Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Reconciliation of the universe.

WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, because they make us feel that we must do something about it. Anyhow, this is our blog., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0.
Anyhow, I believe that humanity must be able to find a way, how to fix these negative occurring events, and this is what we are talking about in these religious articles. 
You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortened. So, if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Reconciliation of the Universe



In this article, we want to describe how we see God. We believe that God creates life and is the life essence of the entire universe. So, in our religious writings, God is the life-force energies that creates life on earth and perhaps the entire universe. God is at the top of all spiritual forces, followed by his angels and other spiritual beings. The angels form a large part of the spiritual forces, and we have written a short poem about the angels. The angel's poem in these religious writings. 
You angels of the realm of glory, you tell us about the eternal story, you tell us about the creator's glory, you tell us about God's creation. 

Welcome to our article, Reconciliation of the Universe 

May God guide and help me say the right religious things?


God is life and the existing spiritual life of the entire universe.



Everything that is living in the universe is there because it is part of God-life-force: So, nothing alive can exist without being part of God, because God is life itself. Therefore, God is the life essence of the entire universe.

No living man can ever pretend to kill in God’s name, because in doing so, he would be killing a tiny part of life, which would be a tiny part of God himself.

All existing living things and spiritual things are all part of God, so, to harm any of these things is a sin against God himself.


Dear readers, above we have described God of the universe briefly; we know that we must describe God in a more definite way, we will do that in our future articles, God of the universe descriptions.

We believe that to solve the religious problems that we have today, humanity needs to modify religions in a way that they link all religions, so, we can believe in one God. So, all religions must fall in line with the statements above. This is our theory of, ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’. Which is based on God of the universe, as we have described above, because only this type of God can connect and overcome all obstacles that exist today. 

Now, let us explain our theory:

One; we must believe that God and life are the same thing, so, God of the universe exists, because God and the spiritual forces of the universe must exist, before life on earth can start.

Anyhow, today we need a God that relates to all of us and connect all existing religions together, we need a powerful God that represents all living life and the spiritual life, and this God in a way should fulfil our needs. You see, today we need a God that connect all religions together, so that all the people believe in the same God and don’t fight each other over religions.

Because of our human needs, this God in a way should be like the Israelite God Yahweh, which the Israelite needed to return to their Promised Land; This God is also like the God of the Muslims Allah, which Mahomet needed to win his wars. Therefore, we believe that God life force of the universe can be described according to the need of the people that are going to believe in this God. So, let us talk about this God of the future.


Let us talk about God of the future. 

Dear readers, we have to describe God of the future, as we have done above, because people need God and religions, it has been so since the beginning of time.

Today, to believe in God without questioning it is hard, because there is nothing that can be attributed to God intervention, and those happenings that we have been told in the Bible from religious people may not be true, since there is no real evidence.

For these reasons, we must describe God in a futuristic away, and in a way that falls in line with what we know today; so, God becomes compatible with what is known.

Therefore, in our religious theory we are describing God as a super God that links all religions together, and above all as the life giver of the universe, since we believe that God is life, and all living things and spiritual things are part of God. Therefore, God above all is life and the life-force that binds all living beings together. God’s life-force keeps life on earth going and everything in order.

At this point of time, we need to say that this is our religious theory that can achieve religious reconciliation in the world. We believe that one day it will be understood and accepted from the people; it is an idealistic theory that can work if people accept it.

So, let us leave behind past and present religious ways, let us write how the religions of the future can be. We suggest that religious book instead of starting like the Bible; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; it is better if religious books of the future start the ways we have started this article: We believe that here is only one God throughout the universe and God is the life force of the entire universe.  we need to have only one God, so that everything is in line with what people believe, as we have written and suggested above, how God can be like in the future.

Now, let us talk about attributes that God needs to have in the future. God must be a benevolent God; God is order and harmony of life; God is love and God loves and cares about every living being or thing, no matter how insignificant such being are, so, God is goodness itself. So, if we want to describe God in a simple way, we can clearly state by saying that God loves life and GOD IS LIFE ITSELF.

Now let us start from another point of view; since life and God are eternal, and the existing life cycles of the universe are eternal, since life repeats itself indefinitely, therefore, we need to acknowledge that God is eternal and has been there since the beginning of times, therefore, God can have the complete record of everything: That is to say; that, He has pure knowledge of everything past, knows the present and can foretell the future.


God exists within the life cycle of the universe. 

We can say that God exists within the life cycle of the universe and God is the life engine that gives life to every living thing, the whole picture of how God is, will emerge as we continue to write new articles, in our religious theory of, Reconciliation of the universe.

These are our beliefs, we believe that everywhere we look there is a cycle how things start and end, but they don’t really end, because they continue to happen and repeat their cycle again; therefore, in the universe there are cycles of events, and life happens to be one of the most important cycles that go around in the universe, so, God plays the most important part, in the never ending life cycle of the universe.

Dear readers, what we are writing here is a complex theory, which we are working out as we go. Anyhow, during my life I have observed many things, and from my observations I have solved many problems, today I must say that my observation about religions, are leading me to write my religious beliefs about God of the universe.  

Today we must believe that God is the eternal and is the universal-life-force of the universe that binds all living being together. So, we must understand that God will not be part of anything that favours anyone, and God will not be part of anything that destroys life. So, anybody that claims to kill in the name of God is making a mistake, because that person is killing a small part of God himself.

Anyhow, we believe that to achieve religious peace: It would be helpful, if all religious books start in a bold way and say, that there is only one God in the universe, as we have done at the beginning of this article.

Now let us describe how we believe God of the universe is. 


God of the Universe descriptions. 


If we want to talk about God and the spiritual force of the universe, we are forced to talk about the entire universe, and how God guides the entire universe. Therefore, to understand God of the universe, we should view the universe together with the cosmos of the universe, and how God and life on earth fits in the universe, and at the same time we must keep in mind that life is part of God, and that God is part of the entire universe.

Anyhow, to explain God of the universe, we must keep in mind what we have said, but it is not that simple; because we know that there is always an opposing force to any existing force, so that everything can exist in a balanced way, therefore, we must assume that the entire spiritual universe is split in two.

One half of the spiritual universe is governed by God, which is the positive life-force, and therefore, the creator of all existing life of the universe. The other half is the negative force, and therefore, the destroyer of all existing life, but it is only fulfilling its role to create the life cycle of the universe.

So, within the greater cosmos of the universe, these two-opposing forces go through a never-ending lifecycle and perform a chain of balanced events that make life on earth possible. This is the only possible way to the existence of life, because if these two opposing life forces don’t exist, then life in the universe cannot exist.

Now, we who are the living of this planet earth, are set between these two great forces, and by our own personal choice may be attracted to one of these two life forces. Therefore, during our life we must be careful and try to stay with the positive life-force of God.

What we have said is not what we have been taught when we were young. But really no one has ever seen God, and perhaps we never will in our present life-form.

As we have said, God is life itself and everything that’s living is part of God. God is the infinite universal-life-force that guides the universe. So, since the universe is infinite also God is infinite, because of the infinity factor it is impossible to describe God completely. It is because God is larger than anything that we know, or anything that we can imagine. So, in order to express our beliefs, we will try to describe only how God can exist within our galaxy.

So, this description of God of the universe will be in a plain field, because it is too complex for us to describe God as he is in a three-dimensional way.

So, now let us describe God of the universe in our own galaxy


Describing God of the universe. 

Describing God of the Universe

Therefore, let us imagine our Milky-way-galaxy, and let us put a circle around it, so that, we can have a more definite area to work with; and in this way the infinity factor can be partly overcome.

In our galaxy, there are millions and millions of solid bodies, and also not so solid lifeless bodies that go around in the heavens, there are also many electromagnetic fields around these bodies; and throughout the cosmos there are light waves, radio waves, and many other things that we might not even know that they are there. And we believe that God is part of those things that we think we know and yet we don’t understand. So, the question here arises; what is God like? Here we can only say that God exists because life exists

There are reasons to believe that God’s presence is felt everywhere throughout the cosmos. We are not able to see God in our present living life-form, but we believe that one day we will see God after we die, because then we will be in the spirit life-form, and we will be closer to God than we are now while we are living.  

Anyhow, for me to describe what God is like, I must use my human imagination. So, for me God is like a gigantic magnetic force that attract the positive life energies of the universe, this magnetic force runs throughout our galaxy, we must talk about our galaxy only, to make it easier to describe God.

There in the galaxy of the universe, there is a place where the presence of God and God-life-force is very intense, and from there God radiates his force of life throughout the universe. We cannot see God’s life-force, but if we were able to see God’s life-force, I imagine that could be the following:

Let us say that God’s life-force is infinitely large and covers the whole of our galaxy. In the centre it is very intense, and it is pure life-energy, and therefore this is God Himself. Now, if we were able to see God from a distance, we would see Him as a light that glows.

Anyhow, we want to describe God and the spiritual force of the Universe; but I feel that first I must pray to purify myself; it makes me feel better. So, from now onward, in my religious writings every chapter will have its own prayer for that chapter.

Here is one of my prayers.

My Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying God Most High, master of the universe. I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I would become worthy to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will. Father hear my prayer, amen!

This article is becoming too long. See you soon, in our next article, God of the Universe spiritual description 

To see more click on this link, Reconciliation of the Universe

May God bless us all.
