Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we have been taught to believe, and our religious beliefs can become modified, when we are exposed to negative religious events, like what is happening today, they make us feel that we must do something about it.
You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, therefore, if religious beliefs are modified in the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the harmful unbeliever believer can be self-disarmed through modified beliefs. If we can do that, then we can reach universal religious reconciliation.
Therefore, we may need to explain our modified religious beliefs, and explain how we believe religious beliefs should be described in the future to reach universal reconciliation.
Now, this blog is part two of, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations.
I believe that we can imagine the angels in many ways. The photo above is one example, anyhow, in this blog, we are talking about the heavenly angels, since we believe that they exist to help us.
Welcome to article, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations. Part two.
May God guide and help me to say the right things?
My Lord God, with my personal concerns, I come to you praying God-most-high; Master of the universe and life giver to every living thing, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation with thy spiritual life force, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy, you would forgive me my life sins, so that I would be worthy to write these religious writings, per your will. I am praying with all my heart, my soul, and my mind earnestly, hoping that in your mercy, you guide and help me to write these religious articles. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Dear readers, we see spiritual things the way we believe they are. So, if you think that in the followin description I might be esagerating what has happened to me, it is due to my beliefs. But then again the spiritual forces, can manifest themselves, if they want to and is the will of God. Anyhow, read my article and then you can judge for yourself. So, let me write my angel's poem hereunder.
May God guide and help me to write this angel’s poem?
The angels of the realm of glory poem and prayer
You, Angels of the realm of glory,
You tell us about the eternal story,
You tell us about the Creator glory.
You tell us the wonders of God’s creation.
We all sing glory to God Most High.
God’s heavenly angles sing in the sky.
They sing for God their lullabies.
They sing glory to God Most High.
Glo-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-ria
In ex-cel-sis De----------o.
This is how I started to write my angels poem, or prayer, which can have a double meaning, as it could be said to be a prayer to the angles, later I wrote part two.
The angel’s poem part two. The Heavenly angels say
You ought to pray to Our Father God Most High,
God's heavenly angels would tell us from the sky,
Pray and tell Father what’s your heart desire,
So, Father could decide what is your supply.
So, I've prayed to Our Father God Most High,
Father of the entire world that guides the universe,
Let there be an angel from the realm of glory,
That would guide me to tell your eternal glory.
This poem above, is the angels’ poem and prayer that I have written and kept it in my home computer. I had also written other religious articles and prayers that I thought I was going to call, Reconciliation of the universe. Anyhow, I kept these writings in my home computer, and nobody knew about them. So, what happened to me next was a surprise. You see, I believe now, that because of this angel’s poem and prayer that I had written, something very special has happened to me. Now, I want to point out that what follows here-under, it has really taken place at least in my mind, whether it was a vivid dream, a vision, or it took place I cannot tell. Anyhow, let me write it.
And one day, the angles answered my prayer.
Dear readers, I want to point out, that we who believe in God, can turn anything that cannot be explained into a spiritual experience, and that is what has happened to me.
So, let me pray and thank God for this event, even if this event was only a vision or a vivid dream, that I cannot forget. Thanks, my Lord God for showing me this event, which is driving me to write, my theory of reconciliation of the universe.
Now let me write what I believe happened.
And then one day, a long time after I wrote the angles poem this incredible event happened. Anyhow, while I was going to the local shops, one very late afternoon before sunset, I saw three people that I had never seen before on the footpath, which I was walking on, they were fully dressed in simple tidy everyday clothes even though it was summer, and in summer time here because it is hot most men wear shorts, while women wear flimsy clothes to keep cool.
Anyhow. I believe that these three people were waiting for me to pass near them; and as I was approaching them two of them a man and a woman started walking towards me leaving the other man alone, it was as if they were setting us the scene that would follow. Anyhow, I had to walk between them to keep going to this shop, they had to be from heaven, because what the man left alone on my left said to me, no human being on earth could ever have known at that time, since I had only written the angels poem and a few other religious articles, which I was going to call, Reconciliation of the universe, but this angel left alone with a courteous jest said to me:
Thus, I was greeted that late Saturday afternoon in 2005 and I was shocked!
Today, I ask myself many times, did this encounter happen because I had written this Angels poem and prayers in my home computer, or is my imagination that wants me to believe it happened? Or what could have been the reasons for this supernatural happening to happen? Perhaps it was because a lot of times, I was thinking about the dreadful event of September 11, and that religions are wrong to allow that, therefore, religions need to be changed if possible, because if religions can be changed, in a way that is harder for the terrorist to use religions their twisted ways, then religions cannot be used to carry out those terrorist attacks.
Anyhow, when this supernatural event happened, I was terrified from this sudden happening and moved away from these people or angels in fear; today I am still asking myself why I was so frightened, and I hate myself for it. The full version is written in this article, Angels greetings. You see there could be other reasons why this event happened. Anyhow, this apparition is what has pushed me to continue to write these religious writings. But let me explain, why we are writing these religious articles.
Why we are writing these religious articles.
Because I am a believer, I am going to start with a short prayer to God to guide and help me.
My Lord God, I pray you to guide and help me, to write these religious articles, where my aim is to reconcile all existing religions together to God of the universe. Father, hear my prayer and help me amen.
Now, in these religious articles we hope to come up with a theory how to fix religious issues. You see, religions have been set to serve the old system, when people were more isolated, but today we aim for globalization, so, religions need to be changed according to the times. Look at what religious extremists can do in the name of God and religion, so, we are writing these articles, in the hope that we can suggest ways, how we can stop them.
Now, to achieve that, we should be looking for religious options, which can improve links between existing religions, because that is one of the reasons why nasty things happen. Perhaps we can achieve that, by modifying religions. In one of our last articles, we have talked about, Religious options of the future, where we have explained our views, about God, and why Man needs God. Then we suggested, how our imaginary spiritual world could link together, forming an ever-ending cycle of the spiritual life forces of the universe.
Anyhow, I must say that I believe, that I am writing in God’s name; because of my spiritual dreams, and the angels’ poem and what followed, and because I believe that only the existing and active God life force, can guide anyone like me to write about religious articles, knowing that they are hard to write. Anyhow, I hope that my religious articles can improve religions.
Anyhow; to write God’s things, we need to be in touch with God life force all the time, and if we want to be in touch with God life force, we must be pure at heart, to do that we should ask God for forgiveness of our sins, and then we should pray God, pray and pray, because to be in touch with God life force it’s the only known way.
So, let me say a short prayer to stay in touch with God
Our Lord God, we pray you with all our heart, our soul and our mind, hoping that in your mercy, you would forgive our life sins and make us spiritually clean, so that we become worthy to stay in touch with your eternal spiritual life force of the universe. Father, hear our prayer amen.
Praying God for inspiration.
Anyhow, to feel sure that I am saying the right things, let me say a prayer to God for inspiration, before I start writing this sub-article of Prayers for Reconciliation.
My prayer to God
My Lord God, with my personal concerns, I come to you praying God-Most-High, creator and master of the spiritual universe, and life giver to every living thing, I am praying you for forgiveness of my sins, and for reconciliation to thy spiritual life force. I am praying and hoping, that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and you would make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; so that I become worthy to pray and be heard and accepted, and be inspired to write these religious writings per your will.
Father, hear my prayer, forgive me my sins and bless me, so that I can live in harmony with thy eternal life force of the universe, and be inspired to write these religious writings, of Prayers for Reconciliation, as humanly as possible according to your will, in such a way that humanity can accept them and use them for the future benefit of mankind, Amen!
Prayer for reconciliation religious writings.
Now, let me explain, we are calling our writings, Prayers for reconciliation, because we aim to reconcile existing religions. Anyhow, to write religious articles we needs to be in touch with God and pray God, or God life force of the universe. What we have said may sound controversial to some people, because most of us want to see God as a person, but not everybody can believe in God as a person; because it makes more sense to see God as a spiritual life force energy that gives life to every living thing, and at the same time guides the entire universe. Anyhow, to be in touch with God, we need to be spiritually clean and pray. So, let me write another prayer.
My lord God, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you would guide and help me to write this religious article of, Prayer for reconciliation religious writings. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Dear readers, we know that you are thinking that what we are writing is not like the existing religion. But what is important is what we want to achieve, because we want to see an idealistic Super-God; this Super-God can connect all existing religions together, so that the religious problems that we have today are solved. Here we are talking about the atheists and the terrorist.
What we have said above explains many things, but, let us go back and see once again, what is the purpose of these religious writings that we are writing here.
Purpose of these religious writings.
Now, to explain the purpose of these religious writings, we are going to pray God thus;
My Lord God, we want to state that these religious writings, of ‘prayers for reconciliation’, they are being written to suggest to the world, how to solve the unwanted religious things that happen today. So, we are going to suggest a theory for a future religious world order; which we believe we are writing in the name of God, this will include Reconciliation of the Universe, which is going to be our last part and the conclusion of these religious writings.
Anyhow, to eliminate the intolerance between religions, we want to suggest a theory, how all existing religions could co-exist together. But everything is going to be written according with what is already known, or believed to exist in the religions of today, and then, we will set them up with a futuristic view, which will be explained in our last part called, reconciliation of the universe.
Anyhow, the aim is to leave religions the way that they are today; but by writing this religious theory, we hope that one-day religious consensus can be reached, therefore, a futuristic way for religions to continue to serve humanity will be found, with the help of God.
Here, I must say that, these religious writings are my personal prayer to God Most High, written in the hope that God would hear my prayers, and in his mercy, He would guide me and let me be his humble servant. Anyhow, we have written this long article of ‘prayers for reconciliation’, but we have still a few things to say and some other religious explanations, before we conclude this article.
Some other religious explanations.
You see, the atheists believe that God does not exist. Now to neutralize them, we have come up with a theory that states that God really exists, even if God is different from the God described in the Bible.
Anyhow, we believe that religions are better off if they are modified, we know that it is going to be hard to convince religious people to accept those changes. But if we look at what is happening in the world around us; then, perhaps we will agree that we need religious changes.
Anyhow, we have seen that humanity needs God to help them in their daily life; we have seen that there are many religions in this world, and have been many religions in the past as well, some of those religions in the past are not practised anymore, so, we must assume that religions can change with the passing of time; therefore, today we have to ask ourselves, whether this present day’s religions have had their full run, and they need to be replaced with a new religious concept, that is more useful with today’s ways of living and beliefs.
So, it seems to me that we need to modify existing religions, but we need to make sure that we do it in a way, that leaves existing religions as they are today. To do that, we must show religious people that their religious beliefs are okay, but they need to be adjusted for religions to do their job properly in the future. If we can do that with one or two religious theories, without upsetting religious believers, we can achieve a lot of improvement in the religious field.
Dear readers, I Believe that we have said enough in this article, so, let us move to our next article, which is about religious dreams, since there are reasons to believe that dreams have a direct link with spirituality and God of the universe.
Anyhow, our next article will be called, I dreamed about God.
To see more click on this link, Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations.
May God bless us all.