Friday, March 10, 2023

God and religions for the future.

Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to religious events, which can be positive or negative. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation. 
However, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and then, explain how we believe religious beliefs shoul be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation. Anyhow, today we will be talking about, God and religions of the future

Let us take a look at today religious world, from what we can see in this religious map above, there are several major religions in the world, so, we may have to learn at least something from each religion before we can say anything about them. But we know that religions need to exist, because they should help mankind live a peaceful way of life, if they cannot accieve that, then we should look if anything can be done to solve the problem.  

God and religions of the future  

Welcome to our article, God and religions of the future 

May God guide and help me to write this article.

Dear readers, we believe that Man needs God, as we have said in our article, humanity needs God and religions. But today there are too many negative things happening that involves religions. So, let us look at what we can suggest that may help fix some of these problems.

Anyhow, we believe that Gods and spiritual being exist, just the way we believe they are, so, here we only want to find a way how they can help humanity better, so, we need to  find a way, how to describe religious role better.

Anyhow, we believe that these negative religious happenings can be overcome, if the boundaries of existing religions are expanded, so that most religions can find a link that brings them together at the highest spiritual point. The highest spiritual point is this Super God, who is a benevolent and caring God.

What we are saying here, is that we need a benevolent God, at the top of all spiritual beings, who can treat all humanity the same way, so, this God, cannot be a God for you or me, like some past gods that were caring only for part of a community. Anyhow, this God needs to be be benevolent and can never be anything else, so, he will not want to punish anybody. Some people will think that this is a weak God, but in our religious theory the punishment will be self-inflicted, from the karma effect that we produce and the pre-set way the spiritual world works. Anyhow, this is the God that I believe we need at the top of the spiritual life force energies of the universe.

Having said that, I suppose that here people will ask, but this sounds a different God, so, people will ask, when I pray who should I pray?  

You see, it may seem that we are talking about different Gods; but when I pray, I am still praying my God to guide and help me, I am praying to the same God as we have done for thousands of years, because the changes are aimed only to change the ways we see the future Super God for everybody and not the ways of our religious beliefs.


How future religions need to be. 

We believe that the role of religions is that they must guide humanity in a peaceful way, if they do not, then, we must ask ourselves, how religions need to be, to help humanity better than they do now. So, we need to ask ourselves, how religions need to be in the future.

We know that all religions are similar in nature, we can say that they are similar because they all aim to get people together to believe in God and spiritual beings, and God is benevolent to various degrees and helps the believers of each religion; but religions are not linked together. All religions must be linked together to avoid religious friction, to achieve that, I believe that we need a Super God that can guide the entire world, in a peaceful way. 

We believe that the world is changing and is going global, therefore, the era of religious isolation needs to end too, today everything in the whole wide world can be easily connected, therefore, all religions need to be connected. So, let us try to see what this means to the religious people. Anyhow, here we are talking about religious changes and not the end of the religious system. But, if you believe that the world will end according to Revelation as written in the Bible; then you may as well believe that these religious writings could be the forerunner of that event, because the Bible revelation says that there will be a new system, and this is what we are suggesting a new system.

Anyhow, we believe that a new system is needed, but is not going to be like the Bible says, like God will set his own government on earth? To tell you the truth we do not see it happening that way at all, but we see the need for religions to change direction; therefore, a new system needs to be created from the old system.

Now, these religious changes that we are suggesting, they are only a proposition and they do not take effect until people accept them. Anyhow, these religious changes are not going to affect the existing religious beliefs, so, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, they are being written to consolidate in a collective way what we believe now, so that, existing religious beliefs may have a better chance to survive. You see, the only thing that we are suggesting here is that there is only one God throughout the universe, and we could call this Super God, God Most High.

Anyhow, we believe that religions need to change to help humanity, as they have done in the past. So, let me explain my position. I feel driven to write these religious articles, I started writing these religious articles with one of my religious dreams, and we will continue to write our religious dreams in these articles, this will include Cosmic Spiritual Dreamland and other religious dreams.

Anyhow, after all those religious spiritual dream that I have had, they may have happened for a reason, therefore, now I have to believe that this dream about God touching me, and also other spiritual dreams that followed during my life, they have happened to me for a purpose, as they mean something special to me, and I believe that those dreams have made me worthy to write religious articles, like what I am writing now. So, I feel that I must continue to write them. 


Religious changes will happen. 

We believe that since everything is changing and will continue to change, also religions must change, because there is no way that religions can escape these changes. Now, religions have not changed for a long time, and if they don’t change, religions may become less attractive to the people; so, one can only ask; what sorts of changes are necessary?

Anyhow, I believe that we should suggest changing religions in such a way, that we can keep most of the existing religious beliefs like they are today, therefore, existing religions should be working the same way, as they are today. 

We have explained in our article that, “Man needs God”, because humanity needs God and religions. Therefore, we must come up with a description of how the religions of the future can be, and how God of the future can be described, so that there is a single God that can link all existing religions together, since this is the way for religious people to live in harmony with the rest of the religious world.

For this reason, I believe that we need a benevolent Super God, even if this God is a bit different from the God that is written in the Bible.

I must say that I am a believer with agnostic views, therefore, I do not believe every word in the Bible is the word of God, or is God inspired. I believe that there have been times when the writers of the Bible have been inspired by God, but that inspiration was right to be applied at the times when that inspiration occurred.

Here I must say for instance, if God is inspiring me at this very moment, I will say that I am going to choose a religious way that has less to do with an omnipotent God and more to do with spiritual beliefs. You see, we are looking for a general God, or a god-life-force energy that can be accepted by everybody on earth, and furthermore this god is not your god or my god, but it is a god for everybody capable of linking all religions together, this is the God that can be accepted by everybody on earth today.

Here we must say that there are several ways to describe how this Super God of the universe can be like, for the people to accept; but we want to mention a couple of ways that we think can link religions together better. One way is to assume that God is the life force energies that makes life possible in the entire universe, so, every living thing exists because of this god life force energy; the other God can be a spiritual God/s that helps life as we know it, it works in conjunction with Mother Nature. Therefore, if we assume that God works together with Mother Nature, it will overcome the atheist beliefs of nonexistence of God, because God is also Mother Nature herself.


This is one possible way, of how we might perceive God in the future.  

How we might perceive God in the future. 

Therefore, we are looking for a god that everybody can accept. So, God Can be described as life energy, which can make life possible on earth and the whole universe; then we must agree that God exists in the universe, and we must say that when we are looking at the universe, we are looking at a portion of God himself, because God and spiritual things are invisible to us humans. 

So, we have said that God could be pure life energy, which is capable to give life to every living thing. Here we can add that every living thing depends on this god life energy, and that this life energy is recycled in the universe, in an ever-ending cycle passing through God himself, as God acts as the main engine that drives this life force in the universe, so, every living thing is subject to this god life force that exists in the universe.

Now what I have written is only a possibility, that God can be pure life energies, the other God that we want to talk about is closer to what we already believe, as this God consists of all spiritual things that we believe already, so, hereunder is one of the possible descriptions, of this universal spiritual God.


We need a universal spiritual God. 

Let us imagine how this spiritual God can be described. The spiritual God for everybody needs to be portrayed in a modern way. So, it is better if God is described in such a way that it is part of the whole spiritual universe, because today, spirituality is more acceptable than the all-powerful God that the ancient people wanted to have. You see, the ancient people needed a powerful god, because they wanted this powerful god to be their God and nobody else God. 

Anyhow, we must keep in mind that we cannot prove that God exists in a physical way, or that these spiritual beings that we are talking about exist, we must believe and act as if they exist; it is the only way that makes us feel safe in our daily life, because we are born with this need.

We know that people would like to have an omnipotent God to guide them, and because that God is omnipotent, they will accept it as their God, but this set up can bring problems, like what is happening in the world, the Muslims believe that they can kill, and their God Alah is going to save and reward them. Anyhow, times are changing, and religions must change. So, a way will be found that can link all religions together, so that, everybody can believe to the same spiritual God. So, we are starting to write this new way in our next chapter, Prayers for beginning Reconciliations. 

I believe that we have said enough in this blog. So, see you next article, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations

To see more and the original article, click on this link, God and religions of the future 

May God bless us all.


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