Sunday, November 10, 2024

God's spiritual central sit of government

 WELCOME TO OUR RELIGIOUS RECONCILIATION DOC, YOU ARE INVITED. Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, because they make us feel that we must do something about it. Anyhow, this is our blog., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0.
Anyhow, I believe that humanity must be able to find a way, how to fix these negative occurring events, and this is what we are talking about in these religious articles. 
You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation on earth. 

Anyhow, because we want to shorten our religious article, some articles will be left out and other articles will be shortened. So, if we want to read our original article, you need to visit our Hub Pages articles at this link, God of the Universe spiritual description


OUR IMAGINARY BELIEFS CAN MAKE US BELIEVE ANYTHING. And in my imaginary beliefs, I want to find a way how all spiritual being are connected together. 

This can be our imaginary God spiritual sit of government

We humans would like to see everything like us on earth as well as in heaven, otherwise we are not able to imagine the issues of what is all about, this photo has been humanized for this purpose in mind, but in reality, God could be different from our present beliefs.   

Welcome to our article, God's central sit of government

May God guide and help me to write these articles?

Dear readers, in these religious discussions, we have talked about our imaginary God circle one positive, the central life force energies of God, we have talked about circle two, where all Gods and life energies of the universe reside. What we are writing here is an imaginary view, of how I believe these spiritual beings are, based on folklore beliefs that these spiritual beings exist.

Now, in this article, by using religious beliefs and folklore stories, we are describing God’s central sit of government, in circle No:3 positive. Then will talk about circle No:4 positive, the heavenly angels circle. Anyhow, we are writing these religious articles, because we want to unite all religions together under a Super God.

Anyhow, we believe that these religious writings can be hard to understand, because it is a new way of seeing these spiritual beings, and we are talking about circles, but you see, this is one way that we can describe the existing spiritual forces in heaven.

Anyhow, we need to go on and write our religious theory, perhaps it was easier, if we could make a sketch, showing how we believe these heavenly forces flow in the universe. But even if we make a sketch, it is hard to imagine the whole spiritual forces of heaven with one sketch. Anyhow, we have made some sketch, and this is the link; now, let us talk about the spiritual circles.


God spiritual circles. 

Before I start writing about the third circle positive let me pray God:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I turn to pray, including His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all his heavenly arrays. To the Creator of life of Heaven and earth I am praying, Father, help me to describe your heavenly spiritual beings.

Father I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind to forgive me all my sins and purify me, so that I can write about your Heavenly Kingdom and those who help you run your heavenly government. Father, hear my prayer, amen!


And after having prayed God; this is how I imagine the third circle positive is.

Holy, Holy, Holy, there is so much holiness in this circle due to the presence of God that this is the only way that I can start writing about it.

Here is where God has set His government to govern the entire universe, with his Seraphim and other powerful angels: with his cherubs who are the divine heavenly guard of God in Heaven, and on earth when part of God spiritual life force elects to come down to earth, and here is where our Lord Jesus Christ is sitting at the right hand of his Father Yahweh (also known as Jehovah and Allah).

God has put His Son Jesus Christ in charge of his armies of angels in heaven. (Yahweh being the Creator of everything, he is the only real God above all other Gods. His Son Jesus Christ has earned his position above the other God’s Nephilim and Seraphim, because Jesus is the only Son of God, selected from God Himself and send to earth to be born as a human. He sacrificed himself to save humanity. This is the reason why Jesus oversees the angels of heaven.

Here is where the four main angles reside: The angel of Life; The angel of Death; The angel of Justice; The angel of Mercy; they are being helped by other powerful angels to do God’s will.

Here are the archangel Michael and other angels, there is also the angel Gabriel who is the messenger and has got authority to announce God’s oncoming events to heaven in the spiritual world and to the living people on earth.

Here is where the headquarter of God’s armies is, now under the command of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with the archangel Michael plan on how to keep the force of evil in their assigned places, when they go where they are not supposed to go.

Now, in this circle there is a selected group of important people that can come when required. They have lived on earth a long time ago, but because they were the chosen people of God, and because they have helped to guide the people of the world in a way according to God’s will; God lets them come to this circle, to hear what they can contribute to humanity.  

They can come in this circle, because they can contribute their human say, when anything is done which will affect humanity on earth. So, in this group there are Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Moses, David, Elijah, Buddha, the virgin Marry and St. Joseph, Jesus Christ’s apostles, Mohammed, and some others important prophets named in the Bible. There are many more including a group of other religious order which I do not know their names, anybody of religious importance, that have contributed to guide humans in a positive and spiritual way.

Of course, there is more to say in this 3rd circle positive, but we think we have said enough about it. Now, let me describe circle No: 4, The heavenly angels circle.


The heavenly angels circle. 

Circle No: 4, the heavenly angel’s circle

Before I start writing about this 4thcircle positive let me pray.

My prayer to God

Almighty father, I pray you with all my heart my soul and my mind, I am praying you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean. So that I will be purified and can write about the angels in the fourth circle positive. So, I pray you Father, that through my imagination you allow me to talk about the beautiful creatures of the realms of glory. Here I want to ask them, the same things that I did, when I wrote the angel poem, at the beginning of our, Prayers for Reconciliation.


So, angels of the realm of glory, can you tell me God’s creation story?

And, please tell me how you sing in heaven, about God’s glory.

So; Angels of the realms of glory, tell me about the eternal story, while you sing the creator’s glory, and tell us the wonders of God’s creation.

The angel’s song/s:

Glorified be God Most High,

God’s heavenly angels sing in the sky.

They all sing to God their lullaby,

Glorified be God Most High.

Glory be to our Heavenly King,

For He is the Father of everything,

And for Him we will always sing,

Glory is to our Heavenly King.

Glory be to our Heavenly Father,

For He created us above all others,

He is holier than all the others.

Blessed be our Heavenly Father,

Who has made us love one, another?

And we will forever love each other.

Blessed be our Heavenly Father.

Glo-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o ria

In ex cel sis De-----o.

Glo-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o ria

In ex cel sis De------- o.

This is how I can imagine part of the fourth circle positive:

In this circle is where most of the heavenly angels reside; throughout this circle there are the angles cantors, who will mix up with the other groups of angels and sing glory to God the Father. But there are a lot more angels than this in heaven.


The armies of angels of heaven. 

Throughout the forth circle and near the boundary of the fifth circle is where the armies of angles soldiers reside, they are together with their leaders and their captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, they are all luminous spirits of happy disposition, and it would be a great sight if we could see them; they are inspiring because when you see them, you at once will feel God’s greatness. They are so orderly and so happy to be on God’s side, and they feel good to be God’s immortal soldiers. They sing praise to God while they are at rest and tell all the wonders of God’s creation. They also do other happy activities among themselves.

The main duty of these wonderful angels is that they must police the universe, to keep in check the force of evil, because the force of evil sometimes goes where they should not go, and do what they should not do, and here is when the angels of God intervene and chase away the forces of evil to where they belong.

Also in this forth circle near the boundary of the fifth circle is where the rest of the angels reside; here are the guardian angels who are together with other angels, these angels are running all sorts of tasks in the universe, and one of the most important tasks is to help and regulate the flow of spiritual life on earth; this flow of life I will describe when I describe circle number six positive, which is text door to our earth circle.

I think that I have said enough in this article, so, I am going to continue these religious articles, next time with circle No: 5 positive, Angels, Saints and human souls

To see more click on this link, God's central sit of government 

See you soon.

May God bless us all.


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