Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Creation and creation of mankind.


In the world there are several stories about creation, according to the religion one's belongs. Anyhow, this is an imaginary photo of when the world was created, as described in the Bible Genesis Creation. Here we can say that man has a really good imagination to invent all these things. 

Creation and creation of mankind 

Welcome to our article, Creation and creation of mankind 

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

In this article, we will talk about creation. Anyhow, when we look at the world history, we find that most civilizations explain creation in different ways. The only thing that seems similar, is that in the beginning there was complete void or chaos.

(One;) The Greek pagan religions say that there was chaos, they describe chaos as a black page with nothing in it, then there are all different stories, some say that the earth and the sky were stirred from the force of love, and from their love the gods, the cyclopes the giants and other beings were born.

(Two); The Indus religions also says that there was chaos, but then this spiritual force started to create a few things. This is described in more details in the Laws of Manu.

(Three;) The Hebrew religion is somehow the same, from nothing, or whatever was there God created heaven and earth, and the animal and then the people.

Anyhow, most of us that live in the western world, we talk about creation, as written in the Bible the Hebrew religious and historic book.

Our forebears believed in this Bible creation, as explained to them, and they were happy to follow it. But today we are different from our forebears, we want to prove it to ourselves, if it is right or wrong to believe certain things.

So, we have looked at other people religious beliefs, and we have realized that they explain creation in different ways. Because of these differences, it is possible that the ways that creation has been explained is not right. Therefore, it is also possible that everything happened by itself, as it is claimed in the theory of evolution. In that case, all the religious creations are an invention of our human minds.

Anyhow, here we want only to see how most religions explain creation and the creation of mankind. So, let us start with the Bible creation, since we are part of the western world religious beliefs.

Now, we want you to understand that the purpose of these articles is that we want to show you that we need religions, but because terrible things can happen they need to be changed, perhaps, we need to start to believe in a new spiritual system. But let us start by discussing creation as it is today.


Creation according to the Bible. 

So, let us see what the Bible says.

To describe creation according to the Bible, we are asking a layman called Don, and write his answers. Okay Don, what do you think about creation in the Bible?

Don answer

I am a Roman Catholic born and baptized; therefore, I believe in creation according to the Bible. You know the Bible is the word of God, or God’s revelations through the prophets; therefore, I believe that God created the world in seven days, as it is said in the Bible, even if I a day in the Bible may not be one day of twenty-four hours as we know it today, but a lot longer.

Don, can you describe us creation itself please?

As you know; in the beginning God started by creating heaven and earth, it is said that the earth was a formless void and God created everything.

There was darkness over the water of the earth and God said; let there be light and there was light, and God saw that the light was good and divided light from darkness and he called the light day and the darkness night, the first day of creation.

After the first day of God’s creation in the Bible, God continues to create the rest in the next four days, like all vegetation and animals as we know them and then the sixth day God creates man.

Here Don stopped and then he said.

Now the creation of man is a bit strange, because there are two descriptions in the Bible, the first description says that God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and then he said let them be masters of everything we have created.

Quote: God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. End of quote.

Then God blessed them, saying to them, ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and be the masters of everything.

Now, this is not all because the Bible is inconsistent, and there is a second Bible description. I don’t like it but, I am going to continue to tell you. 


 Second description of the creation of man. 

Look he said, I am a believer and believe most things that are written in the Bible,

But I find hard to believe that this second description of man is right, however, let me tell you this second description of how man was created, you see, to me it seems that it has been added later.

In the Bible it says that at the beginning, there was no wild bush or any wild plant growing, because Yahweh God had not sent rain on earth, nor man to till the soil: I think that it is strange that God needed man to till the soil and for this reason God created man.

In those times, water flowed out of the ground and watered the surface of the soil, so, the soil was wet all the time, now here I want to quote what the Bible says; Quote; Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. End of quote.

Then Yahweh God made a garden with all sorts of plants including the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and put the man he had made in the garden, God let the man know that he was the master of everything.

Here Don sighed and said, strange as it may seem this is different from the first creation of man, because in the first creation Yahweh God made man and woman together, but here they are created in a different way.

Now the man being master of everything gave names to all cattle, birds and wild animals, but no helper was found for him.

Here the Bible says that, Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep, He took a rib from the man and made that rib into a woman; that is why we hear say when man describe woman; this one at least is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh! And we call her woman because she was taken from man.

This is how the Bible explains creation and the creation of mankind. If you want to read the Bible here is a link; www.catholic.org.au/

We have described creation and the creation of mankind according to the Bible, with the help of Don; now we are going to see how other religions describe creation, to compare the difference.

Comparing The Laws of Manu creation. 

Now that we have written how the Bible describes creation, and the creation of man, let us compare the Bible to the Indus religions, another large religion of the world.

Anyhow, we want to find somebody that knows about Hinduism and The Laws of Manu, to compare with the Bible creation; so, we are going to ask this Indian called Butta about religions.

Finally, we have been able to talk to our Indian friend Butta and other Indian people, we told them that we wanted to talk about the world creation and the creation of mankind, so, we would like to know how the Indian describe creation and the creation of mankind. Anyhow, it took us a while to convince our friend Butta to talk about it, but in the end, he said:

Look, I don’t know a lot about religions because I am not a Brahman, you see a Brahman is the best person to talk to when you talk about religions; however, I can tell you a few religious things that I have learned during my life. But if you want to know more, I suggest that you read The Laws of Manu, where these things are explained, however, I am telling you what I can.

You see in the Laws of Manu there are these sages that ask the divine Manu these same questions that you are asking me, so, if you want to know how we were created and everything else read this book. Now just to give you an idea how the world started it goes like this:

This universe existed in the shape of darkness, wholly immersed, as it were, in a deep sleep. And then the divine Self existent Svayambhu, appeared with creative powers dispelling the darkness.

Desiring to produce many kinds of beings from his body, he created the waters and placed his seed in them, his seed became a golden egg and from the egg was born Brahman, the progenitor of the world. Brahman being the progenitor of the world created everything else, this is how the world started.

Mankind was started from Brahman, and it is said that in order to protect the universe, the most resplendent one assigned separate occupation to those that sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet.

The Brahmans who sprang from his mouth, he assigned teaching and studying the Veda, they are like the priests or the house of Levi in the Bible, if one wants to compare them to the western religions. Now, because the Brahmans sprang from Brahman’s and possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of all creation.

The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to study the Veda and other duties.

The Vaisya to tend cattle, to offer sacrifices, to study the Veda and other duties

The occupation of the Sudra is to serve meekly the other three castes.

If you want to read more about The Laws of Manu,

here is the link; The Laws of Manu


Our creation talks conclusions. 

Now let us talk briefly the pagan religions, that were the main religions in the western world before Christianity, this religion had many gods and goddesses and many other things and beliefs. Anyhow, here is a hub that talks about this, hub.me/agotI

What we have written above are the three main religions of the world, and it is worth to compare them to learn about ourselves. It is necessary to learn all of them, plus we must consider evolution, and other religions that explain in their own ways the creation of mankind. So, we wonder which one of these theories is the closest to the truth.

Anyhow, we can add here that there is no creation in the ancient pagan religions. These religions say very little about creation, and when they say anything is very vague; In Greek and Roman mythology it seems that creation started with Mother Earth and the sky, somehow the god Eros was born from them and he started to stir thing up and most things were created from this chaos that Eros created and many other strange things.

Here we conclude, that if we consider all creations, we believe that evolution has the upper hand, but this is not to say that God does not exist. Because we believe that God exists and also other spiritual being exist, as we are going to write in our theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, we wish that there is a supernatural power that links all religions together. This is what we are going to talk about in our next article. Reconciliation part three 

To see more click on this link, Creation and creation of mankind

May God bless us all.


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Our religious theory.


We believe that there are too many religions in the world, and they all need to be reviewed and amalgamated, so that religions may continue to serve humanity, as they have done in the past. 

Looking at what is happening in the world, we are lead to believe that, the Bible and all other religious books need to be reviewed and explained in a modern way, because the world needs a religion with modern explanation, and this religion should be able to link all existing religions together. 

Welcome to our religious article, Religious theory 

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, I believe that today there are too many religions in the world, this may cause problems, because some religions want to destroy other religions. Now to overcome these problems that we have today, we suggest a new religious theory, where we hope to explain religions in a different way, in the hope that we can stop those nasty terrorist attacks that happen by using religious cover.

You see, we believe that the people that do or did the terrorist attack are brain washed by their religious leader using religions, so, today the world looks at these events as if they come from religion, but that is not true because no religion states to go out and kill your fellow man, but people can twist the religious beliefs to do so.

So, we believe that religions need to be modified, starting with the western religions including Islam, we want to know why, Muslim’s terrorists have become so low and kill other people instead of debating the issues with them. Therefore, the religions of the world need some super guidance, which can come only if we believe that we are all children of the same God. Or God represents life, so, we must respect life if we want to respect God.  

So, we believe that because religions as they are, fail to guide humanity in a peaceful way, religions need to be modified; we believe that there are at least three main reasons why religions need to be modified, one of these reasons is what we have written above, and there are other reasons.


The other reasons. 

Apart from what we have said above, the reasons that make us believe that religions need to be modified, it is because religions can survive better the atheist attacks. You see, these people ridicule religious people, by telling us that God does not exist and religions have been invented by mankind. But we know that they are wrong in assuming that God does not exist, because God exists because life exists, you see, for us God is life, and has given us life, and we can see signs of God existence. 

You see, what the atheists want to do is wrong, because people need God and religions to guide them, and they feel better if religions are there to do that.

The second reason is that religions must be modified in such a way that would allow Catholic priests to get married, if they want to get married, and then, if anyone of them practice pedophilias or other disgusting acts, they must be banned from the clergy and prosecuted according to the laws of the land.

The other reasons why religions need to be modified, it is to prevent the extremist groups using religions in violent ways, like what they have done in the attack of nine eleven 2001, and then, they find an excuse and tell the world that they have done it in the name of God, which is a complete lie, because God can never order to kill his own children. You see, we are all God’s children, no matter to what religion or race one may belong or where one is born and come from.  

Now we need to explain that what we have already written, has been written, to discuss things and to get the public ready to accept this new theory of, Reconciliation of the universe, because our theory can change religious thinking, in such a way that religious reconciliation can become possible. We know that this is only a religious theory, but we need to start somewhere.

This religious theory that we are writing, is our suggestion of how these religious problems can be overcome in the future, it can be done by describing the spiritual life force of the universe, in a way that can unite all existing religions. But let me explain the reasons why I am writing this theory,


The religious theory triggers. 

The trigger that set me thinking, that humanity needs to modify religions, was the terrible event of nine eleven 2001, when New York City and other places in the US became under attack from religious fanatics; that was the way that the press reported it, and the way we saw it, because whoever organized it used religion in such a way that brainwashed those people that did the terrible act. Therefore, we believe that behind this attack there is a lot more than plain religious fanatics attacks.

You see, there are reasons to believe that it was a deliberate attack to the US mainland, and it was meant to tell the western world to mind their own business, and do not mingle with religions and political ways of other people. They chose America for their target because they hate America more than the rest of the western world, because they are jealous of America being powerful, and telling them what to do.

We must admit that America mingles too much in other people business, because they believe that they are the best at everything, so, they want to show the world what to do; but they don’t see that they live in the western world, so, their value of how to live a good life, is different from the value that other people think how to live a good life.

You see, people do not see it the same way as the Americans see it, therefore, they want to stop America interference, this is how we see these happenings today. Now while we are editing this article there are other terrible things happening in Iraq, we believe that they are the consequences of the war waged to remove Saddam Husain regime, here again the rebels that do most damage are the Islamic extremists.

Anyhow here under are a couple of links to show you what is happening now.

Images for iraq war

Iraq war: Obama moves US forces to Iraq - live - Telegraph,

So, as you can see, we can go on arguing about the reasons why these things happen, but we want to write our religious theory of the future, so, we have to leave behind these arguments between America and other people and write our religious theory, in the hope that we can suggest a way, how to modify religions, which in turn can help stop these terrible happenings.


Theory must be based on old beliefs. 

We are writing this new religious theory, based on old religious beliefs. We believe that it needs to be based on the entire world existing spiritual beliefs, because it is necessary to continue religions the way they are, since we don’t want to upset people, since religion is a way of life that has been passed down from generation to generation, therefore, believing in what we have always believed helps us to live a better life in our own ways.

Therefore, we need to modify religions gradually and in such a way that most people will accept it, and those religious changes should only take place when the public is ready to accept them? We know that people don’t like to change religious beliefs, but we must suggest to change them.

You see, we believe that there are negative forces that can bring religions down, so, let I see how we can go about to achieve those modifications without upsetting religious people.

Now, we need to put the entire world religious information together, this will result in a huge amount of religious information that we need to sort out. Here are links to the religious books shown beside this article, to check out the main religions.

The Koran -- Simple Search,  

In the western religious world, most religions derive from the Bible, also the Koran, the Muslims religious book derives from the Bible. The Muslims believe that they are descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian maidservant, therefore they are descendant of Abraham and follow the Abrahamic God and laws.   

The Laws of Manu

Once we have collected all religious information together, we should at least learn our own religion well, so that we can discuss it easily with anyone wanting to discuss religion; we must learn the most important part of all other major religions, and then we should devise a way how to sort this information down. So, let us see how we can do this.

Sorting out religions. 

To sort out religious information, we must choose those things that religions have in common; at this stage we can see that most religions believe in spirituality; so, spirituality is the first thing that we can use, if we want to bring religions together. If we do that, then there is a link that binds all religions together, and we belong to the eternal spiritual life that make life possible on earth and the universe.

Having said that, and since we want to use spirituality to bring all existing religions together, let us see what sort of spirituality the main religions contain.

Since the Christian religion and all other religions that derive from the Bible form the largest group, let us see their spiritual content; at the top of the spiritual entity there is God (Yahweh, Jehovah, and/or Allah) followed by archangels, angels, saints and worthy souls; this is the positive side; the negative side is formed by the devils and the nasty souls.

These spiritual entities dwell in another dimension, and they cannot travel freely to our dimension, it is said that God has forbidden them to come down to earth, therefore, they do not show up as much. Now let us talk about the souls.  

Since we believe that God is life, and the life giver of all living and spiritual things, God the master of the entire universe, so, God has made it possible for the souls of people to travel in and out of our dimension and the spiritual dimension, only when they are born and when they die. This is in a nutshell is how spirituality in the Christian religion is supposed to be, because this is how our forebears have passed down this information to us, because they have believed it to be so.


Spirituality in other religions. 

Spirituality has always existed in the religious world, so, let us start from the Egyptians.

The Egyptians have the book of the dead and other written evidence is found even today in the pyramid walls. So, we can say that the Egyptian believed the people had a soul, and that the Pharaoh was a descendent of the gods, and at his death he joined the gods in the afterlife, people also had souls, but they were less important than the Pharaoh. The evidence that we find today, there are funeral texts designed to ensure that deceased souls reach a pleasant afterlife, through the elaborate rites at their death, there was also this belief that the souls needed food after their death.

The Indian religions have the Vedas and other books; one of the books that make sense to us westerners is the Laws of Manu, where we are able to understand a few things about the Indian religious beliefs; these beliefs are complex and they are hard to explain unless we read from the book of, The Laws of Manu, so, to make it easier for our readers, we are going to quote part of the first chapter just the way I have found it on the Internet, and here I quote:

The Laws of Manu

Anyhow, The Laws of Manu, is the Indian religious book, where we westerners' would be able to understand those Indian religions. It is different from the Bible, as it is a complete different setup. 



1. The great sages approached Manu, who was seated with a collected mind, and, having duly worshipped him, spoke as follows:

2. 'Deign, divine one, to declare to us precisely and in due order the sacred laws of each of the (four chief) castes (varna) and of the intermediate ones.

3. 'For thou, O Lord, alone knowest the purport, (i.e.) the rites, and the knowledge of the soul, (taught) in this whole ordinance of the Self-existent (Svayambhu), which is unknowable and unfathomable.'

4. He, whose power is measureless, being thus asked by the high-minded great sages, duly honoured them, and answered, 'Listen!'

5. This (universe) existed in the shape of Darkness, unperceived, destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep.

6. Then the divine Self-existent (Svayambhu, himself) indiscernible, (but) making (all) this, the great elements and the rest, discernible, appeared with irresistible (creative) power, dispelling the darkness.

7. He who can be perceived by the internal organ (alone), who is subtile, indiscernible, and eternal, who contains all created beings and is inconceivable, shone forth of his own (will).

8. He, desiring to produce beings of many kinds from his own body, first with a thought created the waters, and placed his seed in them.

9. That (seed) became a golden egg, in brilliancy equal to the sun; in that (egg) he himself was born as Brahman, the progenitor of the whole world.

End of quote from The Laws of Manu.


Now that we have quoted a small part of the beginning of The Laws of Manu, it becomes evident that the laws of Manu it a very long conversation between the sages that ask Manu many religious issues and Manu that will explain to them very detailed religious issues; so, I suggest reading it.


Other religions from the Indian religion. 

Other religions were born from the Indian religion, we don’t know much about them, since even the Indians themselves cannot explain their many religions and ways of beliefs. What we in the western world know is that from the Indus religions comes Buddhism, another important religion.

Buddha story goes like this; when Buddha was young about 2600 years ago, he was a crown prince called Siddhartha, but even though he was a rich prince he dealt with similar struggles that we have today. It is said that he was also blessed by having an extremely beautiful wife. But still he was not happy, because he felt that something was missing in his life. So, one day he left everything and went in search of happiness and what is the meaning of life. It seems that he found some answers and from his newfound knowledge created a new religion, just by teachings what he had found.

Today Buddhism is an important religion; the leader of this religion is the Dalai Lama, but unfortunately because China has occupied Tibet, which is the main place of worship for the Buddhism religion, the Dalai Lama has been banned from Tibet, but the religious people still believe that he is the leader of this religion. Anyhow, what I have found out lately about this religion is that they are not like us of the Christian religions, because we have a God and we pray to God; but you see, the Buddhists do not pray, but they meditate about what they are doing, whether it is good or bad for themselves, for other people and for their own souls. Anyhow, I don’t know much about this religion to say more, but has we have seen this religion is there to try to solve the meaning of life, so, let me quote here what I have found lately on the internet:

Perhaps this is what the Buddhists are after, and I quote:

Knowing life purpose would invest everything one did with meaning. Whether reading a book, performing a task, or caring for one’s health, one would feel deep commitment and satisfaction. Even if one was suffering from a dreadful disease, enmeshed in a family quarrel, or stung by a humiliating defeat, the power to live-the determination to overcome any obstacle in order to fulfil life’s great purpose- would always come flooding back. In his own the Genealogy of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) effectively underscored the importance of the meaning of life when he wrote that man desires suffering and “even seeks it out, provided that he has been shown a meaning for it, a reason for suffering”.

End of quote; well, it seems to me that there are deep and meaningful meanings in this quote.

This article is becoming too long, so, see you in our next article about, Creation and creation of mankind

To see more click on this link, Religious theory 

May God bless us all.


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Religions need to continue.


Today there are several religions in the world, so, we have many places of worship, but if there is only one God throughout the universe, they should be able to become one single religion one day. Well at least that is what we believe can happen, because we need God and religions need to continue. 

Welcome to our article,  Religions need to continue. 

May God help me write the right things.

Dear readers, I believe that we have always believed in God, because Man needs God. and religions, it is an inborn need within us, we believe that it has been like this since the beginning of the world. If you read history books or old classic books, they will show you that mankind has believed in many gods and religions, therefore, religions need to continue. But today the atheists and the terrorists make it hard for us to believe in God. Now, to overcome these negative things about religions, we believe that religions need to fall in line with the modern times, even if one day religions need to be modified, but that is in the future.

Anyhow, let us take a break from these future religious talks, to see what is happening around the world today. Because it is nearly Christmas time, so, everybody and everything seems to remind us of the coming Christmas festivities and the season greetings that we usually send. Therefore, I want to wish our readers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Now that I have said my season greeting, I can tell you what’s on my mind and then go back to talk about religions, since these Christmas feasts seem to be religious, even if at their beginning, they were not religious, but they were there to give joy to the people involved.

Today, as we know, Christmas is a religious happening and a religious feast, so, one could ask, how would people react if there were no more Christmas? So, Christmas needs to continue.

This is also one of the reasons why religions need to continue as they are, you see people like feasts, they like to belong in something that binds them together, it has been so since the beginning of recorded times, therefore, there are times when it does not matter whether the feast is religious or otherwise.

I am saying this because, today religious orders are under threat, from atheists, and from the extremist groups who pretend to do God’s will, when they do harm to their fellow man. The atheists want religious people to prove the existence of God, when God and the spiritual forces are in another dimension, now since science cannot see or prove the existence of another dimension as being spiritual forces, they assume that God may not exist. They do not see that we need God to exist, and God, is the life-force that makes life possible on earth.

Having said that, now let us see, what the people would do if there was no more Christmas; do you think that Christmas will disappear, and nobody will care about it? Or do you think that Christmas will be missed by the people? So, let us see what the origin of this present feast of Christmas was, before it became a modern religious feast that we celebrate these days.


What is the origin of Christmas? 

Today Christmas means different things to different people, in the western world we have Santa that gives presents to children, and many other things, anyhow, every one of us as their own ways to demonstrate our feelings for Christmas, sometimes even with a song of our own on YouTube; The Christmas Song (Jayesslee cover)

Grinchmas Part 2 - Day 16 Advent Calendar

Anyhow, today when we talk about Christmas, we wonder, what are the origin of our present Christmas feast, most of us want to believe that Christmas is the birthday of our lord Jesus Christ, but when we work it out from the scriptures it is not right. Some people say that Jesus Christ birthday is in October and they might be right, but in this case it does not matter when it is really, because it has been changed to coincide with another ancient feast, therefore, the origin of our Christmas feast was not the birthday of our lord, because it was once an old Roman feast called Saturnalia. This feast name came from the god Saturn who was once the ruler of all gods and everything on earth and ruled during the Golden Age.

Saturn was the son of another two gods, his father was called Heaven and his mother was called earth, well not exactly like that but that is the equivalent in English. I could say a lot more about god and goddesses, but here we are talking about the origin of Christmas. Anyhow, as we have said, Saturn ruled during the Golden Age, when there was abundance of food and everything else for the human race; therefore, this was the reasons why the Romans had Saturnalia, which was a feast of plenty and everything else like a carnival. In the Roman tradition, the feast of Saturnalia was held during the winter solstice.

The Saturnalia feast has another meaning,, because the winter solstice is when the days in the Northern Hemisphere are very short, so, the ancient people thought that their sun god was abandoning them, so, they had to do something to get their sun god back; therefore, the winter solstice feast is also the feast of the rebirth of the sun, which many ancient religions used to start a new sun year going. Here we are afraid to say that there were religions that used human sacrifices, so that their sun god would continue to shine for them.  

People then were ignorant, and even in the Bible these sacrifices are mentioned, but God Yahweh knew that human sacrifice must not to happen, so, he ordered animal sacrifice when the Jews had a religious service. Anyhow, religions do strange things, but we believe that religions need to continue, because people like to believe.

Anyhow, let us discuss briefly the human or animal sacrifice of the old religions, and try to see the signs that they have left even today. We know that old religions believed that the gods needed a sacrifice every now and then, in those times the sun was thought to be also a god that gave life to every living thing, so, they sacrificed to the sun and other gods as well, in order to keep those gods happy and favorable for the rest of the community, of course, to do that they had worked out a great ceremony where all their people took part.

Today this outrageous practice to keep the gods happy is not used anymore, but even today if people observe closely this is being perpetuated in our religious services, but it is only in words and in our spiritual beliefs and no real sacrifice takes place. These human sacrifices were changed from Yahweh God of the Israelite, who replaced the human sacrifice with the animal sacrifice, and later this was changed again, if you have attended any Christian religious service, especially the Roman Catholic Church, at the most important part of the mass the priest says, This is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world; this means that Our Lord Jesus Christ has made the last sacrifice for everybody and no other sacrifice is required, because he took away all the sins of the world. This changing of religious things means that religions can be changed and in the future religions will change even if it takes a long time to do so.


What could be changed?

As we have said above, the feast of Christmas has been changed three times already; these changes were brought about from other changes, since these changes happen from time to time. Today we can see other changes happening; so, what we can do to make it happen the best way we can. We believe that we need to keep religions and religious feast as they are today, so that people can continue to enjoy what they know. We need only to look at Christmas to see that it took a long time for the change to take place from Saturnalia to Christmas, and it happened because people like festivities and get together, when they are fun like the Saturnalia. You see, people don’t accept changes easily and if any changes are going to be achieved it must be done gradually and in such a way that would accommodate everybody.

Now, let us go back to the beginning of this article, where we state that religions need to continue, therefore the atheists, the scientists and the extremist groups need to rethink their strategies. Because the only way that religion can change, is that we can modify religions slowly; so, this is what we have in mind to suggest, we would like to suggest a way of how we can get everybody willing to embrace a super God and religion, that can connect all existing religions together, this is a theory about a super religion that will set every existing religion one step lower than the new super God and religion; and thus it can link all religion together.

This religious theory that we are talking about is one of the several theories that can help achieve religious reconciliation; so, we have called it Reconciliation of the Universe, it may not achieve universal reconciliation, but it aims to achieve those reconciliation required, for the benefit of mankind. Now that we have said it, we need to continue to work on it, so that we can connect everything that needs to be connected, in order to work the best way, it can work.

Dear readers, we hope you will follow our religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, which is part three of all our religious writings. You see, what we have written in part one and part two, is to explain the reasons why we need to come up with this new religious theory. Therefore, in part three, we will write how this theory works, under a Super-God that represents life, because religions need to continue.

Anyhow, we will write more articles, before we start part three, Reconciliation of the universe, starting with,  Religious theory

To see more click on this link, Religions need to continue

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Discussions about the New Testament.


The Bible Old Testament is the Jews religious history, which lasted until the time of Jesus. But the Bible New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and his preaching and teaching. Jesus teaching were about love and understanding, which is different from the Old Testament, where everything was based more on fear than love, this gave rise to a new way of religion, as the Christian now it today. 

Welcome to our article, New Testament discussions. 

May God guide and help us to say the right thinks?

Dear readers, in our last article we talked about the Bible, being the Hebrew history and a religious book as well. But today we want to talk about The New Testament. We know that these religious issues are complex, and they take a long time to understand, for example today we are working to find a way, how to survive the atheist attacks; how to stop pedophilia in the religious orders and how to stop extremists to use religions for their own violent acts, which is absurd the way that religions are being used from these extremists.

These religious issues happen because of the way religions have been made in the past, yes religions have been man-made for the purposes of controlling the people, but today they are not working the way they are supposed to work; of course, we accept that God and other spiritual entities need to exist, for this reason we should continue to believe in God and religions.

Anyhow, because we believe in God, in the last post we have written about the Old Testament, which is the religious book that tells us how this religion was made in the beginning. Anyhow, today we want to find ways that can help religion survive, the atheists and extremist attacks. Because of the actions of these groups, the religious community needs to ask, whether it is wise to believe in religions the way they are today, or we should look if there is a better way. Anyhow, we have to keep in mind that we have talked about the Old Testament, in our last article, so, I have asked Mark to comment on the New Testament. Now, let us see what Mark is going to say.


Comments on the New Testament. 

Dear readers, today I have been asked from Frank to comment on the ‘New Testament’ and the existing religions as I see them today. You know, every one of us sees religions in a different way. Anyhow, last time we talked about the Old Testament, today we will talk why we switched from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and if the New Testament is going to last forever.

If we look back in time, we will see that there were religions that were practiced for a period of time, and then they were abandoned for another religion, but religions have always existed, as far back as any human record can be found, therefore, religions are necessary to humanity, if they were not necessary, humanity would not have invented them.

Now you start thinking that I am an atheist. No, I am not an atheist, but I believe that God exists, and the spiritual world exists, even if we find them in another dimension.

Now, let us talk about the New Testament, how it was connected to the Old Testament, and how can connect to future religious beliefs, since I believe that everything in the world is linked and this includes religions.

Anyhow, religions are so made that they try to give the people something back when they follow religions, most of them promises future benefits even if these benefits are to be found after dead in the spiritual world, but people see those benefits important and follow religions.

Now, since with the passing of time things change, the value of the benefit can change, perhaps not the afterlife benefit because nobody knows if they even exist, since nobody can come back from the dead and tell us; but other benefit that are more down to earth change.

For this reason, religions need to change to fit the needs of the people, what I have said may sound unreal, but that is what happens. Now let us look, why the change occurred from the Old Testament to the New Testament.


Explaining why the New Testament.   

To explain why the New Testament came about, we must look at religious history, where we will find that old religions gave way to new religions, during religious changes that occur from time to time; in the Old Testament Yahweh is the Hebraic God that the Hebrew people worshipped, and this worship was renewed  by Yahweh freeing the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharaoh who was keeping them as slaves.

But Yahweh was a tough god to deal with. The reason why Yahweh was a tough God to deal with, it was because the Israelites were also tough people to deal with; in other words, I believe that people get the god that they deserve according to their behavior. Just think what the Hebrew were doing, when Yahweh was leading them to the Promised Land. People in those times were very tough and violent; therefore, they needed a tough god and tough laws to guide them in the right direction, that is the reason why the Old Testament was violent. This type of religion lasted for a very long time, as it was needed until things changed.

Now to give a description of what happens next, let us say that God saw that the people had become tamer, so, God thought to bring a new religious way, and this is when Our Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth to show us how to live peacefully on earth with this new religious way, which today is known as Christianity; so, let us talk about The New Testament and Christianity.


The New Testament is about Christianity. 

Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, it has several different denominations, they all derive from the change of religions that our lord Jesus Christ brought, with his teaching in words and examples. Jesus was able to change the Ten Commandments without losing any of their meaning, by saying that we should love God our Father and should love our neighbors as ourselves. This is what I believe he wanted to say, even if he used different ways or words.

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the greatest prayer that the world has ever known, when he was asked how we should pray our Father in heaven, Jesus gave us 2000 years ago; The lord’s prayer, which is the prayer that we pray even today, starting with: Our Father who art in heaven; and so on. I hope you see what I mean.

So, we know the New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and his religious teachings. Jesus Christ teaching were followed by many people, so, a new religion was formed, which we call today Christianity, which is near one third of the world population, these new religious teachings of Jesus formed the New Testament, which has lasted for 2000 years, and we will be using them in the future. 

Here I want to point out that the teaching of Jesus Christ was about love and humbleness, like you should love your Father God, and love your neighbor and don’t do anything to others that you would hate if anyone did it to you. We can add that Jesus Christ taught us to be merciful. So, Jesus Christ was a loving person and taught only about love. So, the New Testament is about love your God, and the Old Testament about fear your God.

So, our Lord Jesus Christ was a very loving person, but let me point out something odd that happens at the end of the Christian Bible, I find that at the end of the Bible suddenly Jesus Christ personality has changed suddenly. This is out of place with the rest of Jesus Christ teachings, this last book is called Revelations, where the end of the existing system is forecast, we find that the Lord Jesus Christ is behaving like Yahweh in the Old Testament, therefore, we are suspicious whether it is our Lord Jesus Christ that dictate Revelation through this angel.

Anyhow, Revelation is written in a dramatic way, it seems that it has nothing to do with the New Testament and the way that our lord Jesus Christ was teaching us.

Now, let me say briefly something else, Christianity achieved two major things, one was that it split the old Jewish religion, one part of this religion is today Judaism, and they still use most of the old Bible, in their religious book called the Torah, and the other one was that the pagan religion came to an end, after a few century, when Christianity took over under Emperor Constantine. That is all for now, let somebody else have their say.


Revelation discussion.  

Our friend Gino speech

Dear readers, I have been asked to say something, and I am willing to say something, but I will be as brief as possible.

Anyhow, I believe that I have said something on this subject a while ago, so, I am continuing to tell you, how I see this last chapter in the Bible called Revelation. My personal beliefs are that Revelation is a separate issue from Jesus Christ teaching in New Testament. If we look at the way it has been written, revelation is another violent episode that the whole world is going to be subjected to, if and when it happens, therefore, it is as if we are going back to the Old Testament, where the fear of God was the main driving force, I am sure that it has been written for that intention in mind, in other words to control the people through fear. Of course, there must be another explanation for it, and I am still trying to understand.

But, today the only other thing that I want to point out, is that the intentions of Jesus Christ and the New Testament, is all about wanting to guide the believers through love and understanding and not through fear, therefore, the book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, seems to be out of place. I hope you see what I mean.

See you later.


 My comment and conclusion. 

Having seen what Mark has said about our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught love and humbleness, we cannot avoid becoming suspicious of the reasons why Revelation has been written like that. It was to change things, for this reason we believe that today religions need to be modified. When we talk about modifying religious meanings, we are talking about what is hidden behind those meanings that we see at first sight, and the reasons why they are like that. Here I may suggest that Revelation has been written like that, because there was no other way to keep the Christian people together in those troubled times.

Anyhow, we must assume, that because these religious problems exist. If we want religions to survive, we must modify them, and if modifying religions is not enough, then religions need to be changed in such a way that they have to survive, because man needs God and religions, it has been so, since the beginning of the world.

Therefore, we want to suggest that a modern religious way needs to be brought about with a modern method, which has got to take in all particulars of each and every religion that exist today, once we have done that we have to try to fit all the pieces together, as we do with a jigsaw puzzle. In other words, we must try to find the way of how life and religions complement each other, and there is no difference if one belongs to another religious group.

We need to show religious people that they can be together, they can stay together because the life energies of the universe and the spiritual energies of the universe are together, and we are all connected to them, also life and spiritual things form a never ending life cycle of the universe, in fact, God can be described as the life giver; this is what we are going to put forward in our last part of our religious writings that we call, Reconciliation of the universe.

Now, if we are able to do that, then with this new theory, it is possible to explain how everything including spiritual things may exist in the universe and how religions can co-exist together in the future to serve humanity, as it has done in the past, I know that this may not be easy, but we must try, it is the only way to find out. You see, we believe that religions need to continue. I think we have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article, Religions need to continue. 

To see more click on this link, New Testament discussions

May God bless us all.
