Saturday, January 2, 2021

Humanity and religions



In the Old Testament of the Bible, Moses met God on the Mountain of Sinai, in the form of a burning bush. So, I guess that God is only a spiritual force, that can  show himself in many ways. 

Welcome to our blog,  Humanity and religions   

May God help and guide me to say the right things?

In our previous article, Stephen Hawking physicist argues in a new book; God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. We know that Stephen Hawking is right, but not withstanding Stephen Hawking theory, we the people will continue to say that we believe in God, because we need to believe in God, therefore, we will continue to search for God existence, even knowing that God may not exist. Therefore, we are going to argue our religious case in the following way:

Since the beginning of recorded time, mankind had this need to believe in deities, because they needed gods and religions to guide them. Anyhow, they had many problems to find what they wanted, first to find the right god and religion for themselves; and then, they had to write their God’s laws, which was what they wanted to believe, and then follow their God’s laws.

Why mankind needs a God you may ask? Well, man needs God because they turn to God for help, when they need help; praying God makes people feel better, so, Man needs God, and at the same time, God needs man, otherwise what is God good for if there are no believers?

Therefore, because man need God and God needs mankind to believe in God, so, it is good, because both benefit from this exchange, that is why God and religions need to exist the way they are today, even if we need to change religions to keep in touch with the changing world.  

Now that we have stated this need, we have for God and religions, we must start looking for ways, how to change religions without upsetting the believers. So, what we need to achieve that.


What we would like to do and achieve

We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see.

And whoever will read these pages might have to agree.

That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity;

So that we could stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity

So, I am praying God our Father to guide and help me.

We know that humanity needs to review religions, so, I am praying God to help me.


Humanity needs to review religions

Since we believe that humanity needs to review religions, and if necessary, suggest what can be done; so, I am praying God for guidance

Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever-present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide and help me; So, that I can write these religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.

Now that I have prayed God, let us continue; you see, we are discussing, whether there is a god or not that created the universe, and other things. But today religious happenings are strange, so, they cannot go on the way they are for long, it is obvious by following the news that mankind is using religions for their own personal advantage, and not for the entire world community.

So, in these religious writings we should explain, what is our point of view about God and religion? You see, today, as we have seen from previous articles. God as we have known for thousands of years is being attacked from atheists who are clever people, so, we believe that it is only a matter of time before God and religions will need to change in order to survive.

So, we may have to find a way, how we can link these existing religions to the future religions, which will be constructed in a way that they can bridge past, present and future religions; you may think that it cannot be done; but if you look at the history of old religions, then you will see that what we are suggesting here has happened before, so, there is nothing to be worried about, as long as these changes are made in a way that is acceptable to the religious public.

Then, what can we do you may ask? And what sort of God or religion can achieve all that?

I believe it will work, if we believe that God is life and there is only one God throughout the universe, and God is the life giver to every living thing, therefore, there is a link between God and our life on earth, even if this extended belief is different from what is written in the Bible, and other religious books that exist today.

Now, let us assume that we can find a way how to describe this religious link, and with this link we can link the past the present and the future of religions, so, they can all work in harmony.

Anyhow, we must assume that with this link, which in realty has always existed, we believe that most religious problems will be solved for a while, but not forever; because things changes with the passing of time, and what is perfect today in the future may not be perfect.

For example, we believe that in the past God came down to earth, because in His mercy He wanted to help the Israelites, so, during that time God gave the Israelites this general rule called, the Ten Commandments for them to follow. Nowadays all the people that are connected to the Bible, accept, and follow these Commandments. But I hope that those rules, can apply to the rest of the world, so that the rest of the world can live in harmony with each other as well.


Ways to religious reconciliation

I believe that we need to observe and learn, so, we can find the way for religious reconciliation. We must admit that today God’s rules have been written as if they are heavenly driven; but, because we are living on earth, we are earth bound. So, our task is to modify these rules if we can, and keep humanity according to God’s ways, while at the same time, we should talk in an earthly way, so that humanity can understand us and follow our religious writings.

You see, during my life I have made many religious observations, so, today I believe that I have found a solution, since I have become aware of something that can help, and it can enlighten what is obscure now. So, we believe that it is worth to write what we have learned, for the benefit of all humanity.

Now, because we have become aware of this theory, we have reasons to believe that God has made me dream an impossible dream, and to achieve this dream I must reach, the unreachable stars; but at the same time, I feel as if there is an inner force that is driving me to do this.

Therefore, if I believe in God and pray God, then God may indeed let me reach the unreachable stars, therefore, I should be able to fulfill this role and write the religious theory, I hope, I am right.  


Personal religious views

There are times when I feel very religious, when that happens, I have this feeling that from the four corners of the universe, God is watching us closely. Although God is watching us from a distance nothing will escape God’s watchful eyes. Therefore, we can say that we must believe in God and follow his rules, because we are going to get from God what we personally deserve.  

Having said how I feel about God, now let me say what I can do next: Here I must say that I have observed that what I want to do is a difficult task, and from my observations I have concluded, that these religious writings should be written in two parts, which will enable me to deal with two points of view of the same subject in different ways.

The first point of view is to look closely at ourselves, and then look at the existing religious world and see where and why those religions are failing us. Therefore, we need to deal with the way of how people feel about religion, so that we can make up our mind, how much we need religion. Then we must examine those existing religious, and if we find them not adequate to today’s needs, then we must see what can be done to improve them, even if we must change what needs to be changed.

But that is now as easy as it sounds because of our natural instincts, since Mother Nature to keep us safe from all dangerous things during our lives, she made us suspicious, and she has implanted in us the will to survive, this will to survive makes us suspicious of everything, so, we cannot accept everything that is being told to us, therefore, we have to go through a process to prove to ourselves that what is being said is good for us, and then and only then we will accept it.

The second point of view is to try to find a solution to the existing religious problems, which we believe we can do with our religious theory.

But first, let us see what I can write to the people, to accept our points of view.

So, in our next article will talk about these religious points of views?

See you soon.

May God bless us all.


Religious Reconciliation Doc 

Humanity and religions
Next time with; Religious view point 
Other links from same author


Monday, December 28, 2020

Religious views on Stephen Hawking article


Here we are talking about Stephen Hawking book, THE GRAND DESIGN that somehow resamples a bit to my own religious views.   

Welcome to our article, religious views on Stephen Hawking article 

Religious discussions and atheism with Stephen Hawking 

Religious views, on Stephen Hawking article 

Dear readers, I have been writing several religious articles, because God has made me dream this dream, that I would write about God and religions. Of course, while I am writing these articles, I am studying religions and what other people think about religions, because I want to compare my religious theory to other people theory, that is why I look for religious news, and today I have found some interesting news to compare with my writings; so, we are going to discuss and report these Religious discussions with Stephen Hawing.

Now, what I am going to write next is an article from Stephen Hawking, that I found on the Internet; this article prompts me to go on in the same religious direction as I have done before, because the views in Stephen Hawking article run parallel with my religious theory.

Anyhow, as we know, religions are based on our own beliefs, so, we need to believe something, for that something to become true, at least within our own minds. So, I am comparing my religious  theory with Stephen Hawking religious theory; okay, I need to say that my religious theory is a bit similar to Stephen Hawing, but I have my doubts, so, let me write a prayer invoking God to help me, so, I can understand these religious things better.

My prayer to God for guidance

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Our Father who art in heaven, I turn to you praying God Most High, with all my heart, my soul and my mind; I am praying and hoping that the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth would help me understand your ways, and then write them in my religious writing according to your will. Father hear my prayer and help me.

Now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident with myself that I can write my religious theory. So, let me tell you what we would like to do and achieve with our religious articles.

We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see.

And whoever will read these writings might have to agree.

That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity.

So that we could stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity

So, I am praying God to guide and help me.

Father hear these prayers and helps me.

I am not writing a prayer this time, because I don’t want to repeat what I have written before, so, let us start our religious discussions.

Discussions on Stephen Hawking article

Now, I can see that my religious theory resemble in a way Stephen Hawking ways of seeing God, since I don’t see God as a single person with so much power that can do anything, but I see God more like life itself, or a life force that helps to bring life about, like the natural forces that exist in the universe. I know that this statement can clash with existing religious beliefs, and my own statement of, Reconciliation of the Universe, because of the signs that I have seen; since this angel from heaven has greeted me as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe.  

Anyhow, this Stephen Hawing article, seems to me that it can be another missing link for my religious theory. So, let me state my own theory and observations, before we come to Stephen Hawking article.

Now I wanted to talk about my own life experiences and observations, because I have reason to believe that in a strange and staged way these observations have led me to become a religious believer. So, today I believe in God’s existence as our life giver, but I must warn those religious believers that believe everything that is written in the Bible, that my religious beliefs are different from normal everyday beliefs; for this reasons I am writing religious things that may not be accepted from the public easily. You see, this is the reason why I believe that my religious theory is like Stephen Hawking beliefs.

Talking about our God, what humanity needs to understand is that we all would like a god for ourselves, it has been so since the beginning; we want that because it is an inborn sense that drives us to do it. So, in our life observations, we start asking questions like; why are we living on this planet earth? What is the meaning of our life in this world? And if we believe that God is our life giver, what is the reason for us living here on earth?

We should admit that these are the questions that mankind has asked all the time, but there is no real answer to these questions, it has been so since the beginning of the world, whether one day we can answer those questions nobody knows. Here I can add this observation; religious beliefs are like gambling with our psycho-logic inner selves, while they switch on and off, so, sometimes we are okay, and at other times we are not. So, let me pray God to help me.

My lord God with my personal concerns I come to you praying, I am praying you who is our Heavenly Father that through the ever-present guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth; you would guide me and help me to write the right religious things. Father hear my prayer and help me write these religious writings the correct way according to thy will. Amen.


Religious discussions and Stephen Hawking

I believe that it is the will of God that I came across this Stephen Hawking article; Anyhow, in our religious writings I thought that I had said enough about the existence of God, but I have not, because I have found an article in the news, about things that I have not said, this article is talking about the existence of God, so, we want to say something about this Stephen Hawking article hoping to clarify this situation.  
As you can see, I am going out of my normal ways, because I feel the need to talk about what I have found in the news, so, instead of writing another article about our religious beliefs, I am commenting what I found in the news.
You See, it has come to my attention that there are a lot of learned people that want to prove the non,
existence of God. But try as they may, they do not convince me that there is no God at all, in fact I am convinced that there is a god-life-force in the universe that behaves the way these scientists describe their laws of physics. So, God may indeed exist, and God might be that part of the laws of physic that makes life possible on earth.

Anyhow, let us see what Stephen Hawking and the others are talking about.

My views. From the big bang, our galaxy the solar system and the planets were formed, and after that living organisms. Well this is all an imaginary thing, so, it can be just about anything. 

Religious discussions and atheism with Stephen Hawking

IN THE NEWS TODAY, September 2010
Stephen Hawking, physicist argues in a new book;
God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book.
In "The Grand Design," co-authored with U.S. physicist Leonard Mlodinow, Hawking says a new series of theories made a creator of the universe redundant, according to the Times newspaper which published extracts Thursday.
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," Hawking writes.
"It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going."
Hawking, 68, who won global recognition with his 1988 book "A Brief History of Time," an account of the origins of the universe, is renowned for his work on black holes, cosmology and quantum gravity.
Since 1974, the scientist has worked on marrying the two cornerstones of modern physics -- Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which concerns gravity and large-scale phenomena, and quantum theory, which covers subatomic particles.
His latest comments suggest he has broken away from previous views he has expressed on religion. Previously, he wrote that the laws of physics meant it was simply not necessary to believe that God had intervened in the Big Bang.
He wrote in A Brief History ... "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God."
In his latest book, he said the 1992 discovery of a planet orbiting another star other than the Sun helped deconstruct the view of the father of physics Isaac Newton that the universe could not have arisen out of chaos but was created by God.
"That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions -- the single Sun, the lucky combination of Earth-Sun distance and solar mass, far less remarkable, and far less compelling evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings," he writes.
Hawking, who is only able to speak through a computer-generated voice synthesizer, has a neuro muscular dystrophy that has progressed over the years and left him almost completely paralyzed.
He began suffering the disease in his early 20s but went on to establish himself as one of the world's leading scientific authorities, and has also made guest appearances in "Star Trek" and the cartoons "Futurama" and "The Simpsons."
Last year he announced he was stepping down as Cambridge University's Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a position once held by Newton and one he had held since 1979.
"The Grand Design" is due to go on sale next week.

Whenever and whatever this book of Stephen Hawking is going to tell us, I do not know; but I know that it is not going to make any difference to our religious beliefs. Therefore, what would this new book prove to me about the existence of God?
I suppose nothing; because our views are that God can co-exist within this Stephen Hawking physicist theory.
Now that we have explained this, we will be able to return to our religious articles.

Anyhow we believe that we have said enough in this article about Stephen Hawking, we are going to take his views earnestly, as we write more religious articles. So, see you next time with our article, humanity and religions. See you soon.  May God bless us all.


Religious Reconciliation Doc 

Religious views on Stephen Hawking article
Next time with; Humanity and religions 
Other links from same author


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Mankind religious beliefs



The Basilica of St Peter in Rome is the main place of worship for the Roman Catholic people. 

This is one of the place of worship for the Muslims.  

Mankind religious beliefs  

Let us discuss mankind religious beliefs  

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, we believe that we need God and religions, even if we were to believe that there is no god; but that cannot be accepted from mankind, therefore, we must accept that we need God and religions; this is obvious from the fact that there are many religions in the world.

Today the main religions are Christianity, Muslim religion, Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions, when we look at the several places of worship that exist in the world, we know that religions are important to mankind, and therefore they are here to stay. So, in this article, we want to look at our religious beliefs; because we want to see what we can learn from them, and if it is possible suggest future improvements.

Anyhow, we have called this article, mankind religious beliefs, because we believe that mankind needs religions and to believe in God? Anyhow, can it be that religion is an inborn sixth sense within us? Or we believe in what we have been told to believe from our previous generation? We do not know; but let us see if we can answer these 


These are mankind religious beliefs

We the people of this world, today are still looking at our religious beliefs, because we want to know how they started, therefore, it would be wise if we can start looking from the beginning of our life and see what evidence we can find. So, let me tell you, how I see this human situation. 

When a human being is born, he knows nothing about religion or anything else, all Mother Nature has given him is a sixth sense that will help him to survive and thrive, so, he learns how to drink his milk and how to get his mother attention, so that, he may feel secure in her arms and survive. If there is within him a sense of religious belonging nobody knows.

But he grows up and learns his mother’s tongue, and through this language he’ll learn everything that is useful to survive according to his parents’ knowledge, he will learn religious beliefs according to his parents’ beliefs. Anyhow, the point here is that he will be believing in the same religion as his parents do, since that is what is being taught. 

Now we want to point out, that notwithstanding all these different religions, which we can believe in, and all those languages that we can speak, there are things in common that we all believe; which is that most of us believe in God and religion or spirituality; we have also within ourselves that inborn will to survive which wants us to live forever, which will stay with us all the time until we die, and perhaps beyond it, in our afterlife, if there is an afterlife.

So, it would be obvious that the will to survive is attached to religious beliefs, because religion is the only thing in this world that can give people hope to live forever, even if they are only possibilities.


Life affects our religious behavior

Whatever events we experience during our life, it will affect our religious behavior; therefore, notwithstanding this need of religions that we have within, and the will to survive that we carry within us; I believe that when we learn something, this something can change our point of view; after all man has his own mind that decides what to do with what he has learned during his life.

So, during our lives, our religious beliefs will go up and down according to our needs. Now for clarity sake, let me talk as if we are talking about a single person; therefore, this single person while he is a child he is keen to believe and practice religion, the way that his parents have taught him, because religion gives him a sense of protection from dangers and evil, like his parents have taught him that God can protect you if you believe in God, and pray to God when you need help; and it is for these reasons that he would pray to be protected from God if he feels he is in danger; of course, there is also a sense of fulfillment, since he believes that he has done the right things according to his religious beliefs.

But as he becomes older and strong and sure of himself, then he may think that these beliefs about protection from God are useless to him, because he feels that he is indestructible like most young people do, therefore, he believes that he doesn’t need any supernatural power to help him, this sort of behavior is particularly so in the young males in the presence of other people. Therefore, if there are a few men who believe in God, they will not be showing it to their peers, for fear of being ridiculous, even though they know that deep down in their hearts they believe in God, and they know that believing is the only way to salvation for them, and their desire to survive forever.

Therefore, when a man becomes old, he still wants to survive forever, even though he knows that we must die one day, so, the only thing left for him to do is to believe that his soul will survive, in the afterlife of course. And therefore, he goes back to his religious beliefs, he goes back to what his parents have taught him and together with his acquired life knowledge and wisdom he tries to find a way to eternal salvation.

Now as you can see, because of this inborn will to survive forever mankind cannot escape religion, because religion is the only link which promises us a possible way to salvation, and so, we hope that we may find the way to salvation and save our soul. Anyhow, now let us talk about our religious beliefs and their importance.


Our religious beliefs

Mankind religious beliefs are those beliefs that we carry in our heart and mind. If we look at religious history, we will find that since the beginning of recorded times, there were religious beliefs that mankind sought even then; in fact, since the very beginning of known times, therefore, it would be right to assume that we have been searching for a reason why we are living here on earth, and for the creator of all living things including our lives.

So, some of us believe in creation, and that there is a creator; but not everybody believes in that. But we are looking for that life-force that made life possible on earth, even if there is no real creator. So, our religious beliefs are based on the fact, that we want to know about our existence and from there we start asking questions. So, the first thought that comes into our mind is that we ask ourselves, what’s the meaning of our life on earth?

This question brings up many more questions like: How and when our forbear’s lives started? Why are we living here on earth? Who gave us our lives? Is there a god who gave us our lives? And if God is our life-giver what’s the meaning for us being here? You see, what we have been taught from our forebears may not stand up to logic human reasoning, so, we keep asking questions hoping that one day we will know the answers.

But even today, a large portion of people are not satisfied with the existing religious explanations. These doubts that we have may be due to the fact, that we want those religious explanations to run in a parallel way with our own thinking, therefore, those explanations may not be right, because they have been written with the knowledge that the writers had when they wrote them.

Most of us have been led to believe that God, or the life-force that made life possible on earth resides in heaven, and we call this life-force God our Father or God Almighty and many other names. But most of mankind believes in this life-force in a different way, therefore, we are still searching for consensus about a single universal life force capable of creating life on earth.

Dear readers, I suppose you have noted that there are times I refer to God as a life force in the universe, I am doing this because that could be the only way to get all existing religions together. 


Explaining my position as a writer 

Dear reader, I need to explain how I understand the Bible: because I believe that I understand the Bible, in my own personal way. So, I want to explain how I see the Bible; anyhow, the Bible is the Bible and it is supposed to be written per God’s own inspiration, or at least according to God’s inspiration at the time it was written the first time? Therefore, I do not intend to change anything, not even a word.

But there is a problem with mankind religious beliefs, when we read the Bible today, because one has to keep in mind, that, the style in which the various writers have written the Bible represents the times and the places and the needs of those days when the Bible was written; one needs also to keep in mind the capacity of the writers of that period and how they could express themselves openly, as they had to do it with what was the general knowledge of those times, it also had to be written in a way that the general public of those days could understand what the writers meant.

So, to understand the Bible, the modern readers should leave behind their greater knowledge of today, they should imagine themselves to be at the same level of awareness as the writers and the people of those ancient times were. Then try to compare it with today’s knowledge and values. Having said that, it does not mean that we should accept what the Bible says with no reserve, but we should look at ourselves and ask ourselves, if we had to write the Bible ourselves today what we would have changed? And, what sorts of theories we would put in place, so that the main religious stream would accept them? You see, religions need to be written according to the times that they are going to serve, which takes us to the following explanation.  

Some readers believe that only what’s written in the Bible is right, and everything else has got to be wrong: But they are making a great mistake, because they fail to see that the writer of those days could only write what they knew and was common knowledge in those days.

Later in our religious writings of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’, I want to explain why some subjects are written the way that they have been written.

Then there is the fact, that I believe in my religious theory, of Reconciliation of the Universe, as if I have been inspired by God, because it is something that I have been carrying in my soul, my heart and in my mind, it will be a bit different from what we believe today, but I believe that it can help people to believe in God and religion in a futuristic way.

I believe that we have said enough in this article. So, see you next time with; Religious news on views, see you there.

May God bless us all.


Religious Reconciliation Doc 

Mankind religious beliefs
Next time with; Religious views on news
Other links from same author
