Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Creation and creation of mankind.


Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and this article will be shortned. So , if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Creation and creation of mankind

This is an imaginary photo of when the world was young, as it is described in the Bible Genesis Creation. here we can say that man has a good imagination to invent all those things. 

Creation and creation of mankind 

Welcome to our article, Creation and creation of mankind

Talking about creation. 

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

In this article, we want to talk about creation. Anyhow, when we look at the world history, we find that most civilizations explain creation in different ways. The only thing that seems similar, is that in the beginning there was complete void or chaos.

(One;) The Greek pagan religions say that there was chaos, they describe chaos as a black page with nothing in it, then there are all different stories, some say that the earth and the sky were stirred from the force of love, and from their love the gods, the cyclopes the giants and other beings were born.

(Two); The Indus religions also says that there was chaos, but then this spiritual force started to create a few things. This is described in more details in the Laws of Manu.

(Three;) The Hebrew religion is somehow the same, from nothing, or whatever was there, God created heaven and earth, and the animal and then the people.

Anyhow, most of us that live in the western world, we talk about creation, as written in the Hebrew religious and historic book, today known as the Bible.

Our forebears believed in this Bible creation, and they were happy to follow it. But today we are different from our forebears, we want to prove it to ourselves, if it is right or wrong to believe certain things.

So, we have looked at other people religious beliefs, and we have realized that they explain creation in different ways. Because of these differences, it is possible that the ways that creation has been explained is not right. Therefore, it is also possible that everything happened by itself, as it is claimed in the theory of evolution. In that case, all the religious creations are an invention of our human minds.

Anyhow, here we do not want to argue whether, we believe that the religious creation is right, or evolution is right, we want only to see how most religions explain creation and the creation of mankind. So, let us start with the Bible creation, since we are part of the western world religious beliefs.

Now, we want you to understand that the purpose of these articles is that we want to show you that we need religions, but because terrible things can happen, with today religious set up, religions need to be changed, perhaps, we need to start to believe in a new spiritual system. But let us start by discussing creation as it is today.


Creation according to the Bible. 

So, let us see what the Bible says.

To describe creation according to the Bible, we are asking a layman called Don, and write his answers. Okay Don, what do you think about creation in the Bible?

Don answer

I am a Roman Catholic born and baptized; therefore, I believe in creation according to the Bible. You know the Bible is the word of God, or God’s revelations through the prophets; therefore, I believe that God created the world in seven days, as it is said in the Bible, even if I a day in the Bible may not be one day of twenty-four hours as we know it today, but a lot longer.

Don, can you describe us creation itself please?

As you know; in the beginning God started by creating heaven and earth, it is said that the earth was a formless void and God created everything.

There was darkness over the water of the earth and God said, let there be light and there was light, and God saw that the light was good and divided light from darkness, and he called the light day and the darkness night, the first day of creation.

After the first day of God’s creation in the Bible, God continues to create the rest in the next four days, like all vegetation and animals as we know them and then the sixth day God creates man.

Here Don stopped and then he said.

Now the creation of man is a bit strange, because there are two descriptions in the Bible, the first description says that God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and then he said let them be masters of everything we have created.

Quote: God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. End of quote.

Then God blessed them, saying to them, ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and be the masters of everything.

Now, this is not all because the Bible is inconsistent, and there is a second Bible description. I don’t like it but, I am going to continue to tell you. 


Looks like that there is a lot to say about the creation of man, and what follows after the creation, in the photo above is Adam and Eva in the garden that God has created for them, here Eva is about to take the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. They eat this forbidden fruit, and God banned them from the garden, and the trouble for mankind started. 

 Second description of the creation of man. 

Look Don said, I am a believer and believe most things that are written in the Bible,

But I find hard to believe that this second description of man is right, however, let me tell you this second description of how man was created, you see, to me it seems that it has been added later.

In the Bible it says that at the beginning, there was no wild bush or any wild plant growing, because Yahweh God had not sent rain on earth, nor man to till the soil: I think that it is strange that God needed man to till the soil and for this reason God created man.

In those times, water flowed out of the ground and watered the surface of the soil, so, the soil was wet all the time, now here I want to quote what the Bible says; Quote; Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. End of quote.

Then Yahweh God made a garden with all sorts of plants including the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and put the man he had made in the garden, God let the man know that he was the master of everything.

Here Don sighed and said, strange as it may seem this is different from the first creation of man, because in the first creation Yahweh God made man and woman together, but here they are created in a different way.

Now the man being master of everything gave names to all cattle, birds and wild animals, but no helper was found for him.

Here the Bible says that Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep, He took a rib from the man and made that rib into a woman; that is why we hear say when man describe woman; this one at least is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh! And we call her woman because she was taken from man.

This is how the Bible explains creation and the creation of mankind. If you want to read the Bible here is a link; www.catholic.org.au/

We have described creation and the creation of mankind according to the Bible, with the help of Don; now we are going to see how other religions describe creation, to compare the difference.

Comparing The Laws of Manu creation. 

Now that we have written how the Bible describes creation, and the creation of man, let us compare the Bible to the Indus religions, another large religion of the world.

Anyhow, we want to find somebody that knows about Hinduism and The Laws of Manu, to compare with the Bible creation; so, we are going to ask this Indian called Butta about religions.

Finally, we have been able to talk to our Indian friend Butta and other Indian people, we told them that we wanted to talk about the world creation and the creation of mankind, so, we would like to know how the Indian describe creation and the creation of mankind. Anyhow, it took us a while to convince our friend Butta to talk, but it, but in the end, he said:

Look, I don’t know a lot about religions because I am not a Brahman, you see a Brahman is the best person to talk to when you talk about religions; however, I can tell you a few religious things that I have learned during my life. But if you want to know more, I suggest that you read The Laws of Manu, where these things are explained, however, I am telling you what I can.

You see in the Laws of Manu there are these sages that ask the divine Manu these same questions that you are asking me, so, if you want to know how we were created and everything else read this book. Now just to give you an idea how the world started it goes like this:

This universe existed in the shape of darkness, wholly immersed, as it were, in a deep sleep. And then the divine Self existent Svayambhu, appeared with creative powers dispelling the darkness.

Desiring to produce many kinds of beings from his body, he created the waters and placed his seed in them, his seed became a golden egg and from the egg was born Brahman, the progenitor of the world. Brahman being the progenitor of the world created everything else, this is how the world started.

Mankind was started from Brahman, and it is said that in order to protect the universe, the most resplendent one assigned separate occupation to those that sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet.

The Brahmans who sprang from his mouth, he assigned teaching and studying the Veda, they are like the priests or the house of Levi in the Bible, if one wants to compare them to the western religions. Now, because the Brahmans sprang from Brahman’s and possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of all creation.

The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to study the Veda and other duties.

The Vaisya to tend cattle, to offer sacrifices, to study the Veda and other duties

The occupation of the Sudra is to serve meekly the other three castes.

If you want to read more about The Laws of Manu,

here is the link; The Laws of Manu


Our creation talks conclusions. 

Now let us talk briefly the pagan religions, that were the main religions in the western world before Christianity, this religion had many gods and goddesses and many other things and beliefs. Anyhow, here is a hub that talks about this, hub.me/agotI

What we have written above are the three main religions of the world, and it is worth to compare them to learn about ourselves. It is necessary to learn all of them, plus we must consider evolution, and other religions that explain in their own ways the creation of mankind. So, we wonder which one of these theories is the closest to the truth.

Anyhow, we can add here that there is no creation in the ancient pagan religions. These religions say very little about creation, and when they say anything is very vague; In Greek and Roman mythology it seems that creation started with Mother Earth and the sky, somehow the god Eros was born from them, and he started to stir thing up and most things were created from this chaos that Eros created and many other strange things.

Here we conclude, that if we consider all creations, we believe that evolution has the upper hand, but this is not to say that God does not exist. Because we believe that God exists and also other spiritual being exist, as we are going to write in our theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, we wish that there is a supernatural power that links all religions together. This is what we are going to talk about in our next article. Reconciliation part three . See you soon. 

To see more click on this link. Creation and creation of mankind 

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The importance of religions.


Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and this article will be shortned. So , if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Importance of religion.  

Let us talk about the importance of religions.

Today we can say that, when there is an important religious event, people will participate in the event. We believe that this religious event shown above, is the canonization of Mary Mackillop and people have come to this even in thousands, this goes to show that religions are very important even today. Look at this big crowd in Rome. 

Welcome to our article, Importance of religion

May God help me to say the right things. 

Talking about the importance of religions.

Today we know that religions have been important to humanity; it is enough to look at important religious events, to see the numbers of people that attend them.

I believe that religion is necessary to every living soul, because it is in our nature that we need to believe in God and religion to have a meaningful life, you see, we have always felt the need to believe in a higher power and we call this higher power God, which we like to turn for help when we need help. We also need religions to explain our existence.  

Anyhow, religions are a set of rules of how people should live their lives, so, they help us to decide what is good to do during our lives. Of course, there are also man made rules that would help us to decide how to live our lives, but those rules need to be enforced by the government authorities, whereas the religious rules are self-imposed, because of your own religious beliefs, therefore, religions have been and are important.

You see, if we look back at the history of mankind, we will find that all civilizations had their own religious beliefs. Even though some of those beliefs have been proven untrue, nevertheless they were helpful to the people of those times, because they helped to create a meaningful life for them, according to those beliefs.

Wherever we look, we find evidence that people have believed in religions, with gods who were more powerful than us humans, which we humans would turn for help, when we found ourselves in a dangerous situation. Most civilizations have believed in the afterlife, which would give them some sort of immortality, since no one likes to die and disappear forever. Some religions proved to be good in the ancient world, but a few were disgusting and believed in human sacrifice, to keep their gods in a favorable mood for the rest of the community.

Today those ancient sacrificing religions have disappeared, and the pagan religions have also disappeared, and they have been replaced with Christianity, but some of those archaic religions have left the signs of their existence. So, today there are still statues of gods and goddesses to be seen; there are ancient books where we can get some ideas of what these religions were like; there are some words in our language which come from these ancient beliefs; as there are the names of the planets of the solar system, which come after the name of gods and goddesses of the pagan world. We believe that it is good, to compare these beliefs that mankind has had, with today beliefs, because this will show the need to believe in something higher than ourselves. It is our spiritual consciousness that push us to do it.


HERE I MUST SAY, that this blog has been shortened a lot, so, if you want to look at our original article in Hub Pages, where we talk about other religions. Click on this link, Importance of religion


Beliefs and spiritual consciousness. 

Now that we have looked at old religions and the need that we humans have for religions, let us look at our beliefs and spiritual consciousness that we have ourselves. We know that religious beliefs are complex and there are other things to keep in mind and follow. Because everything we believe, has something to do with our conscious or subconscious mind. 

We have reasons to believe that our consciousness or sub consciousness have always played a part in religion, because things that we believed a long time ago, we are still believing today, so, this field of consciousness is very wide and includes many things, one example could be found in our dreams, the old religions and today religions they both take into consideration our dreams.

You see, since the beginning of recorded time, people have always believed that dreams come from our spiritual side; we believe that dreams can be a way of communication between the living and the dead, which our subconscious mind can communicate at certain times of our lives.

Therefore, when we are sleeping, we could be in a position to communicate with the spiritual world; I want to say this because what follows hereunder are a few religious dreams, which I dreamed and they are so real that I felt that I had met these spiritual forces in my dreams?

Now, my personal religious beliefs are those of a modified Roman Catholic person; I am saying modified because there are some issues that I do not agree completely with this religion.

Anyhow, to give you an insight of my religious beliefs I am going to tell you my religious dreams, as you all know dreams reflect the inner most part of what a person beliefs are. So, I am going to tell you my religious dreams about our Lord Jesus Christ.


First dream about Jesus Christ.  


In this first dream about Jesus Christ and other spiritual forces, I dreamed this.

I seem to go around in many unknown places, as we know dreams can take us in very strange places, some of these places are good and some are not so good. At one stage during my dream I seem to be in danger, because some evil force or people are after me to rob me or harm me. So, I try to run away from them, while I am running away from this danger, I try to find some safety by knocking at a stranger door, the door opens and an old Lady lets me in, I felt safe in there, because there were wise mature people inside, I wanted to thank the Lady (who may well have been the virgin Mary) for letting me in: But they all seem to smile back at me, as if I knew only half what was going on. So, I started looking around to find the reason, and there I see my own mother beside me in company with the old Lady: So, I could not help it; (as I was aware in the dream that my mother had passed away a few months before) So, I asked my mother: (in my own native language, which translated in English is) Who sends you here to help me? Is it Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary? There was not much else to be said, as I was waiting for an answer from my mother, but it did not happen, but I could feel that I was right in saying that. Anyhow, this dream ends here because I woke up.


Second dream about Jesus Christ. 


I had one more dream soon after this dream that I have written above, that is after a couple of nights or there about: and here again it seems that the evil force or evil people are after me, as they want to rob or harm me, it is because they think I have in my possession something that’s important to them, I do not know what this something is, but they are all after me anyhow. They seem to catch up with me, and I feel that I could not escape from them anymore, so, I knew that I was in grave danger because they were the evil ones. So, in my despair I turned to heaven and prayed God to help me. At that moment, there was not a cloud in the sky when I started to pray, but soon two large eyes formed in the sky and they were looking down upon me, and winged at me benevolently, a large and well-defined head formed in the sky like a portrait, and this head seemed to fill up most of the sky. At the sight of this God send head figure the evil ones were frozen with fear and did not move a single step to grab me. So, they all stopped frightened in a corner of this lake, while I was on the shore of this lake looking back at them, as they seemed to shrink in size on a small boat, it was as if they wanted to hide from this mighty force up in the sky.

At the same time I became aware that, what the evil ones wanted from me did not belong to them or to me, but was something that had in possession, which had to be divided into three parts, and one part of this belonged to mother: The dream did not explain who the mother was, and since it is very unlikely that it would be my mother; then the mother very likely would be mother nature, or perhaps God, since God is everywhere and could be said to be equals to mother nature.

After that, when I woke up in the morning, this dream became very important to me, because in the morning I found a red spot on my forehead between my eyes, it was small, but it was just like one of those religious people from India make on their forehead for themselves.

So, my question is now: Did I in my dream really call on this heavenly force? And the heavenly force came to help me, and then left a sign on my forehead to let me know who that heavenly force was, and that I should remember the meaning of this dream that I dreamed.

I hope you see what I mean, when I talk about religious beliefs and the Importance of religion.


Jesus Christ the morning star. 

Dear readers, I am sure that after reading the title of this sub-article you want to ask me, how many dreams about Jesus Christ I have had?

Well I have had a few dreams about Jesus Christ, and this is another one of them.

Now to give the right meaning to the following dream and prove the Importance of religion, hereunder is a religious dream that I had, and it seemed so real that I felt that I had indeed met this spiritual force.

So, I dare ask these questions to you my readers. Do you believe in dreams? Do you believe that we may communicate with the spiritual world in our dreams? Has anyone else met Christ? Even if this event was only a dream, because a while ago I did answer this question myself in a discussion group and this is what I had to say:

The question in this group discussion was: Has anyone else met Christ?

I had to answer that question thus:

Perhaps I have met The Lord Jesus Christ in a dream? To make a long story short, I will only tell you this important part of the dream.

As we all know dreams are always different from normal life, sometimes we dream dreams that are somewhat in another dimension, or physically impossible in real life, anyhow, I was dreaming that I was flying in the sky, a lot of times I dream that I am flying, so, this dream is a normal dream for me, and this is when I believe I have met the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the dream,

I was dreaming that I was up in the sky above the sub-continent of India and I was
searching for I don’t know what, there was a very large benevolent field force near and above me, this force was filling about half the sky of India; I felt that this heavenly force was very friendly to me, so, I did not do anything to avoid it or to enquiry about it; at a certain point this force spoke to me to introduce itself in a friendly manner saying:
Do you know who I am? (And then in answer to itself said) I AM THE MORNING STAR.
Although this dream lasted a bit longer, there was not much else of importance said after that between me and this field force and the dream slowly fades away.
At the time of this dream I had no idea who could be THE MORNING STAR:
But since then I have found out that
THE MORNING STAR could only be The Lord Jesus Christ.
So, I believe that this dream is my close encounter with the lord Jesus Christ.

This is what I could call my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Of course, THE MORNING STAR has different meanings to different people, but for me in my dream THE MORNING STAR can only be The Lord Jesus Christ, see Revelation the last page of the New Testament, where Jesus introduced himself through this angel saying. I am of David’s line, the root of David and the bright star of the morning. I believe that I don’t need any other proof to believe that the morning star in my dream was indeed our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now that I have talked to you about my religious dreams, I can go back to talk about the first question, what were those old religions like?


What were some old religions like. 

Because we want to analyze religions, in this article, Importance of religion, I am writing this chapter not because I want my readers to believe in the following old religions; but because I want my readers to see that people have always needed religions. I want them to understand that even though these religions were false, they gave the ancient people who believed in those religions a sense of help, so, they felt better for practicing them and believing in those religions.

Just to give you something to read about those old religions, here is a link to one article in Hub Pages from Anita Smith; http://hub.me/agotI

Now if people can feel better practicing religion even when later it proves to be false; then how much better it can be if one practices a true religion were God is real? This is the question which I want my readers to understand and to keep in mind, that the aim of my writings is to find a way how one can find our real living God, and how to practice the true religion. Anyhow, let me go back to talk about old religions.

Some of those pagan religions believed in many gods and goddesses: The ancient Greeks and the Romans believed that their gods and goddesses were immortal, and they lived on Mount Olympus Greece. Every god had special tasks to perform, which were very much like the ministers of a democratic government of today. Those gods had as their king Jupiter the most powerful of them all, he had in his hands thunder bolts which could strike anyone when he wanted; his wife was Juno who was a very strong and powerful goddess. Jupiter was the son of Saturn and ruled all over the earth, there were other gods and goddesses who helped Jupiter in doing what had to be done, some of which were: Mars god of the war, Mercury, Apollo, Venus the goddess of love, and many more. Jupiter also had two other brothers, one was Neptune king of the seas, and the other was Pluto king of the underworld.

But if one wants to understand what these gods were doing one should read old literature, like The Iliad, the Odyssey or The Enid and other old books. There is a lot more to say about old religions: but since old religions are a thing of the past, I believe that I have said enough.

Dear readers, I believe that humanity needs religion to live a meaningful life; so, we must try to find and believe in the true living God and the true religion, if we want to live our lives properly.

Today religion is not as popular as it used to be, expecially because some people kill in the name of God, just like when they had human sicrifice. Which will make us sick, even to think about it. But let us leave this behind, and let us talk how we can find our way to the meaning of religion in our life. 

Anyhow, this blog is already long enough, and because we are shortning our religios article, we will miss a few articles, and our next article will be, Creation and creation of mankind

To see more click on this link, Importance of religion

May God bless us all. 
