Monday, September 19, 2016

Praying God for a miracle

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, Praying God for a miracle
Praying God for a miracle
When we have some very hard problem to solve, especially if it is about people health in our family, we turn to God and pray with all the strength that is in our heart.

Praying God for a miracle
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, God works in a mysterious way, and this post that I am writing here is also part of the story of my life. Anyhow, at the end of the post we were saying that I was going to pray God to help me.
So, here I am praying God for a personal miracle or grace.
Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and in my great distress and with pains in my heart I start to pray with all my heart, my mind and my soul; I am praying to you Almighty Merciful Father because I am in a desperate situation and I need your help right now, because there is serious illness in my family.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying to you Almighty Father; I pray to you because I know that for you everything is possible, even those things which for the best people of this world seem impossible to achieve. So I hope that in your mercy you would hear this painful and desperate prayer of your humble servant who in pains turns to you for help; I am praying in the hope that you would hear my prayer and help me by granting me by your grace, my earthly requests, and if or when you do then my pains and despair would turn into joy and I will thank you with all my heart. I am turning to you and praying for help Heavenly Father, because I believe that only you can help me and no one else can, since for you everything is possible.
Father, you see, nowadays I have a daughter who is sick, and the doctors are trying their best to cure her of her illness; but they only succeed in controlling a bit of her illness.
I love my daughter very much and when I see her sick my heart cries in pains. I wish I could talk to her and say what is in my heart, but I have to refrain in case I make things worse, you see sometimes it seems that she does not understand what is going on.
But really I would like to say to her: My heart aches for you my darling child, and as I think of you my heart cries for you. Dear me, dear me, dear me! How I love you my darling child! And although now you are a grown up while you are sick you are my little child again, and this is how I will feel to the end of my days, because deep within my heart you are a little bit of me living away from me, and therefore there is this force from within me that pushes me to help you, since you are a part of me. I feel that your pains are my pains, your despair is my despair, your fears are my fears and I will do anything to help you, no matter how hard and painful it might be for me.
Now because I love my daughter as she is a small part of me, I want to help her no matter what; but having done all I could do to help her, and not being able to make her well again, this makes me feel so helpless and sad, very sad indeed:
So in my despair, I can’t help asking myself why this illness had to happen to her, to her who is still so young and beautiful, and she could have enjoyed life very much at this time of her life. You see she was healthy once, but now she has been sick for a long time and with no end of being well in sight. So, in my torment I continually ask myself what I could do to help her, because I would do anything to make her well again, but all earthly option to help her seem to be in vain and exhausted. Since even the doctors don’t know what else to do, so I turn to God and pray, because God is hope for those that need hope most.
God is hope for those that need hope most

Dear readers, now that you know part of my life story and my daughter sad event in her young life, what other hope of being happy with life I have I would like to ask you, not very much I am afraid to say; therefore, my only hope is to turn to God and pray, because God is hope for those who need hope most, and thus I pray to God.
I am praying to God, because my heart which loves my daughter so much will never surrender, so, I am driven to do the impossible. So, in my human despair I turn to God and pray again and again; because in my heart I believe that only God who is our Heavenly Merciful Father and mighty overall can help her to be healthy again, just like young girls of her own age should be healthy. So, here I turn to you God Most High and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind to heal her for good; I am praying to you benevolent Father because I believe that for you Almighty Father everything is possible, since all you have to do are to say the words and it will be done, at least that is what we have been told to believe.
Therefore, because these days I am in great personal distress, I am praying from the bottom of my heart to our Heavenly Father hoping that through his love and mercy he would help me and my family.
Almighty Father I am praying in the hope that when I need your help, I would be able to call on your great love and mercy that you have for us humans, and through the love of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savoir, you would hear and answer my prayers for help and help us in your own ways.
I am praying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom you sent down to earth to help humanity understand your will, to fulfil the scriptures, and to redeem us from our original sin, and then by sacrificing himself as you wanted he has redeemed mankind and opened for us a way, which today is enabling us to come back to you.
Father, hear my prayer, forgive me my sins, allow me to be your servant and bless me; So that, I would be worthy to pray to you and be heard. So let my prayer for my sick daughter be heard and answered in the affirmative way. Amen.
Will God hear my prayer and help me and my family, or is it going to be just as my friend says; God is hope for those who need hope most. Therefore, because I need to hope for a good outcome, I am praying God with all my heart.  I know today that I will continue to pray God our spiritual Father many more times, in fact, every time I feel I need god help.
I believe that I have said enough in this post, so see you in our next post, with another chapter of my life story.
May God bless us all?   
Religious Reconciliation Doc 

Praying God for a miracle
Next time with; another article about God and prayers 
Other links from same author

Friday, August 26, 2016

God works in a mysterious way

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, God works in a mysterious way
God works in a mysterious way
God works in mysterious ways, even in the Bible it says so, and it has always been so since all recorded time. Therefore, my real life story could be said that it just another example, of how god works in a mysterious way.  

This here is the most know fact, of how God works in a mysterious way. Moses met God Yahweh on Mount Sinai and this seems to be the closest encounter with God that man has had, because nobody has really seen God and neither have I? But, I have believed in God and prayed to God.

God works in a mysterious way

Dear readers, as we have said at the end of our last post we are going to tell you a true story, where we will show you that God works in mysterious ways, the following story will show you what we mean:
In this post here we would like to show our readers that there are times in our lives, when everything goes the wrong way and we are forced to turn to God and pray, because we are not able to control the situation that we happen to be in. So, praying God gives us hope and makes us feel that we have done something positive; but not only that, our prayers may indeed be heard and answered from heaven above in a mysterious way.
What I am going to write here is a true life event, which is one dreadful and sad life event that I have lived during my life. So, I am going to write about this life event, as close as possible the way it happened, not because we want your sympathy and feel sorry for us, because this life event has happened in the past; so, there is no need to feel sorry for us. Anyhow, we would like to tell you and show you how God works in a mysterious way; therefore, I am going to tell you what went through my mind at the time of this event and how I prayed God Almighty to help me.
I prayed God Almighty with all my heart, my soul and my mind, so that I would be able to find my way out of such a dreadful situation that my entire family happened to be in, because of what my daughter unknowingly had just done by running away from us. Because my daughter had run away from us, therefore, I was praying God to help me, because I as a parent felt responsible as parents should do, and also because I did not pay the attention it deserved when this happened. So, I started praying God that I would find my daughter who had left home because of her mental state, and also because of her mental state she would be exposed to dangers, so in my despair I was praying God to bring her back home safely.
Dear readers let me explain myself here, because I know that what is going to follow here is a painful sad story and most people are not happy to hear sad stories, because they would like to hear happy events, but never the less it is a true life story and it needs to be told as close as possible the way it happened, we hope that you are able to read our story without becoming upset from the sad events.
Now, let us go back to our story; anyhow here I would like to say something before I start writing about this personal story of anguish, and how God works in a mysterious way, I want to explain to any post readers, that what I am writing here now would be too personal for me or my family, if I publish it just how it was written the first time. Therefore, I am going to change this story to an impersonal story, as much as I can, so I am trying to find a way on how to do it without losing the powerful meaning of this real life story, perhaps I need to change our personal names and a few other things. In this next sub-article that I call anguish, which I am going to write here-under, and then, you will see what we mean when we say, God works in a mysterious way, and later on, we are going to talk about, God is hope for those who need hope most.
Here I would like to point out that these praying events could happen to most of us, when everything around us becomes so hard to bear and we are looking for help, whichever way that help would come from, and when that help is not available in any human form, we are forced from our inner self to pray and believe in God, in the hope that God would help us, this seems to me just like what one of my friends called Mark says sometimes, man needs God, because God is hope for those who need hope most, and what I am about to tell you here will prove just that point and also how God works in a mysterious way, you see because of what had just happened, I was praying God with all my heart, my soul and my mind, since this case that I was in seemed to be desperate; and therefore I was praying God in my despair for help.

Praying God in despair

See my anguish writings here-under

Anguish of a father that fears for the safety of his mentally sick daughter.
The day that you left me and went away, it was the darkest day of my whole life,
I was so scared for you that my heart cried, and not knowing that else to do I started to pray. And I prayed and prayed with all the strength that was within my heart, my soul and my mind for your safety my darling daughter.
To God our Father the creator of the entire world I prayed, calling on His mercy and asking Him to bring back my beautiful daughter (name) safely home;
And this is how I prayed to God our Heavenly Father:
Yahweh (Jehovah) God of the Israelite's that in the Bible your greatness is so well described, Father and Creator of all living things, You that know about anything and everything, to you I turn and to your great mercy I appeal.
Father have mercy for me and my sick daughter, my sick daughter that ran away from me because she was very sick and she didn't know what she was doing, I fear so much for her safety because she might die, and I don’t know how to find her and help her now. So help me Father to bring my daughter back to me safely home.
I partly blame myself for this happening, because I haven’t been able to see properly the state that she was in, and although there were some signs of her sickness, I didn’t understand them for what they were, and therefore I didn’t try hard enough to prevent this happening of running away. Perhaps this has also happened because I have been forced to be the weak leader of the family, since my wife usually opposes me and she tries to run everything her own way, so I have to let it go and let my children do what they want sometimes.
But what else could any other father do in my place? With a family like mine and every member headstrong, and with my wife that always tries to undermine my command, sometimes I feel lost.
So, I pray and ask you Our Heavenly Father to help me, and through the cosmos of the universe send me a sign that I will be able to see. So, I pray you Father to help me, and after my prayer, I will see what comes through my mind, and whatever comes through my mind, I will believe that it is your will Our Heavenly Father.
And after my prayer this is what came through my mind:
Rise up your staff and transmit your command, let all your sheep know what you want them to do, since you are their father and their shepherd as God intends you to be their leader, therefore God has given you the full command. So, here is what God through the cosmos of the universe will suggest to you.
Be just, be brave, be firm, and do not give in: But be also kind, loving and merciful at the same time, and guide your sheep always safely home, that’s what God wants you to do all the time.
Back to the dreadful and sad event of my life now I shall return, so that I can tell you the outcome of my prayers. Because I prayed so hard on that very dark day of my life, and with all the strength of my heart prayed to God saying; Father help me to bring back (name) safely home, because if I lose her I could even die, and that will be the end of everything for me.
And if that happens, then I will not be able to write any more what I had in mind to write, which is about your greatness in this religious section of my religious writing Heavenly Father, and these writings I would like to call, Reconciliation of the Universe, This is a theory that might be able to guide religious believers together in the future, at least that is the aim for writing it. So please, Father I pray you to help me to bring my daughter back home safely and then make her well again, and I promise You that I will write Reconciliation of the Universe if that goes according to your will, but today first I pray you and think about my daughter safety, Father, hear my prayer and help her.

God works in a mysterious way
Therefore, to whosoever reads these religious writings, I have promised God to write these religious writings called, Reconciliation of the universe; because in my heart I wanted to promise God whatever I could, in the hope that God would hear my prayer and help me; whether what I promised God is right or wrong to do, I do not know, but, this is what I promised God to do when my daughter in her sickness went astray, and I indent to keep my promise to God our Father, unless God Our Father, in its own ways lets me know that this is not His will.
I believe in God that’s in heaven, and I believe that He really helped me find my daughter (name). Because the day after that she went away a strange thing happened, a taxi driver from Melbourne called my home in Brisbane concerned about my daughter and the state that she was in, as she seemed to him that she was very much confused and didn’t know what she was doing. So we gave some instruction to this taxi driver, to take her to a certain safe place, and then off I went to Melbourne by plane, in the hope of finding a way about how to bring her back home.
To me the taxi driver that rang my home has been the means that God has used to bring my daughter back home. Because the taxi driver being a complete stranger could just have thrown my daughter out of the taxi and forget about her, but God suggested to him to call my home, and that is how God helped me find my daughter; this is how God works in a mysterious way.
So to God Almighty I owe many thanks, because in his mercy He gave me the means to bring my daughter back home, and now we have to try to make her well again. So, I have reasons to believe that if I pray to God, then God will help to make my daughter well again.
So, let me find the way and the courage to pray God and say what is deep within my heart; let me be able to pray and tell God the great personal pains that are within my heart at this moment, so that, in his mercy God may hear my prayer and grant me my earthly requests.
Now let me say this, to whoever reads these religious writings here, I want to make this very clear that what I am writing here is my personal prayer to God Most High, who is my only hope for a better life for my sick daughter; because I believe that no one else could or would be able to do what I am going to ask God to do for my daughter except God himself. So, I believe that I have to do something very special for God, so that God may take notice of my daughter problems and help us. Therefore, this is one of the main reasons why I am writing these religious articles here, and I am also writing my prayers to God Most-High here under, in the hope that God would take notice of my plight and help me, and here-under are some of my many prayers that in my hours of need I have prayed and pray God even now.
I believe that this article is becoming too long, for the average readers of today, so, I am going to continue this article next time, with a post called praying God for a miracle. See you next time
May God bless us all?
Religious Reconciliation Doc 
God works in a mysterious way
Next time with; praying God for a miracle
Other links from same author

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Some of our answers to religious questions

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, some of our answers to religious questions
Some of our answers to religious questions:

When we pray we place hope in God, hoping that God would here our prayer and answer our earthly requests. Most of us find that praying could help in many ways.  

Some of our answers to religious questions:
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, list of religious subject required, so you need to read our previous post to understand what is going on, as we were saying at the very end, what can be done to set religious things right and write the Theory of Reconciliation of the Universe? So, here under are our answers to that.
Our answer: to the first main group short list.
First main group; answers for first reason.
What are the forces nowadays that drive me to write my religious beliefs?
Deep from within my soul, my heart and my mind, I feel driven by God nowadays to write these religious beliefs for the benefit of future generations.
I am an old man now and I have seen lots of things during my life, I have learned through the ups and downs of my life many things great and small; but the greatest thing of all that I have learned is that mankind needs to believe in God and religion, it has been so since the beginning of recorded times, because without religion life may seem void and not worth living. We will return to discuss religions in more details later on in our religious writings, as now I have some other important things to tell you.
So, now that I am an old and wise man, I want to say what I believe in God, and so, contribute to the future betterment of mankind by writing my religious life learning as much as I could.
I have observed and I have learned during my life, that people usually turn to God and pray only when they find themselves in a helpless position, and the more they find themselves in a desperate and helpless position, the more they will pray God for help, especially if there is no other way out for them except that they can pray God, pray and pray; so the phrase that says that God is hope for those who need hope most is exactly how things really are.

Being in this helpless situation has also happened to me several times during my life, therefore, I have been praying God so many times, in the hope that God would help me out. And, it so happens that today, (while I am writing this article for the first time) I am in one of the most desperate situation of my life, and therefore I feel that I have no choice but to continue to Pray God, pray and pray, hoping that God would hear my prayers and grant me my earthly requests.
Dear readers; by now I am sure that you start asking yourself what’s the matter with me, and why I have not yet fully explained to you what is the matter with me, and why I keep going back saying that a religious man in trouble prays to God prays and prays. I have been saying this because that is really what’s deep within my heart right now, which is that I am about to pray and ask God for my own personal help for me, including my sick daughter and my family; and I believe that in his mercy God may even grant me my requests, I need to believe that, because that is what gives me hope to continue my praying God and hoping for a good outcome.
But now, before I start praying God again and request what I would like right now, let me tell you the story from the beginning, as it is one of the most important happenings of my life, which have driven me to write these religious writings, because without this life happening, I would not be able to write these religious writings. This story will show you how God works in mysterious ways and in a strange way God guides you to do what He wants, because God works in a mysterious way, this is all I want to say in this post. So, see you in our next post, God works in a mysterious way.   
May God hear our prayers and grant our earthly requests, amen.
May God bless us all?
Religious Reconciliation Doc 
Some of our answers to religious questions
Next time with; God works in a mysterious way
Other links from same author

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

List of religious subject required

Welcome to our blog, religious reconciliation doc
and this post, list of religious subject required
List of religious subject required
we need to study religions and make a list of what we require


List of religious subject required

Dear readers, this is the continuation of our last post, what my heart and mind are telling me, where we said that we were going to write a list of subject required about religions.
Hereunder is a list of subject required to explain today religious situation?
We have already talked about this in our previous posts, what my soul is telling me, what my heart, my mind and body is telling me.
We believe that in order to make our religious writings easier to understand, we have to divide these subjects in groups, and there will be at least four main groups of items to be talked about:
We believe that apart from what we have written above, we need to collect all the other personal writings in single groups as much as we can, so that they would make sense to the readers.
First main group:
(1) First of all we need to write our present personal reasons, feelings happenings and views, which are able to show our readers how and why I am being driven these days to write these religious writings, that is to say: What are the forces nowadays that drive me to write these religious beliefs?
(2) I need to write and explain to my readers how I became a real religious believer; that is to say: What were (or have been) the forces that have made me become a religious believer?
(3) We need to write about the ways which we are working on, in order that we could make our religious writings worthwhile and easy for everybody to understand;
(4) Dear reader; In order to describe these subjects above, we may have to start from many different points of view, and be forced to go through many different ways to explain our views; but they will all lead to the same conclusion, which is that today we definitely need to find a new way for World Religious Reconciliation, because of what is happening in the world is not right, and some of those things are really terrible.
Second main group:
(1) Religion has always existed since the beginning of recorded time, therefore, it would be important to show that people have always had the need to believe in god or some sort of religions, and what were those primitive religions like?
(2) In order to support a general view about religion and prove that we need religion, we ought to write about it, and try to explain it in several possible ways.
(3) We need to learn or even just read about most of the world religions, so that we may be able to compare them to our Roman Catholic religion, since that is the religion that we know most. And after that we need to write about what we have learned from our religious studies, whether it is right or wrong.
Third main group:
(1) Present days’ religions and the many reasons why they fail to keep all religions together; Looking at the world of today, there is this need to review religions in a modern way, so that the whole world could believe into one single unified religion, and therefore when that has been done religions may not find an excuse to fight each other and they will stop fighting each other.
 (2) And then, we have to write about our own religious theory, and how this theory could and would solve some if not all those religious problems, in order to bring to the world a new way of peaceful religious beliefs, and therefore the New World Religious Reconciliation; to achieve that we need to do at least the following:  
We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see
and when you read these pages you may have to agree
that we are writing these religious pages for all humanity
in order to stay in touch with God life force for eternity.
But now let us see some of the answers to our questions.
We believe that we have said enough in this post, so, see you in our next post that we will call, some of our answers to religious questions.
See you soon.
May God bless us all?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

What my body and mind is telling me

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, what my body and mind is telling me
What my body and mind is telling me 
To understand religions one has to study several religious books starting from the Bible, since the Bible is the most important religious book in the western world; it could be said that two third of the world religions may derive from the Bible.

Religion has always existed since the beginning of recorded times, because no matter what some people believe, the majority of us still need to believe in God, and also pray to God when we need God's help.

What my body and mind is telling me
May God help me say the right religious things in this religious article?
Dear readers, this is the continuation of our previous post; this is what my soul is telling me. Having done that, now let us talk about what my body and mind is telling me. As you all know, we are studying religions to find out how religions could be adjusted, in a way that religions could continue to be useful in the future, as they have been until now; therefore, we look and discuss every possible way, including what we feel within ourselves; in our last article we have talked about what my soul is telling me, in this post we are going to continue the same religious personal theme, except that we will be talking about, what my body, heart and mind is telling me. We will also talk about other things that are linked with our inner self. So let us see how we can describe that.
Now as we have said, in our last article we have talked about our soul, now let us talk about our earthly things like, my body, my mind and my heart, and let us see how they could link with our spiritual part the soul. So, let us start briefly from the beginning of our entire life and what we should be doing with our own life so to speak. I suppose that first of all we would want to find out that our life is well worth living and which way is the best way to live it, then, we would want to see what our life could or should mean to us and everybody else around us, in other words we should try to live a meaningful life. Now, in order to live a meaningful life, we should really observe what is happening around us and learn from it, above all learn all those things that change during one’s own life. Not only we should observe what happens around us, but we also should make our own minds up and see if what is happening is good or bad and store this knowledge in our minds, so that at the end of our life we could and indeed should be able to say something to the generations that will follow us, as this is the duty of any human being, we have written an article about this and this is one of the links if you want to read it.
Now, if one thinks about all the changes that take place during one’s life, one could say that life is never still and keeps changing all the time. So, life could also be compared to a butterfly metamorphosis, which is a cycle that goes around and then starts all over again, not only the butterfly metamorphosis forms a cycle, but also many other things happen to go around in circles as well, so, we should be able to tell these changes if we observe them carefully.
Now, let us start from when a child is born. When a child is born, he (here he means also she, I, us and they) he seems so innocent and he looks like an angel, and he also thinks many innocent things; so one is inclined to think that there is a connection between the new born child and heaven and the angels, because it feels as if he has come from heaven above. But this is not going to last forever, because this child is going to grow up, so let us see what happens next while he is growing up and later on in life. We know that his views of life and also his views of religions will slowly change, it is only natural that they change and we should take notice of these changes, we could talk a lot about his physical changes, because we are all born, then we grow up, grow old and then die, but we are going to keep these to a minimum, since these articles are mainly about religious, so, we need to state religious views more than anything else.

Growing up cycle and views

This is what my heart and mind is telling me, while we are looking at the cycle of life that we all go through during our lives.
First of all, let us look at a young man growing up views;
When a boy grows up, he will start learning and thinking according to what his parents will teach him, we can safely say that his parents will teach him what they have been taught from their own parents, therefore it is safe to assume that his parents will teach him religious things as they know them and these teachings will reinforce his own inborn religious feelings, and somehow he will try hard to live his life in a religious way as he has been taught from his parents until he grows older.
But when he becomes a young grown up man, he will become interested very much about earthly life and sex, this is only natural if he is a normal healthy man, he becomes interested very much about his human friends and what they do, and he will follow them no matter what they do, usually it happens that young healthy people are arrogant and believe only in themselves while they are young and strong, so, they tend to ridicule their mates if they show any sign of weakness. As you know, religion for these young people would be a sign of weakness; so he is trapped from these vicious circumstances, and therefore he could not and would not follow religion very much while he is in the company of his friends, even if in his heart he is a very religious man.
This way of life will usually last for a very long time during his life, in fact it may last all his life until he becomes old, weak and vulnerable; accept if during his life it happens that some hardship strikes him and he feels that he is in danger and needs help, but there is nobody on earth available or able to help him, and in his desperate position he remember what his parents have thought him about God, so he turns to God and prays, as at that moment there is nothing else that could help him. This is the way that most men behave during their lives; they will turn to God and religion only when they are in danger and in a desperate situation.
But when a man becomes older and wiser he feels the need to question his own behaviour about religious beliefs, so, by reasoning within himself he comes to the conclusion that it would be better for him if he returns to his religious beliefs that his parents have taught him, just for his own personal safety and reasons, now let us see what those reasons could be.
Returning to his religious beliefs
There are a few reasons for a man for returning to religion at his old age, which are very likely the following:
(1) He might have been a believer all his life deep within his heart, but people around him were not religious people, so during his younger life he forced himself to live as a non-believer, because he felt that he could have been ridiculed from his friends, if he had admitted to them that he was a real believer. But now, because he is an old man he wouldn’t and doesn’t care about what other people think about his religious beliefs, and he feels free to believe whatever he wants to believe; therefore, he would come back to believe in religion openly, as his heart and soul guides him to do.
(2) He might have been born in a family whom didn’t practice religion, and therefore during his younger life he did not believe in God and religion at all, because nobody had thought him religion when he was young. But during his life he has met some religious people, who while conversing with him have expressed their religious beliefs, this has helped him learn about God and religion. So now, he has become religious and practice religion openly in his old age.
(3) He might have been born in a family of non-believers, because the members of his family were all born in this circle of non-believers, which would openly ridicule or harm anybody that was a religious member, therefore he has lived all his life as a non-believer.
But now he has grown old and he knows that soon or later he will have to die, this knowledge of his pending death makes him look back at the way of life he has lived till now; he starts thinking whether it was right to live the way he has lived his life as a non-believer, and deep within his heart he may become worried and perhaps scared of what he has done with his life. He asks himself: What about if there is life after death? I know that my body death is inevitable no matter what I do. So, is there any way that I can save at least a bit of myself? And at his old age he starts believing in religion, in the hope that he can save at least his soul somehow.
(4) Whatever reasons have held back religious beliefs within a man, or given rise to religious beliefs during his lifetime; those same reasons now are pushing this old man to believe in God in his old age. Not only will this old man believe in God and religion; but deep within his heart he will feel the need to pass his religious knowledge to future generations, because he wants the future generations to know about God and religions.
(5) These religious facts that we have written above definitely apply to most of us. So, when we become old there is another change in our lives, because we have learned many religious things during our lives, so, we should feel the need to carefully write down what we have learned for the benefit of future generations.
Now that I have spoken about what my body and mind is telling me, let us go back to talk about what we need in order to achieve good result. At the end of our last hub we said that we needed to look at how I could use my religious knowledge and we were going to make a list of subject, which could and would be similar to the list of subject that apply at the end of this hub, so let us write this list of subject required.
Anyhow, we are going to write this list of subject in our next post, because this post is becoming too long.
So, see you soon in our next post, list of religious subject required.
May God bless us all?