that these
religious writings are my prayer to God, and they are going to be continued
with next article,
To see more clik on this link, Believing in God.
God bless us all.