Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.
You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation.
Therefore, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and explain how we believe religious beliefs should be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation.
In this blog, we will be talking about, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations.
Welcome to article, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations. Part one
May God guide and help me to say the right things?
Dear readers, this is a long article, so, we have made two blogs, thay will cover many religious issues, starting with part one, Prayers for beginning reconciliation with God, writing more prayers for reconciliation, changing the spiritual boundary. Part two, the angles poem prayer, and then one day, why we are writing these religious articles, praying God for inspiration, prayer for reconciliation religious writings, purpose of these religious writings, other religious explanation.
Anyhow, I believe that man needs God and religions, to live a meaningful life. You know, if the entire world had one God and one religion, it would be the best way to believe in God, but it is not so, there are several religions. So, we are writing these articles imagining how God of the future should be, to connect all existing religions, perhaps we need a Super God, and everything can be connected to this Super God. Anyhow, I believe that we can be connected to God, and this Super God, by praying to God Most High.
So, let me write my personal prayer for reconciliation with God Most High, so that, God can guide and help me write these religious articles.
My Lord God, with my personal concerns, I come to you praying God-most-high; Master of the universe and life giver to every living thing, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation with thy spiritual life force, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy, you would forgive me my life sins, so that I would be worthy to write these religious writings, per your will. I am praying with all my heart, my soul, and my mind earnestly, hoping that in your mercy, you guide and help me to write these religious articles. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Now that I have written and prayed God, I feel confident that what I write is acceptable to God.
Now, what we are writing here, it is not going to be the traditional religious ways, because we need to go outside the normal religious ways, if we want to suggest future religious solutions, we should work outside the religious boundaries of today.
Anyhow, dear readers, you see, I start believing that God is inspiring me to write these religious articles, so, there is no way that I can avoid writing them.
Now, in this article of, “Prayers for beginning reconciliation”, we are trying to reconcile the entire religious world, since we believe that we need only one God and one religion, to make the world a better place. Now, because we are suggesting new religious beliefs, we need to write several prayers; these new prayers can explain the new religious beliefs, and at the same time we are praying God.
Now, let us start how we see God of the universe and describe God.
There is only one God throughout the universe and God is the life essence of the entire universe. No other life can exist, unless it is part of God's life force.
Therefore, all our religious writings that are going to follow, they are based on the meaning of this phrase above, but we must convince people to see God, the same way as we see God.
Anyhow, some of these views and my religious dreams, can be found at this Google web address,
Now, let us write more prayers for reconciliation with God.
Writing more prayers for reconciliation.
Now, because we need to believe in this Super-God, that we are going to call, God Most High, our prayers are different from the existing prayers, so, we are writing them in a way that they will explain how we imagine God of the universe, while we are writing and praying.
Our public prayers to God
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we pray thus.
Our lord God, we come to you praying God-Most-High, Master of the universe and life giver to every living thing, we are praying thee for forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force, in the hope that you hear our prayer and guide us, so that we can live a meaningful life according to your will; Father hear our prayers, amen.
Explaining my beliefs, I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, who is the life giver of every living thing. Some of us Christians call this God Yahweh, the Muslim call him Allah, other religions have their own names for their Gods. Anyhow, God exists in the spiritual form in heaven. Some of us will say that God exist in another dimension, so, we cannot see God. For us Christians, God is the way we believe he is with all his angels, saints, and all other spiritual entity. For other religions that don’t believe the way we Christians believe, God is there just the way they believe God is. So, we must continue to believe in God and pray to God, hoping that God hears our prayers, and helps us in our dayly problems.
My other personal prayer to God
My Lord God, Almighty and benevolent Father, I am praying thee with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly, in the hope that you would hear my prayer and forgive me all my life sins, so that, I would become spiritually clean, and you can guide and protect me. Almighty Father, I am praying thee hoping that in your mercy you would let me be a wise old man and live a long life. So that I can live the rest of my life per your will, and can write these religious writings, as humanly as possible according to your will, and in such a way that humanity can accept them and use them for the future benefit of mankind, amen.
Now that we have written these prayers and we have prayed God; let us mention, what other reasons have led me to write these religious articles. You see, I was thinking about religious changes, because I have always believed that man needs God and religions, to live a meaningful life; so, I didn’t like the idea that there is no God, therefore, I was thinking what can be done to change this atheist view; then, something terrible happened that made me think that I had to do something about it. You see, it was the terrorist attack of September 11- 2001 that really pulled the trigger and changed my views about my religious beliefs. Because by simple reasoning, I was saying to myself, if religions can bring such disaster, then, those religions have not been designed properly, they have faults and they ought to be changed, if possible, I know that what I am saying sounds outrageous, and impossible to achieve.
But I did not want to think about how hard it could be to do it; because I believe that even what seems impossible to achieve can become possible one day. So, I started to write these religious writings, in the hope of coming up with some ideas, or a new religious theory that can change existing religious beliefs, and at the same time, neutralize the terrorist and the atheists.
I thought that it was a hard thing to do, as it is. But what about if we could change our beliefs of the present religious boundary, so, it would be harder for the atheists and the terrorist to use religions whichever way they want. So, let us talk about changing our religious boundaries.
Praying for changing the spiritual boundary.
Anyhow, we believe that we need to change religious boundaries to fix religions. But because I am a believer, I need to pray God, so that God may allow us to change existing religions, and we don’t need to fear God then, because we have prayed God and asked to be allowed to do it.
My prayer
My Lord God, I am praying thee because I am concerned with what I want to write, since I would like to change the boundaries of existing religious beliefs, in the hope that I can come up with a religious theory, which can overcome those religious problems that exist today, because people are using religions the wrong way, and even killing other people, in the name of God. Father hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Now that I have prayed, we can start doing what needs to be done. Looking at religions the way they are today, we must admit that most religions are man-made, but at the same time we believe that God and other spiritual entities do exist. So, mankind has used those spiritual entities that have manifested themselves in the past the best way they could. Therefore, they wrote whatever they believed it was right to write, they wrote according to what they had witnessed, and for their own advantage according to the times they were written.
So, religions are man-made, for this reason, religions have faults, now if religions have faults, it is obvious that they have not been dictated from God, as most religious leaders want us to believe; therefore, they are man-made, or at least partly man made to give the benefit of doubts, because we want to believe that they are at least God’s driven thoughts or inspirations, and the writers may have made mistakes when they have written them.
Anyhow, because religious are man-made, I think that religions can be changed. So, I asked myself how we can change those religious beliefs that seem to do more harm than good. I thought that religions are too rigid within their present boundaries, so, if we can change religious boundaries, then it is harder for atheists and terrorists to use religions to upset the believers, and above all, for the extremist groups to kill people in the name of their God.
I know that this idea of changing the boundary of religions sounds crazy, but you see if religions have been invented by mankind, then we can reinvent them, there is no harm in doing that, once they have been explained and described, they can replace the existing religions, it is a matter of time, before the people believe in this new religious way that we are suggesting.
Now by thinking and rethinking, I came up with these religious writings of “Reconciliation of the universe” to explain a new religious setup. Anyhow, we must first start from scratch and write many religious discussions and explanations, to convince the public and to convince ourselves that we are doing the right things by modifying religions.
But to do that, I had to think how to extend those religious boundaries, so, I was thinking about how to set up the spiritual boundaries, and I saw that the most spiritual entities that we believe in, it is the existence of angels, I believe that the angels are those spiritual beings that link mankind to God in many ways. So, I decided to start by writing an angel’s poem, where I would invite the angels to tell us about God and other spiritual things.
Here I must point out that humanity is driven from what we believe, and a lot of things happen because of what we believe. You see, the Muslim's extremists, kill themselves and other people in the name of their God Allah, and this I will explain better, as we continue to write our articles.
Anyhow, let us start by writing this angel’s poem, or prayer and what happened to me, after I wrote this angels poem, because of what I believe. And because of what I believe, I have deamed many spiritual dreams., includin this God dream, I dreamed about God,
You see, after I had written this angels poem or prayer, something very special happened to me, we have called that happening, and then one day, the angels answered my prayer.
I believe that this blog is becoming too long, see you in Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations. part two.