Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Israelite exodus from Egypt.


The Bible says that Moses one day went up Mound Sinai, where he met God in the form of a burning bush, God told Moses to go back to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh to free the Israelite from slavery. Moses thought that this was not a good idea, since he had been banned from Egypt, so he asked God, who should I say has send me, God replied, Yahweh. 

Exodus and the Mosaic Laws 

Welcome to our article, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws 

May God guide and help me to say the right things?  

Dear readers, because there are several religions in the world, we need to learn about them, before we can say what we think about them. So, today we are looking at religious event that have shaped western religion. So, we want to review these events to refresh our memories, then in the future compare them to other religions, if we need to. In this article we will talk about, Israel exodus from Egypt, which is an important event as written in the Bible.

In the Old Testament according to the Bible, Moses was to be killed from the Egyptians when he was born, but his mother abandoned him on the river Nile hoping for a miracle, and the miracle happened because he was saved from the river Nile from an Egyptian princess that had no children, he grew and learned in the Egyptian court the Egyptian’s ways.

One day he was attracted to his people, and he learned that he was an Israelite and not an Egyptian. Anyhow, he did something bad and the Egyptian Pharaoh banned him from Egypt into the Sinai desert. So, he went in the desert thinking about his people and walking towards Mount Sinai, near Mount Sinai he met some shepherd and stopped with them. Anyhow, he did not know that he had been selected by God to be the Hebrews leader that would lead the Hebrews back to the Promised Land, which God had given to Abraham their forbear. 

One day Moses felt the need to go up Mount Sinai to investigate what was there, since he was seeing signs, so, he went up Mount Sinai and saw a burning bush, but this burning bush was different from a normal burning bush, because while it was burning it did not burn out, a voice from this burning bush told Moses; stop where you are and take your shoes off you are on sacred land; this was the voice of God who appeared in the form of a burning bush and spoke to Moses; God said that he had heard the children of Israel laments and prayers to him, so, he wanted to help them to be free from the Egyptian bondage.

Now, because the Israelites were praying to the God of Abraham, God ordered Moses to go back to Egypt to free his people from the Pharaoh slavery. Moses was not sure this was a good idea since he had been banned from Egypt. So, Moses asked God, who I should say has sent me to the children of Israel and to the Pharaoh. God said, I am who I am, and tell the children of Israel and say that Yahweh the God of your Father has sent me. So, Moses went back to Egypt and after several arguments with the Pharaoh and divine intervention from Yahweh God, in the end Moses finally succeeded to lead his Hebrew people out of Egypt.

As they left Egypt, the Pharaoh tried once more to stop them with his army. But Yahweh God helped the Israelite cross the Red Sea as if it was dry land, and then the water of the Red Sea came back and drowned the Pharaoh army that was trying to stop them leaving Egypt. This is what is written in the Bible.


On their way back to the Promised Land. 

On their way back to the Promised Land, the Israelite went near Mount Sinai, since Yahweh God wanted Moses to go back to him up there, and Moses went again up Mount Sinai, where he met God again and God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

Now, while Moses was on Mount Sinai waiting for God to give him the Ten Commandments, he stayed up there for a long time. So, the people that had left Egypt to go to the Promised Land started to have different opinions; they wanted a god like the Egyptians, so, they made up a golden statue of a bull, this made Yahweh resentful; because he wanted the people of Israel to believe only in him, as we can see from the first three commandments that he gave Moses.

Of course, Yahweh God punished them for this event. But this event brings doubts in our minds, so, we must ask, why the people of Israel did this, there is something wrong here, because if they had seen what we are being told they saw; then anyone that had witnessed those events could not doubt Yahweh power for a moment. Therefore, there is something wrong in this Bible story.

During the time that the Israelites were travelling in the desert to reach the Promised Land, is said that Moses spoke with God several times. From these meetings with God, and from those happenings that took place during this voyage from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses and his brother Aaron wrote and laid down the first part of the Mosaic Laws, that would guide the Hebrews from there on. During this period Yahweh gave Moses many laws the Hebrew were divided in tribes and these formed the 12 tribes of Israel, which are the families of the 12 children of Jacob also called Israel; because Israel is the name that Yahweh God gave Jacob, in a prior event that happened when Jacob was alive, God said to Jacob from now on you are Israel. That is how Jacob is known as Israel. 

Now we are going to talk about the tribes of Israel. Anyhow, we believe that what took place in the Sinai desert including the Mosaic Laws; it was something that at that time and place needed to be done the way it was done. 

I believe that Moses and his brother Aaron thought that it was necessary to separate the tribes, than God instructing them to do it in many details, since they were the leaders of the Israelite and had to control the people; we need also to say that whether there was Yahweh God that was talking to Moses every time is doubtful, if it was so, then the rest of the people must have known, and would follow their instructions blindly. 


 The 12 tribes if Israel

The Israelites were divided in 12 tribes one for each family of the children of Jacob, (Israel).

The 12 children of Israel were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Zebulon, Joseph, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, and Gad; these were the names of the 12 children of Israel, and every one of them had their own family and became one tribe. Thus, was Yahweh order through Moses. So, the 12 tribes of Israel were independent of each other; but they had to follow God’s order that went through Moses and his brother Aaron of the house of Levi.

The Bible says that God spoke with Moses many times saying to Moses, go and tell the house of Jacob what they had to do. Now through this talking, new laws and ways of living were described to the sons of Israel, this is how the Mosaic Laws were formed. Quoting example from the Bible:

Quote 1: Leviticus 18;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them:

“I am Yahweh your God. You must not behave as they do in Egypt where once you lived; you must not behave as they do in Canaan where I am taking you. You must not follow their laws. You must follow my customs and keep my laws; by them you must lead your life.”

Quote 2: Leviticus 19;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the whole community of the sons of Israel and say to them:

“Be holy, for I, Yahweh your God, am holy.

Each of you must respect his father and mother.

And you must keep my Sabbaths; I am Yahweh your God.

Do not turn to idols and cast no gods of metal. I am Yahweh your God.

(Anyhow, I am using these quotes as examples in Leviticus between Moses and God).

As I have said God was speaking to Moses many times in Exodus and Leviticus, but these talks become doubtful, because if these meetings with God had taken place, then the Israelites would have been more God conscious of Yahweh their God.


The Bible has doubtful possibilities written in it. 

In the Bible there are some doubtful possibilities written

When we read the Bible, there are doubtful things written in it. In Leviticus Moses and his brother Aaron, spoke with God many times, as if they were normal happenings. But what I cannot understand is this: if Moses was speaking with God many times, as the Bible says, it follows that the Israelites should have known that, and they should have followed whatever commands were given to them.

But the Israelite had always doubts in their minds; since they were arguing about the reasons why they were in the desert living a hard life, as if they had not seen what had happened around them.

What we want to say here is this; we believe that the Israelite did not see or hear God, otherwise they would have had no doubts about God or Moses. For this reason, what has been written in the Bible about God talking to Moses, might not have taken place as much as they claim. So, everything was added later when the Bible was written and re-written.

This makes me believe that religions are written according to the times when they are written, because we cannot explain it, in any other way. So, if today we want to re-write religions, we must write them according to our times.

Anyhow, in our next article, we will continue to talk about the Bible, because the Bible was also the Israelite history book, in ancient times history and religion were written together, because whatever happened was thought to be religious, so, in our next article we will be talking about,  The Bible is The Hebrew History

To see more click on this link, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

May God bless us all.


Thursday, September 2, 2021

The creation of man discussions.


The Bible says that God created Adam from plain dirt in his own image. If we believe everything what the Bible says, then God looks like a man, following this Bible description, this is how Michelangelo painted Adam in one of his paintings. Using my imagination, I believe that the index finger of the hand of God touching Adams hand, is meant to give Adam life.   

In this second photo we continue to  talk about Adam and Eva at the time of creation. They are in the garden of Eden, where Eva is about to take one of the fruit from the tree of knowledge. But God had forbidden them to eat from this tree, so, when they did they did disobey God and God banned them from the garden of Eden.   

Welcome to our article, Religion about man creation

Religious discussions about the creation of man. 

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, what we are writing here are religious discussions that we have with other people, or the way we imagine ourselves how things could be. And these articles are a study of religions and how they serve humanity.

As we have said, there are reasons to believe that religions could be man-made; in other words, they are an invention that mankind made a long time ago. Today we want to discuss about the creation of mankind, since our friends Gino and Peter have expressed their doubts, about God being able to create man from plain dirt. 

So, I must wait for the opportunity to talk about religions to my friends, because when I am talking to my friends, at least I believe that what I write is brand new, so, it is harder for Hub pages to find that my articles have duplicate content, which is so frustrating; when you know that you have written that article for the first time. So, let us talk about it.


About hub pages’ creation of man. 

Anyhow, you have to forgive me for a moment, if I talk about Hub Pages instead of the creation of man. You see, we wanted to continue writing about the creation of man, and we did, only to be told that our article has duplicate content, so, I am forced to talk about Hub pages’ duplicate content

Whoever has written articles in Hub pages knows, that soon or later they may find that their articles have been marked as having duplicate content. I believe that nothing in the writing world is brand new, because first we have to learn it from somewhere else, once we have made up our mind what is right and what is not right, we write it down our own way mixing the subject we have learned, therefore, what we write have got to have duplicate content in it, it cannot be avoided.

In my case of writing religious articles is even worse, because religious discussions tent to say the same things again, it is only natural that they do this. You see, if you have gone to mass at the Roman Catholic Church, I am sure that you have noted that the mass is the same every time, even the sermons have their yearly cycle, so, religion is a repetitive subject where it is hard to avoid repetitions. 

Anyhow, this does not mean that religious articles can be allowed to have duplicate content, I want only to point it out how hard it is to avoid it. I have told my friends what happens in Hub pages about duplicate content and all they came up with was; you have to try harder to avoid that, perhaps you can quote what we say, so that even if we are saying the same things, it is not you saying it. 


Some friendly religious talks

This has happened to me the other day, when Mark, Gino and Peter were having this conversation in my presence and Mark was saying to Gino.

You said to Frank that God cannot make man from dirt because that would be hard for God to do. Now, what you have said makes me wonder whether you can tell us more about the way that you see the creation of man, and about other creations that happen in the Bible.


No, Mark I don’t have much to say about the Bible creation, except that if you think about it ,there are things that don’t make sense the way they have been written in the Bible, because if we use our logic reasoning mind, they are impossible to achieve even for a real God, provided there is a God. Therefore, that is the reason that I believe the Jews made up their God so powerful that could make living people from plain dirt.

You see, I believe that the Jews invented their own powerful God, their own ways and for their own needs and they did it in such a way that this God was more powerful of any other God, since their God could even make man from plain dirt. I hope you see what I mean. Anyhow, just to make myself clear, I will give you another example; these days the Muslims believe that their God Allah, will reward them in paradise, if they kill any infidel, how low can their God be, that will reward them, if they destroy another life, when life itself can be said that it is part of God? But the     Muslims want to believe their God will reward them, and so be it. 


Of course, I see what you are saying Gino! But what you are saying opens a new way of thinking, if we are willing to follow your interpretation of the Bible. You see, if we admit that man was not created by God from dirt, then also other creations are not true, or they are partly true, therefore, we must discuss it many times before we can reach a conclusion, it also opens the whole Bible to discussions, as the Bible may not be the word of God, or even inspired by God, as Frank said in one of his articles; Religions are man-made, perhaps we have to agree with Frank description of religions, don’t you agree?


Of course, I agree with Frank’s descriptions, because I am trying to say the same thing.

Here Peter comes in saying.

Look I and Gino agree that man cannot be made from plain dirt, even if God tries to make him; thus, the whole thing cannot be true as our own human understanding tells us. Now, if we take away that God is omnipotent and can do anything, which is how the Jews wanted God to be, then, God must follow the physical laws that exist in the universe; then the possibilities of God making man from dirt, is almost nil and therefore there has got to be another way. You see, that is the reason why we said what we have said in the first place, about the Jews inventing their own God, just the way they needed God.


I understand what you two are saying, I was worried that you two had become atheists, like our friend John was saying the other day, when he heard what you said. Perhaps as your beliefs stand, you may be agnostic rather than atheists.

Frank (me):

What I heard from your religious talks today, can help me write how some people see religions today; it opens also the way for religious discussions, where I can learn something else about religious views. 

Anyhow, I have made up my mind that I must find my own way, how to research for other religious articles, since I cannot rely on my friends too much for writing my articles. Anyhow, I start seeing God in a different way, so, I believe that we need to modify religions. Meanwhile we are continuing our religious articles, so, see you in our next article, where we are going to write about the Bible, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws. See you there. 

To see more click on this link, Religion about man creation

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Religions are man-made.


Because there are several religions in the world, we believe that religions are man-made. Well, we do not say that religions are definitely man-made, and are not true, but they look that way. We say also that even if there are spiritual forces in the universe that have shown up in the past, religions are man-made because we wrote them according to the needs that were present at that time, So we need to discuss that, and this is what we are going to do in this article. 

Welcome to our article, Religions could be man made

May God guide and help me to say the right things. 

Dear readers, we want to know whether religions came about because there have been signs from heaven, or man made everything up. Because there are reasons to believe that religions could be man-made, we say that they could be man-made, because we need to give the benefit of doubts.

Now, if we assume that religious are man-made, we need to search for the proof to establish that, and then we need to explain religions better and in different ways, we need to explain why they have been made up the way that they have been made up. 

But religions might not be completely made up, because, if we consider the spiritual side there must be something in it. You see, all religions have a spiritual side, so, we must assume that there is a spiritual side, and from this spiritual side people have made up our religious beliefs.

In our previous religious discussions, we have seen that there are many religions in the world; therefore, we may have to assume that religions are man-made. This does not mean that God does not exist, but it means that we should not follow blindly all religious doctrine. Therefore, we must use our common sense and check, if what is being said may or may not be true.

Now, if we are talking about the Bible, the first thing that comes to my mind, is whether the seven days of at the beginning of the Bible, were seven days or thousands of years. Then, we want to prove that what is written in the Bible is the truth, which might not be. Look at our article, Flood in the days of Noah, where we have proof that the flood was not as universal as the writers of the Bible want us to believe. We believe that the flood happened, but it did not cover the entire world.

Therefore, it is time that mankind sees the truth, but the truth is that man wrote the Bible, perhaps it was God inspiration at the beginning; but then they wrote and re-wrote the Bible, knowing that if they wrote it in a certain way, they could control the believer under them. This is what I believe myself, but then I might be wrong. So, let us discuss this issue, 


 Talking about religious issues

We talked about these religious issues and concluded that we don’t like the way the Bible is being explained to the believers; because there are things that seem wrong. You see, there is the fact that when the Bible was written for the first time, everything was different from today, therefore, the Bible was written according to those time to guide the people of those times. I believe that if the Bible was to be written today, it would be written in a different way.

Now, I believe that it is necessary to write a few articles to show what we mean about criticizing the Bible, when we believe there are issues that don’t agree with our understanding of the Bible. 

 Religious discussions with friends

Anyhow, after chatting about a few happy events, we talked about religions, and asked them whether they had given any thought about what we were discussing last time we met.

Well they said, we have indeed thought about it and we still believe that there must be another explanation, why the Bible says that man was made from plain dirt. Yes, indeed there can be more than another explanation, it is likely that there are several explanations, which falls in line with what we have been thinking that religions are man-made. Now, we must look at the reasons why man wanted that God would create man from plain dirt. 

As we have said, about the creation of man before, man cannot be created from dirt, because even God has got to be subject to the laws of nature. Anyhow, God first and foremost uses the natural ways to create anything, we believe that this is God ways; then we want to point out that there was no need for God to make us from clay; because we were there in the form of animals.  

But the ancient Jews, wanted that their God more powerful than all the other gods put together, so, they gave their God this extra power, and their God was so powerful that could even create a man from plain dirt.

Here Peter comes in and says do you see what we mean? They (the Jews) wanted this Super God to have so much powers that was even able to create a man from dirt.

Perhaps this idea came about when man started to make statues, and, in their fantasies, wished that those statues were real people or animals. Therefore, they started to think that God could be able to do that, and thus, the wish that God could make those statues become alive was born.

This is all what was said about religions at this encounter.


 What we should believe about religions. 

During our discussions, we are having difficulty in proving that God created life and everything else in the world. Sometimes I start thinking that the atheists might be right, when they say that there is no god. But I cannot accept that, because God and religions are the fundamental rules that in a way or another guarantees justice.

There is also the fact, that I cannot explain to myself everything about life, therefore, I believe that there is a god because there is life; and also for most people God is hope for those that need hope most. 

Can you imagine that there are no gods, and people that happen to suffer in this world cannot even think of something that gives them hope, what sort of world is this? Would these people that find life hard despair even more?

I know that we have even called this hub, Religions could be man-made, but this does not mean that there must not be a god. Because God must exists, and God is life, as we explained in, God exists because life exists.

Here I want to paste an article I found on the internet, that shows you what other people think about God.

Anyhow, I am going to write this theory, where I am going to describe how I see God.

 I believe that we have said enough in this article, so, see you with our next article, where we are talking about the creation of man. See you soon. 

To see more click on this link,  Religions could be man made

May God bless us all.


Monday, July 12, 2021

Our religious discussions four.


I believe that to understand religions, we need to study them, and we need to discuss our beliefs with our friends and other fellow believers. Some of this knowledge today can be found on the Internet, so, it is available to everybody, if they want to learn about it. 

Welcome to our article, Religious discussions four

Dear readers, in this article, we continue to discuss religious issues. You see, we can go on forever arguing about what beliefs can be true and what cannot be true, and does God exist, or is God an invention of the human mind? These questions about religions have been there for ages, and they will continue in the future.

It is going to be so, because now that the people can learn faster than before, because the computer makes it easy to find the information we want. So, when the people realize that beside their religious beliefs, there are other religions in the world, they will start to believe that religions are man-made, because there are too many religions. Anyhow, I believe that I will continue to write about religions because I want to suggest a way that will explain religions in a modern way. With this decision in mind, I am going to talk to my friends, hoping they can help me understand religions better.

Today most of the western world religions derive from the Bible, so, most people believe what is written in the Bible, and it is hard for people to believe in any other way. but in the past there have been other religions, that were different from the Bible. So, it is wiser to discuss other religions as well.  


Calling on my friend Mark. 

Anyhow, one day I went to see Mark at his home, knowing that this was his day off from work, when I arrived at his home there was this other friend with him, but anyhow it was John the bloke that read the end of the Bible in the end of time discussions, therefore, the presence of John did not worry me, since John is a religious bloke and religions is what I wanted to talk about. The reason that John was there is that he lives up the street and he was going to the shops past Mark house, he saw that Marl was there and decided to stop and chat with Mark.

When I arrived John was about to leave, but my arrival stopped him, as Mark invited me and him back inside to have a cup of tea. We set down and we started to talk, and soon I was talking about a chance meeting that I had with Gino and Peter the previous day. and I told Mark and John in detail what we said.

Gino and Peter believe that man cannot be created from plain dirt, because even God must be subject to the laws of physic or natural laws, and anyhow, if there is a God, then this God will use first the natural laws to create anything.

And then they came up with this theory, the Hebrews wanted their God more powerful than any other God, so, they invented a god so powerful that can create a man from dirt. 

Now if you believe that is possible, then for the first time we have explained what is written in the Bible in a different way. So, from now on, we must look if we can find other religious writings in the Bible that can be explained in a different way, and the reason why they have been written the way they have been written.

Now I want to know what you think about Gino and Peter theory. I believe that you know that I want to write this religious theory that can suggest to the world a new way of seeing God and religion, and has got to be a simple religious theory, because it is easier to write it, and it is easier for the people to understand it.


 John reaction to their theory

John reaction to Gino and Peter theory

I wonder what has gone wrong with Gino and Peter; I don’t know why they are turning atheist or what these days. I am saying that they are turning atheist because that is the only way that I can explain what they have said about the Bible and the creation of man.

Why are they saying that God cannot create man from dirt, when the Bible says that he did? Why they try to find all these excuses to change the meanings of the Bible, when the Bible has been written thousands of years ago from people inspired from God and people believe that it is so?

Why should the Jews invent their God, as if God needs to be invented? They should be ashamed of themselves for saying many profane things about God and the Bible.

I believe that they are being brainwashed from the atheists, otherwise they would not say this. What gave John and Gino this idea that the Jews invented their own God? And then, to show that their God was a super God they made God create man from dirt, when the Bible says that God made man as his own imagine? What has gone wrong with them to turn to atheism.

Here John started to calm down as he had said what he wanted to say about Gino and Peter, so, we knew that soon everything would be normal, and we could have normal discussions. 


Discussions with Mark and John

After John had said what he wanted to say, Mark started talking and said.

I believe that you have had an interesting discussion with Gino and Peter about this creation of mankind in the Bible; but I cannot help thinking that Gino specially when he is with Peter, Gino can tell you some extreme views, therefore, to say that Gino is becoming an atheist is wrong, because I know Gino very well and I can tell you that he likes to exaggerate things, I am telling this specially for you John, because you are worried about this religious situation that Gino has got into; do not worry about it my friend, because everything is going to be normal.

You see, Gino and Peter have sometimes extreme views, but when reflecting what they have said this time and other things, it is not that extreme, when we use our logic reasoning mind.

So, let us reflect on this situation by using our own imagination; first of all, there have been always extreme beliefs and views in religious circles, if we look back at history we will find that religions have helped mankind in many ways, especially because it brings friendship to people, you see, although religions are made to follow God with a set of rules, those people that follow them are bound to discuss these things together, and by discussing and sharing them with other people they become friends, this is one of the best sides of religions.

But then on the other side, there are times, when religions have done things so extreme and terrible. Anyhow, you cannot control people just by being nice to them; people need rules to follow and somebody that enforces those rules and that is the reason why religions have been written the way they have been written.

I am sorry to say this John, but what is written in religious books is not always the whole truth. Therefore, if Gino and Peter have gone out of the religious way that everybody accept, and we have been told what to believe; then Gino and Peter may have got it right this time, because what they are saying is as extreme as the creation of mankind in the Bible, if we use our own logic reasoning mind.

We must keep in mind that there are other major religions that explain the creation of man in different ways; here I am talking about the Indus religions and I quote.

“Hinduism perceives the whole creation and its cosmic activity as the work of three fundamental forces symbolized by three gods, which constitutes the Hindu Trinity or ‘Trimurti’: Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the sustainer, and Shiva - the destroyer.” End of quote. It is said that mankind sprang from Brahma body and there were four caste, or type of men. As you can see this is different from the Bible creation. 

(Now, let me say something about this Indian religion. 

This photo above is how the Indians see their God Brahma 4 heads. To understand this religion is not easy, but you can have some idea if you read  The Laws of Manu, where the Indian beliefs of creation is explained. 

This photo is The Three Main Hindu gods, in a different set up. End of our explanation). 

Here Mark stopped talking about religion, and then started talking about other things.

Now, reflecting on what has been said, I believe that Mark is right. This is one of the reasons why, I like to talk to my friends just to feel more confident, about what I need to say next. 

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you next time, where we are writing about, religions could be man-made. You see, sometimes I believe that religions have all been set-up to control people. 

To see more, click on this link, Religious discussions four

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Religious discussions three.


At this stage of our religious study, we believe that, it would be helpful to discuss them with our friends, so that we could see what other people think about these religious issues. 


Welcome to our article, Religious discussions three

Dear readers, here we continue our discussions two, where we left with Gino wanting to talk to our friend John in an aggressive way, so, let us see what he had to say?

Now, we want you know what sort of a bloke Gino is; you see, Gino likes to make an argument out of anything, religiously Gino is a Christian or Christian agnostic, it depends on the way he feels he may even act as an atheist, so, we wonder what he is going to say to John next.

Now, who is John; well John is a religious bloke that believes in his Jehovah witness religion, therefore, everything for John is exactly as the Bible says, so, looking at these two, they seem to be on a collision course, and we are curious how this religious debate is going to be like soon. So, let us see first what Gino is going to say to John:

Continuing the discussions; Gino to John

Hey John, did you hear Mark speech; he knows a lot about religions, doesn’t he? So, now that you have heard those religious issues, and knowing that there are lots of other religions in the world because man needs God, I am asking you, are you going to follow your Jehovah witness religious beliefs blindly? Or are you going to be like one of us and be open minded, and accept the outcome of some comments. You see, we can never be sure, if what we have been told about God is correct; therefore, we must ask ourselves, whether they are true or not. What do you say to that?

John to Gino

Look Gino, Mark may know a fair bit about religions, I will give you that; but you have to admit that what he has said is only general knowledge and nothing else, that is the way I feel about his speech; also I need to add that I am not convinced that religious things are exactly the way he said, so, I am still one hundred per cent sure that I am right about my religious beliefs and what is written in the Bible, so, I am not going to change my religious beliefs at all based on Mark speech okay!

Gino to John

John, you are really a believer and believe whatever is written in the Bible, but really you should think about your beliefs, as you have heard there are many religions in the world, so, there may be, I say may be that one of these other religions is right and your beliefs are not. Look I don’t want to be hard on your religious beliefs, but there are people that think otherwise; in fact, there are even people that do not believe in God at all. They are intelligent people that recon that God does not exist and there was no creation, because there is no need for a creator to create life, you see, it is possible that simply life just came about by itself, and then with the passing of time it grew and became the way it is today through evolution, you know there is a theory about this issue and most scientists agree with it.

John to Gino

I am sorry to say this Gino, but today you sound to me that you are an atheist; I thought that you were a Christian and that you believed in God, I think I have made a mistake in judging you a Christian, because today you don’t sound like a Christian at all, you know what I mean, a Christian is a person that believes in God and fears God, because he wants God to see that he is a good person and that he follows God commandment, therefore he deserves eternal life?

Gino to John

I know that John, but you see I wanted to see what you thought about other religions, beside your Jehovah wetness religion. For instance, do you believe that God created everything in seven days like the Bible says? 

John to Gino

There you are again; you are indeed an atheist and next thing you are going to say to me, is that everything created itself and that we are monkeys that through evolution have become humans. You know what I mean, monkeys eating bananas, do you see a monkey in yourself and me or do you see a person. Just listen to me Gino, monkeys are monkeys and cannot be anything else, and humans are people like Adam who was created as a person, like God said in his own image, don’t you see that?


Preventing a religious argument. 

My comment (Frank)

Up to this point the rest of the group I, Mark and a couple of other guys were talking various things, while at the same time I was paying attention to what Gino and John were talking about, because I thought that Gino could upset John, and I knew that I was right to think about that because something was going to happen, therefore, I had to prevent this religious argument escalate. So, I winked at Mark and pointed out to him that something needed our attention, and we moved closer to Gino and John, and then I said: you two really want to solve the world religious problems right away, don’t you? But I have to tell you that it is unlikely that we can find a way, if you carry on arguing the way you do. 

Now since you have started this conversation about creation and evolution, which is the most important evidence that we want to find out. The point is that we need that evidence to decide about how much creation took place, and what could have been the role of evolution, in other words how the creation of mankind happened.

I believe that to do this we need to break our information source in small pieces, then decide with our logic common sense, if what is being presented to us can be true or not. So, we must question the questionable and answer those questions truthfully.

Now since Gino and John have started this conversation about creation, let us try to keep this religious issue going. So, I raised my voice and said, may we have the attention of everybody please. Because I would like to ask you these questions about creation and the creation of man?


Hereunder are some answers to our questions.

Please answer our first question: do you believe that man was created from God the same way the Bible says?

John answers to my question.

Of course, that is the only way possible for man to be created, because God is the creator of everything, it says so in the Bible and the Bible is the word of God.

Gino answer

Look, I have to say that I am a Christian, but even though I am a Christian and believe in this religion, I doubt very much that God has created man from plain earth soil, because there must be another explanation how man came about to be created, and why the Bible claims that God made man from plain earth soil or clay?

Mark answer

I see what you mean Gino, so, I say that for myself don’t see any logic for God creating man from dust, let us call it dust, because in the Bible “Genesis 3:19 says. “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” But that is the Bible and there must be a good reason to say that at the time it was written, but here we need to find out why it was written like that, if we want to get a logic answer?

Peter answer (This is another friend that came to the meeting)

Just to say something for friendship sake, I have to say that I believe a lot like Gino, so, I think that if I use my brains and logic explanation, I say that there must be another logic explanation why the Bible claims that God made man from plain earth ground, but I cannot think what was the reason.

Mike answer (this is another friend at the meeting, he may be an atheist?)

What I want to say here is that we are living in the 21st century, and we know a lot more now than when the Bible was written, so, by logic explanation hearsay from well educated people and my own intelligence says that God did not make man from earth ground, because that may be an impossible thing to do even for God. This is my answer, I am saying this assuming that God exists; you see God may not exist. What about that?

Frank (me the writer)

I see every one of you has got a different view or beliefs about how man was created, so, we need to ask more questions to find out the reasons why it is like that.

So, let me see what we can ask you next time.

Having said that, now we want to suggest that perhaps a new way of interpreting religious books could help. Perhaps a new religious theory that allows God and the forces of nature work together; in other words, God, uses evolution to create all living things and everything else. This can result in a less powerful God, but even that can help. Because then, the terrorist groups that kill in the name of God, may see God less powerful and give up using God to kill other people.

After these religious discussions above, we started to talk about other issues that are not worth writing here, since we want to talk here about religions only.

See you next time.

May God bless us all.
