You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth.
Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortened. So, if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, The creation of mankind.
to our article,
God guide and help me to write the right things?
reads, in this article, let us discuss the origin and creation of mankind. Anyhow, we believe that God, Mother Nature, and evolution have worked together. In our previous articles, we have talked how God could
have started to create life on earth; and that description was compatible with
Darwin evolution views. So, we believe that even the atheists can accept it. By
describing that in our articles, we have paved the way of how God can continue
to create new life, or how to improve the life that God has created, which
needs to finish with the creation of mankind.
Therefore, let us continue to talk about the creation of mankind, the way that we believe could have happened. Now, because we are trying to change existing religious beliefs, because I am a believer, I am thinking that I need to pray our Lord God to guide and help me, hoping that God will guide me.
Lord God, to you I turn God-Most-High, and I start to pray with all my heart,
my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of The-Father The-Son and
The-Holy Spirit, I am praying and hoping that the ever-present guiding force of
the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I can write the creation of
mankind, as humanly as possible per your will, and in such a way that it links
all existing religions together and form a single religion, that can be guided
from a super God. Then mankind could accept this new religion and use it for
the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
Our modified creation of mankind.
readers, I have prayed God several times, and I will continue to pray God, hoping
that God guides me, in this difficult task.
Lord God, I pray you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of all
impurities that may affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to pray and
my prayer would be heard and accepted, I am praying hoping that you let me see
through my mind eyes, what I need to write in this part of our religious
writings. Father, hear my prayer and help me.
reader, after praying God I feel more confident. Anyhow, these are our beliefs,
and we must follow them, if we want to follow our logic human explanations,
about how things could have evolved and how man was created, because we want to
reconcile, God’s creation with Mother Nature and Evolution to make sense and
agree with our human logic reasoning.
let us talk about the creation of mankind, which may not have been a real
creation, because ‘The Creation of Mankind’ may have started at the beginning
of time and creation, and that God of the universe, in conjunction with Mother
Nature and Evolution have worked to bring it about for a long time. As it took
millions of earth years for life to reach its present advanced state.
to continue our explanation, and connect creation and evolution we must tell
you, what we believe could have happened; You see, we believe that all this has
happened during the last 100,000 earth years, when God of the Universe became
interested in us, because we had evolved and became so advanced that we were
able to start thinking for themselves.
seen that there are many living species on planet earth, and some are very
advanced, we may assume that God became more interested in us. Here, we want to
suggest that, after all God did not need to make Adam the first man on earth
from a piece of dirt, because there were already so many animals around to
choose from, and all God had to do was to improve one of the thinking animals.
God selected one of the best unblemished males of those existing animals which
looked almost like a man and improved him. By putting this selected animal to
sleep and by using his power He changed this animal to a real man, God also
gave this man a special soul when He blew on his face to wake him up, and God
called this transformed animal who now was a man, Adam. God used the same way
to make Eve, to give Adam a wife, because all the animals were male and female.
rest of the story is all written in the Bible, how Adam and Eve failed to
follow God’s instructions, therefore, they were banned from the Garden of Eden
that God had given them.
reader: This is how we believe it could have been in the beginning, and we hope
that we got it right, and it can be accepted from atheists and those who
believe in evolution. Anyhow, if we are not right; then, I pray God to forgive
me, because this is as far as I can see.
Now, let us talk about, what we believe happened on our planet earth.
Happened on our planet mother earth.
let us talk about circle number seven (Mother-earth). As we have said, we are
suggesting that God created Adam and Eve in a different way; I believe that
this way it is more acceptable to the atheists and scientists.
I believe that most things that are written in the Bible are true. However, let
me go back to when God created Adam, because I want to bring to your attention that
in our description God gave Adam a special soul when He gave Adam his breath.
So, when God created Adam it was extra special, because God gave Adam His own
breath, so, He gave Adam this extra bit of Himself, hoping that by doing so
Adam would become perfect and follow God, and do whatever God wanted him to do,
but it didn’t work that way, because of the intervention of the negative
life-force of the universe, which the Bible describe it in the form of a
serpent, we don’t need to write here the story of Adam’s fall, because it has
been written in the Bible and everybody knows about it.
God has tried many times to improve our lives. Since God started life and then
improved it, and this pattern of improvement is evident in the Bible if we look
for it.
is another way of how God improves humanity, and this is when God causes
special persons to be born; these special persons may be great religious
leaders, who will guide the people of their time back to God, or it may be just
a very special person who has received a special gift from God.
of this was Abraham, who was able to starts a new race that would follow God
and believe in God. In the Bible, there are children born from very old women,
who were believed that would never have children: But God did intervene and
visited them and made them conceive, so, they gave birth to special children.
Now if you have followed the Bible, these special children were special as they
had been perfected from God before they were born, and they did great things
that normal people would never been able to do. Of course, the most important
of all these people is Jesus Christ our Lord, but he was born from a virgin
young girl and not an old woman, and he has been the greatest man that ever
since the beginning of the world, God has intervened to improve humanity, in
the hope that we become perfect beings, and understand him. But so far there
are reasons to believe that we have not. We must do better in the future if we
want to reach perfection and find the way to salvation.
I believe that we have said enough in this article, but to reach our goal. Anyhow, in our next article we will be talking about, Angels greeting message.
To see more click on this link, The creation of mankind.
God bless us all.