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Religious Reconciliation Doc
Introduction and writer explanation
This is part of, Prayers of Reconciliation, and if you want to read it in book format, you can find it at;
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Angels of the realm of glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
My dear reader whoever you might be; you may be asking yourself; why I have made up my mind to write these religious writings? Why I made this hard promise to God to write them? Why I am writing and wanting to write my religious writings anyhow? Especially that writing them for me personally would be very hard indeed, since I am not a learned person, and religion is a very hard subject to write or explain. But if you were to feel that you have been called to write them, then, you would have to do it anyhow no matter how hard it is for you to do it. So, this is the way that I am feeling right now while I am writing here; You see I feel that I have been called to write my religious beliefs for many reasons, and many indeed are the reasons for which I am writing them, as you will see and understand if you read all my religious writings.
Of course there are many other reasons and subject to explain, apart for what I have just written above in my preamble, there are also other extra personal reasons which have driven me to write them, and these reasons I am going to write down and explain them to you as soon as I find the right spot in my writings.
But at the moment, the most important reason for me wanting to write is that I feel it from within my soul that I have to write these religious writings, otherwise my soul tells me that I would not be doing what I have come to do on this planet earth. Therefore, I feel that if I don’t write my religious beliefs now; I have lived my earthly life accomplishing nothing worthwhile: Not only my soul is telling me to write my beliefs as a human being, but also because lately I have had a supernatural experience, which has given me personal proof that what we call the unseen spiritual world exists, and also of the existence of angels (or exstra terrestial if you like) and other heavenly things, and from this supernatural experience I know that my writings have been noted from heaven above, because this angel has greeted me as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe. I will write about this supernatural experience at the beginning of that part of my writings called, Reconciliation of the Universe, as this would be the best way for my readers to understand the meaning of my experience. (And there I will also write a chapter where I am asking myself this question: Who are these angels?)
I think that my theory which I am going to write here could well be the beginning of the world religion of the future. So, I think that I might call my religious writings: Modern World religious Reconciliation; because that’s what I would like my writings to achieve. As you all know what is happening in the religious world nowadays is shocking, as some religious leaders twist their religious meanings and instead of preaching peace they preach war, and so, something needs to be done to neutralize that.
Therefore this is another of the main reasons for me to write my views, as I believe that there are too many religions in the world, even though they may be similar they are somehow different to one another, so, their leaders tend to argue with one another, in the hope that they can impose their point of view of their own religious beliefs on the others; this makes religion itself look bad. So, in my religious writings by moving everything one step high and linking them together I hope to find the way how to neutralize that.
I feel that I have to write this as it is my duty as a human being to improve the present situation, and I am sure that from now on we (all the peaceful people of planet earth) will try to find a way together for world religious reconciliation: And my personal way that I am suggesting here is written in this my book including, Reconciliation of the Universe.
So, I am going to write my religious writings as my soul guides me, and also because of the sign that I have seen and also because of what has happened to me and my family, which sometimes makes me think that those things have happened for a reason, and therefore these happenings have driven me to write. Therefore what I am writings here is being written as my personal prayer to God Most High.
Religious Reconciliation Doc
Introduction and writer explanation
Next time with the beginning of, Chapter 4
Religious Reconciliation Doc
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