Sunday, June 5, 2022

Future God of the universe views.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. This article is about,   Future God of the Universe

                Religions are our imaginary spiritual beliefs. 

There are reasons to believe that religions are our spiritual beliefs, for that reason there are several religions in the world, so, it is only natural that we wonder about God and religions all our lives. Anyhow, because many things are changing, our religious beliefs can change also, so, in these articles we are looking at how God could be described in the future. 

Welcome to our article. Future God of the Universe.  

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

This article is part of our religious theory, we are writing it to suggest what can exist, in the spiritual world. Anyhow, I am a believer and believe in God, even if my God is not like the God described in the Bible, I believe that God exists, therefore, let me pray God for guidance, with a modified prayer that I am writing hereunder.

Our Father who are in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever-present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide and help me; So that, I can write these religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.

Dear readers, now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident, so, let us imagine that we can solve our religious problems. The main problem is whether there is a god or there is no god. Because we cannot prove the existence of God or the nonexistence of God, therefore, arguments in this field can go on forever. But we believe that there is a way how to solve this problem, if we put everything that we know together, and then, explain religions in a different way, and this new way should be able to link all existing religions together. So, let us write about our religious theory.


Reconciliation of the Universe theory. 

Now, let me say a short prayer before I start writing my theory.

Dear readers, we are writing our theory of Reconciliation of the universe; where we want to say the reason why we need to review and modify religions, and the way we see God. So, let us start by saying what people believe today.

There are people in the world that believe in God and religions the way they are today, we call them theists, there are many religions, and they are different to one another; then there are people that are not sure what to believe, these people are called the agnostic; and then, there are people that do not believe that there is a god, and we call them the atheists.

Now if we want the people to accept our new religious ways, we need to plan our religious theory in a way that can give these groups a link to what they believe in; to do that we must assume that God exists, and write our religious writings according to our assumed beliefs. 

Anyhow, people believe according to what they have been taught to believe, as there are many religions, but if we are talking about the religions that have come from the Bible, their beliefs would be what they have been taught from their parents and their own interpretation of the Bible.

Therefore, we believe in our own interpretation of the Bible plus what we have been taught, and what we have learned during our lives, because religious beliefs can change during our lives. 

Having said that and knowing that our beliefs have changed, today we don’t believe everything that is written in the Bible; this can create misunderstanding with the believers, because most people believe that the Bible is the word of God, when we know that the Bible was written by Hebrew people, and it is their Hebrew history as well. Anyhow, the Bible is a religious book written by their religious leaders, because the Bible had to fulfil these two roles, so, it becomes hard to say that it is the word of God. Anyhow, we must understand that in those times people were led by their religions, or at least the Hebrew were led by their religion.

Today religions are not as important as they were then, because they fulfil a less important role and they are used to guide our spiritual needs and to understand what is good and what is bad for our souls. Because of these changes we need to review our religious beliefs, in a way that they can help us understand our religious needs, starting with how God needs to be, in order to be a god for all the people even the atheists.


My God of the Universe. 

Now, we want to start writing our religious theory this way.  

Let it be known to all humanity that there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the life essence of the entire universe. So, every living thing is a tiny part of God himself, therefore, life exists because God exists. 

We have written about this in our article, God exists because life exists. Anyhow, I believe that, during our lives we must introduce ourselves to God, by praying, in our own way, through our own beliefs; every one of us may pray our own prayers to God, so, we can express ourselves in many ways. I suppose that we must think about God as our Father, even if one day God might turn out to be only a life force energy that created life and can guides the universe.

Anyhow, our soul is linked to God life force of the universe, and it will remain that way, so, God will always be our spiritual Father and cannot be changed. It cannot be changed because of the beliefs that we have accumulated during our life, so, we are bound to believe the way we have been taught to believe, and pray God, even when there is a struggle within us and we are not sure what to do or say.

But how we should pray?

Our Father, who are in heaven, we pray to help us to live our lives per your will.

Then we can continue to pray and say whatever we believe.

Anyhow, as we have said we want to write these Religious Writings the way we believe they should be written, but at the same time, no human being who believes in God would have the courage to change anything at all without praying God to accept his views. So, that is why I am praying God to accept my religious views, in the hope that my religious views may help humanity in the future.


We need to pray God. 

We need to pray God when we write God’s things. So, let me pray God, because this is the only way that I can find the courage to continue my modified religious writings. 

My prayer

Almighty Father, I am praying you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me clean of all impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I would become clean and worthy to write these religious writings of, Reconciliation of the universe; I am asking this in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. Father hear my prayer and help me, amen.

Anyhow, now that I have prayed, I believe that I must set my theory in a way that is easy to understand. So, I will be writing in bold capital letters, something like this:





But today I am going to say:

We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see,

And when you read these pages you can agree with me,

That this could be the golden door of golden opportunities,

That God would be willing to give to us and to all humanity.


How should we write God's theory? 

How should we write the Reconciliation of the Universe theory?

So, I believe that we need help to complete our religious task, but the only help that can help us is God Himself, because what we are writing in here has never been written before, therefore, I am on my own, but I believe that I am a seer, because I can see things better than other people. So, to God our Creator I turn and pray with all my heart, hoping that God will guide me to write what ought to be written in my theory of, Reconciliation of the universe. So, every time that I write something important, I say a prayer and this time I am praying thus:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I pray here with all my heart.

Almighty Father, I pray you to help and guide me to write what is your will.

So, I pray you Father to help me see what’s right and what’s wrong to write in here.

I ask this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father here my prayer!

Now that I have said my prayer to God asking help from above, it does not mean that help will be coming my way, because I don’t know if I am worthy enough in God’s eyes and whether He would help me; but even though there is no warranty that what I write here is God’s will: I have to say that by praying thus, it gives me some peace of mind, and a feeling that God is guiding me in such a way that at least I would not write anything against God’s will, because it would scare me off, if only I suspect that what I am writing is against God’s will.

Therefore, I am writing here only what’s on my mind, just like any other man would have done, and hope that God accepts my writings without punishing me, if I get them wrong. Because I can only write what I think must be written, which is a religious theory that has been growing in my mind, and it is about what God needs to be like in the future, for everybody to accept.


The future God of the universe. 

I believe that I am being driven to write the theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, because of what I feel within myself, which is that a part of me that has wakened up, this part of me was dormant a few years ago, so, let me explain; it seems and feels like as if a seed in me has started to grow, and as it grows it becomes stronger, and I am sure that one day this growing seed will bear its fruit, so, it is up to me to make sure that this seed doesn’t wither away, because I feel that it is a precious seed.

I believe that I am like everybody else, but I can see these religious things better than other people, I feel special for this reason, even though I know that we are all born with this God’s seed within us, therefore, it is up to ourselves to see that God’s seed grows and bear its fruit during our lives, so, we must follow what our inner self tells us to do, in my case I want to write these religious writings.

So, I wonder whether I was born with a special mission to accomplish: But at the same time I feel sure that I am not alone in my beliefs, and I know for sure that there are hundreds of other people that believe in the same way as I do, but whether they are writing their beliefs down I don’t know.

But speaking for myself I feel that I am compelled to write my own beliefs down, and I thank God for driving me to do it. Of course, I am aware that this driving is due to the fact of what I was taught when I was young. 

I believe that for me to do God’s will, I must do what’s within my heart, my mind and my soul, and don’t be swayed by other people in my attempt to write my own views and beliefs of Reconciliation of the universe. Reconciliation of the universe is a theory that sets up a new way of how all spiritual being could exist in heaven, because it sets a new way, where existing religions can re-start from this new point of view, so, a new religious system can be achieved.

I believe that this article is too long. So, see you next time with, Views on Reconciliation of the Universe

To see more click on this link, Future God of the Universe

May God bless us all.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Believing in God and religions.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. This article is about, Believing in God and religions

This photo above is about the canonization of Mary MacKillop religious service, religious services like this always bring thousands of people to St Peter Square in Rome. To understand religions, we may have to imagine what this crowd of religious believe feel at this service. 

Welcome to our article, Believing in God and religions. 

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, we need to believe in God and religions, because we humans have always had this need to believe in deities. Anyhow, I believe in a slightly different way, so, we have some theories to suggest, and we are writing this article to get people ready to accept our religious theory, but above all we want to say that religions are important to mankind, and they need to continue, even if we need to modify them to make sense to the future generation.

In our religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, it is necessary that we believe in God and religions, as close as possible the way they are today, but we have realized that this is not possible in the future, therefore, we are going to describe God the way we believe God can be described in the future, you see, changing God description does not make much difference to the believers, since God is seen in different ways from different religious people.

Now, what we are trying to say here, is that we need to believe in God and religions, because we have always believed in God, it is in our human nature. You see, religions are also important because it helps people understand how to live life, so, it helps people come together and stay together, and every time there are important religious happenings people become interested in them and they come together to see the events.

You see, today while I am writing this article the first time, there is one of these events happening in Rome, we want to talk about this event, so, we are writing it here-under in a special report, so that we can show you that people are interested in religious happenings, it is only natural, and that is one of the reasons why religions are here to stay, even if one day we can prove that God does not exist, but may exist in a different spiritual way; therefore, even when that happens, then people will find another way of believing in something that brings them together.

This is the reason why we are writing this theory of Reconciliation of the Universe.


Some difference in religions.   

Now, we have had many religious discussions, and we have seen that there are many religions, and there are many different gods and in some religions gods are not even mentioned, so, we may assume that for people to believe there is no need to have a god, as we the Christian have, but the majority of the religious world believe that there is a soul in us; because they believe that their forbears are somewhere in the world of the dead, and when they die, they are going to meet again over there.

Now that we have assumed that people souls exist, because the entire world believes that something spiritual exists, and therefore they exist; but there are doubts whether God exists the way that we have been taught. Now, let us assume that there is no God, then the first thing that comes to our mind is; what happens to me when I die, what happens to our souls, would they be flouting around in the universe, and if all the souls of the dead people were to come together would this become a God life force or what? At this point of time, we may assume that the dead people souls float about in another dimension. Now that we have assumed that souls exist in another dimension, souls are not less important whether we have a god like our God Yahweh or not, because it is the spiritual force of our souls that has become important for us.

But now, let us look at some of the great souls:

There should be no doubts in our minds, as there are reasons to believe that the greatest soul that ever was on earth is our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that the spiritual life force of our Lord Jesus Christ is very great, for a start all Christian souls are linked to our Lord Jesus Christ, and this make him even greater, but I have also something more personal to tell you.

You see, now that I have mentioned our Lord Jesus Christ it comes to my mind my dream about Jesus Christ, which was like this; I was dreaming that I was flouting in the air and this immense life-force-energy that covered half the subcontinent of India, introduced itself to me while I was dreaming and floating in the sky, and he said, do you know who I am? (In a very friendly way) And then in answer to his own question he said, I am the morning star. When I have dreamed this dream, I did not know what the morning star meant in a spiritual way, but I have worked it out later that it meant Our Lord Jesus Christ. You can read my dreams at this link, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams

For all religious people perhaps the second most important soul is Buddha as I understand it, because Buddha was the enlightened one. Of course, there are many others souls like the prophets and the saints that we could fill many pages with names, but I will stop here, because I would like to introduce the most recent one, that the Roman Catholic Church has made her a Saint, Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop. I want to do this because it shows how people are interested in religious events.

Therefore, when we look at this present religious event, we have to admit that religions are very important to people even today, because people follow religions more than anything else, even the best shows on earth cannot compete with religions, because religions are an inborn need that we have. You see, at this religious event, that most of the Roman Catholic people have witnessed, and lots of them went to Rome to attend this religious event personally on site. So, let us talk about it.


Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop.    

This is a modern religious story that is happening the, 17 October 2010 we have followed this story, because we are interested in religions and religious events, so, here are links with similar religious interest that we follow or write:

Anyhow let us follow this modern story;
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop

Celebrating Canonization in Rome
Just for the record, this is a post for a special person that has now become a Saint.
In order to cover this special event, I am posting this special post, even though it disrupts my usual posting, of Prayers of Reconciliation. Anyhow, if you believe in God and even if you are an atheist, religions are here to stay for a long time, just look at the grandeur of this religious service in Rome for Sainthood and you will understand why.
Hereunder are some links I hope they work to see what I mean.

Mary's Story: Beginnings

Mary MacKillop Prayer | Saint Mary MacKillop

Mary MacKillop
A new documentary about the life of Mary MacKillop claims she was excommunicated from the Catholic Church partly as revenge for helping to expose a South Australian paedophile priest.
The documentary for the ABC's Compass program claims sisters in MacKillop's Josephite order of nuns attracted the ire of a South Australian priest for telling authorities that a Father Keating, of Kapunda, was molesting children at the local church school.
The sisters reported the abuse to the vicar-general and disciplinary action was taken against Keating, humiliating him and angering a Father Charles Horan, who was close to the bishop of Adelaide, Bishop Shiel, Fairfax newspapers say.
Horan is believed to have harboured a grudge against MacKillop and the whistleblowers in her order, and used his influence over the bishop to manipulate him into throwing the nun out of the church in 1871. Bishop Shiel reversed the excommunication on his deathbed.
Father Paul Gardiner, a Jesuit priest and the chief postulator for MacKillop's sainthood, told the documentary makers that Bishop Shiel was "gaga" when he excommunicated the woman soon to become Australia's first saint. "She submitted to a farcical ceremony where the bishop was, I'm not sure you should use this word, gaga, but he had lost it and he was being manipulated by malicious priests," he said.
Keating was sent back to Ireland where he continued as a priest, the documentary says.
This is the first time the link between a paedophilia cover-up and MacKillop's excommunication has been exposed, Fairfax says.
The documentary airs on October 10, a week before MacKillop's canonisation in Rome.
One Australian Saint
Video: Domus Australia in Rome will have a chapel dedicated to Mary Mackillop
One Australian Saint that everybody will be talking for a long time is here.
Reported on the news
The canonisation of Mary MacKillop has been hailed as a day of rejoicing for all Australians, and a very special day for the Sisters of St Joseph.
In front of a crowd of about 50,000 Catholics from around the world, the Aussie bush girl Mary MacKillop became Saint Mary of the Cross.
Australians were estimated to make up between 6000 and 8000 of the crowd for the ceremony to canonise six saints, and they let out a huge cheer every time Mary's name was spoken.
Australian and Aboriginal flags were dotted throughout the crowd, and the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart - the order St Mary co-founded - stood out in their bright blue scarves, waving yellow Mary MacKillop balloons.
They were all there to see the canonisation of One Australian Saint.
Members of the official Australian delegation - including Cardinal George Pell, Sister Maria Casey, Sister Anne Derwin, Bishop Philip Wilson, Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop and Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd - addressed the media following the canonisation ceremony in St Peter's Square.
"This is a day of rejoicing and it's a day first of all for the Josephites - we rejoice for them, we rejoice with them," Cardinal Pell said.
"But it's also significant for the rest of us, as Australians and as Catholic Australians."
The Vatican estimated 50,000 people would be present in St Peter's Square for the occasion.
Cardinal Pell had his own way of summing up the impressive crowds.
"I thought the square was probably well and truly three-quarters full," he said.
"I thought it was a very respectable turnout. I was at the grand final of the AFL and it was a much bigger crowd than that."
Postulator Sister Maria Casey, who has worked hard for years to get Mary's sainthood recognised, said it had been a very emotional day for her.
"I felt very moved when the Holy Father actually spoke the words of the canonisation and I was able to look up at Mary looking down on us and out onto the square and I thought, `Mary, we've acknowledged you at last'," Sr Casey said.
"It was a very powerful day and a wonderful culmination for the many people who have worked on this cause since 1926. It's been a long journey.
"People say would I write my book but I say it could not be published yet."
Sr Casey said she had a discussion with the Pope, who remembered his visit to Australia for World Youth Day in 2008 with great fondness.
"He remembered very fondly his visit to Australia and being at Mary MacKillop's tomb," she said.
"He said it was a great day for Australia.
"He sends his greeting to all of Australia on this very happy occasion, and to the sisters also."
Mr Rudd said he felt humbled on hearing about the lives of the saints.
"As we listened to the life of Mary MacKillop and read the lives of those others who were canonised today, it gives you a genuine sense of smallness," he said.
"That is, that these are truly great people. It is a humbling experience."
(End of report)
Saintly name for new school centre
A Hunter Valley Catholic school has become one of the first to honour Saint Mary MacKillop with a trade training centre named in her honour.
Construction of the million dollar facility at St Joseph's High School, Aberdeen commenced this week after a dedication ceremony and blessing of the construction site.
The centre, majority funded by the federal government, will cater for courses in metals and engineering, construction, primary industries and information technology.
St Joseph's principal, John Tobin, says the new facility will become a hub for schools and the community.
"Its certainly going to be a building that will be open for the wider community and other schools," Mr Tobin said.
"We're hoping that with the spirit of MacKillop, rolling up one's sleeves and hard work and dedication, that the facility will enable students of the Upper Hunter and even adults to go through training that otherwise would not have occurred without the trade training centre."
Maitland-Newcastle Diocese director of schools, Ray Collins, believes Saint Mary would approve of the centre because it fits with the philosophy of the Sisters of St Joseph.
"It is to give the students of the Upper Hunter the opportunity to develop their skills, to prepare them for the types of work they might want to undertake in their future," Mr Collins said
"So in lots of ways we are continuing the role of Mary MacKillop in ensuring that our young people will make an impact in our society and make our world a better world."
The Saint Mary MacKillop trade training centre is scheduled to be ready for use early next year.


The other reasons. 

There are other reasons why we have written about this new saint religious service, it is because people believe that they need this acknowledgment from the church; so, this article that is talking about Saint Mary MacKillop, it also wants to prove that we the people of this world need these religious services that acknowledge the good deeds that we do during our lives.

Looking at the religious service and at the amount of people that were attending there and in the world watching it on TV, one cannot help to wonder how we can continue to keep the religions going on indefinitely serving humanity, since humanity needs religions as we have seen from this religious event and other things as well. Therefore, we believe that we need to keep religious things going just the way that they are today, and then plan the best way we can.

We believe that in the future, we need to link everything together, because people have always been interested in religious happenings and they always will be, so, the best thing for us to do is to find a way, how they can fit together in our new religious theory. You see the religious theory that we are talking about, it is going to be made up with everything that is known or believed to exist today, so, every religion and every saint has got a place in it, including, Saint Mary MacKillop, as the new Saint that has a place among the other Saints.

Next time we go back to write normal articles about our religious writings of, Reconciliation of the Universe, in the article called; Future God of the Universe

To see more click on this link, Believing in God and religions

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Reconciliation of the universe.


Dear readers, since nobody has seen God, then God can look like anything at all, in fact there is a theory that God is the universe and we all live within this universe. So, a small part of God can look like the photo above. Anyhow, in one of our futuristic theory of reconciliation of the universe, God spiritual life force covers the entire universe, so, when we look at the universe it is possible that we are looking at God as well. 


Welcome to our article, Reconciliation part three. 

Reconciliation of the universe. 

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, we are writing these articles, because we want to suggest to the world a new religious way, which can change the views of some people and put an end to those religious terrorist attacks.

What we are going to describe in this article, is that there needs to be a Super-God in the spiritual world, that sits above all existing known gods and links all the spiritual world together.

I believe that I can suggest this new religious way, because there are things that have happened to me. These things give me hope that what I want to write is according to God’s will. Now let me tell you one of those things that have happened to me.  

Here you may exclaim, WOW! But this is how the angel of God greeted me.


Now, let me explain, I believe that this event has happened to me; but while I am writing this article I am not so sure, whether it has happened, or whether it was a vision or a dream that was so vivid that I thought it was real, because everything seemed so real, like in real life.

Now, because of this angel greeting and other religious beliefs, I am writing these religious articles. These religious writings have been divided in three parts. In part one and part two, we have had discussions, to convince even ourselves that what we are doing is right, and to get the public ready for what we want to suggest.

Therefore today, I start writing this religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe, because we want to suggest changes to religious beliefs, to make them more tolerant to other religions. Anyhow, we believe that a new religious way needs to be found, for religions to continue serving humanity the way that they are supposed to serve humanity.

You see, we are going to write this new religious theory, where we suggest linking old religious beliefs. For this reason, we are calling part three, RECONCILIATION OF THE UNIVERSE, since this theory can link and reconcile  all existing religions.

We know that the name of Reconciliation of the Universe makes you think that everything can be reconciled; we know that it cannot be done, but we can try to improve the situation. Anyhow, the aim of our religious writings is that we are willing to suggest a new way of religious beliefs, and hope that it will help humanity in the future, because Religions need to continue.

 About our religious discussions.   

We believe that in part one and two; we have tried to convince ourselves and the public to accept religious change, so, in part three we are going to write and publish our religious theory. You see, all this work is being done in good faith for the future benefit of mankind. 

So, let us look at the religious discussions that we have written; we have discussed about the existence of God, we could not establish if there is a god or not, because nobody can do that, but we have said and proved that there is God, even if God is just life and the definition of the life forces of the universe that makes life possible on earth.

Now, in our discussions we have agreed and believe that Man needs God and we have written about it. We have also discussed and written other articles about religious beliefs and why they need to be maintained, some of my friends say that God is hope for those that need hope most, check it out in, Religious discussions and prayers, we have written about the existence of God, because we believe that, God exists because life exists.

Anyhow, to make our religious theory clear to the public, in Reconciliation of the Universe, we need to set the stage in such a way that people can understand our religious theory easily.


Religions need to be modified. 

During our discussions about People life and religion, we concluded that religions need to be modified. So, we are looking for ways of how we can suggest this religious modification, which would allow existing religions to continue as they are today, since they promise people hope that they can exist forever; but since it is not possible for our bodies to live forever, we want at least to find a way how to save our souls, and religions say that it is possible to save our souls.

Now, we believe that the way to salvation for our soul, can only be achieved through our reconciliation with God; so, we need to find a way how to do that, but because of the difference in existing religions, a new way for complete religious reconciliation is required, and for complete reconciliation a new world order is required. As you can see, once you start something a chain reaction happens.

Anyhow,  now that we have had all these discussions, today we believe that we need religions as much as ever; therefore, we must find a way on how to keep religions the way they are, but at the same time we must find a way that allows us to modify religions in such a way that everybody can accept them; of course, that is not easy to achieve, but we need to try it, because it is the only way to see if it works, as we have said before man needs God and religions, so, we are looking for universal reconciliation.

Reconciliation of the universe theory.  

We are looking for ways how to achieve universal religious reconciliation. So, we are writing a theory called Reconciliation of the universe, in this theory, we need to explain how to reset religions in a compatible way that can link existing religions together; therefore, it is going to be a blueprint; where we explain how this reconciliation can be achieved. Therefore, it is as if we are going to set the stage for everybody to see that it is possible to achieve these religious reconciliations, with our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe.

In order to do that, we need to think outside the accepted ways of existing religious orders, so, what we have in mind is more of a spiritual setup, and God is being set at the top of this spiritual setup, guiding all the spiritual forces of the universe and all living things in the universe, as they are linked together.

The best way to do that, is that we must consider that God is a life force that exists in the whole universe, and everything is linked together from this God life force: we need also to point out that all these spiritual life forces form a never ending cycle that flows in the universe forever, what does not live forever is being absorbed from these life energies and recycled in a different way, so that everything becomes eternal as God is eternal; we must also consider that we might be living within God and are part of God life force, as this seems to be the only way to explain the existence of life and God at the same time.

What we have said, can change some religious beliefs, because if we live within God and God is the universe, then, we can say that if we look at the universe, we are looking at God as well. This new way of seeing spiritual things the way that we are trying to explain could be the only possible way that would link everything together, because it is the only way that we can explain how everything can coexists together.

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next religious article, Believing in God and religions, where we will write about how the spiritual forces of the universe exist within the universe. Anyhow, we need to write these religious things many times to get the public ready to accept them. See you soon in our article, Believing in God and religions

To see more click on this link, Reconciliation part three

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Creation and creation of mankind.


In the world there are several stories about creation, according to the religion one's belongs. Anyhow, this is an imaginary photo of when the world was created, as described in the Bible Genesis Creation. Here we can say that man has a really good imagination to invent all these things. 

Creation and creation of mankind 

Welcome to our article, Creation and creation of mankind 

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

In this article, we will talk about creation. Anyhow, when we look at the world history, we find that most civilizations explain creation in different ways. The only thing that seems similar, is that in the beginning there was complete void or chaos.

(One;) The Greek pagan religions say that there was chaos, they describe chaos as a black page with nothing in it, then there are all different stories, some say that the earth and the sky were stirred from the force of love, and from their love the gods, the cyclopes the giants and other beings were born.

(Two); The Indus religions also says that there was chaos, but then this spiritual force started to create a few things. This is described in more details in the Laws of Manu.

(Three;) The Hebrew religion is somehow the same, from nothing, or whatever was there God created heaven and earth, and the animal and then the people.

Anyhow, most of us that live in the western world, we talk about creation, as written in the Bible the Hebrew religious and historic book.

Our forebears believed in this Bible creation, as explained to them, and they were happy to follow it. But today we are different from our forebears, we want to prove it to ourselves, if it is right or wrong to believe certain things.

So, we have looked at other people religious beliefs, and we have realized that they explain creation in different ways. Because of these differences, it is possible that the ways that creation has been explained is not right. Therefore, it is also possible that everything happened by itself, as it is claimed in the theory of evolution. In that case, all the religious creations are an invention of our human minds.

Anyhow, here we want only to see how most religions explain creation and the creation of mankind. So, let us start with the Bible creation, since we are part of the western world religious beliefs.

Now, we want you to understand that the purpose of these articles is that we want to show you that we need religions, but because terrible things can happen they need to be changed, perhaps, we need to start to believe in a new spiritual system. But let us start by discussing creation as it is today.


Creation according to the Bible. 

So, let us see what the Bible says.

To describe creation according to the Bible, we are asking a layman called Don, and write his answers. Okay Don, what do you think about creation in the Bible?

Don answer

I am a Roman Catholic born and baptized; therefore, I believe in creation according to the Bible. You know the Bible is the word of God, or God’s revelations through the prophets; therefore, I believe that God created the world in seven days, as it is said in the Bible, even if I a day in the Bible may not be one day of twenty-four hours as we know it today, but a lot longer.

Don, can you describe us creation itself please?

As you know; in the beginning God started by creating heaven and earth, it is said that the earth was a formless void and God created everything.

There was darkness over the water of the earth and God said; let there be light and there was light, and God saw that the light was good and divided light from darkness and he called the light day and the darkness night, the first day of creation.

After the first day of God’s creation in the Bible, God continues to create the rest in the next four days, like all vegetation and animals as we know them and then the sixth day God creates man.

Here Don stopped and then he said.

Now the creation of man is a bit strange, because there are two descriptions in the Bible, the first description says that God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and then he said let them be masters of everything we have created.

Quote: God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. End of quote.

Then God blessed them, saying to them, ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and be the masters of everything.

Now, this is not all because the Bible is inconsistent, and there is a second Bible description. I don’t like it but, I am going to continue to tell you. 


 Second description of the creation of man. 

Look he said, I am a believer and believe most things that are written in the Bible,

But I find hard to believe that this second description of man is right, however, let me tell you this second description of how man was created, you see, to me it seems that it has been added later.

In the Bible it says that at the beginning, there was no wild bush or any wild plant growing, because Yahweh God had not sent rain on earth, nor man to till the soil: I think that it is strange that God needed man to till the soil and for this reason God created man.

In those times, water flowed out of the ground and watered the surface of the soil, so, the soil was wet all the time, now here I want to quote what the Bible says; Quote; Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. End of quote.

Then Yahweh God made a garden with all sorts of plants including the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and put the man he had made in the garden, God let the man know that he was the master of everything.

Here Don sighed and said, strange as it may seem this is different from the first creation of man, because in the first creation Yahweh God made man and woman together, but here they are created in a different way.

Now the man being master of everything gave names to all cattle, birds and wild animals, but no helper was found for him.

Here the Bible says that, Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep, He took a rib from the man and made that rib into a woman; that is why we hear say when man describe woman; this one at least is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh! And we call her woman because she was taken from man.

This is how the Bible explains creation and the creation of mankind. If you want to read the Bible here is a link;

We have described creation and the creation of mankind according to the Bible, with the help of Don; now we are going to see how other religions describe creation, to compare the difference.

Comparing The Laws of Manu creation. 

Now that we have written how the Bible describes creation, and the creation of man, let us compare the Bible to the Indus religions, another large religion of the world.

Anyhow, we want to find somebody that knows about Hinduism and The Laws of Manu, to compare with the Bible creation; so, we are going to ask this Indian called Butta about religions.

Finally, we have been able to talk to our Indian friend Butta and other Indian people, we told them that we wanted to talk about the world creation and the creation of mankind, so, we would like to know how the Indian describe creation and the creation of mankind. Anyhow, it took us a while to convince our friend Butta to talk about it, but in the end, he said:

Look, I don’t know a lot about religions because I am not a Brahman, you see a Brahman is the best person to talk to when you talk about religions; however, I can tell you a few religious things that I have learned during my life. But if you want to know more, I suggest that you read The Laws of Manu, where these things are explained, however, I am telling you what I can.

You see in the Laws of Manu there are these sages that ask the divine Manu these same questions that you are asking me, so, if you want to know how we were created and everything else read this book. Now just to give you an idea how the world started it goes like this:

This universe existed in the shape of darkness, wholly immersed, as it were, in a deep sleep. And then the divine Self existent Svayambhu, appeared with creative powers dispelling the darkness.

Desiring to produce many kinds of beings from his body, he created the waters and placed his seed in them, his seed became a golden egg and from the egg was born Brahman, the progenitor of the world. Brahman being the progenitor of the world created everything else, this is how the world started.

Mankind was started from Brahman, and it is said that in order to protect the universe, the most resplendent one assigned separate occupation to those that sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet.

The Brahmans who sprang from his mouth, he assigned teaching and studying the Veda, they are like the priests or the house of Levi in the Bible, if one wants to compare them to the western religions. Now, because the Brahmans sprang from Brahman’s and possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of all creation.

The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to study the Veda and other duties.

The Vaisya to tend cattle, to offer sacrifices, to study the Veda and other duties

The occupation of the Sudra is to serve meekly the other three castes.

If you want to read more about The Laws of Manu,

here is the link; The Laws of Manu


Our creation talks conclusions. 

Now let us talk briefly the pagan religions, that were the main religions in the western world before Christianity, this religion had many gods and goddesses and many other things and beliefs. Anyhow, here is a hub that talks about this,

What we have written above are the three main religions of the world, and it is worth to compare them to learn about ourselves. It is necessary to learn all of them, plus we must consider evolution, and other religions that explain in their own ways the creation of mankind. So, we wonder which one of these theories is the closest to the truth.

Anyhow, we can add here that there is no creation in the ancient pagan religions. These religions say very little about creation, and when they say anything is very vague; In Greek and Roman mythology it seems that creation started with Mother Earth and the sky, somehow the god Eros was born from them and he started to stir thing up and most things were created from this chaos that Eros created and many other strange things.

Here we conclude, that if we consider all creations, we believe that evolution has the upper hand, but this is not to say that God does not exist. Because we believe that God exists and also other spiritual being exist, as we are going to write in our theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, we wish that there is a supernatural power that links all religions together. This is what we are going to talk about in our next article. Reconciliation part three 

To see more click on this link, Creation and creation of mankind

May God bless us all.
