Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The creation of mankind.

WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortened. So, if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, The creation of mankind


There are reasons to believe that the creation of mankind, can be different from the way the Bible explains it, and evolution has helped in making man the way we are now, with the help of God, since God is the essence of all existing life on earth.  

Welcome to our article, The creation of mankind

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear reads, in this article, let us discuss the origin and creation of mankind. Anyhow, we believe that God, Mother Nature, and evolution have worked together.  In our previous articles, we have talked how God could have started to create life on earth; and that description was compatible with Darwin evolution views. So, we believe that even the atheists can accept it. By describing that in our articles, we have paved the way of how God can continue to create new life, or how to improve the life that God has created, which needs to finish with the creation of mankind.

Therefore, let us continue to talk about the creation of mankind, the way that we believe could have happened. Now, because we are trying to change existing religious beliefs, because I am a believer, I am thinking that I need to pray our Lord God to guide and help me, hoping that God will guide me.


My Lord God, to you I turn God-Most-High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit, I am praying and hoping that the ever-present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I can write the creation of mankind, as humanly as possible per your will, and in such a way that it links all existing religions together and form a single religion, that can be guided from a super God. Then mankind could accept this new religion and use it for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.

Our modified creation of mankind. 

Dear readers, I have prayed God several times, and I will continue to pray God, hoping that God guides me, in this difficult task. 

My Lord God, I pray you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of all impurities that may affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to pray and my prayer would be heard and accepted, I am praying hoping that you let me see through my mind eyes, what I need to write in this part of our religious writings. Father, hear my prayer and help me.


Dear reader, after praying God I feel more confident. Anyhow, these are our beliefs, and we must follow them, if we want to follow our logic human explanations, about how things could have evolved and how man was created, because we want to reconcile, God’s creation with Mother Nature and Evolution to make sense and agree with our human logic reasoning.

So, let us talk about the creation of mankind, which may not have been a real creation, because ‘The Creation of Mankind’ may have started at the beginning of time and creation, and that God of the universe, in conjunction with Mother Nature and Evolution have worked to bring it about for a long time. As it took millions of earth years for life to reach its present advanced state.

Anyhow, to continue our explanation, and connect creation and evolution we must tell you, what we believe could have happened; You see, we believe that all this has happened during the last 100,000 earth years, when God of the Universe became interested in us, because we had evolved and became so advanced that we were able to start thinking for themselves.

Having seen that there are many living species on planet earth, and some are very advanced, we may assume that God became more interested in us. Here, we want to suggest that, after all God did not need to make Adam the first man on earth from a piece of dirt, because there were already so many animals around to choose from, and all God had to do was to improve one of the thinking animals.

So, God selected one of the best unblemished males of those existing animals which looked almost like a man and improved him. By putting this selected animal to sleep and by using his power He changed this animal to a real man, God also gave this man a special soul when He blew on his face to wake him up, and God called this transformed animal who now was a man, Adam. God used the same way to make Eve, to give Adam a wife, because all the animals were male and female.

The rest of the story is all written in the Bible, how Adam and Eve failed to follow God’s instructions, therefore, they were banned from the Garden of Eden that God had given them.

Dear reader: This is how we believe it could have been in the beginning, and we hope that we got it right, and it can be accepted from atheists and those who believe in evolution. Anyhow, if we are not right; then, I pray God to forgive me, because this is as far as I can see.

Now, let us talk about, what we believe happened on our planet earth. 


Happened on our planet mother earth. 

Now, let us talk about circle number seven (Mother-earth). As we have said, we are suggesting that God created Adam and Eve in a different way; I believe that this way it is more acceptable to the atheists and scientists.

Anyhow, I believe that most things that are written in the Bible are true. However, let me go back to when God created Adam, because I want to bring to your attention that in our description God gave Adam a special soul when He gave Adam his breath. So, when God created Adam it was extra special, because God gave Adam His own breath, so, He gave Adam this extra bit of Himself, hoping that by doing so Adam would become perfect and follow God, and do whatever God wanted him to do, but it didn’t work that way, because of the intervention of the negative life-force of the universe, which the Bible describe it in the form of a serpent, we don’t need to write here the story of Adam’s fall, because it has been written in the Bible and everybody knows about it.

Now, God has tried many times to improve our lives. Since God started life and then improved it, and this pattern of improvement is evident in the Bible if we look for it.

There is another way of how God improves humanity, and this is when God causes special persons to be born; these special persons may be great religious leaders, who will guide the people of their time back to God, or it may be just a very special person who has received a special gift from God.

One of this was Abraham, who was able to starts a new race that would follow God and believe in God. In the Bible, there are children born from very old women, who were believed that would never have children: But God did intervene and visited them and made them conceive, so, they gave birth to special children. Now if you have followed the Bible, these special children were special as they had been perfected from God before they were born, and they did great things that normal people would never been able to do. Of course, the most important of all these people is Jesus Christ our Lord, but he was born from a virgin young girl and not an old woman, and he has been the greatest man that ever existed.

Anyhow, since the beginning of the world, God has intervened to improve humanity, in the hope that we become perfect beings, and understand him. But so far there are reasons to believe that we have not. We must do better in the future if we want to reach perfection and find the way to salvation.

I believe that we have said enough in this article, but to reach our goal. Anyhow, in our next article we will be talking about, Angels greeting message.  

To see more click on this link, The creation of mankind

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Beliving in God and religions.

WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortened. So, if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Believing in God


There are many religions in the world, some people say that Induism is one of the oldest religions in the world, but in this article, we are talking mainly about the Bible, because that is the religious book that we know about. Anyhow, the Bible is the ancient religious and history book of the Jews, it has given rise to several different religions in the world, but even though they derive from the same book, these religious groups seem to argue a lot. Because of this division, we wonder if the God in the Bible, is the only God that we must believe in. Or there is another option.     

We may even consider this possibility. Since God cannot be seen, but we believe that God is in the universe in a different dimension, then if we look at the universe, we may say that we might be looking at God or God's creation, even though we are not able to see God, we know that God is there. 

Welcome to our article, Believing in God

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

We know that believing in God is good for humanity. Now, let me talk about myself, you see, as a child, I was taught that there is God, angels, and spiritual beings. And since I was born in Italy, I was taught according to the Roman Catholic Catechism, and those rules in the catechism helped me during my younger years to believe in God. This religion is based on the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is about forgiveness and love, and a small part is based on the Old Testament.

So, for many years I have believed in those Roman Catholic religious beliefs, the way that they had been taught to me when I was young, even if there were times when I had doubts about them, because I am like everybody else, so, I was thinking that God might not exist. But then again, I believed that everything was the way that I had been taught.

But as I have grown older my beliefs have changed considerably, starting from when I left Italy to move to Australia. In Australia I have met different people with different religious backgrounds, Therefore, I have learned that there are other religions, and some of them are good religions, I have noticed that most religions come from the Bible, which is the same book that the Roman Catholic have with a few changes.

Now, the purpose of religions is to have a set of rules to follow, so, we can live in peace with the rest of the world, to believe that there is a loving and benevolent God, to love God with all our heart and love one another.

But today there are extremist religious groups that twist their religious beliefs to the point where everything becomes mixed up, and they kill using God’s name. This is a shame because this brings down what God represents. People must understand that God represents life itself, therefore, there is no way that God needs people to kill each other, because life is a part of God himself.

Anyhow, the behaviour of these groups might have been acceptable in the past, when people were more violent than today, and most times you had to kill or be killed; but, those were other times and those times ended with the coming of Jesus Christ, because he taught us forgiveness.  

But the extremists don’t use forgiveness and they fight other religions, for this reason, we are writing the theory of, Reconciliation of the universe, where we suggest to the people, that religions need to change to solve our problems.



I am praying God for help and guidance. 


Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever-present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth can help me; So, that, I can write our religious writing as humanly as possible according to God will, and in such a way that humanity can accepts them and use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.


We need to believe in God. 

Anyhow, we need to believe in God because it is good for all humanity. In our human history, we can find that religions have a good influence overall, so, let us talk about believing in God.

Now, if we believe in God, it is obvious that there can be only one true God, and this God is the God that created us all, even if this God turn out to be different from the God of the Bible, that we have been taught when we were young.

Therefore, we must assume that God exists because there is life, and God and life is one and the same thing, therefore, there cannot be any other God, unless it is the God that created life. Anyhow, I believe that religions are complex, so, it is hard for anybody to say what is right and what is wrong.

Okay, what we have said, may not make sense to everybody, but for me religions is a way of life that we choose and if I had to choose a religion, I would choose my Roman Catholic religion for being one of the best religions in the world, since this religion is based on the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ and is very humanistic.

But why should we believe that there is a God? Well, there are no real answer to this question. You see, what we are thought to believe may not make sense, because it does not connect to everything we know, so, there must be another explanation that can connect everything together. Perhaps, we should think that God is not like a person, because it is impossible for a person to have all the attribute that God has, for instance, a person cannot be everywhere but God is everywhere, so, it is more likely that God is a life force that covers the entire universe, and part of it can turn into anything he wants and even a person, therefore, it makes more sense, if we believe that God is life, and we view God, as the life force that covers the entire universe, this can explain the existence of God and everything else.


God existing life force. 

So, we may have to believe that we all come from the same life force of the universe, and we can call this existing force, God-life-force of the Universe, since this life force represents all living and spiritual things.

Today the main religions make us believe that there is a God and there is an afterlife, and that our own present life is made up of two entities put together, one is our body and the other is our soul; now we can easily explain to ourselves about our bodies, but our spiritual part is that part of us that can’t be explained easily, since it can’t be seen and it belongs to God as it is of the same substance of god life force of the universe, you see, God gave it to us, so that we could live on earth, well at least this is how we believe it is.

Now it follows that at our death our body returns to the earth and our soul or spirit should return to God, so, our soul or spirit being part of God life force energy is immortal. The folklore tale says that at our birth when we received our spirit, our spirit was made to forget where it came from, so, we are not sure where we come from, but there is a sense of belonging left in our spirit and this sense of belonging drives us to search for the truth, if we search our soul very carefully we may be able to find it.


Mankind ways of believing in God. 

We believe that most of mankind has always believed that there are Gods, and that there is an afterlife, therefore, we keep asking ourselves what is God like? And how would this afterlife be like? Most of us have been told from our elders how these religious beliefs are, but we have our doubts.

Now, if we look at the religious groups of the world, there are very few believers that believe the same religious things. Therefore, if we want to find what’s true and what’s false about religions, we can’t discard anything at all from religions, and we must include those people that don’t believe in anything, and those who believe only in scientific explanations, because they believe in something even if they don’t believe in anything.

So, we must put all religions and beliefs together, even those people that do not believe in any religion at all, to find out what they have in common with the rest of us. I believe that it is necessary to find the beliefs that we have in common, because this can make us see, how God can be like. And we must widen our field of views, as much as its need to be widened, so that they include all known, unknown and any possible beliefs.

Anyhow, I believe that there must be a God because there is life, and God is the active life force of the universe that makes life possible. If one day we find out that there is no God like person, we can always say that, God exists because life exists, or at least by definition because God is life.


My personal beliefs are that I believe there is a God, because if I didn’t believe that there was a God, I would not be writing this article. So, I believe that we all come from God because that’s the only possible way to exist, since we believe that God is the existing life-force that gives life to all living things.


 The new religious theory. 

Now, our religious theory is a new way of looking at religious beliefs, so, I am worried to publish my theory, because the public may not accept it, unless it is published at the right time. However, I cannot wait because I am growing old, so, I must write and publish my religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, even if it may not be the right time to do it.

During my life, I have had this experience, that there are times when we are doing a task and while we are doing this task suddenly a thought comes into our mind, and that thought or idea is the best answer to our problems; in a parallel way while I am writing my theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, this idea comes suddenly into my mind, this idea is like what some people call vibes which in the end might prove to be right, in my case these vibes are creating a problem that I wish to avoid. My vibes are saying that my religious theory is ahead of time, but I am still writing them, because I believe in God.

These religious writings are our prayer to God, and they are going to be continued with next article, where we let our imagination free and talk about, The creation of mankind

To see more click on this link, Believing in God 

May God bless us all.


Monday, December 4, 2023

Humanity and religious beliefs.

WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortned. So , if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Humanity and religious dilemmas


We believe that perhaps in the future, it could be better if we imagine God in a different way. You see, we need a god that represent all humanity, where everybody is equal. So, it might be better if we imagine that God is the universe, or a life force energy that exists in the universe, and all existing gods and religions are linked to this universal spiritual energy. 


Welcome to our article,  Humanity and religious dilemmas

May God help me say the right things.

Dear readers, in this article of humanity and religious beliefs, we talk about what we see happening in the religious world and our views. We do not like what is happening, so, we believe that humanity needs to solve these religious dilemmas, if we can, for this reason we are suggesting a way how these unwanted happenings can be prevented. For this reason, we have written a religious theory, and we hope that the public accepts our theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe, even though it is different from the religious ways that we practice today.

Now the purpose of writing our theory of, Reconciliation of the universe, is to find a way, on how to reconcile religions to other religions and religion to science. You see, we have worked out that, not everything that is written in the Bible is correct, as we have shown in our previous articles the mistakes that occur in the Bible, one of these mistakes is about the Flood that could never have been at least to the extent that the Bible claims, because of the geographic position of the Dead Sea. Then we must consider also that other civilization and religions have stories about great floods, this link hereunder will show you that. The Greek Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha and the Great Flood

We have talked also about the fact that in the first book of the Bible ‘Genesis’ the time length of events that occurred from the Flood to the birth of Abraham are incorrect as we have shown in our article of, Theists and Atheists views,.

Now, these examples above bring in another question, since what is written in the Bible may not be correct; Then, how old was the world since the beginning of times and the time of Abraham; and there is only one possible answer to this question; millions of years.

Therefore, if we want to believe anything in the Bible about time elapsed, it is better to assume that: Every day of the Lord Creation in the Bible could equal one million of earth years.

Now that we have pointed out some mistakes that the writers of those times have made, and we have shown that the Bible is not reliable as it is supposed to be, we believe that there are spiritual truths in the bible, so, we still need the Bible to help humanity understand spiritual things.


The eternal dilemma of humanity. 

During our life, we cannot help to wonder and ask ourselves: Who we are. Where we come from. Why we are here on earth. What is the purpose of our life on earth? Do we have a soul? And where are our souls going after we die? Then if we believe that we have a soul, we wonder if there is an afterlife.

These are most of the questions that we will ask ourselves several times during our life. So, we turn to religion in the hope of finding our answers there. But there is no clear answer, as there are too many religions and beliefs to be certain, some of these religions believe that we have a soul, and after our death the soul will be judged according to what we have done during our lives, other religions have a softer approach, most of the religions believe in spiritualty, but there is not clear agreement about what happens to our souls.

So, we have a double life to worry about, one is the body, and another is the soul, and we are forced to find for ourselves what is the meaning of our life. So, we are forced to see that there are many religions in the world. And religions should have been made for the people to love one another, so, all religions should mean love your neighbour as yourself, as our lord Jesus Christ said, but they do not.

So, we have been thinking; since today existing religions don’t agree with each other, somebody has got to come up with a new religious idea that should satisfy everybody, we must make sure that this new idea should not antagonize any other existing religious directly.

The only possible answer to this problem, is that we must come up with a new religious theory that will incorporate all existing religions, so that, all existing religions are linked together; and that this new religious theory can be accepted by scientifically orientated people. You see, it needs to be done in such a way that all the different people of the world will believe in the same God and the same religion, and at the same time it will not upset any existing religions.

Therefore, religions must be explained in such a way that makes everybody feel equal, and we must believe that no matter to which religion we belong; we must believe in the same benevolent God that created us, or has helped to create us all, perhaps we should believe that God is life, and we are all a small part of God. Then arguments about religion can be avoided, since this modern religion will demonstrate that we all come from the same God, and that, God in conjunction with mother nature has made life on earth the way it is today.


What people could believe.  

What people could or should believe

Today every able thinking person have their own beliefs about religion, and we have our beliefs, which we want to share with you. Of course, it is not going to be easy for us to write about our God and our religious beliefs, because the way that we perceive God is different from the God that we have been tought, when we were young, although is the same God that we believe created us all; therefore, we need to say that we see this God in a different way, and we are going to describe this God in, Reconciliation of the Universe religious theory, this God is a benevolent God, this God is life and can give life to every living thing.

Now, let me explain, I believe that we should start thinking like this. God must be described in such a way that will not create friction between religious people. This God can only be benevolent and therefore, God is love and stands for life and love and cannot be anything else. So, the people must understand that this is what God stands for.

Now, we believe in a new concept and see God different from the way that we have been tought when we were young, and because it is a new concept is hard to explain, we need to find the right words to express our new religious idea clearly, and in such a way that it will mean exactly what we intend to say to you. Anyhow, many people before me have expressed their religious beliefs, but they have never been able to convince the whole world, that what they were telling us was exactly right beyond any doubt.

So, what we are going to say here is not going to convince you entirely, but with the passing of time I believe it will. Anyhow, what we want to express is how a universal religion should be made, to serve the whole world without upsetting anybody. 

We believe that it can be achieved if we try hard enough. I believe that I have a religious idea, that can bring the right solution to these religious problems, and I will try my best to express that in my modest own writing ways. So, I hope I can convince you, that what I am writing is the right thing to do.

Of course, in the religious world, we must keep in mind that the same religious things may mean different things to different people. But with the help of God, we hope to find a way to describe our beliefs in such a way that it is possible for everyone to understand our religious theory.

Since our religious theory is a new way of looking at religious beliefs, we are worried, because the public may not accept it, until they are ready for changes; this can be far away in the future.

Anyhow, one day they will be searching for a way to end this religious violence; then it will be the right time to publish the theory of, Reconciliation of The Universe. But I believe that the public must know now that a theory exists, because then it is easier for them to accept the new religious theory. So, I hope I am doing the right thing.

Dear readers, I feel that I have said enough in this article. So, I am going to say more in my next article that we are calling, Believing in God

To see more click on this link, Humanity and religious dilemmas

May God bless us all.


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Theist and atheist views.

WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.


You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortned. So , if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, Theists and Atheists views.

The Bible is the most read religious book in the world. 

We know that the Bible is the most read religious book in the world, most believer believe that the Bible is the word of God, or at least it was God's insipered, but there are people that believe that it is not God inspired, because there are many mistakes, and some of those mistakes we will try to explain hereunder. 

Welcome to our article, Theists and Atheists views

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, I am writing this article according to our existing beliefs, and it is not an attack on religions, even if we don’t agree with our existing religions, in fact, we are writing this theory of, Reconciliation of the universe to help religions. We believe that for religions to survive the present religious attacks from the atheists, from the extremist and other religious groups, religions need to be modified and agree with each other and our logic human reasoning.

Now, what we are writing in this article is going to spare no one, in fact, it is going to be a double-edged argument that attacks everything that does not stand up to our logic human reasoning. We need to do this to prove that our reasoning is right.

So, let me start from the beginning; first, we want to point out that there are people that we call atheists that want religions to disappear. They see religions as a tool that is used to control people and it does more harm than good; they do not see that by controlling the people with religious beliefs, it is easier than controlling them with human laws, that may need physical intervention.

Well, we cannot blame the atheists completely, because when we look back at religions, they have committed many mistakes and atrocities, the most known of these are: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, The Crusades, The Inquisition, religious wars, or any other religious killing of people in the name of God, when it is obvious that God as nothing to do with it.

Looking at all these violent happenings, we hope that somebody looks for a religious solution, to see if religions can be modified, because they need to be modified, to play their role of peaceful coexistence.

Anyhow, in this article, we want to discuss the different views between the theist and atheists and point out that the atheists want to prove that religion is manmade, and God does not exist.

To me and to most of us to live without religion is absurd, you see humanity has always needed religions since the beginning of recorded times, therefore, religions are here to stay perhaps in a modified way, so, we should look for ways that do not clash with whatever we believe now. So, this is the reason why we are suggesting to the people to modify religions accordingly, we hope that all religious people and the atheists accept our suggestions, which we are going to write and published.


Theists and atheists. 

Having talked about the atheists, now we must say something about the theists’ view that stand fast in their beliefs, even when their beliefs cannot be sustained by logic human reasoning. They say that the Bible is the word of God, so, they believe that what is written in the Bible is true and believe anything they are told.

Here we need to go back to talk about today religious leaders, we don’t need to talk about past religious leaders, because the past is gone; but today religious leaders continue to be blind, because it is convenient. You see, they want us to believe that the Bible is the word of God, as if God was dictating to the writers of those times what to write. But the writers of those times were writing what they believed God put into their hearts, so, they believed themselves that what they were writing was the word of God, they needed to believe that to write what they did.

Then, they could only write according to the knowledge that they had in those times, which was a lot less than today, this is the reason why today we can see their mistakes. Anyhow, today there is enough knowledge to update religions, but nobody is doing anything about it. So, I have grown tired of waiting for religious updates and I have decided to write something myself.

Religions are manmade because if they were dictated by God, or they were inspired from God there would be no mistakes. But they are not, because they are manmade, so, they can be modified if they need to be modified.

Anyhow, the most important religious book that we know in the western world is the Bible; so, let us talk about the Bible in this article.

But, before I start, because I believe in the existence of God, my spiritual side is warning me to pray God, even if my God is different from what most people want us to believe God is like.

Prayer to God Most High

My Lord, I come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the entire universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins, and reconciliation, cleansing, guidance, and blessing. Father, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to write these religious writing, as humanely as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer! Amen.

Now that I have prayed to God Most High, I feel confident that I can write what I believe needs to be written; because God can accept what I am writing in good faith.

I believe that it is important to note that there are incorrect things in the Bible, therefore, we must judge its content one by one. Now, to show you what I mean, I am going to write some examples hereunder.

Now there are several things that I can talk about, but I must limit myself to the most obvious and important events, which do not add up. So, today I want to talk about the Flood that never was as big as the Bible wants us to believe it was, and then, talk about what happened after the Flood, in the Patriarch which again is not correct.

So, I must say, if we read the Bible properly, we become aware that it has not been written correctly, because it does not agree within itself. I believe that the writers of those times were not aware of their mistakes, since their knowledge was limited. So, let us see this example about the Universal Flood



The Flood examples. 

We believe that the universal Flood, as it is written in the Bible has never happened, because it cannot have happened to that extend, where all the earth was flooded, but at the same time there must have been a flood, because it is written in the Bible, but it was not as widespread as it is written in the Bible, and not at the time the Bible writers want us to believe it happened. If anything like the universal Flood has ever happened, it must have been several thousands of years before the date that the Bible claims The Flood has happened.

Let me make this as simple as possible, today the Dead Sea in the Middle East is 423 meters below sea level, and to a lesser degree are the surrounding lands of the, Jordan valley- Israel- Jordan, even the sea of Galilee is 208 meters below sea level, therefore, a lot of land in this geographic position is below sea level. The point we want to make is this; if there was the Flood as the Bible claims it to have been, then all these low laying areas must have been flooded, since the Bible claims that all the earth was under water, which has never been the case, I am saying this because it is impossible for all that 423 meter deep of water to evaporate since then.

List of places on land with elevations below sea level - Wikipedia ...

If there ever was the Flood, it must have been much small than what the Bible claims, or it must have happened hundreds of thousand years before, so, what is written in the Bible is not correct.

On this subject the atheist would say that most civilizations have a story of a major flood that happened for various reasons: even in the Greek and Roman religions, there is this flood that Jupiter with the other gods caused, because people were bad and they wanted to destroy them, so, the flood in the Bible is not the only flood in history of mankind. Try this link below if it works:

The Greek Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha and the Great Flood

This example above is about the flood, but there is more to say about the timing of other events.


Explaining wrong timing example. 

In this example, the timing elapsed between happenings is wrong; I am talking about this because I have noted it, while I was reading the Patriarch in the Bible. Now, this does not imply that the religious book the Bible is false, it only means that the writer of the Patriarch wasn’t aware when he wrote it, that those dates or number of years mentioned in his writings would not add up correctly.

Therefore, I am led to believe that the writer must have been concerned only about the events, because it is the events that makes one believe in religion, whatever the believers need to believe.

But if something is not written the right way then it is wrong, and it does not make sense, so, we must explain the reasons why it happened, and if it can be fixed.

In the past people and even the writers themselves were not aware of these mistakes because they were not as learned as nowadays, and perhaps careless, because those who wrote the Patriarch could have done a better job, if they had checked what they were writing then. We believe that they wrote to keep religion going the best way they could, if something was not correct it did not matter; if they were able to keep the believers faithful their job was done. But today when almost everybody can read, and with the help of the computer in most households, if anything is not correct it will soon show up. It is so easy to make mistakes.  

Now, let me say this; since I am writing my religious theory, I will make mistakes, I know I will, because I am a self-taught writer who is trying to write my religious points of view, just the way I believe they are supposed to be written. Anyhow, I invite the learned people of the world to criticize and straighten any of my mistakes.

Now, I need to explain that what has driven me to write these religious writings are some happenings in my life. So, I wanted to write down my own religious beliefs, and I started to read the Bible from the beginning to the end, and as I kept reading it, I became aware that in Genesis the writer mentions how many years the Patriarchs lived before the flood starting from Adam and so on, and all of them lived a very long life span compared to today, but there is no mention of the time overall, and one can only guess that there was a great length of time overall; this is from the creation of Adam and Eve, to Noah and the flood, as written in the Bible.

So, I was led to believe that the writer of Genesis did not have the knowledge of the time that had passed between these events. And it seems to me that he is only writing the story as it has been told from generation to generation, anyhow, the length of time is not very important, as everything is in the past, with the exception of seeing whether it is correct or not. The same thing happens later, when the writers talk the events after the flood; so, let us look at the Patriarch after the flood, because it is easier to see what I mean.


Counting the years after the flood. 

In the Patriarch, after the flood, again the writer is writing a story the way that it has been told from generation to generation. But here it becomes obvious to an observant reader, that the numbers of years mentioned don’t add up at all, because the number of years and the generations that the writer mentions, are not enough to achieve the re-growth of the population, and the events that happened during that mentioned time frame. So, if the reader takes time to work it out for himself, he would become aware that there must be quite a few generations missed out, it also contradicts other length of time, and here I want to write everything down the way it is written in the Bible to show you what I mean.

Just to make it a little bit easier to calculate, it would be helpful to take, the year of The Flood, as year zero, and then we can calculate the years that have passed since the flood according to the writer list of The Patriarchs. So, the following list is how it can be worked out.

Start counting from, The Flood, taken as year zero. 0

Shem descendants, only the first born would be written in here:

Shem, became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood; 2

Arpachshad, became the father of Shelah, when he was 35 years old; 35

Shelah, became the father of Eber, when he was 30 years old; 30

Eber, became the father of Peleg, when he was 34 years old; 34

Peleg, became the father of Reu, when he was 30 years old; 30

Reu, became the father of Serug when he was 32 years old; 32

Serug, became the father of Nahor, when he was 30 years old; 30

Nahor, became the father of Terah, when he was 29 years old; 29

Terah, became the father of Abraham, when he was 70 years old; 70

So, if we calculate the number of years past according to this list, from the

Flood to the birth of Abraham there are only 292 years accounted for. 292 years

Abraham lived for one hundred and seventy-five years then he died. 175

Therefore, Abraham died 467 years after the flood according to this list.

It is written in the Bible that Noah lived 350 years after the flood, and Shem, the son of Noah lived 500 years after the birth of Arpachshad, So, that means that he lived 502 after the flood, then both Noah and Arpachshad should have been still alive at the time of Abraham if the list above were to be correct. In fact, if everything in the list was correct: Shem, the son of Noah would have been outliving Abraham by 35 years, and that seems highly impossible.

Now we have also to take into account the growth of the population that had tried to build the tower of Babel during that time, which is after the flood and well before the birth of Abraham, therefore 292 years as I have worked it from the list above, is not enough time for the population to grow that much and try to build the tower of Babel. There is also the fact that they could not even think of building the tower of Babel so soon after the flood, while Noah and Shem were still living, because they would forbid them to do that, since they would have known that it would anger Yahweh.

Therefore, the building of the tower of Babel must have happened at least a few generations after Noah and Shem died.

By taking in consideration what I have said above, I reckon that there is at least one thousand years, and perhaps up to two thousand years not accounted for, in the list of the Patriarchs as shown above.

Of course, the writer of Genesis never intended that the list above be understood the way I do now. He wrote the story as it was told by his ancestors, or he wrote a longer list of the Patriarchs that got lost and nobody knows how to find it now.

Notwithstanding what I have said above, we must take in consideration that when the book of Genesis was written, the writer had to overcome lots of limitations that were present at those times. The very first limitation was that there were no other religious books before this one; there wasn’t enough writing material to write on; there were only a few people that were able to write. Almost everything in those times was passed through words of mouth from generation to generation, therefore, when happenings were too old or too many to remember people started to forget them.

Therefore, the writer of Genesis did a real great job, if one considers all the possible limitations that were against him. And the book of Genesis is as good as could have been written at that time, the value of the book stands high because one must read it for religious purposes.

Our views of religions. 

Dear readers, I hope that these explanations that we have written, in our article of “Explaining timing example” and “After the flood” you can see what I mean, when I say that religions need to be reviewed, or explained why they are written the way that they have been written, so that people can still believe in religions and God, this also include the atheists, who believe in not believing in any religions, but you see, even them believe in not believing, therefore, I have to conclude that mankind needs to believe in something, one way or the other.

In these religious writings of, Reconciliation of the Universe, I am going to write a theory about God of the universe that may help to achieve religious co-operation worldwide. This religious theory is going to show that God is life, and how I believe the spiritual life forces of the entire universe can coexist together; they are in another dimension, but they are linked to our dimension, as we are going to explain in our theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, we have written about this theist and atheist views and explained as much as we could, but there is still a lot to be said and we will continue to write another article, that we are calling,  Humanity and religious dilemmas

To see more click on this link, Theists and Atheists views

May God bless us all.
