Spiritual circumstances
Welcome to my post, Spiritual circumstances do exist;
May God help and guide me to write the
right religious things in this chapter called, Spiritual circumstances do
exist, being part also of Prayers for Reconciliation religious writings.
When or if we look back at our own
religious life observations that we have already written and many other
religious things that the people believe, we might have to agree that some
sorts of spiritual circumstances do exist, since these are the circumstances
that we happen to live during our own lives and they should all be viewed
together with our other life observations.
Now this article is being written to
explain some of these spiritual circumstances; but it is also being written for
other articles. As I have already said in my other posts, these religious
writings are being written in good faith for the benefit of mankind. In these
writings we are in search of ourselves religiously so to speak, so, while we
are writing and discussing what our main theme of spiritual circumstance is, we
will also be looking for religious options that could improve links between
religions. In one of our last posts we have talked about, the existence of God. In this post we will be
writing about: Those spiritual circumstances that sometimes happen in our
lives, and why I made the decision to tell my friends about them?
But first of all let me say something about
these religious writing, where I would like to assure my readers that my
intention is to try to modify religions wherever possible without upsetting
anybody, So please read the following:
For my readers’ peace of mind
Now, for my readers’ peace of mind I am
repeating this explanation again, because some of you may find these religious
writings controversial, so, again let me explain to our readers about these
religious writings while writing my introduction for this article:
To anyone who is a believer and believes in
God and other religious beliefs, please read my Prayers for reconciliation
writings fully before you pass
judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only an
idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and
perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing
religions together; therefore your religious beliefs and the existing religions
will remain just the way they are today. So, don’t you worry if my religious
writings could
sound different from the ways that we usually hear religions being preached, as
it will all be explained as you read them, and then, you can judge for yourself
at the end of our religious writings of Prayers for reconciliation and Reconciliation
of the Universe?
Our spiritual circumstances
Let me welcome you again to my post called,
Spiritual circumstances exist
Dear readers I would like to bring to your
attention that spiritual circumstances exist, because everything that is
religious, by default is also spiritual; this also applies to what we have
already said before, where we have somehow come to the conclusion in the hub
called ‘God exists,8’ first that God exists at least by definition, and then we
have also assumed that God exists even if God is different from the God in the
Bible; this here is the link to check it out; God exists,
8 , we
have also talked about spiritual dreams; this is the link to check it out; Cosmic
Spiritual Dreams, 7 , and
we also have published Prayers for reconciliation, 5; this is the link to check
it out Prayers
for Reconciliation, 5,
Now, what follows here-under has been born
from the need of circumstances, because spiritual circumstances exist as we
have explained above, and also as you can see for yourself. You see, here I am
talking about everything put together; but then I have also to say that what we
have written in Prayers for Reconciliation and my spiritual dreams and other
things, they are all driving me to write these religious writings that I am
writing here, I hope that you can see the link that spiritual circumstances
exist. You see after that supernatural experience that I had then, and I need
to say also that for a long time I kept that supernatural happening to myself,
as I felt that I had to keep it to myself somehow, because when these unusual
things happen and you tell someone they think you are going crazy.
Therefore before I told anyone, I had to
think it over many times whether I should tell at least my most trusted friends
about this supernatural and unbelievable happening, because what I saw and
heard at that time could only make sense to myself and nobody else. Anyhow, in
the end I came to the conclusion that I had to tell at least my most trusted
friends, even if they might think that I was crazy, after all they were my
Telling my friends
And just as I thought, the very first time
that I told my friends about the supernatural event they seemed worried about
what I had just told them, and after consulting among themselves for a while
they came back to me and said;
If you really believe in what you have seen
and heard to be true, and you have not dreamed it or invented it, but really it
has happened to you, then, we have to believe you no more questions about that.
And then later on they went on saying, if what you are saying is true, then the
question arises what can one do about it? And also what are you going to do
about it?
So I replied to them, that although I felt
within myself that I wanted to do something about it, for me it would not be
easy to tell the world of this supernatural happening, because very likely they
would think that I was crazy, and then, how could I make the world believe that
it had really happened to me? So I said that I had to think it over.
Now, I do not know why my friends came to
my rescue, whether they wanted to know more about my mental state, or just for
friendship sake, my fried Mark said: because you don’t seem to feel sure about
yourself, we, (that is me and Gino here) are ready to help you in any way
possible, as we feel within our hearts that you need some help to encourage you
to do something about it, or at least talk about it, if you so wish.
Then my lifelong friend Mark said to Gino:
Would you be ready to help Frank, Gino with this somehow religious
matter that is
on his mind?
And Gino said yes.
This is how I accepted to write these
religious writings with the help of my friends Mark and Gino.
So now, I am going to call on my friends to
have a good talk about these religious writings, since they believe me about my
spiritual circumstances.
Before I call this meeting with Mark and
Gino, let me say a prayer of reconciliation to Our Heavenly Father, so that I
would become inspired and worthy to write these religious writings, that I am
hoping to write with the help of my friends of course.
Almighty and merciful Father,
to you I turn Father-Most-High praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind
earnestly; I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all
my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities
that may affect my soul; so that, I would become worthy to pray to you and be
heard and worthy in your eyes to be your humble servant and write these
religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear
my prayer and help me! Amen.
I believe that I have said enough in this
post, but I am going to write another religious post soon; see you then.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Spiritual circustances
Next time with more religious issues.
Some helpful religious links