Friday, December 18, 2020

Our religious beliefs explained


During our lives, we try to sort out our religious beliefs, so, everyone of us can find his own way and satisfy our religious needs. Hereunder are some discussions about these religious explanation. 


Welcome to our article, Religious Beliefs Explained

Dear reader, we are carrying out these religious studies, so that we can understand what the people religious needs are, and then write these articles. You see, it is what people believe that counts in religions, so, by talking and exploring our own religious behavior, we can learn things that effects religious people; so, let us see what we have to do to satisfy our religious needs.

I believe that to understand religions, we need to reason within ourselves what our religious needs are, and the reasons why they are so, if we look at our article, Praying God for help, you can see our personal needs, perhaps other people have different needs and beliefs; but these are my religious beliefs and explanations.

So, I ask myself, what were the psychological forces that have made me become a religious believer, and now I am even writing religious articles; where we want to explain what we want to achieve, and say something to our readers, but it is not easy. So, I am praying God to help me;

Almighty and Merciful Father forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that affect my soul, and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you for help and guidance, and you can help me to write these religious articles, and, Reconciliation of the universe articles. Father hear my prayer! Amen.


Religious beliefs explanation

Now let me explain my personal religious side, as far as I remember when I was young, I have always believed in God, the way that I was taught from my parents, grandparents, relatives and those religious institutions that I went to when I was young. But I have behaved like any other teenager when I was in the company of other young men, so, my friends and other tough people would not ridicule me about my religious beliefs, therefore, in a way I was forcing myself to live my life in a religious vacuum. 

But many things have happened to me since then, and those happenings have changed me, because late in my life my religious beliefs have become so strong that I had to start writing them.

I know that now you want to ask me, why I am doing this; you see, I am a believer, I believe that God has been the active force that has made me change, and God has guided me in such a way that I have become a great religious believer today: And I can assure you that God will guide anybody that wants to be guided to do his will, so, they will be enlightened and know the truth about God

So, what has happened to me are many God’s driven things, which I am still trying to understand myself fully, and I believe that there are times that these religious happenings have happened to me for a reason, I have observed these happenings and some of the most important ones I have written down, as these happenings have been the ones that have changed my beliefs. I will call them religious predisposition. 

 My religious predispositions 

Let us talk now about these religious predispositions:

1) I believe that I had a religious predisposition, plus during my life I have had personal religious dreams, which have reinforced my religious predisposition; I must say that these religious dreams that I had, they are written in, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, and they played a large part in making me a religious believer.

2) What I am going to say next, is a contradiction by itself, because during my life, I had an experience about deep human love, which turned those love feelings into religious beliefs. You see, those love feelings were turned into religious beliefs, since I started to pray God to help me with my unwanted love. So, I believe that God works in mysterious ways.

3) I believe that I have had also this supernatural encounter, where I was greeted by these supernatural beings as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe; you see, the outcome of this encounter has greatly reinforced my religious beliefs, as I am sure that there is something out there that follows us closely and knows what we do; of course there are also many other reasons why I believe what I believe today.


The other religious reasons  

Explaining the other religious reasons, while I have been writing, ‘Reconciliation of the Universe;’ I felt that I had to pray God for protection, I had to pray God because of this unexplained danger that I felt, whether this feeling of danger was caused from my own writing, which are different to the normal religious writings, therefore, I was worried if I got them wrong in the eyes of God.

Anyhow, one may ask what sort of protection I wanted from God. Well, I don’t know exactly, but I have been feeling within myself that only God could protect me and my family from the danger that I felt; you see, I was going to write new religious things that people had never said before, so, I felt that I was exposing myself to danger; but even when I felt this danger I continued to write my religious articles.

Anyhow, there was also this feeling that I have had during my life, that my family needs protection from God, but then I feel that God has forgotten us, I even feel that I am being tried like Job; this story of Job is written in the Bible, but at the same time I continue to write my religious articles. Now because I am a believer and I believe in God, even if the way I believe is different from the way that other people believe in God, I feel that I am still a believer, and I wish God would help me.

Anyhow, whatever is the reason I turn to God and pray in the hope that God remembers us and helps us? So, I pray to God our Father to forgive us our sins. So, Almighty Father, whatever it is this drawback that affects my family, I pray you Father to help us overcome it, and I pray you to protect us and let us live a better life. What I have said may seem somehow strange, but a believer believes many things, even if what he thinks is strange.

Writing religion articles as a prayer to God

So, here I am my lord God, writing these religious writings as a prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God would help us. Now, above all I pray God for my children, so that they can live their lives better than I am living mine. Therefore, my religious writings of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’ is a prayer to God our Father. So, I hope that God accepts my writings as a dedication of my faith, even if my writings are different from the normal classic religious writings, because at the same time I believe that I am trying to improve religions, by trying to set new goals in a way that all existing religions can be linked to each other; so that separatism is not possible any longer, when these religious suggestions that we are writing are accepted and used.

Therefore, I believe that it may not matter if these religious writings are not the classic religious writings, because I have to follow my idealism, my heart and my soul, if I want to be true to myself, so, I have to write what they lead me to believe in, after all it may be what God wants me to write.

Therefore, may God our Father hear and accept my prayer in the form of these religious writings, and also the prayers that I pray every day of my life; I am praying in the hope that God grants my children and their offspring a safe, healthy and a better life than I am living myself.

Deep within my heart I believe that the act of my writing, Reconciliation of the Universe and other religious stuff is the most likely prayer that God will accept from me, so, I hope that God would protect me and my children and their offspring, and grant them a healthy and better life in the future. So, if God wants me to write these religious writings as a prayer, then let it be, even if I have to spend the rest of my life writing them.  Father hear my prayer and help us.

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article called, Mankind religious beliefs.

May God bless us all. 


Religious Reconciliation Doc 

God Praying God for help
Next time with; praying God for a grace
Other links from same author


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Praying God for a grace


Dear readers, if we believe in God, we must pray God, because

Anyhow, today A need to explain to our readers that after a long time we are coming back to continue our blog, hoping to say or do something useful. 

Dear readers, I need to explain, why I am going around in circles and praying to God our Father again and again; but what else can a man do when the situation becomes desperate? I suppose we can only pray God pray and pray, in the hope of improving the outcome.

Therefore, I am praying God in my hours of need, thinking that I must pray God for a grace, since only a grace can help my family. I believe that if I pray God with all my heart my soul and my mind, a grace can be coming my way. I am praying God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, because I believe that my prayers have a better chance to be heard and answered favorably. So, Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.

Almighty and merciful Father today I am praying for help in my hours of need, since I believe with all my heart my soul and my mind that for you everything is possible, since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life giver of every living thing.

So, in my hours of need, anguish and concerns to my lord God-Most-High I pray thus:

My Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father, in these hours of need anguish and concerns, I am praying you with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly, I am calling on your mercy praying for help.

I am praying for help in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who knows our human needs and who is the bridge and the way that binds humanity to the eternal life force of God of the universe.

I am praying and hoping that in your mercy my prayers for help would be heard and answered in a helpful way. Father hear my prayer and help us! Amen.

Having prayed to our Father God Most-High I feel more hopeful that God can answer my prayers and help my daughter and my son to become healthy again, therefore, my greatest hope remains with God, what else can I do, as I have done everything humanly possible already.


My greatest hope remains with God

Dear readers: when we need help from heaven above, our greatest hope must remain with God. So, I keep repeating the same prayers to God our Father; but you see, a believer cannot move away from his religious beliefs, because beliefs can be hopes, and God is hope for those who need hope most.

I am praying to Almighty Father, in the hope that God hears my prayer and help my daughter and my son be healthy. If I must do something myself to help them, let me see what I need to do, and if the curing doctor is going to be the means whereas my daughter or my son can be healthy again, then let the curing doctor see what needs to be done. I believe that our Heavenly Father can help them to be healthy; so, I will continue to pray.

I believe that for me to achieve worthiness and receive a grace, I must do something important in the eyes of our Father God, so that God takes notice of me, like writing a religious theory, which can help to guide humanity back to Our Heavenly Father. So, I will write my religious theory as a prayer of gratitude to our Almighty Father, and I humbly pray God to accept my writings as my personal prayer to him. I am going to write this religious theory, of reconciliation of the universe, even if I should write it for the rest of my life.

Therefore, I should write my religious articles, since I have promised God to write them. Because I feel deep within my heart that the outcome of my prayer, is equal to the beliefs that I have within myself; so, I must keep praying and writing, if I want my children to become healthy again.

I believe that one day my religious writings can be helpful for mankind, because they can help mankind consolidate their religious beliefs, or at least help mankind find their way back to the true God, to believe in God and to serve God. And these writings can become one day the beginning of the New Religious World Order. So, I believe that it is my duty to God and to all humanity that I must write these religious beliefs. Since I believe in what I am writing, since I feel this force within me, and it drives me to write my religious beliefs. Therefore, now I am going to write, Reconciliation of the Universe, which is going to be a theory capable of connecting all religions together; this can help humanity work out their religious differences.

Anyhow, I will continue to pray God, in the hope that God would help me, even when God does not answer my prayers, what else can I do, except pray in my hours of need. This is all I can say in this article.

See you next time with, religious beliefs.

May God bless us all.


Religious Reconciliation Doc 

God Praying God for help
Next time with; praying God for a grace
Other links from same author

Friday, November 11, 2016

Praying God for help

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, praying God for help
Praying God for help
During our lives we often find ourselves in painful situations, where we don't know what else we could do to solve our problems. So, most times we feel that we need divine help, So, we turn to God and pray God for help .

Praying God for help
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, Praying God for a miracle, this post we are going to call, praying God for help. You see, I am praying God for help, while I am writing this article, because my greatest hope remains with God; this article here could be said that is somehow the continuation of another last article, where we were telling you about this true sad event of my life in our hub, God works in a mysterious way, therefore here I am still praying God to help me, since there is no much else that could be done in these cases but pray, I am also praying, because my greatest hope remains with God; and let me point this out to you again, as we did in our hub, Man needs God, when things go the wrong way we always pray to God it is our only hope, what else could we do? That is why man needs God and prays to God. We the people are mentally geared psychologically that we have to pray, and we want to believe.
But there is more to say, because today while I am editing this article here, I happen to have another member of my family sick, very much like my daughter that I have described in our previous article, ‘God works in a mysterious way’, but this time is my son that is sick; the worst and most painful part for any parent to see his children with mental illness is that whatever you do and whatever you say to them, they don’t listen to you, because they don’t realize that they are sick and they need help, so, you may mention or tell them to go to see a doctor, but they will not go and so they become even sicker; because they are sick they do very stupid things and keep doing stupid things that worries all those people that are around them.
Therefore, today in my hours of need, I am praying God to help me; what else we could do when we need help? Here I need to add that this is perhaps the reason why we will always believe in God and pray to God, in all the ways that we know, even if those ways may seem outside the normal ways that we normally use. Here under you can see most of the ways that I am praying God.
Now, I need also to say here that since I am a Roman Catholic, I am starting most of my prayers the Roman Catholic ways, but if you happen to be of another religion then start your own way as you have been thought from your forbears, I hope you see what I mean, you need to pray to the God that you believe in. It would be the only way that could work.
And thus, I pray:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying God for help with all my heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in His Mercy God would hear my prayer and in His great mercy He would answer my prayers according to His benevolent will.
Almighty Father to you I turn God Most High praying for help in my hours of need; I am praying you since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life giver of every living thing; therefore, just because you are the life giver of every living thing, I have reasons to believe that for you to heal any living being is possible, so, I am praying and asking for this grace that I need so much to help my daughter and my son who are very sick, let them become healthy again.
Father, hear my prayer and help us, by letting my daughter and my son be healthy again.
Dear readers here again I would like to point out that man needs God and pray to God; just look at me and how I am restless and desperate to find a way out from this painful events of my life, the illness of my daughter and also my son; now, for me the only way left open is to pray God, what else can I do to relieve the pain that is in my heart, and then have some hope, you see sometimes even just hope might help; that is the reason why, God is hope for those that need hope most? Therefore, here I continue to pray God, so that I can continue to hope for a better outcome.

 Praying through Jesus Christ

Dear readers, when we pray we can pray to several entities, well, at least that is the way that we have been taught from our religious leaders and elders of the Roman Catholic faith, other religions pray in different ways; for instance, the Muslim pray to their God Allah, and for what I have heard that is the only deity that they pray to. For us Roman Catholic our religion gives us more freedom; so, some of us might pray to the Virgin Mary, some people might pray to Saints as well, we all seem to have our ways of praying. For me since I have started to write these religious writings I like to go straight to God and sometimes to our Lord Jesus Christ, so here I am again praying Our Heavenly Father and this time I am praying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Almighty Father, here I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the divine link between you and us Heavenly Father, since Jesus is the divine link that in your benevolent mercy You have given freely to us, in order that all humanity could find the will and courage to come back to you through Jesus love. We believe that since Our Lord Jesus Christ has been a real man here on earth, and lived just like one of us human beings, He knows firsthand our anguishes, our despair our misery and pains; so, we feel that Jesus could and would understand us fully when we ask for help and thus I pray to Jesus in the hope that through the powers that you have given to him he would be able to help us:
Here I pray and hope for a better outcome for my daughter illness, and also my son we all know that you are a benevolent loving and merciful Father, because, when Jesus lived with us on earth he said to us, ask our Heavenly Father and it will be given to you free, since our Heavenly Father will give you good things if you humbly ask Him. And here I am humbly praying and asking you Father to help me in my hours of need, in the hope that you would heal (names) these members of my family.
Heavenly Father I pray you to have mercy on us and help my daughter and son (names) who are sick to become healthy again; I pray you to ban their sickness from their minds and body and then activate a seed of good health within them, so that, they would be able to become healthy again, and so they would return one day to be just like normal healthy people of their own age who have never been sick, just like how they were years ago, when I was dreaming of a better life for them, and this I am doing all my life.
Father, hear my prayer and let my children be healthy again! Amen.
I believe that I have said enough in this post, so, see you in our next post, praying God for a grace.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Praying God for a miracle

Welcome to our blog, Religious Reconciliation Doc
and this post, Praying God for a miracle
Praying God for a miracle
When we have some very hard problem to solve, especially if it is about people health in our family, we turn to God and pray with all the strength that is in our heart.

Praying God for a miracle
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, God works in a mysterious way, and this post that I am writing here is also part of the story of my life. Anyhow, at the end of the post we were saying that I was going to pray God to help me.
So, here I am praying God for a personal miracle or grace.
Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and in my great distress and with pains in my heart I start to pray with all my heart, my mind and my soul; I am praying to you Almighty Merciful Father because I am in a desperate situation and I need your help right now, because there is serious illness in my family.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying to you Almighty Father; I pray to you because I know that for you everything is possible, even those things which for the best people of this world seem impossible to achieve. So I hope that in your mercy you would hear this painful and desperate prayer of your humble servant who in pains turns to you for help; I am praying in the hope that you would hear my prayer and help me by granting me by your grace, my earthly requests, and if or when you do then my pains and despair would turn into joy and I will thank you with all my heart. I am turning to you and praying for help Heavenly Father, because I believe that only you can help me and no one else can, since for you everything is possible.
Father, you see, nowadays I have a daughter who is sick, and the doctors are trying their best to cure her of her illness; but they only succeed in controlling a bit of her illness.
I love my daughter very much and when I see her sick my heart cries in pains. I wish I could talk to her and say what is in my heart, but I have to refrain in case I make things worse, you see sometimes it seems that she does not understand what is going on.
But really I would like to say to her: My heart aches for you my darling child, and as I think of you my heart cries for you. Dear me, dear me, dear me! How I love you my darling child! And although now you are a grown up while you are sick you are my little child again, and this is how I will feel to the end of my days, because deep within my heart you are a little bit of me living away from me, and therefore there is this force from within me that pushes me to help you, since you are a part of me. I feel that your pains are my pains, your despair is my despair, your fears are my fears and I will do anything to help you, no matter how hard and painful it might be for me.
Now because I love my daughter as she is a small part of me, I want to help her no matter what; but having done all I could do to help her, and not being able to make her well again, this makes me feel so helpless and sad, very sad indeed:
So in my despair, I can’t help asking myself why this illness had to happen to her, to her who is still so young and beautiful, and she could have enjoyed life very much at this time of her life. You see she was healthy once, but now she has been sick for a long time and with no end of being well in sight. So, in my torment I continually ask myself what I could do to help her, because I would do anything to make her well again, but all earthly option to help her seem to be in vain and exhausted. Since even the doctors don’t know what else to do, so I turn to God and pray, because God is hope for those that need hope most.
God is hope for those that need hope most

Dear readers, now that you know part of my life story and my daughter sad event in her young life, what other hope of being happy with life I have I would like to ask you, not very much I am afraid to say; therefore, my only hope is to turn to God and pray, because God is hope for those who need hope most, and thus I pray to God.
I am praying to God, because my heart which loves my daughter so much will never surrender, so, I am driven to do the impossible. So, in my human despair I turn to God and pray again and again; because in my heart I believe that only God who is our Heavenly Merciful Father and mighty overall can help her to be healthy again, just like young girls of her own age should be healthy. So, here I turn to you God Most High and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind to heal her for good; I am praying to you benevolent Father because I believe that for you Almighty Father everything is possible, since all you have to do are to say the words and it will be done, at least that is what we have been told to believe.
Therefore, because these days I am in great personal distress, I am praying from the bottom of my heart to our Heavenly Father hoping that through his love and mercy he would help me and my family.
Almighty Father I am praying in the hope that when I need your help, I would be able to call on your great love and mercy that you have for us humans, and through the love of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savoir, you would hear and answer my prayers for help and help us in your own ways.
I am praying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom you sent down to earth to help humanity understand your will, to fulfil the scriptures, and to redeem us from our original sin, and then by sacrificing himself as you wanted he has redeemed mankind and opened for us a way, which today is enabling us to come back to you.
Father, hear my prayer, forgive me my sins, allow me to be your servant and bless me; So that, I would be worthy to pray to you and be heard. So let my prayer for my sick daughter be heard and answered in the affirmative way. Amen.
Will God hear my prayer and help me and my family, or is it going to be just as my friend says; God is hope for those who need hope most. Therefore, because I need to hope for a good outcome, I am praying God with all my heart.  I know today that I will continue to pray God our spiritual Father many more times, in fact, every time I feel I need god help.
I believe that I have said enough in this post, so see you in our next post, with another chapter of my life story.
May God bless us all?   
Religious Reconciliation Doc 

Praying God for a miracle
Next time with; another article about God and prayers 
Other links from same author