Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.
You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth.
Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, this article will be severally shortened. So , if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Religious discussions and prayers.
We may say that people who believe in God, feel an inborn force that drives them to pray God. We can say that in our hours of need, we feel that God is hope for those that need hope most, so, when I pray it is this same force that guides me to pray to God.
Welcome to our article,
May God guide and help me to say the right things?
Dear readers, we must say that when we write about religions, to overcome our feeling of unsecurity, we pray God for help, not
only we must pray God for help, but we must make sure that what we are writing
can be accepted from God, so, praying is the best way to start with. Anyhow, let me write some prayers.
My prayer to God
My lord God, with my personal writing concerns I
come praying to you God-Most-High, master of the universe and life-giver to
every living thing, I am praying for forgiveness of my life sins, and for
reconciliation to thy spiritual benevolent life force, I am praying in the hope
that you forgive me all my life sins, so that, I become spiritually clean; I am
praying with all my heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you
would guide and help me write this religious article according to your will,
and in such a way that these religious writings can help humanity. Father, hear
my prayer and help me, amen.
Since in this article, we are talking about religions
and prayers, let me add another personal prayer that I pray.
Personal prayer
My Lord God, I pray you with all my heart, my soul
and my mind to guide and protect me from all dangers and the forces of evil,
and let me be a wise man, so that I can live the rest of my life according to
your will, and write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to
your will, and in a way that humanity can accept and use them for the future
benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Personal religious feelings.
Dear readers, I must confess that I feel as if I am
being driven by an inner force to write these religious articles. I know that
this force that I feel within can be a psychological wave within my brains, that has been trigged from my own religious beliefs. Anyhow, after
reflecting about this God sent task that seems to be within my mind; I have
concluded that I cannot find peace, unless I write these religious articles.
Anyhow, today I have decided to talk to my friends about religions, in the hope
that they see my religious issue in a favorable way.
Now, I have realized that one of the reasons why I need to write these religious issues, it is that I see God different from everybody else, and I understand the Bible a bit different from everybody else. Anyhow, while I am thinking what we should discuss with my friends, I have become aware, that one of the triggers of wanting to write these religious beliefs are two things, one is about the atheist’s denial of God existence; and the second one was the shock of the 9-11 terrorist attack on American soil.
We know these two groups are completely different
in their religious beliefs, because the atheists deny the existence of God, but
the Muslim terrorist believe in their God to the point of carrying these
terrorist acts and killing themselves in the name of their God Allah, and this is very extreme.
This situation is very strange, because these two
groups of people have nothing in common, and politically they could have been
described as extremists, one would be the extreme right and the other the
extreme left.
Now, I believe that what I am going to suggest next is strange also, because I am suggesting some religious changes; because I believe that by changing religious beliefs both groups can be neutralized. You see, we have in mind this theory, which we are going to suggest, in these religious writings.
Other religious reasons and prayer.
Now, what I have written above is part of the reason why I am writing these religious articles, you see, I am writing them as my personal prayer to our spiritual Father God Most High. Therefore, within these religious writings, will be written lots of prayers. In some of these prayers I’ll be praying God for forgiveness, in some prayers, I will be asking God to protect me from the spiritual forces of evil.
Another one of my prayers
My lord God, with my personal concerns I come to
you praying, Father Most High, master of the universe and life-giver of every
living thing; I am praying you Father for help and guidance. Father let my
guardian angel suggest to me what to say, when I am writing these religious
articles. So that, I am inspired and can write my religious writings, in such a
way that they are acceptable to the Spiritual beings in Heaven, and to the living
beings on earth. Father, hear my prayer and help me, Amen.
God is hope for those who need hope most.
As we have sait, this is a shortened version of this article, so, I am writing only the most important things that we said at the meeting. One of this is my friend Marco speech, written hereonder.
Let me break the religious believers in groups. I have to say that most people believe in God and religion the way it is today. You see, most religions have been the same for thousands of years, they are used to these religious beliefs; so, these people do not want any change in religion, they are happy to stay with the ways religions are now, and if they have any doubts in their minds, they are not showing it.
There are people that have doubts about today’s
religions, so, they are ready to talk about their religious beliefs, these
people don’t feel sure whether what is being taught about religion today is the
right thing to do. So, they ask many religious questions, but they have no
answers for any of those questions. You can talk to this group of people, and
they talk to you willingly, but they are not much help either, if you want to
find new religious ideas.
We have noted that right in the middle there is this large group of people, which believe in God to a certain point, these people want to know more and ask questions, in the hope that they can find their way and return to religion, they feel that religion is still important to them in many ways. These people seem to want to follow religion just to have a sense of belonging to a group.
Then there is at the extreme end of this middle
group the agnostic, they believe and at the same time don’t believe in God and
religions, one does not know what to do with this group, and yet they are the
most interesting ones, because they want to know more.
And then, there is this last group of people, which I can call the danger group of religious beliefs, they are the atheist, they don’t believe in God and religions, so, for them it is better if religions did not exist. The Atheists blame religion for the bad things that religions have done in the past. They talk about religious extremist to run down religions, since the extremists kill in the name or their God; they don’t see that mankind have to blame themselves, because no real religion tells its believers to harm anyone.
Having said all this about religions; I want to add
what I have learned from these enquiries; and I want you to remember how I see
religion now, as this may well be important from now on, if we are going to
talk about religious issues, because I believe that religions are important to
keep, even if one day they need to be modified. Religions might not be a
universal human belief, as we have seen with the atheists; but God and
religions are still needed today for those people that are unfortunate, as they
feel within their heart that they need God to protect or help them. For this
reason, God and religions are needed, because; God and religion is hope for
those who need hope most.
So, remember that.
Religion and God is hope for those who need hope
Comments on Mark speech
My comment on Mark religious’ speech
Looking at what you have said, we agree about the erratic people behavior. So, we must consider that people are not sure about religions as they were in the past. Therefore, because of this people behavior, today religions are not as powerful as they used to be.
Because of this present religious movement, there
are extremist groups like the atheists, that would like to see that God and
religions disappear from the face of the earth, because they believe that God
does not exist.
Therefore, we believe that it would result in religious chaos, if we let the atheists have their ways. The world cannot afford to stop believing in God and religions. As Mark said, Religion and God is hope for those who need hope most.
So, we must not give up, so, let let our thinking minds, run free with no limits imposed on them, let the sky and beyond be the limit, let us imagine that God is life, and all religions belong to the same religious chain, which links religions together, at the highest spiritual point possible.
Now, while searching the Internet, I have found
that there was a philosopher called, Baruch Spinoza, 1632-1677 who believed
that it is more likely that God may not be the way that religions want you to
believe God is; but God is more like Mother Nature, therefore, it is more
likely that we are all part of God, and God is everything, so, every living
thing in existence is part of God; now, this can be the link that we need to use,
to link all existing religions together.
Therefore, if we think like
Spinoza and add it to the knowledge
which we have today, we can describe a god which can co-exist with all existing
religions. So, in the future, let us describe this God for everybody, which we
can call God-Most-High.
I think that we have said enough in this article, and because we are trying to shorten all our writings, we will only publish the best discussions. So, next time with God works in a mysterious way.
To see more click on this link. Religious discussions and prayers.
May God bless us all.