Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Religious Reconciliation Doc

Future Religious Reconciliation Doc

Future Religious Reconciliation

You are Invited to discuss!
This blog document is being created in the hope that I would be able to get enough people to be interested in helping, so that one day we would be able to find together Future Religious Reconciliation. In order to achieve that I am going to write a few blogs and post them, in the hope that soon or later somebody will read them and will comment or post back to us; our email addresses are:


This blog is open to everybody who is willing to discuss religious matters, so that we would be able one day to reach religious reconciliation.

Synagogue (some religious establishments) Church

This blog has been created in the hope that we the people would be able to discuss our religious difference, so that one day we could be able to reach religious reconciliation.

Has we all know, past religious leaders did not try hard enough to reconcile to each others; but today it seems that the time has come when it will be necessary to overcome these differences, otherwise the people of the future in this world will not follow religions willingly.

So these questions arise? Will the future religious leaders be able to find their way for reconciliation?
And if they don’t; will religion slowly loose its importance and fade away slowly?

As we all know, nowadays there are still a few religious fighting from the extremists, which use some crocked ways of interpreting religious texts, so that they are able to turn their own believers to do abhorrent things in the name of religion.
We the people of this world need to do something about it, and everyone of us should do our best to find a way that may be able to stop all this rot.

What do you think, here is an opportunity to comment, so have your say?
You can email to

For more information click on the link of this post called

Manfraco Universal Reconciliations - Google Docs
Other Manfraco important links

Today date is 11/11/2009
This morning I had a nice surprise, I found an important email about this blog, so I thank the sender for sending me the email. The email was talking about the Vatican chorus and the Holy Father Pope Benedict xvi musical recording and how good it would be to listen to this sweet religious music.
I have listened to the short sample and I found it is worth listening to, it is very nice. Now, because the sender has sent me also a link, I would like to pass it on to you also, so that you know where to find these recordings; the link is:

The following is a contribution from my friend as you can see

From, Frank@yahoo

Let us stop just for a moment to think about nowadays religious matters, as this is a very important part of our lives to know, and it would be great if we could find some answers to the questions raised above from Manfraco.

My own personal experience leads me to think that things are changing including religious things, perhaps slowly but they are changing, it has got to be that way, since a lot of things have changed especially the last 50 years.
When I was a teenager I remember that the Bible was called the Sacred Scripture, and it would be a sin for anyone other than the priest to handle it or read from it. Today the Bible is available to the public and also some other religious books. So, it is only a matter of time before the public at large learns what could be true and good to believe; and what doesn’t make sense and therefore one should not bother about it.

The computer is going to accelerate the changes it is obvious, it is going to be just like other great events that have happened in the past, whenever there is something that radically changes the way of thinking or doing things, great changes follow it is inevitable.

Now, let us take a look at discussion groups on the Internet:
There are perhaps hundreds if not thousands of groups; they are all discussing their own agenda, I don’t want to talk about all those groups, as here we want to talk about religious things mostly. As you all know there are some groups which talk only about religion and their own beliefs; there are groups discussing philosophy, which in a way could include religion; there are groups discussing evolution including creation versus evolution; and there is also a large group called, Atheism versus Christianity.
Of all these groups, Atheism versus Christianity is the largest group, the atheists don’t believe about God, so they might not believe in any religions and would like to see religions disappear.

The Atheists group is formed largely from well educated people, and therefore, when a discussion arises they are able to put a strong case about their non beliefs, so the followers of religious groups, which are a large part uneducated, are left in a disadvantaged position. This may give rise to the believers loosing faith and moving away from their own religions.
My views are these: As the Atheists as a whole does not see that if they destroy religions, they are going to create much bigger problems in the whole world; I have to agree with Manfraco that we need to question ourselves which side to take.

So, here I have a question to ask to anyone that reads these writings:

Should anyone of us take sides in this important debate?
And which side you think is more important for the welfare of humanity?
Let us know what you think?

You are all invited to take part in these writings and please, write to us and let us know what you think about it all.

Come on, give us a hand and start writing something!

All emails are free to use. So, email us at:

I hope to hear from you soon.
My regards to you all, from



This is the continuation of the blog herewith; edited by Manfraco, this is also a reply to the post of Frank@yahoo and other matters that have come up recently:
In a post in my blog Religious Reconciliation my fried Frank@yahoo express his concerns about religious matters, he is saying in his own clear ways that he agrees with me, because his concerns are mostly like my own concerns on religious matters. So, now I feel relieved from his agreement, so, I am more willing to continue my search about my own idealistic world Religious Reconciliation and how to achieve that, no matter how long it is going to take me to get it started.
Frank@yahoo believes that religions are going to face hard times in the near future; and this is part of what he wrote in his post:
I don’t need to question myself which side to take, I know that I am a religious person and that I will follow religion, as there is a deep belief within me. I know that atheists seem to be able to win the case, if we look only at simple ways of reasoning, because what they say stands up to reason.
I believe that if all religions find a way to get together the atheists could not win the case, because their case is based mostly on the fighting that those religious extremist exercise, so we need to find a way how all existing religions could live in a peaceful way.
Since I have opened this blog, I have always thought that if I had some religious links, which express the willingness of any religious leader to find the way to religious reconciliation I would post them in my blog.
Today I have some good news about that, because I received an email with links from the Vatican, with request and permission that I could use those links in my blog.
Those links are about music from the Vatican and I am posting then hereunder, so that anybody can see and hear and enjoy what is going on. I hope they work.
Thanks to Peter Ruppert from the Vatican, here are the links including some explanations:

Music project on behalf of Geffen/Universal.
The project is called Music From The Vatican link below;


The album is entitled Alma Mater and is recorded in the honour of the Virgin Mary.
To find out more about this project immediately, please view this Youtube channel:


Feel the grandeur of god’s creation on earth; see what they do at the Vatican, feel the great love that the Virgin Mary has for us all and many other things, it is very exiting and beautiful, so it is worth to give it a go.

I have to say that what interests me most is the fact that the pope is going to meet another religious leader, and in doing so he may start the process of reconciliation.

Other links of interest you can use:
Advocata Nostra


Magistra Nostra


I have more links but they don't seem to work here.

May god bless you all

Signing in Manfraco

You are all invited to take part in these writings and please, write to us and let us know what you think about it all.

Come on, give us a hand and start writing something!

All emails are free to use. So, email us at:

I hope to hear from you soon.

To see more click link to:
or Google










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