Sunday, February 12, 2023


Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. 
However, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and then, say how we believe religious beliefs shoul be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation. So, let us start from the beginning with this article, Religious reconciliation forum..  

This is St. Peter Basilica in Rome, which is one of the Roman Catholic religious forums of the world.  
We start with this article called, RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION FORUM, because our intention is to talk about most religions of the world. So, this is only the beginning of our religious discussions, our aim is to find a way, how all existing religions, can form a single religion in the future. 

   Religious reconciliation forum

Religious Reconciliation Forum. 

Welcome to our blog, Let us restart from the beginning, which is the first article of our,  Religious reconciliation forum

NOTE. Dear readers,  this is the beginning of 2023, and we have decided that we are starting today a shortened version of our religious articles. So, in this Religious Reconciliation Doc blog, we are writing only our best article and those that seem to make more sesnse, and in the end, we are going to suggest, how we see God spiritual force in our modified beliefs. 

May God help and guide us to write the right things?

Dear readers, we believe that humanity has always needed God and religions. To prove our point, in our original article, we have attached pictures, showing that thousands of people participate in important religious events. Because they believe in God, and because it gives them a sense of belonging to a group of other people, which most people find helpful during their lives.

In the world, there are many religions, above we can see Saint Peter Square in Rome, look how mant people are attending this special service. We believe that people are attracted to religions. You see, it is an inborn need that we have. We need to believe in God and spirituality, to live a meaningful life. 

This is Mecca, this must be the most popular religious forum in the world, since there are millions of people that go to Mecca. The Muslims believe that they must go to Mecca, at least once in their life. But we that are not Muslims, believe that there is something wrong with this religion, because no real God wants to kill people in his name. 
When we look at the entire world of religions, we can see that God has different names according to which religion we belong, like, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, all being names of the same Abraham’s God. And other gods, like the Hindus gods Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Anyhow, I believe that religions are useful to humanity. We may feel that some religions are strange to us who believe in Christianity and other religions that follow the God of Abraham. So, we suggest that you check this link below to see some of the Indian religions as well. 

Millions of Hindus plunge into Ganges River in India to wash away ...,

The Indian religions 
seem to be different from the religions that derive from the Bible, and they have their own we of believing. See above, thousand and thousand of people go to this Indian river Ganges to bath in its waters to clean their sins or whatever they believe they need to do. People need their religious beliefs to live a meaningful life. Even if we thing that their beliefs are strange. 

Now, having compared a bit these three main religions, we belive that it is necessary, in these articles, we will be looking for religious options that can improve links between religions, since today the world is going global, but religions are arguing and even fighting each other; we believe that we need to suggest how this can be stopped. Because religions need to guide humanity in a peaceful way, if religions cannot guide people in a peaceful way, then religions can do more harm than good. So, what can be done one may ask? 



So, I believe that for every one of us the time has come to talk about what can be done. In my own way, I will write and suggest what I believe can be done, to keep religions mostly as they are today, because in the future religious beliefs will change, just like everything else is changing. Anyhow, this article will be shorter than the original, you can read the original in Hub Pages, if you click on this link, Religious reconciliation forum, 

In the original we have written about, Discussing the religions of today, then, About God and religious beliefs, where we explain the following.   

Religious group 1; about old religions and the inborn need that humanity has had for them.

Religious group 2; Today existing religions and how they serve humanity.

Religious group 3; should there be a super religion to help humanity in the future?

These are the articles that we are going to talk about in this religious site. But we want to keep this article as short as possible, because I have other things to say.

Anyhow, I believe that the time has come for me to speak out about my religious beliefs, because in a dream last night, I felt that I need to speak out, and say something like this.

The time has come for the world to see, that I am writing these articles to help humanity, I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and God gives life to all humanity. So, in the following articles, we must explain all this. So, may God help me.  

Now, this article has been shortened a lot, and added a few things you can visit the original one at this link, Religious reconciliation forum.

 See you in our next article, Man needs God.

 May God bless us all.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Pre-reconciliation of the Universe.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. Anyhow, in this article of modified religious beliefs, we write about the reasons how our beliefs became modified, here is a link to this article, Pre Reconciliation of the Universe

There are many religions in the world, because humanity needs to believe in God and have a religion to follow. Now most of us believe in a slightly different way, so, we have different views of how religions should be like. Anyhow, I have my own views, and I believe that religions need to be updated in the future, this is what I am going to write in the future, starting with my views written hereunder. 

Welcome to our article, Pre Reconciliation of the Universe

May God help and guide me say the right things?

Dear readers, I am writing a theory of how we could emagine God in the future. Now this is the last article before the theory of “Reconciliation of the Universe” begins. In our previous article we talked about the angels greeting message, but I have dreamed this other dream in January 2008, and I believe it is a God send dream, because I dreamed about God, so, I am writing about it. 

The dream.

I was dreaming a long frustrating dream in a strange place, but it is not a strange place because I have been in these places before, and it has got something to do with me and my family, I try to do whatever was possible to keep the members of my family together, but I fail because in the end I am left alone, and try as I may I am not able to find them.

So, I am left in the company of a few other people I know, anyhow, we seem to be trying to receive something from God, or God-life-force that would help us do whatever we have to do to reach our religious goals. This thing that we can receive from God is a sort of sword which can help us somehow.

There are pieces of metal on the ground, I pick up a couple of pieces one from the ground and one from the hands of a man standing near me, I put these two piece of metal one after the other showing the man near me that I needed both pieces to make a normal size sword, as soon as I put them in that position, they becomes alive in my hands and weld themselves together, I am afraid that I can be electrocuted, but somehow I find the will power to hold them together, those pieces of metal not only weld themselves together but they become a sword, not the sword I thought they would become, but the short military roman heavy sword, then while I am holding it in my hands, the sword changes into a very light short pointed sword and it changes again into a manifold with several blades. I was the only one to receive the sword. So, when I woke up, I could only think that this dream meant that God had chosen me to do what must be done.

May God help me to do what needs to be done.


What is this article about? 

Anyhow, I believe that there are a few ways to describe God spiritual life-force. Now, this article is the last article, before I start our theory of “Reconciliation of the universe”. I believe that I must write these religious articles, because I of the, Angels Greeting Message, the dream above and other God send dreams. Then, I believe that I am a seer because I can see religious issues that other people cannot see.

Now, since God has given me this gift, I am going to write about what I believe the spiritual world is like, including those connection, that we believe we have with God, so, I am going to use my own imagination and tell you how I see the spiritual world. I want to do this in the hope that by explaining these spiritual things, it can bring all religions together.

Now, because it is going to be a new religious setup, we need to prepare our readers. So, let me explain, I have started to write these religious writings in the later part of our life. The reason for writing them, was that I had observed that there were religious beliefs that according to my common sense, were not fulfilling what they were supposed to fulfil, and they could be manipulated to harm people.

So, I believe that humanity needs to fix them. Of course, how to fix religions is not easy, because if it were easy, they would have been fixed from previous generations. But we must fix them, or at least suggest or have a theory in place how to fix them, and this is the theory that we are going to write, starting from our next article.

Therefore, we are going to write our idealistic theory, how to reconcile those religious issues. This needs to be done now, because of the terrorist acts that happen in the name of God and religions, when God has nothing to do with it. Because it is only us humans that are using God’s name the wrong way.


Explaining the other reasons. 

The reasons for writing this last article, before “Reconciliation of the Universe” theory begins, it is because we need to explain, how religious issues are connected, and we need to explain that we need to write our theory, that can overcome the present religious problems. As we have started to write in our articles of Prayers for Reconciliation.

In religion the most important thing is the people beliefs, therefore, there is the question about the existence of God, because nobody can prove beyond any doubt that God exists. But I believe that we have proved that God exists in our article, God exists because life exists. Since God can be described as life and the definition of life.

Anyhow, I feel that I must write this religious theory, because I believe that a man has got to do what a man has got to do, see, An old man life story where we are writing about the duty of any man. So, I feel that it is my duty, that I must try to suggest, how to fix what needs to be fixed.  

But that is not the only thing that drives me to write these religious writings, because there are those religious dreams, that drive me to write my religious theory. The links, Dreamed about God, and Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, and the supernatural encounter that we have told you in my previous article.

Now, these things put pressure on me to write my religious theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe, so, let me explain my religious theory, before we start writing it.


 Explaining our religious theory. 

Anyhow, because during my life, I have seen that religions can help humanity overcome difficulties, because of what we believe and because it builds friendship, since people believing in the same thing become friend. But this is not the case all the time, because there are times, when religions are not working the way they are supposed to work, so we are suggesting a theory. Now, to explain our religious theory, we can say that Reconciliation of the Universe is a designated religious theory, that can bring all existing religions together. 

Anyhow, we believe that if religions are modified, or written in such a way that we can say that there is a God that even the atheist can accept. Then this God for everybody can be accepted from all communities. Now the only way that we can see this happening, is that God is life, or the life force energy of the universe, and everything depends on this God life force.

Now, this God life force is the spiritual force above all other spiritual forces, but God is also life and the life giver that exists in the universe, and we connect with this God life force of the universe. This is how we are going to set up and explain our, Reconciliation of the Universe religious theory. In other words, we are ready now to start setting the stage, like we explain hereunder:

We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see

And when you read these pages you must agree with me

That this is a golden door and the great opportunity

That God is willing to give to us and to all humanity.

For these reasons, I am praying God to help me, so that I can write these religious writings per his will. Anyhow, as we have said at the beginning of this article, we want to explain what is important. So, we have observed that every existing thing in the universe has a cycle, and therefore everything else should have a cycle to follow, this should also include our God of the universe in our religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe. To explain this theory in a parallel way, we have written this article, Everything is rolling over, which is like having a cycle.

This is all for now, so, see you in our next article which is going to be the beginning of our religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, starting with,  Reconciliation of the Universe

To see more click on this link, Pre Reconciliation of the Universe

May God bless us all.


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Reconciliation of the universe Era.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. Anyhow, in this article of modified religious beliefs, we write about the reasons how our beliefs became modified, here is a link to this article, Reconciliation of the universe era

I believe that in the future, God spiritual life force can be portrayed in many ways. So, we can view God like a portion of the universe, like to photo above. Anyhow, God is invisible to us living humans, so, God could be anyway we imagine.  

Welcome to our article, Reconciliation of the universe era

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, this article is to link our religious writings to the spiritual universe. Anyhow, these articles have been written according to the spiritual beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation, and part of them is what we have learned during our lives.

We believe that most of the spiritual life that we believe must exist, anyhow, in the following articles, we will be talking about Gods and angels and souls and other spiritual things, and those things that we haven’t said before.

Now, this article seems to be at the crossroad of our religious writings, as it is in the middle of everything: so, in this article we will be talking about, Reconciliation of the Universe, what we would like to achieve with these religious writings; The dawn of a new Era; Some prayers to protect us from the forces of evil.


This could have been the last chapter

Dear readers, I thought that this article could have been the last chapter of our religious writings, when I wrote it the first time; a bit like the end of the Bible, where the angels of God sound the last trumpet; but then we became aware that we have only written part of it, because we need to write how we imagine the spiritual universe.

You see, we need to describe God life forces energies of the universe, and then, we are going to write about the negative life forces of the universe to complete our cycle. So, instead of being our last chapter, it is going to be the beginning of a new Era.

You see, we believe that God life forces energies of the universe never end, because they need to go around in a full circle forming the life cycle of the universe, so, in reality they do not have a starting point, as they never begin because they have been there all the time and they will never end, as they go on forever. Anyhow, we would like to write this article here, before we start writing about the spiritual world. Because what is going to follow is our vision of the spiritual world. So, after writing about, God of the universe positive life energies, we are going to write about the negative life force of the universe, and about the abyss.

Anyhow, remember what we are going to say hereunder.





Anyhow, I believe that if humanity accepts out theory of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’, it can turn out to be the beginning of a new Era for mankind.

Now, let me say why I am writing these articles, I feel within my heart that God is guiding me, and ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’ is only a small seed that God allows me to sow in his name, and I feel that this seed will grow and bear beautiful fruit with time: But if it doesn't, then there will be somebody else that will sow another seed like mine, and then another somebody else, because religious things need to change; as you can see for yourself there are several religions that use God as their servant; anyhow, if my religious theory fail, then there will be another one again, until mankind becomes good enough and sees that God is only good and hates to see his own life destroyed, because above all I believe that God is life.

As I was saying, this article could have been the end of our religious writing, instead it is the beginning of a new Era, So, let us talk about this new Era.


The dawn of a new Era. 

I believe that we have reached a stage, where we can say that this is the beginning of a new Era. Therefore, may God help me to say the right religious things in this article. I feel that this is the beginning of a new religious Era. Therefore, we hope that these religious writings are going to mark the beginning of a new spiritual Era, and new religious ways, that can avoid religious confrontation. 

Anyhow, we are writing here what we feel is right, therefore, let me tell you during your lives seek God whenever you can, and if you do that, then God may reveal Himself to you, and then you’ll be able to know the truth, and it will give you the chance to contribute your part to the present knowledge of religion. But if you are not able to contribute anything it doesn’t matter, because if you search for God enlightenment, at least God will make you feel better for it, because you may feel his presence from within your soul.

Whatever degree of religious awareness you may reach in your life, even if it is not high, it will be better than nothing at all; and it will help you live a better life.  

Now, let us explain it in a different way; you see, if you take a person with good common sense, and if that person stops long enough to think about it, that person must conclude that there must be a God because there is life.

If you do not feel sure about your beliefs, you can read the Bible and other religious books to find the answer to your religious questions. We admit that the Bible has faults the way it has been written, but in there you can find lots of good things too, and if you are a good observer, then you will reach your own conclusion, or the same conclusion that we have reached, which is that God will help only those people that believe in him, and that contribute to the welfare of mankind.

Anyhow what we have written is one possible way, and there are other ways, to be found, and it is up to mankind to find them. However, what we have written, we could say that it will be the dawn of a new religious Era, where God will be closer to us if we search for him.

So, I’ll say to the religious people and wise men that will come after me, be prepared for the dawn of this new Era, even if this future God is different from the God that our previous generations have taught us; so that God will help us see the truth, you can write it down, if you feel it is worth writing it down, because everything has a beginning, and Reconciliation of the Universe is only the beginning of a new Era, and here we are only writing the first chapter and it may not look so important now. But if you keep writing another chapter and then another it will slowly grow bigger and become more important. Just think about it as this new Era is upon us already.

Dear readers, within these writings is shown the way we must take if we want to find the way to God and to Eternal Salvation.

Anyhow, I believe that God is life. But now I believe that I have said enough in this modified article, so, see you in our next article, Pre Reconciliation of the Universe

To see more click om this link, Reconciliation of the universe era

May God bless us all.


Monday, November 14, 2022

The angels greeting message.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach reconciliation. Anyhow, in this article of our modified religious beliefs, we write about some of the reasons how our beliefs became modified, here is a link to the original article, Angels greeting message. 

Today I believe that spiritual things can happen to us, because we believe in them. That is one of the reasons why the followng event has happened to me, you see, I wrote this poem called, Angels of the realm of glory. Here is part of what I wrote. You angels of the realms of glory, You tell us about the eternal story, You tell us about the Creator glory, You tell us the wonders of God creation. 
We all sing glory to God most High, God's heavenly angels sing in the sky,They sing to God their lullaby, They sing glory to God Most High. 

Welcome to my article, Angels greeting message. 

May God guide and help me say the right things? 

Here we will talk about, The angels greeting message to me. 

Dear readers, let me tell you what I believe has happened to me, because I believe that an angels from God gave me this message. Now, I want to point out that what I am writing, might have been a vivid dream that I am mixing up with reality, or vision that I have had; but then again it might have happened to me. Anyhow, I was shocked by the sudden revelation as written below. So, please hear my story, even if at the beginning does not make sense.


Thus, I was greeted one late Saturday afternoon in 2005 and I was shocked!

Yes, I was shocked when I saw three people (or angels) and one of them greeted me with great curtsy saying; GREETINGS TO THE AUTHOR OF RECONCILIATION OF THE UNIVERSE, I was so shocked, that I had to walk away from them for fear of my own life, because I knew that they must have come from the spiritual world, as there was no other way for this to happen to me.

Today, I must ask myself again and again, did this encounter happen to me, because I had written this “angels’ poem”, in my home computer? Or it was going to happen to me because it had to happen.

Anyhow, I wanted to write the angels poem here, but because I have already written it in full in Hub-Pages article of, Prayers for Reconciliation, I cannot repeat it here. However, I must say that I am still asking myself the same question; what could have been the reasons for this supernatural happening?

Perhaps to understand what I mean, I should write at least the first four verse of the poem here:

You, Angels of the realm of glory

You tell us about the eternal story

You tell us about the creators’ glory

You tell us the wonders of God’s creation.

To see more, click on this link Prayers for Reconciliation.

Anyhow, I am going to write this supernatural encounter here, because I believe this is the right place, since I will talk about RECONCILIATION OF THE UNIVERSE, soon, and the future God of the universe described for the future generations.

Now dear readers, I believe that this has happened to me, but then it may be a dream that I had. But when I try to see if it was possible that it was a dream, there are no signs of this being a dream, because in the dreams, things are usually different from normal everyday life, so, I have to assume that it has happened to me. Therefore, that is the way that I am going to write this supernatural encounter, and you can judge for yourself once you read this article of the heavenly messenger encounter.


The heavenly messenger events. 

So, let me explain what happened. I was going to the shop one late afternoon, usually I don’t go to the shops in the afternoons, but that day I did because we were short of groceries, so, my wife unwillingly let me go to the shops to buy them. On my way to the shop where I had to buy this grocery item for my wife, I stopped at another shop to buy something that I needed for a job that I was doing, and then I proceeded to go to the shop to buy whatever it was for my wife.

Because it was on a Saturday afternoon, there were less people than usual shopping about, so, I thought it was going to be easy for me, therefore, I was walking on the footpath and I was pleased with myself for having been able to do both purchase at the same time, when I saw three people that I had never seen before a few meters in front of me, they all seemed to be of mature age about 35 to 40 years old, so, they all seemed to me so powerful as their physical strength was at their best.

Of these three persons, there was a gentleman about six foot six tall with his companion a beautiful lady, and another gentleman perhaps six foot tall. I was looking at them because I had to walk past them to go to the shop, as I was walking towards them, the taller gentleman and this lady were leaving behind their companion, now they were walking slowly towards me, while the third man was left standing on his own, now I was about two or three meters apart from them. I felt that the gentleman and the lady were aware of me walking towards them, and that I would pass them on my right hand side, now, while I was walking I saw this tall gentleman bent down his head to say something softly in the ear of his lady companion, as if he was going to tell her a secret about something important, or was it that something important was about to happen to me, I do not know.

When all this was happening, I was walking and passing the gentleman with the lady on my right hand side, and I was going to pass and leave the other gentleman on my left hand side, I was about two meters from the gentleman who was standing alone on my left hand side, when this gentleman slightly bowed to me as if I was somebody of great importance, and with great gesture just like the master of ceremonies of a great circus, when he introduces very important acts for his troops he greeted me; and this is how and what he said and did:

‘Greetings to the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, he said’. Putting great stress on the word universe, while he was pointing with his index finger and his raised left hand to the sky; So that there could be no mistake about what he wanted to convey to me.

I was frightened from this sudden and aggressive greeting, which I knew at once that it could only come from the other side, since nobody on earth new about my religious writings until then, so, I felt threatened; and since I didn’t know what to say or what to do I kept walking and purposely ignored him. And again, he was speaking to me saying, ‘the author of Reconciliation of the Universe,’ again putting great stress on Reconciliation of the Universe, while pointing with his index finger of his raised left hand to the sky. But I was so frightened that I had to ignore him again, so, I kept walking in order to put some distance between me and him. When I had walked about ten meters or more away from where he was standing, and I was half way between him and a cafĂ© where there were real people sitting I felt safe enough from him; then, I turned back and looked at him for a few seconds; He seemed enraged with me and he was looking at me with such intensity with his bright eyes, which were like two bright stars. He kept looking at me and once more he said, the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, and this was the third time that he had said that with his index finger of his raised left hand pointing to the sky. I stood there looking at him for a few more seconds, hoping that he would see that I was frightened from him, but I had also understood his greeting and that his efforts had not been wasted; he seemed to understand all this, because his bright eyes softened a bit and he seemed to relax.

Then I didn’t want to linger there anymore, as I had been shocked from this sudden incredible encounter. So, I went to finish my shopping quickly and then I went home.

I did not say anything to anybody about this encounter not even to my wife, for fear of being ridiculed, because I knew that if I told anybody they would think that I was crazy. Here I must ask you my dear reader, if something like this would happen to you, would you tell everybody, or just keep it to yourself as I did?


After the heavenly greeting. 


The shock that I received from this encounter gave me something to think about for a long time, the first thing on my mind was whether I had behaved properly under those frightening circumstances, or whether it would have been better for me, if I had stopped and found out what all this encounter meant. While I wanted to blame myself for failing to stop and listen, I did not blame myself too much because of my fear, as you know, we need to fear what we don’t understand, because we don’t know the outcome, therefore, it would have been foolish for me to do anything else but walk away from him.

Therefore, since that heavenly greeting, I have been thinking what I should do about it, even though I have missed out on the most important information that I could have had. Therefore, since the encounter I have been thinking a lot about it, but at the same time I stopped for a while to write about the angel’s poem and anything else that was close to it, for fear of another surprise encounter.

In the hope of finding an answer to my concerns, I have been thinking a lot about it, hoping to work out what can be the right interpretation; and finally I have come to the conclusion that, if I pray our Heavenly Father, he will help me understand what it means, and although I may have missed important information at that encounter, I am sure that if I try to use my reasoning human mind, God will help me and guide me to write the right religious things, in these religious writings.

I believe that things happen for a reason, and those happenings can bring changes to your beliefs, in this case my religious beliefs, which I am writing here.


List of modified religious beliefs. 

This is my list of modified religious beliefs

I am bound to believe, that I have been greeted from the messenger from heaven, as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe, because I was thinking of writing this religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe; today I believe that heaven has accepted my writings as being useful for humanity, therefore, my writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, are recorded in God’s record.

Since I have been greeted from heaven as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, I am bound to keep writing my religious beliefs, because now I have been led to believe from heaven that God wants me to write them, and if I don’t write them, I am a foolish man, so, I will be writing them, the best way I can, and  as God spiritual life force will guide me.

After my encounter with the messenger from heaven, I have been reflecting on the way that I had been greeted from him. So, Reconciliation of the Universe is the name that I must give to this part of my religious writings, since in this name I have been greeted from heaven above.

Anyhow, hereunder we are going to state what we would like to do.


We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see,

And when you read these pages you must agree with me,

That this could be the golden door of golden opportunities,

That God is willing to give to us and to all humanity.

Therefore, I am praying God to guide me to write my theory.


Now, because I want to write religious things, I am praying God for guidance.

Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I would be able to write our religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.


 Important information to our readers. 

Now that I have said a prayer, I feel more confident that God life force of the universe would help me say the right religious things.

Dear readers, I was going to say this at the beginning of this article but is has not been possible. You see, at the time when this supernatural event took place, not only I had written my angels poem, but I had also written part of Reconciliation of the Universe theory; now, my personal guess is, that it might have been my religious writings that I had written the reason why this encounter happened to me.

You see, I want to inform my readers, that my religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, had been half written by the year 2005, and I must say that now I am still writing it. Anyhow, remember this, because the supernatural event seems to have happened, because I had written the angels’ poem, but also because I was writing the theory of Reconciliation of the Universe.


Discussing the heavenly messenger. 

Now because of this close encounter that happened to me, I have received the proof that the spiritual heavenly life exists, and that we are not alone in this world, the encounter has reinforced my beliefs of the existence of God, and the existence of the spiritual life.

Now, the spiritual life force can be positive or negative, so, I am praying God to help me to explain that.

In the name of The Father, The-son and The Holy-Spirit I am praying God for guidance.

Almighty Father, to you I turn God Most High and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying you for guidance and protection from the force of evil, because I am not sure what to think about the encounter. Father hear my prayer and protect; amen.

Now let me go back to review the facts. As I have said, for the last few years before this encounter, I had been writing a few things, and part of my writings was an idealistic new religious theory, which I was calling, Reconciliation of the Universe; I had given my theory that name, because my theory aimed at reconciling all the world religions to each other. Now nobody else new about my religious writings but me, therefore, I didn’t expect anybody to know at that time, but to my surprise that angel knew about it, and scared me by greeting me as, the author of reconciliation of the universe.

Now that I have written about the angel’s greetings and the message that it conveyed to me, I have to say that there is another God sent message to tell you, but I am moving it to our next article, which is our last article before, “Reconciliation of the universe” begins; this message from heaven was delivered in a dream, and this message is saying to me to go ahead and write my theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow I think that this article is too long, so, it is better if I write more articles. Our next article will be called, Reconciliation of the universe era

To see more click on this link, Angels greeting message. 

May God bless us all.
