Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Religious discussions

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
And this post, Religious discussions
When we have a problem, people should meet and discuss, in the hope of finding a solution. 

Religious discussions
Dear readers, in a way this is the continuation of our last post, But at the same time this is also the beginning of our Prayers for reconciliation; but we would like call it Prayers and observation or discussions since we will be discussing religious issues, even more than usual.
In these religious writings of Prayers and discussions, being also part of Prayers for reconciliation as we have said, we are going to talk about religions in general terms, the aim of these discussions is that we would like to reconcile that part of religion that doesn't seem to agree with today religious views, as we have already mentioned in part one; but before we start discussing let me write a prayer to God, asking God to help me to write these religious articles;
Almighty Father, I am praying you with all my heart, my soul and my mind hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins and you would make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to write these religious writings according to your will. Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Now, let us go back to our discussions; it is obvious that if we want to reconcile anything at all and reach any sort of reconciliation we need to discuss our differences and this is what this religious discussions in part 2 is all about. We would also want to point out that our discussions here are about our own religious beliefs and our aim is about modifying existing religions, because we see that they need to be modified, so, we would like to modify existing religions in such a way that they may remain helpful to all humanity. We know that this is not going to be easy and it is going to alarm most religious people as it is a controversial subject about their religious beliefs, and for this reason we are going to repeat this article that has been written for our readers’ peace of mind, just once more in this part:
For our readers’ peace of mind
To anyone who is a believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs, we say, please read our Prayers for Reconciliation writings fully before you pass judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only a new idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions together; therefore our religious beliefs and the existing religions may remain as close as possible to the ways they are today. So, don’t you worry if our religious writings could sometime sound different from the ways that we usually hear religions being preached in the churches and other places of worship, because you don’t have to worry about it, as it will all be explained as you read all our religious writings, and then, you can judge for yourself at the end of our religious writings of Prayers for reconciliation and our new set up of religious beliefs as suggested in Reconciliation of the Universe.
Anyhow, now let me pray God to guide and help me, before we start our discussions;
Almighty and merciful Father, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy You would guide and help me to write this second part of Prayer for reconciliation, I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, hear my prayer, amen.

Religious discussions

These are our religious discussions or review that we are writing in this post.
When we look at the religious world of today, we see that not everything works the way it should have worked, therefore we have reasons to believe that we (the people of this world) need to discuss and review religions, because that would be the right way to go about, you see, we believe that this needs to be done for the benefit of all humanity, therefore we have a duty to do it anyhow. But, first of all let us see the most important articles that we have already written in part one and if we can state also the reasons why we have written them, in the hope that we would be able to bridge part one with our final part three, Reconciliation of the universe; we would like to do that hoping that we would be able to continue in the right religious direction.
Now, the most important articles that we have already written deal about religions and religious beliefs, perhaps the reasons that they have been written was because of the extremist groups that use religious beliefs in such twisted ways, in order to get their own believers to do terrible things, like the 9-11 terrorist attack and other things that are just as bad; but that is not all, because today while I am editing this article the Islamic State terrorist group are killing innocent people, just because they don’t belong to their religious group; but there is more, we have also written them because of the atheists threats that want religions to disappear.
So, these religious articles are being written first of all to find a way how to avoid or minimize the terrorist threat, for this reason we are thinking that some religious changes are required, since the terrorist groups are very active these days; for this reason today the atheist group is in second place, as the atheist threat is not as dangerous as the extremist groups. Anyhow, in order to reply to these atheist’s non beliefs of God and religions and also to see if we could find anything that could help us to find a way of how to stop the extremist movement killing innocent people, we have written a few articles about some religious subjects, one of this subject is about the existence of God, in the hope that the atheist see what we mean by that and moderate their attack on religions.
Anyhow, in order to prove to the atheists that God exists, we have written hub 3, Man needs God where we claim that God exists at least by definition, but, then we see that there must be more than just definition and so we kept writing about other explanations including this article of Man needs God because it has been so for centuries, or since the beginning when man became able to think abstract things, so, they started to invent many gods as we know from the world history and many other things.
Now let us talk about God and how we see God today, we believe that perhaps God may be different to the God described in the Bible and so we have formulated a new sort of theory hoping to find a way to describe this new living God, who can be just about anything that bears life energy capable of helping life to exist. You can check this hub out with this link herewith: Man needs God, 3, we are going to say a lot more about this new form of God in our last part that we call, Reconciliation of the universe.
We have also written religion of the future, where we explain the needs for a new form of religion. This is the link if you want to check it out. Religions of the future, 4, in this hub we start saying that some religious changes need to happen soon or later, so let us start thinking about these coming changes.
Then of course we have published Prayers for Reconciliation, which is really the main theme of this religious writings, here is the link to check it out, Prayers for Reconciliation, 5 and we have also had some discussions with our friends and members of the public about religions, with this in mind now we are going to write some religious views.

Anyhow I believe that we have said enough in this post, so, we will continue this discussion in our next post called, Religious writing views. 
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Religious discussions
Next time with; Religious writing views.       
This link here under is the link in Hub Pages (hub 26) for the same article; 
Other links from same author


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Prayers and observations

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, Prayers and observations

There are times that I feel as if I have been called by God to write these religious writings, which can also be said that for me they are a prayer to god as well.

So, I pray many prayers, in the hope that God answers my prayer, but so far my prayers have not been answered, at least the way that I wish would be answered; this is the reason why I ask, does God answer our prayers?

Prayers and observations
Dear readers, this post that we call Prayers and observations, it is really the continuation of our previous post, does God answer our prayers? In that post we have mentioned that we were going to talk about the end of the world, here we are talking about it as we have said above. the end of the world can come in many ways; as we know even in the Bible is mentioned the end of the world, just before the New Testament ends, so people always believe that the world will end.
If we believe in God we need to pray God and believe that God will hear our prayer and prevent this end of the world as we know it; you see, lots of people believe that the world will end and they try to foretell when this event will take place, but they seem to get it wrong all the time, so let us observe one of these events:  
Now, this event that I am writing here has happened a few years ago, but I would like to tell you as if it is happening today, because that is the way I have written it the first time; as we have heard many times lately that there is going to be the end of the world soon, I would like to ask you this: Do you believe that it could really happen and the end of the world will be the 21st of December 2012 as many forecast? Is this event really going to happen? What is your answer to what I have just asked? My guess is that we just don’t know.
So I am saying here what my heart and soul tells me, I believe that there is no end of the world on the 21st December 2012, it cannot be I don’t see even the signs that other people claim to see, the only thing I see is that religions need to be modified and that is not the end of the world ether; you see, if religions are modified then it marks the end of some religious things and therefore the beginning of something else, so that we can say one day that a new system has arrived and the old system has ended, that is the only end that I can see today. Anyhow today while I am editing this article the 21st December 2012 has past and nothing has happened, so the world has not ended. Thanks God it was a false alarm.
Anyhow, what I have written here above has come and gone, but today we are facing this other threat, it seems to me that the world is splitting in two, the western religions on one side and the Muslim religions on the other side, this indeed could become dangerous to say the least, because a 3rd WW could be started, and who knows how this could end. But let us pray God to help us prevent it happening. So we pray to God many times and yet we don’t know if God answers our prayers.  

Still pray and hope for an answer  
Now let me go back to what I was saying, as I have said I have been praying God for an answer to my prayers, for this reason I have been also writing my theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, which I am also calling Prayers for Reconciliation, not only because there is many prayers written in it, but also because it is my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God hears my prayers and answers my personal requests. But I have to say that up to today God has not answered my prayers and there is sickness in my family; this sickness or illness sometimes I am afraid that is becoming worse, and for this reason I am praying again.
So, I ask you this when will God answer my prayer?
Am I not worthy to be heard from God about what I need?
What is God waiting for, to answer my personal request?
Is it not enough the religious writings I have written and all the prayers that I've prayed?
To prove to you my dear readers that I have written already in Hub Pages many religious hubs, which I believe that they should be counted also as prayers to God, I am going to make a shortened list of these hubs hereunder including the links for you to check them out, so that you can judge me if you will, according to what I have written, of course there are also my religious posts in Blogger:,
And also I am publishing this,
I believe that all these religious writings should be counted as prayers. Anyhow even if God does not seem to answer my prayer, I will still pray God in the hope that one day he will answer my prayers and grant my earthly requests.
All this is because, man needs God and because, God is hope for those who need hope most and for this reason we pray God, we have to pray because we feel that it is one of those necessities of our soul, and thus we pray.

 List of religious hubs in Hub Pages

Here are two of my links about God works in mysterious ways in Hub Pages, since some of my readers and commenter pointed it out to me this:
Here are some hub links of my theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe including the heavenly messenger encounter:
Dear readers, I hope you have had time to read some of our Hubs, so that you could see what we mean and comment on them, or at least comment on our first question; Will God answer our prayers.
Anyhow with this post we conclude part one of, Prayers for reconciliation, we will start part 2 right away and we might call it Prayers and discussions, just to give it a different name, of course part three will be called, Reconciliation of the universe.
May God bless us all?

Religious Reconciliation Doc
Prayers and observation
Next time with; Part three first article.       
Other links from same author

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Does God answer our prayers?

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and our post, does God answer our prayers?

This is how Moses met God on Mount Sinai, God appeared as a burning talking bush. Moses was able to talk to God on Mount Sinai, God said that he was Yahweh God of Abraham and other things as well.

Does God answer our prayers?
Welcome to our post, Does God answers our prayers?
May God guide and help me to say the right things in these religious articles?
Dear readers, in this post we would like to discuss whether we have any proof that God answers our prayers, since we all pray God for various issues at different times in our lives, so, let us discuss first of all my own personal experience and my prayers to God: 
I am praying God every day of my life, I pray God with our traditional prayers, like the sign of the cross followed by The Lord prayer, and then other prayers; I pray God with my own prayers that I have written myself, because I believe about God in a slightly different way than the general beliefs; I pray God and hope that God hears my prayer and answers my prayer by granting my earthly request. I have written several prayers in these religious writings and one of them is written here under. But does God or will God answer my prayers, I do not know?
Let me explain how I see the situation here, today we are not asking God to do something out of the ordinary, as we are not like the Jews that wanted Yahweh their God to help them, so that they could reclaim their Promised Land; and for the same reason we are not like the Muslim people that want their God Allah to help them conquer the entire world, just because they believe in their God Allah, which very likely does not exist; therefore, their beliefs may only endanger the world, because a 3rd WW may come about, which could result in the end of the world, as we know it. About the end of the world we will be talking later here under, because right now, we are talking about our prayers to God, and here we are only praying God to help us in our daily struggle and health issues. You see we imagine our God to be a benevolent God that would help anybody that turns to him and prays; so all we need for that is a benevolent God and we pray to this benevolent God. So let me write a prayer that I would pray after the traditional prayers that everybody usually prays.
Praying God
With my personal concerns I come to you praying my lord God, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual eternal benevolent life force, I am praying in the hope that I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayer would be heard and accepted, I am praying in the hope that you would hear my prayer for help and help me and my family overcome these family illnesses that never seem to end; Father, hear my prayers and help us, amen.
I have prayed so many times already, but God seems to ignore my prayers and my family problem go on and on and they never seem to end, so I start thinking that it is very unlikely that God answers our prayers, I cannot think of any other excuse and I have reasons to believe that I should be worthy in God’s eyes, because I pray and even write religious issues. Okay there might be an issue because I do not go to church on Sundays, but that is because I am not able to go because of this illness in my family, so I have to stay put at home.  
Dear readers, in my case, perhaps I need to be more patient and refrain to criticise God, since it seems risky to criticise God, as we all know God is God and we are supposed to accept anything at all from God even if it make us suffer, because there might be other reasons why it is so. But I believe that if we pray God, then we should deserve to be heard and answered from God, otherwise why should we always pray and believe, and then accept whatever it comes to us and believe that it is God’s will, here I would like to ask our readers?
I have to say that in my mind, heart and soul there is this understanding that goes like this; if there is really a God like a person as we have been taught to believe in, then this God being our Father should listen to his own children, and so, God should hear and answer our prayers according to what we deserve, otherwise soon or later we will not believe in God any more. So, we come back to our first question; will God answer our prayers?
Will God answer our prayers, or does God answer our prayers? Yes that is my question, does God answer our prayers? Yes you have read it right the first time and I will repeat it here again just to make sure that you understand what I mean, does God answer our prayers?
I am asking this because I would like to know if there is anyone who may have proof or at least really feels that God answers our prayers in any ways possible let him speak out.
You see, I don’t know any more what to believe today, I have prayed to God for a long time for help, but God seems to ignore me completely. Not only I have prayed God many times every day of my life lately, but I have also written many blogs and Hubs about religions, in the hope that by explaining religions as it is in my heart, which might happen to be a bit different from the main religious stream in different ways, I have done this in the hope that it may help religions to survive in the future, but God does not seem to take any notice of that, the only exception to that was when I had this vision of this angel greeting me as the author of Reconciliation of the universe, but that was not a real answer to my personal prayer, it was more like a statement that the spiritual forces of heaven exist and can hear us.
I believe that I have said enough in this post, so see you in our next post, where we will be talking about more prayers and observations. See you soon.
May God bless us all?

Religious Reconciliation Doc
Does God answer our prayers?
Next time with; prayers and observation      
Other links from same author

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The way that we see it


The way that we see it

-There are many religions in the world and sometimes they are fighting each other, so we are looking for a way how to stop this violent thing happening.

The way that we see it

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post called, God’s writings for all humanity, where we said that we are going to describe some God things, but before we do that let us say a prayer before we start writing some of the strangest things of our life, which come from our inner self and they may or may not make sense to everybody else?
Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind to help me to say the right things about life and its' connection to thy eternal benevolent life-force, since we believe that you are the life giver of the entire universe, Father, hear my prayer and help me say the right things in this post!
Let us talk about love, life, God and the mystery of life
Now, let me tell you how I feel about life.
I feel that life is love, and love is life itself,
And that one could not exist without the other.
Therefore if life could not exist without love,
Then I better love, or I may as well be dead.
Dear readers whoever you might be, let me tell you about me and how during my life the love of this special woman has changed me. Sometime I believe that God has set me up with this woman love with no love happenings, so that I would understand life and love and be able to express myself more clearly. So, I hope that you will believe me, because it may seem and sound strange that human love can change things so much, but the reality is that the love for this special woman has really changed me completely.
Of course I guess now that this must have been part of my whole destiny, because now I have reasons to believe, that through these emotional feelings of love for this special woman God did set me up, in such a way that I had to go back to Him and do his work.
Now if you want to know more about these love feelings without love happenings, you have to read another book that I am writing, where I will describe to you how God Almighty has driven me back to Him through this mysterious love for this woman in His own mysterious ways; because in this book that you are reading here I have to write mostly about religion and therefore God’s things.
Anyhow, because of these intense love emotions that I went through in my life, I have become aware that there is a close link between falling in love and life and God-life-force, and so, I have also reasons to believe that God is love, and it can be described in a parallel way with my feelings of love for this special woman, since they may be somehow one and the same thing. So:
I feel that life is God and God is life itself,
And that one could not exist without the other.
Therefore if life is God, I’d better believe in God.
If I don’t believe in God, I may as well be dead.
This is how I explain the mystery of life for myself?
Now, even though I have written above the mystery of life, the way that I see it; life is still a great mystery to us all in many ways, as we are still not able to explain life fully how it all began; even when there are excellent explanations they are not perfect, as there is always a second explanation which contradicts the first. So when we think about life, we are lead to continually ask ourselves: How did life begin and what is its driving force which makes life possible on earth? And many other questions we ask ourselves.
My instinct and my logic reasoning here tells me that there could be only one clear explanation to this question; there is a life driving force in the universe and this life driving force is a supernatural life force that exists in the whole universe and we call this life force God; this God might not be exactly as the God described in the Bible, but it is there anyhow, so, we can say that God exists at least by definition, because God is the life force that created life on earth and continues to sustain his created life.
Religiously life and God-life-force can be said that it is one and the same thing; so, life existence can be explained thus:
The ever existing God-life-force of the entire universe,
From the beginning of times has created life on earth.
And even if life on earth now and then might change a bit,
Life will run in a parallel way with God-life-force for eternity,
Because life is God and God is life itself.
Some points of view
Some personal point of views
Dear readers, we need to say here that this article could be the last article of part 1 of Prayers for reconciliation, which we have been writing for a while, and at the same time we have been trying to study more and more religious things, so now, I could say that these religious writings are really becoming a real study of religions, and this is going to be the main subject in part 2 of Prayers for reconciliation, (or we might call it prayers and discussions), part 3 of course we will change the name to Reconciliation of the universe.
Now let us go back to what we were saying before. As we have already mentioned to you before, nowadays in the world there are many religions, which are different to one another and they argue with each other because of these differences, sometimes they are so insistent in their point of views and beliefs that they can even start fighting each other. We are sure that this fighting each other is not what religion is all about, because religion was intended to teach us first of all to love and respect our fellow man as you love and respect yourself: But this love and respect to our fellow man is becoming hard to achieve, because of our faulty understanding of the present system and beliefs of existing religions.
I feel greatly disappointed of our present day’s human understanding and achievements about religious matters, because we should have been able to do a lot more in a positive way. Nowadays, because of the electronic communication people should have found a way how to understand each other and love each other more easily; but instead it seems to me that they are fighting each other more than ever. Therefore it would be better if a new way of understanding each other is found, so that the world might become a better place to live in.
At this point of time we are sure that you would be asking yourself; what can be done to fix this problem? And at the same time you would be asking; how come that this is happening now and not before?
Well, we believe that we all have to make an effort and learn better ways how to live in peace with each others, and we also have to admit that people in the past did not have enough knowledge of the present situation, because they knew only what was happening in the neighbourhood so to speak and not the whole world, so the situation then was different and we cannot blame them for not fixing what today is becoming obvious that needs to be fixed.
Anyhow, first of all we want to say to you the people as a whole that today it is very likely that the time is approaching fast, when changes would be required to the present religious system, because the present religious system as it is might not be adequate any more.
Therefore the whole religious system would require to be updated, in such a way that the world future generations should not fight each other for lack of religious understanding, and in doing so, then, the future generations could still believe in God and the continuity of God’s magnificent laws that our forbears have written down.
Now, before we continue and go in a different direction with our writings we would want to say to the people that they have not done enough in a religious way in the past.
So, to all the learned people of the world we turn, and we invite them to make an effort and think about God’s things, and then do something that for centuries has been neglected and left behind, because those past learned people in their smaller knowledge of those days did not have the means of knowledge that we have nowadays, or was it because of their laziness they assumed that everything had been done for them, as they did not try hard enough to see that everything had been changing around them, and therefore they needed to change also with time to keep everything going properly.
This is how we are going to end part one of Prayers for reconciliation, but at the same time we need to add this explanation below:
My dear readers let me introduce myself again properly. You see, for safety reasons and other various important reasons sometimes I am calling myself ‘Menfranco Laws’. As you can see this name does not sound as a real name, as it is my second internet name, but I guess that you have already realized that my real name is not Menfranco Laws, but I want to use this name as a writer of these religious beliefs, since who I am is not important for religion, and sometimes I wish that nobody knows who I am at this point of time, because today even talking about religion may put your life at risk.
TO BE CONTINUED: We will complete part one of our religious writings with this aticle called, Does God answer our prayer? Because that is a question that most people would ask, and I have asked myself many times. And then we will start part two of Prayers for reconciliation that we are going to call, prayers and discussions.

Religious Reconciliation Doc
The way that we see it
Next time with; Does God answer our prayers?      
Other links from same author

Saturday, March 14, 2015

God’s writings for all humanity

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, God's writings for all humanity
God’s writings for all humanity

There are many religions in the world today, but we have to try to find the right one for us. We can imagine many things that exist in this world and what would be like in the spiritual world; so, let us find our way somehow; by using the way that our Lord Jesus Christ taught us.

Religious writings and prayer

May God help and guide me to write this religious post?
In order to write these religious writings, let us start with a prayer to God,
My prayer
In the name of the Father, The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, to you I turn Father God Most High and I humbly pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said ask the Father in my name and it will be given: So here I am Almighty Father praying and asking you that through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, you would protect me from all sorts of curses that seem to follow me wherever I go and also let the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit on earth help me to write this religious theory writings according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and help me! Amen.
What we would like to do to achieve our goal?
We would like to set the stage for the entire world to see.
And whoever will read these writings might have to agree.
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity;
In order to stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity,
That is why, I am praying God to guide and help me.

God’s writings for all humanity

Here we are writing religious issues or God’s things for all humanity.
We have already written many religious articles and also about curses that occur in the Bible, so, here we want to say that after having written a prayer above and asking God to shield us from all sorts of curses, I am still a bit concerned and ask myself whether I am doing the right thing by writing what I am writing, just in case there are people that would curse me; so, while I am writing this hub, I sincerely hope that somehow God, or God-life-force if we believe in a spiritual force would help me through the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit on earth, so that I would be able to say the right things and be able to reach the hearts of all human beings, and therefore they would be able to understand me and to follow our religious writings.
Even though I believe in God who might not be exactly the God whom most western religions believe in, I still believe in the same God and pray God fervently, therefore in my humility I am praying God to protect and help me, and at the same time I am turning to the whole world hoping that they would make an effort and try to understand what we are saying here, because what we are saying here is not easy to explain or to understand; for this reason I hope that our readers would be able to see what I see and feel what I feel, and therefore they would understand what I say. May God help me to write this article an easy way and help my readers to understand our views?

Common points of view
Because our religious views are a bit different from the normal accepted views, it is necessary for us to start from a common point of view that could or would interest everybody, so that, nobody would feel left out, we believe that it would be good if we could talk about life in general terms, since life is definitely the most common subject that would interest everybody, and then from there try to show that life is the central link that links us to God and everything else in the universe, since God could be said that is the central life force of the entire universe. 
Now that we have explained our views about that, let us try to explain how I see and feel about life itself, because I feel that life is the greatest mystery of the whole universe, and we human beings are the highest specie of life that exists on this planet earth, and for this reason it would be our duty that we try to find what links us to the rest of the universe and therefore God, or God’s life force, so to speak.
We have to admit that, because nowadays we do not know enough about the rest of the universe, we cannot prove if somehow over there are other life forms like our own in the universe, so to study our position, we are forced to start from what we know today, and by using our own imagination about our own life as the first link of all existing life in the universe, we have to try to explain to ourselves if there is any other existing life, ether like our own earthly life or as the supernatural existence of the spirit world, which is believed to exist in a parallel way with our own world.
Here we need to say that, somewhere somehow we believe that deep within our subconscious we carry our own record from the beginning of our existence; this record is shown in the form of our instincts, which usually are able to guide us safely during our lives. These records or instincts within us are not very clear, as we do not get any clear signals from them, because they are all mixed up with our beliefs religious or otherwise, and also with our own emotions of love and hate and others things that we happen to be subjected to during our lives.
Therefore, we need to think about all these mixed up feeling and beliefs within us, and then, with the help of God try analyse them, in order to make sense of this entire situation of our existence.
So, let us pray God to guide us, so that we may be able to understand better our own life and how it is related to other things, and then through our own instincts, beliefs, love emotions and other things, we may be able to describe to our selves our own feelings about love and life; and then how these inner thoughts emotions and others things might be somehow one and the same thing with the existence of God and life. Since, we believe that God, spirituality and life are all linked together and work together, so we need to look at them together.  
Now I believe I have said enough in this post, as it might be becoming too long for today readers, so we will continue in our next post called, the way that we see it. See you then.
May God bless us all?

Religious Reconciliation Doc
God's writings for all humanity
Next time with; The way that we see it     
Other links from same author