Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Man needs God, part one.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. 
However, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and then, say how we believe religious beliefs shoul be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation, as we were saying in, Religious reconciliation forum..Anyhow, today we are talking about, Man needs God

Here we are talking how the Bible started and the Jews religious beliefs. Anyhow, on day on Mount Sinai Moses met God in the form of a burning bush, the burning bush spoke to Momes and said, I am Yahwey the God of Abraham and other things. Here we could say that the Israelite needed their God to help them, and Moses brought their God back when they needed God most. 

Man needs God

Welcome to our blog, Man needs God, part one. 

May God guide and help me say the right things.

Dear readers, in this article, let us talk about the reasons why man needs God. Now, because the original article is a long article, I am going to split it in two blogs. It is along article, because of the many issues we need to cover. So, we will be talking about; Man might have invented God, Man needs God, some religious mistrust, Proof of the existence of God, there is more to God than just definitions, religious views and conversations, Future God and religious possible descriptions, God of the future and, Praying God for reconciliation and guidance.

We have reasons to believe that man needs God, because it has been so since the beginning of recorded time. So, let us discuss about the need to believe in God and be reconciled with God, because for us it is impossible to ignore God, whichever God we believe in. But there are several gods’ names that humanity believes in, even though, we believe that there must be only one God, that represents all gods and spiritual forces that are believed to be in the universe. . 

Anyhow, if we start setting up for a single God, at the beginning of this article we could have prayed God thus: May God of the universe that represents, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah belonging to the God of Abraham and those gods belonging to other religions, like Braham, Vishnu and Shiver, and other gods that belong to other religions, may these gods help us to say the right things, since they all belong to the spiritual force of the universe.

We need to mention all these gods, because most civilization believe in their own Gods. Now, because we know that there are many Gods in the world, we want to believe that these gods, one day can be represented by a single God.

We know that mankind has always felt the need to believe in a supernatural force like God. For instance, how can we explain when we find that the ancient people buried their dead with food beside them, as if the dead would eat? The only explanation that we can think of, was that they believed that there is life after death, and therefore there is a spiritual soul and God.

So, let us imagine, how the existence of God was born, perhaps it was the fear of the unknown, or they might have seen things that could not be explained, perhaps even dreams could have started these spiritual beliefs, let us imagine a primitive person dreaming about one of his past relatives, I am sure that he thought that his soul had visited him, well this is one way of looking at spiritual things; but we know that there are many other reasons why man needs God, even if we invented God ourselves. 

We believe in God our own way. But there are people who believe that God is an invention of our human mind, and we invented God because we need God. If they are right or not we don't know, what we believe is that man needs God, and it would be good if God really exists. 

Man might have invented God. 

Mankind might have invented God, because man needs God, for us Christian God has been described as a fatherly entity, so, God should protect the young, the weak, and everybody else, then God could fulfil the need of a powerful strong leader that can guide and protect them if they need protection, we can add that man needs God because God is hope for those that need hope most. But believing in God is strange because we don’t see God, but we believe in God anyhow, not all humanity believes about God in the same way, since there are many religions and many Gods. Anyhow, the atheist people say that God is all an invention of our mind, so, man might have invented God.

Anyhow, today while I am editing this article, there are religious wars going on in the Middle East and North Africa, you see, these religious extremists use their own God beliefs to wage a war for their own benefits. But what the world needs now, is a merciful God and not a warmonger; you see we humans are strange, we like things to be always in our favour, that is the God we want?

Anyhow, since we believe that man needs God and God exists, we will discuss about the existence of God, which can be at least three ways: (1) God exists because God created everything and therefore he is the creator; (2) God exists because he is the main spiritual force of the entire universe; or (3) God exists because life exists and God is the active life force of the entire universe, therefore, everything living is a tiny part of God. Anyhow, we believe that this God being the active life force of the entire universe is probably the type of God that most people can accept including the atheists.


Man needs God, our views. 

Man needs God because we want to explain to ourselves, the reasons why we are here on earth. We believe that God exists, because that is what we have been taught to believe, and it is convenient to believe in God and follow a set of religious rules. But the atheists believe that God does not exist.

We believe that there is to harm to believe in God, humanity has believed in God and religions for a very long time. You see, most of us believe even today that God exists, and that man needs God. Therefore, God cannot be replaced by a complete religious vacuum, because we will feel lost, and this will result in more harm than good.

Therefore, here we are saying to the atheists that man needs God, now and in the future. You see we believe in God, so, something needs to be done to help religions survive the atheist attack, and the terrorist attack that is undermining most religions. Therefore, we are searching how we can achieve that; so, we need to philosophize and discuss religions many times, until we find something that makes sense even to the atheists.

We need to overcome religious mistrust that exists today, and we believe that a new religious theory could help. Anyhow, we believe that it needs to be done and we are going to suggest it, in our theory of, Reconciliation of the universe. Now let us talk about religious mistrusts.

Some religious mistrust. 

Today existing religions are becoming out of date, they are self-centred because they have been written to keep the believers isolated. But we believe that today religions must be made to unite all people, because it creates a friendlier society, this setup is helpful, because people like to belong to a group that have something in common, and religions do that beautifully. But when religions are not the same, they give rise to mistrust of the other religious groups.

In the past this religious mistrust was not obvious, because people were isolated, most people were born and lived in the same town all their lives, so, they didn’t know much about the outside world, and then, everything was moving slower that today, therefore, you could belong to a group of religious people, which might not even know about the existence of other religious groups that were different from their own, so, they were happy to live that way. But today it is different we learn what the other religious groups believe, sometimes we don’t like what they are doing, this gives rise to suspicion and mistrust. Therefore, we must look for religious options that can improve cooperation between religions. Anyhow, in this article we want to say that man needs God, and what sort of God is the most suitable God.

Anyhow, we have talked about the atheists, who are people that do not believe in God. But I believe that they are wrong to assume that God does not exist, because God exists in a way or another. So, we are trying to provide the proof of the existence of God, and we are writing this article to let the atheists know that God really exists and God needs to exist; because we need God. You see, this is in our own personal beliefs, so, let us talk about it:

I believe that since the beginning of recorded times, mankind has searched for a God and they wanted God to exist, there are reasons why mankind has done that, and some of the reasons can be the followings: Mankind want to believe in God because they want to know why they are living on this planet earth, or they may feel the need to be protected from anything that is stronger than themselves, or anything that cannot be explained. But does God really exist one may ask? We believe that nobody can guaranty for sure that God exists; but most of us will agree that man needs God, because it is better if God exists. Hereunder we are trying to prove that God exists, not only because Man needs God, but because God does really exist, even if this God that we are talking about, is different from the God we have been told to believe from our forebears in the past, so, let us see how this God would be like and why God exists. Anyhow, let us try to find proof of the existence of God. 


Discussing the existence of God. 

Now, we believe that God exists, so, we want to prove that God exists, and what we are writing here is our theory about the existence of God, because we believe that God exists in a way or another, but above all that man needs God.

Anyhow, because we know that there are religious problems to overcome; I believe that it can be useful, if we can describe religions in a philosophical way instead of the fixed old religious ways, because then on a plain field, it is easier to prove the existence of God, even if God is different from our own beliefs of God. Now let us see how we can describe the existence of this God.

We must assume, God does exist because you and I exist, if God did not exist then you and I could not exist. Therefore, we must assume that life is God and God is life itself, and for this reason, one cannot exist without the other. I believe that this is a way that we can explain God, life, and the spiritual things that we believe in; if we do that, then it is hard to prove that God does not exist. Because God represents life itself, and since life exists, because you and I exist, God must also exist.

If we want to make this theory acceptable, we must assume that my God may not be like your God or the God described in the Bible, but God exists because God represents the existing life on earth.

Now, if we assume that God represents the existing life on earth, we must assume that God must exist, because God is the spiritual life and the existing life on earth, so, God exists, because God is the definition of life, therefore, there is nothing that can take God’s place, since God is life, and the life giver of the existing life on earth and the universe.

Anyhow, God does not need to be the creator of everything, as God has been described in the Bible, therefore, in our futuristic theory, God is the creator of the spiritual forces of the universe, and life on earth. In our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, which is going to be the last part of these religious and philosophical writings, God is the modifier of the existing life forces of the universe and through this God-life-force the present existing life has been made possible on earth, so, let us say that God exists at least as the definition of life, because God is the life energies of the entire universe, and without God there cannot be life.

You see; we need to give a name to the existing life force of the universe, because this is the life force that makes life possible on earth and perhaps everywhere else in the universe. So, I say; what other name can we give to this life force that makes life possible on earth? Perhaps God is the only name that is suitable to describe this life force.

Did you hear what I have said? What other name can you give to the life force that makes life possible on earth? Therefore, God exists at least by definition of this life force, and there is no doubt about it. So, we believe that God must exist at least by definition, but there is more to God than just definitions, as we are going to write, in our next blog, Man needs God part two, where we are going to descuss, that there is more to God than just definitions, after that we will write about, God and religions of the future

To see more, or the entire original article, click on this link, Man needs God

May God bless us all. 


Sunday, February 12, 2023


Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. 
However, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and then, say how we believe religious beliefs shoul be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation. So, let us start from the beginning with this article, Religious reconciliation forum..  

This is St. Peter Basilica in Rome, which is one of the Roman Catholic religious forums of the world.  
We start with this article called, RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION FORUM, because our intention is to talk about most religions of the world. So, this is only the beginning of our religious discussions, our aim is to find a way, how all existing religions, can form a single religion in the future. 

   Religious reconciliation forum

Religious Reconciliation Forum. 

Welcome to our blog, Let us restart from the beginning, which is the first article of our,  Religious reconciliation forum

NOTE. Dear readers,  this is the beginning of 2023, and we have decided that we are starting today a shortened version of our religious articles. So, in this Religious Reconciliation Doc blog, we are writing only our best article and those that seem to make more sesnse, and in the end, we are going to suggest, how we see God spiritual force in our modified beliefs. 

May God help and guide us to write the right things?

Dear readers, we believe that humanity has always needed God and religions. To prove our point, in our original article, we have attached pictures, showing that thousands of people participate in important religious events. Because they believe in God, and because it gives them a sense of belonging to a group of other people, which most people find helpful during their lives.

In the world, there are many religions, above we can see Saint Peter Square in Rome, look how mant people are attending this special service. We believe that people are attracted to religions. You see, it is an inborn need that we have. We need to believe in God and spirituality, to live a meaningful life. 

This is Mecca, this must be the most popular religious forum in the world, since there are millions of people that go to Mecca. The Muslims believe that they must go to Mecca, at least once in their life. But we that are not Muslims, believe that there is something wrong with this religion, because no real God wants to kill people in his name. 
When we look at the entire world of religions, we can see that God has different names according to which religion we belong, like, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, all being names of the same Abraham’s God. And other gods, like the Hindus gods Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Anyhow, I believe that religions are useful to humanity. We may feel that some religions are strange to us who believe in Christianity and other religions that follow the God of Abraham. So, we suggest that you check this link below to see some of the Indian religions as well. 

Millions of Hindus plunge into Ganges River in India to wash away ...,

The Indian religions 
seem to be different from the religions that derive from the Bible, and they have their own we of believing. See above, thousand and thousand of people go to this Indian river Ganges to bath in its waters to clean their sins or whatever they believe they need to do. People need their religious beliefs to live a meaningful life. Even if we thing that their beliefs are strange. 

Now, having compared a bit these three main religions, we belive that it is necessary, in these articles, we will be looking for religious options that can improve links between religions, since today the world is going global, but religions are arguing and even fighting each other; we believe that we need to suggest how this can be stopped. Because religions need to guide humanity in a peaceful way, if religions cannot guide people in a peaceful way, then religions can do more harm than good. So, what can be done one may ask? 



So, I believe that for every one of us the time has come to talk about what can be done. In my own way, I will write and suggest what I believe can be done, to keep religions mostly as they are today, because in the future religious beliefs will change, just like everything else is changing. Anyhow, this article will be shorter than the original, you can read the original in Hub Pages, if you click on this link, Religious reconciliation forum, 

In the original we have written about, Discussing the religions of today, then, About God and religious beliefs, where we explain the following.   

Religious group 1; about old religions and the inborn need that humanity has had for them.

Religious group 2; Today existing religions and how they serve humanity.

Religious group 3; should there be a super religion to help humanity in the future?

These are the articles that we are going to talk about in this religious site. But we want to keep this article as short as possible, because I have other things to say.

Anyhow, I believe that the time has come for me to speak out about my religious beliefs, because in a dream last night, I felt that I need to speak out, and say something like this.

The time has come for the world to see, that I am writing these articles to help humanity, I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and God gives life to all humanity. So, in the following articles, we must explain all this. So, may God help me.  

Now, this article has been shortened a lot, and added a few things you can visit the original one at this link, Religious reconciliation forum.

 See you in our next article, Man needs God.

 May God bless us all.
